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Mawuli Adzaku

Oct 9, 2012, 5:10:50 AM10/9/12

Like some of you, i have been following the work of Raindolf  Owusu, the young man behind the Anansi OS.
I am really excited about the project, except for the fact that it is not an operating system per se.

I tried explaining this to some friend's on twitter and i think i wasn't properly understood.

It is not even a Linux distro or flavour. It is a rather common way of bundling your OS with some 
applications for your personal or corporate use. 

on why i think Anansi OS is not another operating system but YET ANOTHER LINUX IMAGE 
which could have been built by the average person through a "click , drag and drop" process in less than 60 minutes.


**** Humility Is Always Victorious ****

Mawuli Yaw Piesie Adzaku
+233266636984 | +233244727009

Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 9, 2012, 5:59:06 AM10/9/12
Very interesting!
I have not taken time to ever see what he did cos on the surface I could easily notice some funny things and am sure some Good programmers in here noticed too but will rather be silent.

Well Raindolf has done well putting together favorite apps to an image. but all he really did is like how RLG purchases cellphones from china with their preferred apps and etc or even from dell with our own choice of wall papers, windows version etc. I think we should all learn to call a spade a spade. these acts only tend to make us look funny on the international levels. like come on! THIS IS A JOKE! and an award! ok! am going to customize mine to come with games from ayram (forgive me if the name is wrong but the GH game developer guy); his games and promote mine as another distro or wateva so I get an award in Nigeria. hey maybe in Togo who knows. AM DISAPPOINTED!!!

Maybe if Rain took a little time to work a bit more, he would have made it. but all same I think if he takes up the challenge of creating an actual distro or etc we will love to support him. and he can earn some juice from us...

And now, For anyone who is unable to read the whole article, u can go practical with the quotes below from the blog.

Quoting From the blog
Mount the image file and navigate to the /boot/i386/loader/branding folder. There are six images there(silent-1024x768.jpg, silent-1280x1024.jpg, silent-800x600.jpg, bootsplash-1280x1024.jpg, bootsplash-800x600.jpg, bootsplash-1024x768.jpg). Open these images and you will see that these images have been tagged with the SUSE STUDIO trademark.

Raindolf said he kept the branded images there to show his appreciation to the SUSE developers. Lie! You are mandated to do keep them there since the "os" you created is an image/appliance built with SUSE STUDIO.

How about the source codes? Well, raindolf has promised to release them this week, but in the meantime, please open the  "bootsplash-800x600.cfg" file in the same folder and you will see these comments at the top of the page

# This is a bootsplash configuration file for
# SuSE based Image, resolution 800x600.
# See for more information.
# created by SUSE Image Builder

So is the Anansi OS usable? Well, i tried installing it but it failed to even load. Maybe next time.


...its amazing how far we are able to go if we just let ourselves to go...
after all the binaries, there is a human that decides "What next?" so computers aren't so smart, we are!

Francis Addai

Oct 9, 2012, 6:13:23 AM10/9/12
Finally, somebody came along to put my thoughts into words. That's really a great, to the point, factual article you wrote and I enjoyed reading it. Heck, I learnt about other tools I could use to make bootable images. I am more familiar with Remastersys' CLI.

I respect Raindolf's attempt to make an OS, no doubt but we really need to make sure it is what 
he says it is. I believe it was a pet project and now it's turned into a 'hit'. If he really wants to build an OS, he should start hacking the Linux kernel instead of using wizards. The windows mentality doesn't really work well in the *nix world.

Pause! No hatin' :)
Sent from my iPhone 

Francis Addai

Mob : 0244966408


Oct 9, 2012, 6:17:36 AM10/9/12
Yeah I think we should call a spade a spade and stop making noise about something which is nothing in other parts of the world cos I makes we the African developers look like international comedians. Good job ypa. howdy?

Sent from my iPhone

Edward Amartey-Tagoe

Oct 9, 2012, 8:10:32 AM10/9/12
I would want to stay away a little bit from the above, and rather start a more general convo. 

If we want to create a nation which is respected for its apps, we would have to be our brothers' keepers, and make sure noise made out of the continent is 'true' noise, and not just hype. Trust me guys.....and girls, there is a good number of quality apps in town, and there is also a good number of crappy apps making all the trumpetting. It's time we toned down our 'Let's support anything that comes from Ghana' spirit and raised the standards so high that we can compete Internationally and regionally.

If that is not done, we risk being called liars and thieves in some years to come. For me, whenever I hear of an app, mobile or web, I ask myself these questions;
  • Who is using the app? And How many of them?
  • Is it solving a need? or is it just an exhibition of technical prowess?
  • Can a business be built out of it? Or can it be sustained as a social project?
  • What is innovative or creative about it or its just a lipstick on brown lips?
Ghana must wake up, and must do so today!


Cofounder ~ Business Development Manager

To obtain information (ie Directions, contact details, category and address) of businesses in Ghana, Text Find 'Name of company' to 1945

My profiles: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Blogger
Contact me: Skype ttaaggooee Y! messenger ttaaggooee

Jojoo Imbeah

Oct 9, 2012, 8:28:20 AM10/9/12

Good people,

I think your comments are discouraging and it is the last thing we need in our small dev community. The dude has DONE something. Granted, it's not a new OS. But it is at least something that some people think is cool enough that they've given Raindolf an award for.

If you can DO better, DO it BEFORE you criticize. I think we do too little and criticize too much.

Someone build something cooler than AnanseOS (like Ubuntu is arguably cooler than Debian for lovers of desktop enhancements or Centos is again arguably cooler than RedHat)

That off my chest, what i would have expected is we asked the dude for his modifications, suggested improvements or submitted patches. If he throws those changes away without taking a look at your code or giving his thoughts about why he can't accept your changes, then you have earned the right to criticize.

There's also the argument of not reinventing the wheel, which i believe is something we are pretty familiar with. If you haven't used an idea or two from stackoverflow or similar website for your project, hands up!

Let's keep the vim up and try to only criticize constructively...


Pardon brevity, sent from a phone | +233262766490

Oct 9, 2012, 8:29:47 AM10/9/12
+1000 Edward.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Airtel Ghana

From: Edward Amartey-Tagoe <>
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 12:10:32 +0000


Oct 9, 2012, 8:32:31 AM10/9/12
Good post Edward! You've said it all and you've 
got my support. There are too many crappy apps
making noise internationally and too many
incompetent people holding influential positions
in this country and I think its about time 
we voice out our feelings and discomfort.

Best Wishes,
Edward Pie.

Sent from my iPhone


Oct 9, 2012, 8:39:44 AM10/9/12
@jojoo you've got a point but I don't think we are discouraging him cos the truth hurts sometimes. The fact that we are talking about this means he's done well but we want him to do better. Remember we've got a prestige and credibility (which is already questioned) to uphold as African developers.

Sent from my iPhone

Francis Addai

Oct 9, 2012, 9:00:33 AM10/9/12
Exactly, the TRUTH really hurts sometimes. You just have to learn how to cope. This is supposed to serve as a check on all of us, it could happen to someone else, maybe me. These are not personal attacks in anyway. I admire Raindolf's efforts but that doesn't mean I must nod to his shortcomings too.

It wouldn't be necessary for me to develop another OS before earning the right to comment/criticize him. If you understand software development and you do it yourself, you have every right to have a say in this. How far do you think AnanseOS is gonna go if today SUSE drops their app for creating these images? 

Archzilon Eshun-Davies

Oct 9, 2012, 9:33:32 AM10/9/12
Originally I wanted to be quiet since sometime ago I pointed a
similar case and some children ended up thinking I was "Jealous"
OS customization is *very* different from OS dev when I saw
Ananse the first question I had was, is this guy not acting like ananse?

Now the facts:
Anansi OS is at Stage 0 in the linux OS world.
BackTrack 3, SLAX, Mint and others all started by customizing the interface then
adding custom applications and the packaging it together.

The linux OS is based on this model of core and attachments like how you have
an application with plugins but in this case the kernel is generic so the kernel has
hundreds of drivers for different architectures the kernel developer can mess with
that remove stuff and add stuff; but if you are customizing you can take slax for
example and like what BT3 did; you change logo and boot screen graphics then add
your custom apps and bundle it up and tadaaaa distro.

