Re: [go-nuts] CGo unexported types

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Ian Lance Taylor

Nov 26, 2012, 3:11:07 PM11/26/12
On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 10:37 AM, <> wrote:
> I asked this question on stackoverflow and still didn't get definite answer,
> so I decided to try here. Text below mostly is copied from the stackoverflow
> question.
> Suppose there is CGo package with a struct defined like this:
> package test
> ...
> type Test struct {
> Field *C.C_Test
> }
> ...
> Now suppose that from somewhere else I get unsafe.Pointer which I know
> points to C_Test C structure.
> Do I understand correctly that there is completely no way to create new
> test.Test instance from the unsafe.Pointer value while being in a package
> other than test?

Other than using the unsafe package to push things through pointers, I
believe that is correct.

> Some background: I need a way to create such structure when I use GtkBuilder
> with go-gtk library.
> Its GtkBuilder.GetObject(name) method returns *GObject pointer which in turn
> contains unsafe.Pointer field which I need to turn somehow into, say,
> gtk.GtkEntry struct. gtk.GtkEntry itself contains implicit field of type
> gtk.GtkWidget which has explicit field of type *C.GtkWidget, so I need to
> convert unsafe.Pointer to *C.GtkWidget, but I cannot, as I have described in
> the simple example above.

If that is a reasonable thing to do, then one would hope that the
go-gtk package would provide a way to do it. I don't know enough
about gtk to know how reasonable it is.


Ian Lance Taylor

Nov 26, 2012, 6:46:32 PM11/26/12
On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 2:07 PM, <> wrote:
>> Other than using the unsafe package to push things through pointers, I
>> believe that is correct.
> Could you please explain how to do this? I have tried (see stackoverflow
> question and answer) playing with unsafe pointers but couldn't manage to do
> it. I don't know how to beat type system to somehow accept unsafe pointer as
> standard pointer to C struct provided C struct is defined in another
> package.


// Assume u is the pointer I want to store. Presumably it was
obtained from C code in some way.

var t test.Test
p := (*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&t.Field))
*p = unsafe.Pointer(u)


> вторник, 27 ноября 2012 г., 0:11:22 UTC+4 пользователь Ian Lance Taylor
> написал:
> --
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