The Go tree re-opens

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Andrew Gerrand

Dec 17, 2014, 10:10:17 PM12/17/14
to golang-dev
Hi golang-dev,

We are happy to announce that the Go tree is now open for general work.

As you know, we are now working with Git, Gerrit, and GitHub (as if there weren't enough g's in our lives already). New URLs:
Master repository:

The release was made from the old Mercurial repository, which is now effectively read-only. Future releases, including point releases for 1.4, will be made from the Git tree.

Our contribution guidelines have been updated to describe the new process.
Please read them if you haven't already:

Those formerly known as "committers" on Google Code are now "approvers" on Gerrit. We can only add those people to the approvers group once they have registered with (signed in to) Gerrit. We have added all committers that have registered up to now. If you were a committer and want to be a approver, let us know once you have registered with Gerrit.

If you are an approver, please do not submit other people's changes. Our convention is that one should only submit one's own changes unless told otherwise.

There is a team on GitHub called "go-approvers" that has access to edit issues on the new tracker. This team should contain the same people as the Gerrit "approvers" group. If you were a committer or you are an approver and have not been invited to this group, tell us your GitHub username and we'll add you.

(The criteria for being an approver have not changed: we will give you the bit once we tire of submitting your changes.) 

Our development process is brand new and still evolving. Please say something if there are ways we can do things better.

Unlike with previous releases, the tree at tip is substantially different from the new release. A number of changes were made after the release branch was cut but before the transition to Git. These include a port to Linux on the 64-bit Power architecture (a new instruction set), significant new code in the garbage collector, and a translation of the garbage collector from C to Go, along with the removal of the C compiler from the tree. The runtime changes are still under development, so even more than usual we recommend not using the code at tip in production.

A reminder: The syscall package is now frozen ( Support for new system calls and such must now be implemented in the repository.

For the record, the tree will be "frozen" for the 1.5 release on May 1, with a release scheduled for August 1. As discussed in golang-dev, this is an eight-month cycle rather than the usual six-month interval between releases, to align our work better with holidays and other calendrical events. Future releases will return to the six-month cycle.

Finally, as always, please discuss significant changes before sending code out for review. This counts double for any change that affects a package's API.

Happy hacking!
Andrew, for the Go team.

Caleb Spare

Dec 17, 2014, 11:26:25 PM12/17/14
to Andrew Gerrand, golang-dev
Good work on the switchover, team! There was a lot of work involved
and all your attention to detail to make it a smooth transition is
certainly appreciated.

Minor question: I'm following through the new contribution guidelines,
and I see this:

> If you wish to checkpoint your work, or are ready to send the code out for review, run
> $ git change <branch>
> from any directory in your Go repository to commit the changes so far. The name <branch> is an arbitrary one you choose to identify the local branch containing your changes.
> (In Git terms, git change <branch> runs git checkout -b branch, then git branch --set-upstream-to origin/master, then git commit.)

However, for me, running 'git change my-branchname' only does the
checkout and sets upstream; I need to run 'git change' again to do the
commit. Is that intentional?

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Jan Mercl

Dec 18, 2014, 2:33:23 AM12/18/14
to Andrew Gerrand, golang-dev
On Thu Dec 18 2014 at 4:10:16 Andrew Gerrand <> wrote:

> We are happy to announce that the Go tree is now open
> for general work.

Good news.

AFAICT, CLs pending {before,not closed during} the tree freeze were not migrated. What should authors of such CLs do?


Brad Fitzpatrick

Dec 18, 2014, 2:34:26 AM12/18/14
to Jan Mercl, Andrew Gerrand, golang-dev
Migrate them by hand. 

Jan Mercl

Dec 18, 2014, 6:09:58 AM12/18/14
to Brad Fitzpatrick, golang-dev
On Thu Dec 18 2014 at 8:34:23 Brad Fitzpatrick <> wrote:

> Migrate them by hand.

I followed the instructions at [0]. Everything went smoothly until:

(11:49) jnml@r550:~/go-tip/src$ git change issue9099
git branch -q
error: unknown switch `q'
usage: git branch [options] [-r | -a] [--merged | --no-merged]
or: git branch [options] [-l] [-f] <branchname> [<start-point>]
or: git branch [options] [-r] (-d | -D) <branchname>...
or: git branch [options] (-m | -M) [<oldbranch>] <newbranch>

Generic options
-v, --verbose show hash and subject, give twice for upstream branch
-t, --track set up tracking mode (see git-pull(1))
--set-upstream change upstream info
--color[=<when>] use colored output
-r, --remotes act on remote-tracking branches
--contains <commit> print only branches that contain the commit
--abbrev[=<n>] use <n> digits to display SHA-1s

Specific git-branch actions:
-a, --all list both remote-tracking and local branches
-d, --delete delete fully merged branch
-D delete branch (even if not merged)
-m, --move move/rename a branch and its reflog
-M move/rename a branch, even if target exists
--list list branch names
-l, --create-reflog create the branch's reflog
--edit-description edit the description for the branch
-f, --force force creation (when already exists)
--no-merged <commit> print only not merged branches
--merged <commit> print only merged branches

git-codereview: exit status 129
(11:50) jnml@r550:~/go-tip/src$

I have git version, which is latest at Debian Wheezy 7.7/64 bit. The codereview tool has been downloaded and installed very recently, as instructed and the commit is:

(11:52) jnml@r550:~/src/$ git log | head
commit f473ce13dd1bba7ce531e7800fdf018f60aa2454
Author: Andrew Gerrand <>
Date:   Thu Dec 18 11:25:48 2014 +1100

    git-codereview: rename from 'git-review' to 'git-codereview'
    Mostly trivial search and replace, except for hooks.go which
    includes a special case to remove the old git-review hooks.
    Change-Id: Ic0792bb3e26607e5e0ead88958e46c3ac08288cd
(12:04) jnml@r550:~/src/$ 

Please advise, thanks.


