I have a small test program that demonstrates the behavior Dmitry describes.
It begins by spawning a large number of tiny goroutines. It then kills one of the tiny goroutines, spawns a short-lived goroutine that causes its entire 8k stack to get paged in, and then spawns a replacement tiny goroutine (and repeats this process many times, such that a large number of 8k stacks are entirely paged in).
This is modeled after the behavior I see in my (real) application: I have a large number of goroutines with very small stacks, but there's a small number of goroutines that use larger stacks. When the goroutines churn, eventually every stack frame gets fully paged in.
My test results are below. With 8k stacks, the virtual memory is 845552 bytes, but the resident memory is either 464876 or 839748 bytes depending on whether the short-lived goroutine forces the entire stack to get paged in.
# StackMin = 8192
$ ./go1.2.094fb360be8d/bin/go version
go version devel +094fb360be8d Tue Oct 08 16:53:56 2013 +1100 linux/amd64
$ ps aux | grep stackmin
rhys 11065 1.3 0.0 257092 4912 pts/0 Sl+ 11:29 0:00 ./go1.2.094fb360be8d/bin/go run /home/users/rhys/stackmin.go --poison=false
rhys 11074 25.5 1.8 845552 464876 pts/0 Sl+ 11:29 0:00 /tmp/go-build970608091/command-line-arguments/_obj/exe/stackmin --poison=false
$ ps aux | grep stackmin
rhys 11080 2.0 0.0 257092 4844 pts/0 Sl+ 11:29 0:00 ./go1.2.094fb360be8d/bin/go run /home/users/rhys/stackmin.go --poison=true
rhys 11089 38.5 3.4 845552 839748 pts/0 Sl+ 11:29 0:00 /tmp/go-build623374596/command-line-arguments/_obj/exe/stackmin --poison=true
# StackMin = 4096
$ ./go1.2.7266a3768bfa/bin/go version
go version devel +7266a3768bfa Wed Oct 02 12:30:49 2013 -0400 linux/amd64
$ ps aux | grep stackmin
rhys 11030 0.2 0.0 256960 4820 pts/0 Sl+ 11:28 0:00 ./go1.2.7266a3768bfa/bin/go run /home/users/rhys/stackmin.go --poison=false
rhys 11039 2.7 1.7 445360 439876 pts/0 Sl+ 11:28 0:00 /tmp/go-build811739671/command-line-arguments/_obj/exe/stackmin --poison=false
$ ps aux | grep stackmin
rhys 11050 1.3 0.0 256960 4940 pts/0 Sl+ 11:29 0:00 ./go1.2.7266a3768bfa/bin/go run /home/users/rhys/stackmin.go --poison=true
rhys 11059 27.5 1.7 445360 439900 pts/0 Sl+ 11:29 0:00 /tmp/go-build558707099/command-line-arguments/_obj/exe/stackmin --poison=true