BTW BT3 is lame ;p they didn't have to release it as an OS they could have released
it as a software package.

So what he did is lame because he is marketing it as a *new* OS based on SUSE
when he should be saying its a customized(graphically) SUSE distro. You should
also note that BT3 was makerted as new OS based on Slackware even though
the change they made was not relevant(Its the way of linux wannabes to try and look

I am preparing a vim series to teach how to develop a *custom* Linux OS and a lecture
on the linux kernel if you are interested stay tuned.

You can also join the OpenBSD Ghana Group by mailing me 
Ghana is listed in the OpenBSD groups

and am also a kernel driver and porter for openbsd; I have not submitted anything to the
main tree yet!

If you join OBSDGH you would get:
Free kernel development training (OpenBSD/Linux)
Free Security Audit training
Server management(OpenBSD)
Programming tutorials in multiple languages(ASM,C/C++,Perl,Shell,awk...)

the website for the group is

The site is not completely up yet :( I don't have enough free time
but if you show interest I would complete it, the site is based on

Ok have fun and good looking there for spotting a fake.
I like the way this group is heading.

I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand

I won't allow you to whore my talent.
I have seen the Future and I want to code it.

If a lie is universal then the Truth is revolutionary.  


Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 14:00:33 +0100


Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 9, 2012, 9:53:51 AM10/9/12
Laudarch has spoken. All hail him...

On 09/10/2012, Archzilon Eshun-Davies <> wrote:
> Originally I wanted to be quiet since sometime ago I pointed asimilar case
> and some children ended up thinking I was "Jealous"OS customization is
> *very* different from OS dev when I sawAnanse the first question I had was,
> is this guy not acting like ananse?
> Now the facts:
> Anansi OS is at Stage 0 in the linux OS world.BackTrack 3, SLAX, Mint and
> others all started by customizing the interface thenadding custom
> applications and the packaging it together.
> The linux OS is based on this model of core and attachments like how you
> havean application with plugins but in this case the kernel is generic so
> the kernel hashundreds of drivers for different architectures the kernel
> developer can mess withthat remove stuff and add stuff; but if you are
> customizing you can take slax forexample and like what BT3 did; you change
> logo and boot screen graphics then addyour custom apps and bundle it up and
> tadaaaa distro.
> BTW BT3 is lame ;p they didn't have to release it as an OS they could have
> releasedit as a software package.
> So what he did is lame because he is marketing it as a *new* OS based on
> SUSEwhen he should be saying its a customized(graphically) SUSE distro. You
> shouldalso note that BT3 was makerted as new OS based on Slackware even
> thoughthe change they made was not relevant(Its the way of linux wannabes to
> try and looktough)
> I am preparing a vim series to teach how to develop a *custom* Linux OS and
> a lectureon the linux kernel if you are interested stay tuned.
> You can also join the OpenBSD Ghana Group by mailing me
> Ghana is listed in the OpenBSD
> groups
> and am also a kernel driver and porter for openbsd; I have not submitted
> anything to themain tree yet!
> If you join OBSDGH you would get:Free kernel development training
> (OpenBSD/Linux)Free Security Audit trainingServer
> management(OpenBSD)Programming tutorials in multiple
> languages(ASM,C/C++,Perl,Shell,awk...)...
> the website for the group is
> The site is not completely up yet :( I don't have enough free timebut if you
> show interest I would complete it, the site is based on
> Ok have fun and good looking there for spotting a fake.I like the way this
> group is heading.
> |_|0|_|
> |_|_|0|
> |0|0|0|
> I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand
> I won't allow you to whore my talent.
> I have seen the Future and I want to code it.
> If a lie is universal then the Truth is revolutionary.
> http://laudarch.nerdhttp://laudarch.geek
> Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 14:00:33 +0100
> From:
> To:
> @Pie,Exactly, the TRUTH really hurts sometimes. You just have to learn how
Sent from my mobile device

Fred Yeboah

Oct 9, 2012, 11:24:09 AM10/9/12
to, Mawuli Adzaku
Dear Mawuli,

I think your post is below the belt. The best way to criticize is to give suggestions to improve people efforts. I will like to share with you some comment which was made by a renowned American Computer Scientist - Prof. Andrew S. Tanenbaum on the efforts of Linus B. Torvalds in creating the Linux OS.

Do not be like the old Prof.!! Just read part of his e-mail below and tell me what the old Prof. said was right. This is how innovations begin. We all need to give Raindolf Owusu all the support we can. Its only the beginning and not an end in itself.


"I still maintain the point that designing a monolithic kernel in 1991 is a fundamental error. Be thankful you are not my student. You would not get a high grade for such a design :-)

The fact is that linux is more portable than minix. What? I hear you say. It's true - but not in the sense that ast means: I made linux as conformant to standards as I knew how (without having any POSIX standard in front of me). Porting things to linux is generally /much/ easier than porting them to minix.

MINIX was designed before POSIX, and is now being (slowly) POSIXized as everyone who follows this newsgroup knows. Everyone agrees that user-level standards are a good idea. As an aside, I congratulate you for being able to write a POSIX-conformant system without having the POSIX standard in front of you. I find it difficult enough after studying the standard at great length.

My point is that writing a new operating system that is closely tied to any particular piece of hardware, especially a weird one like the Intel line, is basically wrong. An OS itself should be easily portable to new hardware platforms. When OS/360 was written in assembler for the IBM 360 25 years ago, they probably could be excused. When MS-DOS was written specifically for the 8088 ten years ago, this was less than brilliant, as IBM and Microsoft now only too painfully realize.

Writing a new OS only for the 386 in 1991 gets you your second 'F' for this term. But if you do real well on the final exam, you can still pass the course.

Prof. Andrew S. Tanenbaum ( "
Best regards,
Fred. Yeboah
Fax:+233(030)2679549 | Mob:+233(026)4679822
Skype:yeboahfred | Gmail: fredyeboah

Archzilon Eshun-Davies

Oct 9, 2012, 11:48:33 AM10/9/12
The prof is 100% right and this even makes Raindolf more wrong.
If I were Raindolf I would be angry at you for making the worst
fun out of me(That is if I were Raindolf). Now I think you have never
read a POSIX spec before so remember what the prof was talking
about is *way* to low level for this topic raindolf doesn't even scratch
surface you are comparing SPARC with intel. Please stop this and focus
on making this guy do the right thing.

I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand

I won't allow you to whore my talent.
I have seen the Future and I want to code it.

If a lie is universal then the Truth is revolutionary.  


Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 15:24:09 +0000


Fred Yeboah

Oct 9, 2012, 12:18:22 PM10/9/12
to, Archzilon Eshun-Davies
Dear Archzilon,
I am surprised at your response. The point I am making is that if you look at how Linus started you might think it did not make sense. But you will bear with me that the contribution of Linux today has been something the Prof. never thought off. Its important to note that the Prof. has his own way of thinking so do anyone. What people may think is the norm, may not necessarily work all the time. Innovation does not follow any logic, but must start from somewhere. I think he just began lets support him! If you say what Raindolf is doing is wrong, it is the same as the old Prof. saying he would have given grade F to Linus. The point is that whether Linus would have gotten F or not Linux OS has contributed immensely to OS development today.  

David Mantey

Oct 9, 2012, 12:37:19 PM10/9/12
My little suggestion is that we use this platform to help each other no matter what products we are coming out with.
This platform can also be used to examine projects people are working on, this can be done in a positive way no need to use harsh words.
There are lots of problems to be solved within our society with technology.

