Early access to Page Speed Service for Google App Engine

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Ikai Lan (Google)

2012年3月21日 06:31:502012/3/21
收件人 Google App Engine
Hey App Engine developers,

We’re working on a new feature to help out your front-end development efforts. We’ve been working with the Google Page Speed team (https://developers.google.com/pagespeed/service) to bring Page Speed Service to your App Engine applications. When enabled, this feature will analyze and rewrite pages served from your App Engine app such that they load and render faster. A non-exhaustive list of some of the actions this feature will automatically take care of are:

- Compressing and minifying JavaScript
- Serving static content off geographically disperse edge caches
- Minimizing browser HTTP round trips
- Minimizing payload size by optimizing images, rewriting CSS, etc. 
- Optimize browser rendering by deferring JavaScript, image inlining, etc.

The full list of rewriters provided by the page speed service can be found here: 

A quick analysis of some of the top App Engine applications demonstrated an average render time improvement of 20%, though completely unoptimized sites may experience a far more drastic impact. 

This sort of optimization is possible manually, though I’ve personally found it to be fairly time consuming. We’re hoping this feature will help developers launch faster so you can focus on building features instead of tuning.

You can sign up for early access to the feature here:

We’ll start inviting waves of developers into the program March 26, 2012. You’ll get access to a tool that’ll allow you to compare performance optimized and unoptimized versions of your pages side by side, turning on and off the service as needed. We’re very interesting in hearing your feedback.


- Ikai


2012年6月10日 02:32:532012/6/10
收件人 google-a...@googlegroups.com
The Page Speed Service link on the sign-up page is 404.  The new link appears to be:  https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/service

Jakob Holmelund

2012年6月20日 11:01:372012/6/20
收件人 google-a...@googlegroups.com
Sweet !! signed up..
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