FOSDEM 2014 Go DevRoom CFP

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Andrew Gerrand

Oct 23, 2014, 11:22:33 PM10/23/14
to golang-nuts
Go DevRoom FOSDEM 2015: Call for proposals

At FOSDEM 2014 we ran a Go DevRoom; see the writeup for details:

It was such a success that we are doing it again at FOSDEM 2015.
It will take place in Brussels, Belgium on the 31st of January and 1st of February.

We're calling for members of the Go community to propose presentations for the event. Presentations should be 20-30 minutes in length, and should be about Go programming.
The scope for topics is broad.

Submit your talks here:
(If you already have an account on the "pentabarf" system, please use it rather than creating a new one.)

We're also looking for volunteers to help with administering the room and nursing the video equipment. These aren't particularly demanding roles, so if you're planning to be present at the room all day and would like to help out, please let us know.

If you're interested in being involved in the DevRoom planning, join the go-devroom mailing list:

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