On Tuesday, October 9, 2012, Fred Yeboah <> wrote:
> Dear Archzilon,
> I am surprised at your response. The point I am making is that if you look at how Linus started you might think it did not make sense. But you will bear with me that the contribution of Linux today has been something the Prof. never thought off. Its important to note that the Prof. has his own way of thinking so do anyone. What people may think is the norm, may not necessarily work all the time. Innovation does not follow any logic, but must start from somewhere. I think he just began lets support him! If you say what Raindolf is doing is wrong, it is the same as the old Prof. saying he would have given grade F to Linus. The point is that whether Linus would have gotten F or not Linux OS has contributed immensely to OS development today.  
> On 10/09/2012 03:48 PM, Archzilon Eshun-Davies wrote:
> The prof is 100% right and this even makes Raindolf more wrong.
> If I were Raindolf I would be angry at you for making the worst
> fun out of me(That is if I were Raindolf). Now I think you have never
> read a POSIX spec before so remember what the prof was talking
> about is *way* to low level for this topic raindolf doesn't even scratch
> surface you are comparing SPARC with intel. Please stop this and focus
> on making this guy do the right thing.
> |_|0|_|
> |_|_|0|
> |0|0|0|
> I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand
> I won't allow you to whore my talent.
> I have seen the Future and I want to code it.
> If a lie is universal then the Truth is revolutionary.  
> http://laudarch.nerd
> http://laudarch.geek
> ________________________________
> Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 15:24:09 +0000
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Dear Mawuli,
> I think your post is below the belt. The best way to criticize is to give suggestions to improve people efforts. I will like to share with you some comment which was made by a renowned American Computer Scientist - Prof. Andrew S. Tanenbaum on the efforts of Linus B. Torvalds in creating the Linux OS.
> Do not be like the old Prof.!! Just read part of his e-mail below and tell me what the old Prof. said was right. This is how innovations begin. We all need to give Raindolf Owusu all the support we can. Its only the beginning and not an end in itself.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "I still maintain the point that designing a monolithic kernel in 1991 is a fundamental error. Be thankful you are not my student. You would not get a high grade for such a design :-)
> The fact is that linux is more portable than minix. What? I hear you say. It's true - but not in the sense that ast means: I made linux as conformant to standards as I knew how (without having any POSIX standard in front of me). Porting things to linux is generally /much/ easier than porting them to minix.
> MINIX was designed before POSIX, and is now being (slowly) POSIXized as everyone who follows this

David .R. Mantey

Archzilon Eshun-Davies

Oct 9, 2012, 12:37:32 PM10/9/12
Linus torvalds gave himself F. He is now trying to save linux
by controlling 3.x you want to know why linux jumped from 2.6 to 3.x

Plus what linus did is no where near what raindolf is doing. Linus did not
take the then UNIX V(6/7) and change the name and say hey I have a
new OS. Have you seen Linux 1.1? I have.

If you admire being called a d00f or going to google conference and receiving
business education then no problem admire and promote, knock yourself out.

This is for tech guys so please the business guys that think its cool keep it in
your books :) and the words of Bob Beck "...Is there any sane reason?..." 

I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand

I won't allow you to whore my talent.
I have seen the Future and I want to code it.

If a lie is universal then the Truth is revolutionary.  


Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 16:18:22 +0000

Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 9, 2012, 12:46:34 PM10/9/12
Guys, lets get this straight! he has done something, its good but please for Christ's sake, lets be honest of what we do. Linus T invented a bad version of the linux kernel. key word here is "INVENTED" not "CARBON COPIED" GIVE TO CAESAR WHAT BELONGS TO HIM AND GOD WHAT BELONGS TO HIM... I agree when Jojoo says don't need to re-invent the wheel but the nissan wheels from 1985 have changed tremendously. and the wheel can never be re-invented cos its always round but features and modifications makes it new. what Rain has done is modify a china phone. please save us.

Yes he has done well but let him say what he has actually done so we support him to do the real thing but if he tells us he has done something we all know he has not, then he is clearly calling us stupid. We all have some computer pride and being called stupid in the face is unacceptable.

its same thing we take from youth and go into political positions and be bias. tell the truth and stop covering it. we are stronger when we are honest about our innovations. GOEDVERDOMME!!!!!

Lets call some names here, Jojoo, Fifii, Archzilon, maybe myself, Lorenzo, pardon me if I did not call your name but all these people are able to do what he did and even modify the kennel. Any one I mentioned who can't do it can tell us now! its not that we can't we can but have not and if someone is doing it he best do it well so we can put our signatures on him. we go to places and any of you tell me u can stand in a large conference and say this "One of our own Ghanaians has built his own version of Linux" and actually be able to bring it out and show off! come on y'all... YES HE HAS DONE WELL BUT LET HIM SAY WHAT HE HAS DONE AS WHAT IT IS AND NOT AS WHAT HE WANTS US TO THINK... we just proved we are not stupid. I steal codes too but I don't go around saying I did it scratch... I give some credit. he just stole from the Open source Community. saying he did it when he used some drag and drop SUSE thing. Come on....

David Menson

Oct 9, 2012, 1:03:39 PM10/9/12

We did a base-n crypto analysis on category6 servers some years ago using kernel ciphering processes. The same applied to a work I did at N.A.S.A some years ago. That said, I have a strong background in electrical engineering and protocol analysis. I eat engineering basically, I have managed to build a lot of processors to take advantage of some of this so called lame designs. It is kind of cool coding a partially-monolithic kernel in a somewhat water-crimson  VA 234 trajectory. How does a semaphoric design in kernel rendering for most part impact satellite based processors and their design flaws? I am working  on a significant calculand for encrypting the kernel image of most linux kernels. Anyways, I met with Torvalds some years ago and consider him to be a fairly intelligent guy; His design is ok. When designing images, we normally compile some base code in assembly and try to port it through various simplex running processes. I like kernel design a lot . Archzillon, have you built core DX-BX make-overs in operating systems before? I mean it is pretty lame and I expect  every operating systems student to know this kind of stuff. You come of as having some knowledge of kernel design..An in-depth knowledge of kernel design is good. I am currently building a kernel and I want to include a multi-process , scalable and more robust inter-cognitive design to the whole core. Also I am writing the TCP/IP stack from scratch and including the new hyper-modulated multi-core protocol stack. That is to enable quick routing of packets using ipv4 and ipv6.

kofi brokemann

Oct 9, 2012, 1:16:04 PM10/9/12
Thank you thank you thank you. I have been saying this for a while but people are caught up in the hype. Like do people know how much work goes into making a browser alone? ( which he claims to have built). If one man could build a browser dont u think we would have a million browsers out there by now?  I always point people to which is one guy building out his own OS. shows all the contributions he has made over time.

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 2:10 AM, Mawuli Adzaku <> wrote:

David Menson

Oct 9, 2012, 1:28:02 PM10/9/12
Archzillon, if you have done Kernel layering especially in a more 'trans-genic' OS, you would realise that the subtleties in design architecture are some what convoluted. I challenge anyone to take a course in Kernel Segmentation and Rendering using multi-cyclic n-core n-core base designs. Before you start making noise hear. Quantum computing is now on its way lets see what happens.

Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 9, 2012, 1:54:56 PM10/9/12
Kw3333 david am walking on the street n jumping. Exciting but where
the flipping hell have u been? See i blame guys like u for allowing
these things. U keep quite all the time well i have news for u.....
FYI GTUGS is not a flipping grave yard so y'all need to speak more n
ask for help wen u re stuck everyone in here is not a novice. Btw am
still excited.... I hope u really did all that n did not just modify a
profile from click online n say its urs n expect an award we dont do
that sial no more in here... Feel me? ;))))

On 09/10/2012, kofi brokemann <> wrote:
> Thank you thank you thank you. I have been saying this for a while but
> people are caught up in the hype. Like do people know how much work goes
> into making a browser alone? ( which he claims to have built). If one man
> could build a browser dont u think we would have a million browsers out
> there by now? I always point people to
> is one guy building out his own
Sent from my mobile device

Edward Amartey-Tagoe

Oct 9, 2012, 3:21:08 PM10/9/12
Prof Trebi-Ollenu, a NASA Engineer is giving a lecture at this moment @ KNUST on robotics. And the US Embassy twitter account just tweeted one of this statements. I thought I should share since it provides some encouragement to our dear Gentleman Reindolf, and anyone who has gone through a LOW moment before.   This might be a good way to end a thread, which obviously has gone both ways. 

There are going to be highs and lows; as a good engineer there're going to be high & low, mostly lows. - Dr. Trebi-Ollennu #RiSE2

Let us not let the Lows break our spirits. The the lows would definitely come our way, probably more than the Highs :)

Good evening to you all.

