what is -war {path} means in eclipse > Arguments > Program Arguments means in GWT application

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Oct 30, 2012, 2:36:37 AM10/30/12
to google-we...@googlegroups.com
as in the attached file, for GWT application using GPE, in the Run Configuration > Arguments > program arguments text box, what is the meaning for -war {path}???
is this mean when I use run as > web application, eclipse treat the [path} in -war {path} as the war folder? (in my case, eclipse use d:\workspace\debugleveldemo\target\DebugLevelDemo-1.0-SNAPSHOT as war folder?)

where is the related -war info can be found?

Sebastián Gurin

Oct 30, 2012, 11:03:53 AM10/30/12
to google-we...@googlegroups.com
hi tong. when you create a new Google Web Application, by default you will have a /yourproject/war folder and that is your webapp root folder /war/WEB-INF/web.xml. For example,. after you compile your GWT project you can just copy this war folder to your Java container like tomcat webapps folder.

This is the folder expected in the -war parameter in the eclipse application launcher configuration. By default you will always have it on /yourGwtProject/war

hope that helps
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