Jan Mercl

Dec 18, 2014, 6:12:09 AM12/18/14
to golang-dev
On Thu Dec 18 2014 at 12:09:53 Jan Mercl <> wrote:

The missing reference is


Andrew Gerrand

Dec 18, 2014, 6:12:32 AM12/18/14
to Jan Mercl, golang-dev
What version of git are you running?

Andrew Gerrand

Dec 18, 2014, 6:13:26 AM12/18/14
to Jan Mercl, golang-dev
Sorry, I missed that in your output. We should probably adapt the tool to accommodate older versions. In the meantime, try upgrading.
On Thu, 18 Dec 2014 at 22:12, Andrew Gerrand <> wrote:
What version of git are you running?
On Thu, 18 Dec 2014 at 22:12, Jan Mercl <> wrote:
On Thu Dec 18 2014 at 12:09:53 Jan Mercl <> wrote:

The missing reference is


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Jan Mercl

Dec 18, 2014, 6:29:03 AM12/18/14
to Andrew Gerrand, golang-dev
On Thu Dec 18 2014 at 12:13:25 Andrew Gerrand <> wrote:

> Sorry, I missed that in your output. We should probably
> adapt the tool to accommodate older versions. In the meantime,
> try upgrading. 

I can confirm that upgrading to git version 1.9.1 from wheezy-backports solved the problem. Thanks for your help.


Aram Hăvărneanu

Dec 18, 2014, 8:46:20 AM12/18/14
to Jan Mercl, Andrew Gerrand, golang-dev
What is the policy regarding +1 or +2? Should we always use one or the
other? Should it depend on how strongly one feels about it? Or should
it be inversely proportional to how trivial a change is?


Aram Hăvărneanu

David du Colombier

Dec 18, 2014, 8:57:08 AM12/18/14
to Andrew Gerrand, golang-dev
> If you are an approver, please do not submit other people's changes. Our
> convention is that one should only submit one's own changes unless told
> otherwise.

Does it apply to submitting changes from non-approver people?

As an approver, could we submit changes from non-approver
once we LGTM it? We used to do that before.

David du Colombier

Aram Hăvărneanu

Dec 18, 2014, 9:16:51 AM12/18/14
to Jan Mercl, Andrew Gerrand, golang-dev
On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 2:45 PM, Aram Hăvărneanu <> wrote:
> What is the policy regarding +1 or +2? Should we always use one or the
> other? Should it depend on how strongly one feels about it? Or should
> it be inversely proportional to how trivial a change is?

Ah, it seems 1+1=1, so you only submit something once you get an
actual +2. What should +1 be used for then?


Aram Hăvărneanu

Dec 18, 2014, 9:30:25 AM12/18/14
Speaking for myself, but I use +1 as "Seems fine to me, but let the owner/someone more knowledgeable about this give you approval."

Robert Griesemer

Dec 18, 2014, 1:23:52 PM12/18/14
to Aram Hăvărneanu, Jan Mercl, Andrew Gerrand, golang-dev
What cmang said: +2 == LGTM & approved for submission. +1 == LGTM but I'm not the expert; let the owner/domain expert make final decision.
- gri


Aram Hăvărneanu

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Dominik Vogt

Dec 22, 2014, 4:56:04 AM12/22/14
to golang-dev
On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 02:09:44PM +1100, Andrew Gerrand wrote:
> As you know, we are now working with Git, Gerrit, and GitHub (as if there
> weren't enough g's in our lives already). New URLs:
> Master repository:
> Code review:
> GitHub mirror:
> Issue tracker:

I'm utterly confused. After many messages speaking about
"Migration to Github", the repository remains G***** hosted - or
is the migration still in progress?

> Our contribution guidelines have been updated to describe the new process.
> Please read them if you haven't already:

Is it worthwhile to port patches that were pending for code review
in hg to the new tool now, or is it to be expected that the
instructions on contribute.html change again in the near future
when "migration to github" continues?


Dominik ^_^ ^_^


Dominik Vogt
IBM Germany

Rob Pike

Dec 22, 2014, 5:16:02 AM12/22/14
Not sure what expletive you starred out in that message, but the situation is that the migration is done except for a few minor cleanups in moving the issue tracker. The tree is open and ready for business.

The master repository is at, a Git service that is immediately mirrored to GitHub at You can grab the tree from either place. The Wiki and issue tracker are set up on GitHub. Code review is set up through

To contribute, you must use the code review system; we do not accept pull requests (although at some point we might roll out a tool to convert them to requests for code review through

The description in contribute.html is accurate at the moment. Although tweaks are likely, the big picture is done.


Ian Lance Taylor

Dec 22, 2014, 11:08:26 AM12/22/14
On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 1:55 AM, Dominik Vogt <> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 02:09:44PM +1100, Andrew Gerrand wrote:
>> As you know, we are now working with Git, Gerrit, and GitHub (as if there
>> weren't enough g's in our lives already). New URLs:
>> Master repository:
>> Code review:
>> GitHub mirror:
>> Issue tracker:
> I'm utterly confused. After many messages speaking about
> "Migration to Github", the repository remains G***** hosted - or
> is the migration still in progress?

Note that the gofrontend repository is not yet moved to Git. I hope
to do that in the new year.

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