Co-Founder ~ Nandimobile Limited

Skype: ttaaggooee
Mobile: +233(0)244709575
Twitter: @ttaaggooee

To obtain information (ie Directions, contact details, category and address) about businesses in Ghana, Text Find 'Name of company' to 1945

Raindolf Owusu

Oct 9, 2012, 4:10:55 PM10/9/12
Hello guys,
        I saw this blog post by Mawuli after our heated conversations we had on Sunday about Anansi OS earlier today.I am very much disappointed at what he had put together with his co-authors. After taking shots at me on twitter.. Before i started this project I sent a mail in April introducing my self to this group and said i was looking for a team to join me in my upcoming projects. A couple of guys responded but no developer contacted me. I am a strong foss  ( Free and Open source software ) advocate and i believe in using foss tools in building my softwares and acknowledging them.  
      Mawuli i could have easily removed the trademark of open suse but when you read the description of the software on my website ,I have acknowledge them and because of my strong support for FOSS , My start up is a part of open invention network Check number 283.My start-up is now  joining huge technology companies like Facebook INC , Mozilla , Google and GNOME as a licensee .
Another case study Mawuli, i developed an e-commerce website for a client of mine using an open source framework called Open Cart and because of you i have removed the Open cart props from the site and this is another site built with the same frame work but they gave props to open cart  I am not ashamed of the tools i use in building my softwares so i love to give props to open suse because they gave me a simple framework to build a portable OS. I have other projects i've built with open source frameworks like Oxwall 
     When i put on my website that I have built an OS, how many developers got in touch with me to assist me or even suggest better technologies in order for Anansi to be the next big thing ( None ) .This is my website and i hope afterwards developers would love to be a part of what i have coming up....i have other projects here  and this is my git repository  
I'm happy to hear constructive criticism coming out from this topic, i will surely take some into consideration.

Kind Regards,
</ Raindolf >

Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 9, 2012, 4:18:41 PM10/9/12
Rain! am in. Please send me a PM. Lets work out the real thing. Nice and outstanding response. very nice. But I still think ur linux is funny. lol u shoulda said its not an actual OS from scratch. I can defend u if u say old ppl saw it first cos they always misinterpret things but well. u have an award, lets make u get something no one can criticize to this level...

Am very serious. send me an email and lets see if Linus himself will love us...

And David, Jojoo, Lorenzo, Arch, Mawuli, etc dnt go silent again! help him as he has come humble seeking...

Raindolf Owusu

Oct 9, 2012, 4:23:58 PM10/9/12
Hello Emmanuel,
Sounds great...I will get in touch soon boss...
Kind Regards,
</ Raindolf >

Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 9, 2012, 4:27:14 PM10/9/12
soon? massa! now now now now

maximus ametorgoh

Oct 9, 2012, 4:52:03 PM10/9/12
Hello Guys,

Let's not dampen the spirit of initiative from guys like Raindolf. The fact that he has initiated it and asked for help in developing his software is something we must encourage and applaud. We awarded him in the TopApps Award because of his initiative and what he is working on but not what has been completed.

It's an OPEN SOURCE thing; no reinvention. We must help him develop this project to a level where we all can take pride in it coming from Ghana. It's likely some of the apps developed here in Ghana will run on his platform in the future. Apple and Microsoft started very small like this. How many years ago? 

It is very good we are being frank on this issue. But it will be better to offer a hand of help to finish or start from scratch if necessary. Let's help Raindolf to finish this project. We must always start from somewhere.

So guys more VIM to all who want to help out! 

Let's help Raindolf! Let's grow Ghana!!

Maximus Ametorgoh
Managing Director,
LA 06, BusyInternet,
Ring Road, Accra.
Tel: + 233 302 931 205
Cell: + 233 244 767 801
        + 233 264 887 887

If you don't TRY, you can't FLY.

Oct 10, 2012, 5:39:38 AM10/10/12
Hi All,
As an I.T. enthusiast and a firm believer in getting Ghana's I.T. on the world stage, I have followed this list with keen interest and enjoyed the discourses on this forum.

Today I can't help but make a point. To register my sadness and regret at the kind of feedback that has been given to Raindolf and his work.
Feedback is the food of champions but when feedback carries with it the kind of ascerbic retorts I read today then it becomes nothing but a verbal weapon of mass destruction. This kind of feedback destroys dreams, dissipates energies and breaks one's resolve to try.

In our criticism's of others' works let's learn to carry a sense of civility that ensures that the lessons are learnt and the corrections are made without the person's efforts being torn to shreds.

An esteemed colleague was so sharp tongued and stretched his analogy to RLG. RLG may have started by cloning fons and stamping their brand on them. As 'despicale' as that may be to some, today RLG is a multinatinal company in over 4 countries employing hundreds of people and training thousands. They may not be as flashy as samsung or nokia but at least they have made an effort at making a difference in their own way.

An apology to Raindolf is in order?

Let this not be the forum where the dreams of others are toyed with and trampled on.

I would rather this forum is known for igniting the fires of many innovators and making a difference in the lives of others in the most positive and inspiring manner.

Warm regards to all
Arnold Kobby Parker.

From: maximus ametorgoh <>
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 20:52:03 +0000

Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 9, 2012, 6:09:09 PM10/9/12
Jesus Christ! Arnold. u will surely get me banned cos am responding to u. (I took my time to type a whole manual in response)

Dude, we are developers not business men. I can't count the number of times I have been flamed on a lot of boards, forums and IRC channels for asking the wrong question or being on the wrong project. and its made me better. A man who accepts flames is a stronger man. I even got kicked from #Linux, #Unix on quakenet for a whole week by LashKnife and etc. lets put some things aside. I expect everyone in here to either be an excellent developer or at least on the way to and with that, we should communicate like real technologist and not tolerate weakness. I recollect Rain requesting for help and so is most ppl in here, everyone needs help. dnt expect ppl to signup to ur projects. what you do is ask for help not hire ppl. for employment use this address or or Google Trader can sell u to Afghan. (Yea I said it! SUE ME)
like if Rain said what he was doing, we could have given him some resources. I work 18+hrs everyday and u want me to sign up to a project, so what time do I give my family? PLEASE!!!!!

RLG, yea! I even know them and worked projects out. they are my friends but I still paint it on their face. Simon Aforo is my buddy, in our last meeting last 2 months I gave it to them hot hot at their HQ in GH and in our offices (Home and Away).
PEOPLE! innovation should not be confused with business strategies. just cos he opened branches in other nations don't make him an inventor. it only means he has a good marketing and selling strategies PERIOD. You should know better MR. I-have-been-studying-y'all. quit studying and help. or re u a recruitment officer?
why did u not respond when Rain requested for help. Dia o kyer3 wo ho num no.... mtcheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew

won ma y3n djwin y3n hun! aba sam su ni? kai!!!

massa! I or any other person in here will not apologies for telling the trtuh. Rain knows it and because he is a real developer (to a certain level... hehehehehe) he did not argue and u have come, Attorney General... ah! this guy paaaaa..... massa

BTW, these conversations are healthy. if we keep flaming ppl for such things it makes them perfect. cos u know if u come with shabby things we will give it to u hot hot....

Mtcheeeeeew! I bore pass... this guy make I bore... am sure u have a degree in business.... I dey lie?

Albert Ninyeh

Oct 9, 2012, 7:24:40 PM10/9/12
@Emmanuel Eshun-Davies i think u should be a blogger with all this strength in typing
Albert .A. Ninyeh
Phone (Gh): +233.(0)265.515.154
GTalk: eaglesecurity0  | Skype: ponic.brizzy  | twitter: @Albert_Ninyeh


Oct 9, 2012, 7:45:54 PM10/9/12
It's clear that some of you think that this is a personal attack on Raindolf and his team. 
No, it's not.

I understand how excited one gets when you first build something you consider awesome.
You jump up and down and consider yourself one of God's chosen few.

Like Raindolf, i also use Open source tools and will continue doing so.
But what i won't do is take credits for the base templates i use.

Raindolf has repeatedly taken credits for certain things that is quite laughable and against open source norms.
 Raindolf said
“Anansi Operating system has a premium service that if you want us to tailor the OS to fit the software demands of your business,” Randolf said. “It will be cheaper than paying for license for a proprietary system."

This is wrong, because Raindolf can't take credits for any part of the "Anansi OS" except for the images he chose to use as the splash image and default wallpaper and the wine-powered Anansi Browser. Therefore, Raindolf has no right to tailor the OS to fit any software demands. Suse Studio has already tailored SUSE to meet Raindolf's needs. How can you tailor it again for others to use? 

It's either he is deliberately aware that he is peddling lies or he is just naive.

IMHO, this is an intellectual discourse and i have tried to explain things as much as i can to non-techie people,
but you are free to continue selling "Anansi OS" as an African OS.

I am young man passionate about technology and i want to learn.
This blog post started because of a discussion  with some friend's about "Anansi OS" and i am really grateful to all those
 who put their names and credibility on the line to speak the truth.


kofi brokemann

Oct 9, 2012, 8:01:09 PM10/9/12
Welcome to my world.Whenever you try to offer constructive criticism or open other peoples eyes to lies being peddled by others, people shut you down because they feel you are personally attacking the person.  I can only hope that people will understand that discussions like these are not meant as personal attacks.  Raindolf can continue peddling his lies if he wants to and people are free to believe what they want to but one day it will all come crashing down.


Michael Ocansey

Oct 9, 2012, 8:11:16 PM10/9/12
to Emmanuel Eshun-Davies,, Alfred Rowe
@Emmanuel. The guy make you bore but I beg cool down.  Pure water be 10p. At most 60p for voltic... Errm... Small bottle. Now to the reason I write...

I swore to not respond but I just can't exercise self control. Forgive me lord!! I have been laughing so hard anytime a response came through on this topic. I am loving it. The flame war I mean not the OS :)

I think Raindolf has had quite a lashing from the house so I skip that part but can't guarantee I won't give it to him at the end of my mail.

I am more concerned about the advocacy for us to water down our criticisms. I don't think that's a good idea and sounds hypocritical in itself. A spade is a spade... Not a big spoon. Its your true friends who will tell you your faults to the face - as is without mincing words.  Just last week Alfred Rowe told me I was getting shitty with my code and had to stop roaming, sit my ass down and learn. He was very hard on me but I had to take his criticism in good faith. Today I stayed home all day catching up on new tech because I kept thinking of what he said.   Critism is good, constructive or destructive. Only a fool will allow destructive criticism to kill his dream. It means you didn't believe in your dream hard enough.

Another reason why you really shouldn't expect anything other than destructive criticism is, that's the developers nature. Its just like how politicians and governments understand strike actions. If you get feedback you think isn't right for you, just filter it out. Its just like watching tv. If you sick of those telenovelas just kill the tv, switch the channel or get dstv.

Honestly, how many of us hadn't wondered what the hell the AnanseOS hype was for but weren't brave enough to spit it out? Asking ourselves if the "hypers" hadn't used if not *nix, windows sef to know what an OS really was. If they knew and yet hyped it don't you think they may be ridiculing Raindolf secretly? Who else will tell it to his face if not us - his fellows back home.

So I beg... Leave us to criticize as we see fit but of course without INSULTING each other.

That said I think Raindolf you picked the right name for your "OS" - Ananse!! :)


Sent from my Windows Phone

From: Emmanuel Eshun-Davies
Sent: 10/9/2012 10:09 PM


Oct 9, 2012, 8:20:10 PM10/9/12
@ Mawuli I don't think you did the wrong thing by telling the truth. It is just sad that some people think we are trying to kill someone's dreams just because we are telling the truth. As far as software development in Africa is concerned I believe our credibility and abilities are questioned both within and outside Africa because of some of these things and I don't think any serious developer out there will shut up. You've done a very good job and am really really proud of that.
The truth hurts often but it will always reshape things if taken without attaching emotions.

Sent from my iPhone


Oct 9, 2012, 8:24:12 PM10/9/12
to, Emmanuel Eshun-Davies,, Alfred Rowe
Hahahahahahahahah am laughing my teeth. I mean mesre mese.

Sent from my iPhone

Oral Ofori

Oct 9, 2012, 9:08:05 PM10/9/12

Guys let's be cautious of the power the internet allows us to use and be wary not to abuse its privileges because it is indeed one of the most powerful tools today for the pursuit of good and evil!

If you doubts it, go see here:

I remain,

Oral Ofori,, Freelance Writer (, Wikimedia Ghana Enthusiast, Broadcaster, Retail Specialist, Music Promoter, Artiste.

Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 10, 2012, 1:45:27 AM10/10/12
Jesus, Jesus, aaaaaaaah... wooow! sial! guys I just had a dream and its like Raindolf was forcing me to use his Advanced Linux and I told him "Oh but I have packed one already" and he said no! and now some guys here were helping him force me... I showed him the GPL License and like the blood of Jesus he run and I woke up. hmmmmmmmmm (Rain I just dey play oooooooh) hehehehehehe ajiiieeee

I swear my Kanto! if another UN official attempts peace talking like we are fighting I will personally divide this group in two like how Ghana is NPP and NDC and talk some sial! IRAL OFORI! U re warned!!!

Bet with me, all the peaceful guys are business boys they have no idea what we are talking about.

Albert! hmmmm I have one koraaaa ooooh but hmmmm u I go try give u. come for my autograph this afternoon at 1400hrs. rofllmao

Michael, me I no get coins ooooh. I beg u get coins? like GHC50? :O :D

Main issues, I must make clear and reinstate that though we are all flaming Rain, I have volunteered to assist and I expect most of u to also. if u re below the demand then becareful how u flame cos me I catch u ah walahi! Satan self go shy give u.

Mawuli, I believe your post whether criticisms or anger was based on facts and not a usual baseless post so I still think u re on the right path and I have learnt a bit of constructiveness from u. u might have gone personal but with facts and still I say OK! but am now on u. am searching u, if I see one error, U re DEAD! and so is most of u in here. Me I confess! I have stolen templates and charged before but that is cos it was permitted. I have stolen my brother's codes before and I made good returns. but u can trust I have not stolen Rain's codes cos I already had it from SUSE... hahahahahahahahah

And Rain, selling custom packages? massa! u need to start a free world and when people love it u do an advanced world for sale. if u sell everything and even the ones u got free, u might never see the light. Trust me... and please quit of the silence and give it to some of the ppl who are being ridiculous in here. remember like marriage, if u don't talk u will loose ur relationship so talk more and respond to people. don't think silence is a solution as a matter of fact its bad! this is being read by others and u need to keep up.

HERH! DAVID the NASA boss! won't u talk? Promise us u will be more active hereon.

Charley my head is aching me. my noob boss wants me to report early so mtcheeeeeeeeeeeew he is another. he wants everything done today cos I have done it before. people, u cant trust them... give them ur right arm and they will take your whole body.

Oct 10, 2012, 2:22:00 PM10/10/12
to, Emmanuel Eshun-Davies, Alfred Rowe
Hahahaa. hmmm.
You sound as though having a business degree is some kind of weakness. No I don't have one. Not yet.

That said, whilst I will continue to applaud Raindolf's efforts I will urge him to take the feedback in his stride and improve his work. Its for his own good.and its actually a priviledge to have your peers go through your work. Much more give you feedback.

And just like Mike added you dare not allow criticisms to kill your dreams.

I know about the rigor with which developers appraise their work and that of others. many years ago I read about the nerds in seattle and silicon valley . The ruthlessness with which folks at microsoft appraised each others works are legendary. The developers considered it a badge of honour for Bill Gates to call your work stupid. To the developers this meant that their boss had actually scanned through their code. He had had time for them.
But it hurt the company a great deal too in the long run. Because a lot of stupid works were thrown out of the 'windows' only to become acclaimed works in other places.

All said and done, we can continue giving it 'hot hot' to others as we deem fit. But its a language style filled with bugs.


From: Edward <>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 00:24:12 +0000

Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 10, 2012, 2:39:27 AM10/10/12
eeeei! this Accra Academy boy! hmmmmmm No comments!!!

fiifi baidoo

Oct 10, 2012, 2:58:21 AM10/10/12

My only advise to all ESP Rain. Do what you have to do well, not what others want you to do. Peace and keep coding ...


Oct 10, 2012, 4:02:48 AM10/10/12
Hehehe. Some serious issues being raised here. But guys you know what? I will continue to applaud efforts by guys like Raindolf and even other young fellas who build browser using the famous Visual Studio tutorial. Why ? There is a quote that goes like this

    This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized Everybody wouldn't do it. So Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
Build Something !!!  

Albert Ninyeh

Oct 10, 2012, 4:06:14 AM10/10/12
Don't give a RAT ass to what people think about you man. They hating on you, it's part of human growth process so appreciate it, and keep moving. If nobody is hating on you, then you are doing something wrong. DO what is right for you. We got your back.

David Menson

Oct 10, 2012, 4:59:29 AM10/10/12
no, I want to know why you are excited?...or are you just trying to be sarcastic?

Nii Quaye

Oct 10, 2012, 5:21:20 AM10/10/12
Hey Guys,
  Feeling lazy and tired this morning  (3 wks and I am done for the year ) so I acknowledge I have not read every submission on this matter. But here is my piece and ...  so what ?
 "What's in a name that which we call a rose by any other name will smell as good " I find Mawuli's piece insightful to the extent that he seeks to explain what qualifies to be a linux or distro .. try further reading along that line and you might learn a thing or two.
I take exception to his line about the estimated effort that could go into building something like ananse but the fact of the matter is that even if all it takes is seven breaths  (a standard samurai time to make a decision ) he has done it so he deserves whatever attention that gets him.
 I guesses most of the submissions can be conveniently  placed along these line ....  "Some can bud roses  , some can bud burgonia and others you can trust them with anything that grows".
So Mr Ananse have fun tweaking,mashing , compiling etc at the end of the day all that matters is the value that it offers to people perceived or real.


On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 8:06 AM, Albert Ninyeh <> wrote:
Don't give a RAT ass to what people think about you man. They hating on you, it's part of human growth process so appreciate it, and keep moving. If nobody is hating on you, then you are doing something wrong. DO what is right for you. We got your back.

Nii Okai

Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 10, 2012, 5:25:43 AM10/10/12
Sarcastic? Hell No! am excited about the NASA stuff... Honestly thats very cool... I wish I could have some insight on how it feels like being part of a NASA operation. like its awesome... very honest. and u knowing all that Assembly, etc Christ! its awesome just of course wondering why u will hide. :D

Selasie Agbavor

Oct 10, 2012, 5:33:27 AM10/10/12
That is because I joined the forum not long ago.
C.E.O of VolsBIT Softwares, Telekom Chantelle and founder of VolsBIT School of Engineering

Selasie Agbavor

Oct 10, 2012, 5:39:41 AM10/10/12
David thanks a seem to be a smart guy

Didi Keke

Oct 10, 2012, 5:57:32 AM10/10/12

William Boampong Osilaja

Oct 10, 2012, 6:07:26 AM10/10/12
It has being an interesting session, seeing Ghanaian developers commenting and giving their own opinion on this issue.
This has reaffirmed that we have good and seasoned developers in Ghana. I believe we can come together, to help make the O.S a successful one. I believe in collaboration and open-innovation, this is one sure way we can make this work.
As a developer, i love criticism a lot, i want you to criticize what i have done, so i can work on it. 
Yeah, the hype has already been made, lets help maintain the hype by supporting him. Devoting at least an hour to this project, will help in making the O.S a better one. You could just help in debugging, modifying the kernel, developing apps or just documenting.

"There is a stereotyped world out there that thinks less of Africans and we need not feed that mentality. - Mawuli Adzaku"

Lets all try help in making the ver 2.0
Boampong William Osilaja
Google Student Ambassador | 2011-12 | University of Cape Coast
Mobile: +233267183277  +233275183277

Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 10, 2012, 6:09:47 AM10/10/12
u mean 1.01?

Selasie Agbavor

Oct 10, 2012, 6:17:34 AM10/10/12
chaley guys I beg waaa...please spare my inbox :). You have all made your point...It's been pretty exciting.  

Didi Keke

Oct 10, 2012, 6:18:52 AM10/10/12

Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 10, 2012, 6:21:26 AM10/10/12
Selasie! there is an unsubscribe option u know

Didi Keke

Oct 10, 2012, 6:26:20 AM10/10/12
@ Emmanuel: take it easy on him ooo....
We are all learning here ;-)

... enjoying with Everything in the background.

Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 10, 2012, 6:34:07 AM10/10/12
You have been, you are and will continue receiving these messages because you are subscribed to the Google Group ghana-gtug.
You can post via email.
To unsubscribe from this group, send an empty message.
For more options, visit this group.

Thank you


Oct 10, 2012, 6:52:42 AM10/10/12
Am loving this.

Sent from my iPhone


Oct 10, 2012, 7:28:53 AM10/10/12

It been interesting

Tawheed Abdul-Raheem

Oct 10, 2012, 7:35:39 AM10/10/12
Really excited to see my fellow African developers criticizing each other. Honestly those who love you are the ones who critique you the most. FYI Its not always true that people in america think less of African developers it is just that they are very critical and believe in quality products. I was at a hackathon this past weekend and was very excited when they talked about saya mobile and ushahidi 

-Sent from my apple device

David Menson

Oct 10, 2012, 10:42:42 AM10/10/12

@Emmanuel, I have been quiet busy with work and havn't really had a lot of time.Hope to see you oneday.

Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 10, 2012, 12:51:44 PM10/10/12
I hope same too. :D

Kofi Boakye

Oct 10, 2012, 5:04:40 PM10/10/12
erm...i beg oo!! small question . so where were all the criticisms and encouragements and comments and so on being kept??

I guess mawuli's article must have been a real gate unlocker or catalyst... hehehehehe  ;)

Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 10, 2012, 5:08:01 PM10/10/12
erm...i beg oo!! small question . so where were all the criticisms and encouragements and comments and so on being kept??

On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 2:04 PM, Kofi Boakye <> wrote:
erm...i beg oo!! small question . so where were all the criticisms and encouragements and comments and so on being kept??

I guess mawuli's article must have been a real gate unlocker or catalyst... hehehehehe  ;)

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

tawheed abdul-raheeem

Oct 10, 2012, 11:18:22 PM10/10/12
I hate writing long emails because I think I could spend my time else where learning how to code. However after reading Rexford's long essay I figured I should respond. 
Isnt there a better way to approach Raindolf than blasting him on a developer stream. FYI - I was part of his team and would not let anybody rant at an innocent guy like him.
Yes we all know it is a clone and yes we all know he claims what he actually is not. If you have not realized or you just faioling to admit this "The goal of every geek/computer nerd in this life is to confuse the average person". We were supposed to work with you and on a project which never got completed but honestly this poor innocent guy that you are blasting gave good recommendations about you. I am about thousand miles away from Ghana and this is what he told me about you "Rexford is a genius at what he does and I think he can do freelance for us".

However things did not turn the way we expected and I told him I was breaking away from the team to work on the project with my colleague here in the states, this does not mean that I hate him or I would talk crap about him in front on people. Do you guys now understand why Silicon Valley is so successful  yes! people spend less time talking about each other and more time building meaningful products to solve real world problems...."Code.....Ship....Repeat...." This is a clear indication of why most African start up fail, we African would always be Africans and can never change....

There is local akan saying "Nipa ya adea osa yeyi, weyi na ya me sei ni dien".

Finally, this thread I think should be taken down. Nobody cares if Randy cloned Suse, at the end who is making a difference....

Lets talk code and stop acting like we are still in primary school

On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 10:54 PM, Nyarko Rexford <> wrote:
/*Clearing my throat*/
I've been following this thread for while. I'll like to add my voice.

I quote from your post "Before i started this project I sent a mail in April introducing my self to this group and said i was looking for a team to join me in my upcoming projects. A couple of guys responded but no developer contacted me."

I think you added me to your team. ( (You gave me this address to log into your so-called secure platform which conversations cannot be stolen by Microsoft nor Google. I still have the password (I wonder if you've not changed it of which I can pull out when asked.)) However without my knowledge, I was booted out of the team. In some few months later with no reason. 

As a team member (by then) I designed the Opey Magazine (a site you made noise about, but doesn't exist today, only to be redirected to some 40-something something)  (I lost the source file of that design in a hard disk crash but this video on my channel proofs me right: ) design of which you said you'll meet me in Accra by then at KATI-AICE to offer me some toffees to clear my throat, but you totally failed to show up and since then you never even replied to my emails.

So if you really wanted team members, trust me, you had many even including 3D artists like me. I made some designs for you for your so-called OS but never even got confirmation as to whether it was used or not (i guess it was too crappy for you liking)

In the last 6 months i'm sure you've put up 2 different websites at The most recent one (not the current one) had 4 team members, listed as Oasis Websoft team members. However you current website features none of them anymore.

The above was just a touch on your request for team members. The truth of the matter is, @folks Raindolf had real members whom he could work with, but for reasons I don't fully know, he's alone still. (maybe he doesn't trust anyone, i guess) 

Back to general:
For me, I don't have problems with what Raindolf is currently working on - building customized Open SUSE OS. My problem has to do with his way of branding himself online. One thing I always tell my colleagues (I'm coordinator for Planning Wikimedia Ghana) is that, the outside world are always looking at as, and willing to open up opportunities with us. However, what we say or how we brand ourselves will surely push them away. A Swiss friend of mind told me one thing about Africans that they (including whites) hate is when someone overstate something. E.g. "We had a nice meeting today with a friend in Accra." - Okay | Overstating - "We had a tremendous and outstanding conference with a seasoned professional from East Legon, Accra, today. (just trying to paint a picture of what overstating can mean.

Raindolf is everywhere of late with his OS. For me, I knew from day one, that Raindolf is cloning. At least, Windows XP had at least 25M lines of C++ hardcore, machine level coding of which Linux might be longer of which Raindolf cannot write within a period of 1 or 2 years solo. So his moving around wasn't something special to me (and I'm sure to many). I was quite on his activity most often simply because I wanted to see how far he goes with cloning Open SUSE. 

The little advice I'll give Raindolf is to keep things low. The principle, keep things low. When you keep things low, you'll get people to move on with you from the low level into bigger areas. However, when you start high, it doesn't serve well sometimes (in fact, most times) 

And my last touch is on the Wikipedia (r) Seach Engine you have, kindly do something about it. Wikipedia is a registered Trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation that runs 10 project sites (+ more (wikimania etc)). In order to avoid confusing your site visitors as your site is endorsed by them, I on behalf of my Wikimedia Ghana team offered you two suggestions ( I won't say that here). Please work on that for us. Kindly update us on how far that goes.

In all, I say you've got good talent and can further that into greater heights. However, I repeat, kindly keep things low!

Thank you everyone.


Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Michael K. Ocansey

Oct 11, 2012, 4:07:14 AM10/11/12
to, GDC
… ok lets take a break from the journalism and see if we can fix some code :)

I have this script to send email using the regular php mail() function. Everything was working 
well until my hosting company switched me to a different box. This part of the code defines 
who the email should be sent as
function send_mail($to, $subj, $msg, $callback='') {
//prepare headers
$mimetype = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
$headers  = $mimetype."To: ".$toemail."\r\n";
]$headers .= "From: <>\r\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion();
$message  = html_header().$msg.html_footer();
$subject  = $subj;
//send mail to user now
return ( (!mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers)) ? $callback.'({"status":"0"})' : $callback.'({"status":"1"})');
the mail however is sent as meaning whatever I defined in code is 
being overwritten 'maybe by the mail daemon'. This makes most mails sent out end us in 
recipient's spam.

How do I fix this?

- i wouldn't want to route mailing through Gmail
- tried PHPMailer, results were the same



Ime Peter

Oct 11, 2012, 5:23:58 AM10/11/12
to,, GDC
Remove the ']' from the beginning of the line that reads:

]$headers .= "From: <>\r\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion();

Ime Peter


Michael Ocansey

Oct 11, 2012, 5:26:10 AM10/11/12
to Ime Peter,, GDC
Sorry not part of the code. I guess copy/paste put it in there

Sent from my Windows Phone

From: Ime Peter
Sent: 10/11/2012 9:23 AM
Cc:; GDC
Subject: Re: {GhanaGTUG} Help with php mail

Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 11, 2012, 6:35:35 AM10/11/12
try this if it works. I have not tested but I think it should work.

# Set Your nibiies for here
$From = " <>";
$To = "";
$Content = "It works";
$Subject = "Hey there";

# Define ur Header and Footer styles here
Define("HTMLHEADER", "Some nice styles bi for here");
Define("HTMLFOOTER", "Some nice Stlyes for here too");

# Set Headers here
$headers    =    'MIME-Version: 1.0'. "\r\n";
$headers    .=    'content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "r\n";
$headers    .=    "From: <$From>\r\n";

#Send Mail Now
$send = mail($To, $Subject, $Message, $headers);

Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 11, 2012, 6:44:32 AM10/11/12
I don't really see the point in keeping it in a function but if its what you want to do then you can try this too. Just as the first but this one comes in a function and an example of how to call it.

Function SendMail($From, $To, $Subject, $Content){
# Set Headers

$headers    =    'MIME-Version: 1.0'. "\r\n";
$headers    .=    'content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "r\n";
$headers    .=    "From: <$From>\r\n";

#Send Mail Now
$send = mail($To, $Subject, $Message, $headers);

# Use this to send a mail with the function
SendMail(" <>", "", "It works", "Hey there");

Please do let me know if it works.

David Menson

Oct 11, 2012, 7:05:32 AM10/11/12
@rexford, this is not a platform for waging your personal vendetta against people.Enough of the b*tch*ng...this thread is closed. If you see him in town do whatever you want with him.

On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 4:32 AM, Nyarko Rexford <> wrote:
Okay, "Rexford is a genius at what he does and I think he can do freelance for us"

Freelance? Did he bring me on the team as a freelancer or as a team member ? Do freelancers of oasis get that high level privilege on their server?

And one more thing! Please, I'm not spoiling his name. He's a good friend of mine ( he even introduced me to this gtug ). Besides did I say anything that isn't right? If all I said is right, any "name-spoiling" in there?

Why would I blast Raindolf? Who pays me for blasting him? Besides, I'm just bringing these points out so that onlookers can also learn something from it. Even if noone learns nothing from this thread, I've learnt a lot.

I wont say we're using Raindolf as an 'escaped goat', but his instance is bringing so many issues to board. He recently met me at coconut groove hotel and said he's got a project for me and he'll send it in. However, its not in!

I'm looking if he will send them in since he's not fulfilled his simple, down-to-earth initial non-legally binding agreements with me (some petty chats) and I'll take it from the PM too.  

In addition, I'm not disclosing everything here. The rest will follow when he contacts me via email. 

Raindolf s3 ayeyi, 3no nti na m'eyi no ay3.

by the way I agree to your last statement: This is a clear indication of why most African start up fail, we African would always be Africans and can never change....

And I'm glad you're still an african :p

Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 11, 2012, 7:21:57 AM10/11/12
I agree with David but Tawheed, I swear I would have dissed u if it wasnt for the level of respect I have for most people in this room. the Freak u mean by " "The goal of every geek/computer nerd in this life is to confuse the average person""  AND "we African would always be Africans and can never change...."
Geek/Nerds/Genius wateva group of ppl, if were all out to confuse, u would never know how to use a freaking computer.
Sillicon my back! Boy I tell u, its people like u who will fall silicon valley and am wondering what exactly u re doing in the US with this kinda acts. if something is wrong am not STFU... I have been to places too maybe even more places than u but I dnt cover up bad things. and I say things as they are and most of all I DONT TURN MY BACK AND DISS WHERE I COME FROM AND WHO MADE ME... boy, u best learn AFRICA made u, so u dont diss the whole continent. You are African and u claim change so what do u mean by a general statement like "...Africans will never change...".

The Boy is wrong, Bloody tell him and stop this cover ups its BS! come on! he needs to learn just as we have learnt.

In several conversations around "WHITE WORSHIPED PEOPLE" they tell me to the face wen am wrong or to the face of anyone else who is wrong and they listen and change. there is no change without a rebuke I tell u. even in the AGILE process it happens.

David Menson, can u please confirm while in NASA and all those cool places u've been, if u were never rebuked and if all that has not made u a better person now. Ask Jojoo, Ask Arch, ask Emmanuel, Kwasi, ask every one in here... we learn from being told. am not going to cross my legs and tell people they are fine when they are not. all u can say is lets be nice about it but not tell me lets quit.

Rain, just like most company owners in Ghana, I get the notion they employ u and dnt pay u attitude has to freaking stop... GOEDEVERDOMME!!!!

If people in here will not listen to correction and be HYPOCRITES then I might as well quit and find my way with people who are more willing to listen and correct their mistakes.



Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 11, 2012, 7:22:58 AM10/11/12
@Tawheed, and if u dont write long mails, we dont read long mails either so take a chill pill or dive in the sea! GOEDEVERDOMME!!!!

Michael Ocansey

Oct 11, 2012, 7:24:31 AM10/11/12
to Emmanuel Eshun-Davies,
Herh Emma did you just day you don't see why it needs to be put in a function?
a. So you avoid code repetition
b. To enable you send mails from anywhere within the application

Will test your solution in a bit and hit you back. Thanks.

Sent from my Windows Phone

From: Emmanuel Eshun-Davies
Sent: 10/11/2012 10:44 AM

Subject: Re: {GhanaGTUG} Help with php mail


...its amazing how far we are able to go if we just let ourselves to go...
after all the binaries, there is a human that decides "What next?" so computers aren't so smart, we are!

Michael Ocansey

Oct 11, 2012, 7:45:07 AM10/11/12
to Emmanuel Eshun-Davies,
there's so much fire in here yet we talking about "Rain"... The ironies of life

Sent from my Windows Phone

From: Emmanuel Eshun-Davies
Sent: 10/11/2012 11:22 AM


...its amazing how far we are able to go if we just let ourselves to go...
after all the binaries, there is a human that decides "What next?" so computers aren't so smart, we are!

Tawheed Abdul-Raheem

Oct 11, 2012, 7:56:34 AM10/11/12
@Emma good for you then.....

-Sent from my apple device

Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 11, 2012, 7:57:21 AM10/11/12
What is good for me? Drown in the sea SIR!

dennis akomeah

Oct 11, 2012, 8:09:36 AM10/11/12


Some hosting companies have configured their mail forwarding servers  to parse email headers and strip of the domain name section of sender's email IF THE SENDER ADDRESS (From: Section) IS DIFFERENT FROM THE SENDING PARTY'S ACCOUNT domain name.

What is mean is: if your domain name is and you script says your sending from
the part in the from section will be removed and replaced with their domain name server address like

Some hosting companies will not even forward the mail at all.

This is to protect them from the possibility of using their platform to send spam. if you try different stuff and it still doesn't work you should contact them.

From: Michael Ocansey <>
To: Emmanuel Eshun-Davies <>; "" <>
Sent: Thursday, 11 October 2012, 11:24
Subject: RE: {GhanaGTUG} Help with php mail

Michael Ocansey

Oct 11, 2012, 8:13:51 AM10/11/12
to dennis akomeah,
Thanks man

Sent from my Windows Phone

From: dennis akomeah
Sent: 10/11/2012 12:09 PM

Kwamena Appiah-Kubi

Oct 11, 2012, 8:15:30 AM10/11/12
Dear G-GTUG admins, 

Could this thread be closed. 

Many thanks.

Walter Brown

Oct 11, 2012, 8:24:01 AM10/11/12

Eeeeish people slow down small ,I tried to refuse to to talk and am still trying ,I suggest @maximus add a best OS / clone or what ever competition to topapps  and let's see what happens , in the end I can't resist the temptation to say a monkey in suite should not be mistaken for a human being ,am still wondering where I heard that from ,in the mean time please let's seize fire enough has been said else we may as well set up a debate day or get a commission of enquiry to do what they do best .peace.


Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 11, 2012, 8:26:29 AM10/11/12
or simply invite some top developers which I can get enough of worldwide to read and make a judgement...

Walter Brown

Oct 11, 2012, 8:30:01 AM10/11/12

@Emmanuel please I think it ll help everyone here

Walter Brown

Oct 11, 2012, 8:32:31 AM10/11/12

Meant to say please do lol

On Oct 11, 2012 12:26 PM, "Emmanuel Eshun-Davies" <> wrote:


Oct 11, 2012, 8:35:25 AM10/11/12

Masa let not reinvent the wheel

Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 11, 2012, 8:40:11 AM10/11/12
Walter, yea! I will am getting on it right after Working hours 1700. today!!!
see, Maxwell at this point! u re not needed if this is all u have to say is that!


Oct 11, 2012, 8:49:10 AM10/11/12

Hey wat u mean is let look forward to help him

Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 11, 2012, 8:50:20 AM10/11/12
Can u please speak English?

Oct 11, 2012, 8:52:10 AM10/11/12
Why dont we put this issue aside? I hope by now all the people involved have realised their mistakes.

Sent from my Nokia phone
-----Original Message-----
From: Emmanuel Eshun-Davies
Sent: 11/10/2012 12:50:20 pm

>>>>>>> confuse the average person"" *AND* "we African would always be
>>>>>>>>> Okay, *"Rexford is a genius at what he does and I think he can do
>>>>>>>>> freelance for us"*
>>>>>>>>> Freelance? Did he bring me on the team as a *freelancer *or as a *team
>>>>>>>>> member *? Do freelancers of oasis get that high
>>>>>>>>> level privilege on their server?
>>>>>>>>> And one more thing! Please, I'm not spoiling his name. He's a
>>>>>>>>> good friend of mine ( he even introduced me to this gtug ). Besides did I
>>>>>>>>> say anything that isn't right? If all I said is right, any "name-spoiling"
>>>>>>>>> in there?
>>>>>>>>> Why would I blast Raindolf? Who pays me for blasting him? Besides,
>>>>>>>>> I'm just bringing these points out so that onlookers can also learn
>>>>>>>>> something from it. Even if noone learns nothing from this thread, I've
>>>>>>>>> learnt a lot.
>>>>>>>>> I wont say we're using Raindolf as an 'escaped goat', but his
>>>>>>>>> instance is bringing so many issues to board. He recently met me at coconut
>>>>>>>>> groove hotel and said he's got a project for me and he'll send it in.
>>>>>>>>> However, its not in!
>>>>>>>>> I'm looking if he will send them in since he's not fulfilled his
>>>>>>>>> simple, down-to-earth initial non-legally binding agreements with me (some
>>>>>>>>> petty chats) and I'll take it from the PM too.
>>>>>>>>> In addition, I'm not disclosing everything here. The rest will
>>>>>>>>> follow when he contacts me via email.
>>>>>>>>> Raindolf s3 ayeyi, 3no nti na m'eyi no ay3.
>>>>>>>>> by the way I agree to your last statement: *This is a clear
>>>>>>>>> indication of why most African start up fail, we African would always be
>>>>>>>>> Africans and can never change....*
>>>>>>>>> And I'm glad you're still an african :p
>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, 11 October 2012 03:18:29 UTC, abdul wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I hate writing long emails because I think I could spend my time
>>>>>>>>>> else where learning how to code. However after reading Rexford's long essay
>>>>>>>>>> I figured I should respond.
>>>>>>>>>> Isnt there a better way to approach Raindolf than blasting him on
>>>>>>>>>> a developer stream. FYI - I was part of his team and would not let anybody
>>>>>>>>>> rant at an innocent guy like him.
>>>>>>>>>> Yes we all know it is a clone and yes we all know he claims what
>>>>>>>>>> he actually is not. If you have not realized or you just faioling to admit
>>>>>>>>>> this "The goal of every geek/computer nerd in this life is to confuse the
>>>>>>>>>> average person". We were supposed to work with you and on a project which
>>>>>>>>>> never got completed but honestly this poor innocent guy that you are
>>>>>>>>>> blasting gave good recommendations about you. I am about thousand miles
>>>>>>>>>> away from Ghana and this is what he told me about you "Rexford is a genius
>>>>>>>>>> at what he does and I think he can do freelance for us".
>>>>>>>>>> However things did not turn the way we expected and I told him I
>>>>>>>>>> was breaking away from the team to work on the project with
>>>>>>>>>> my colleague here in the states, this does not mean that I hate him or I
>>>>>>>>>> would talk crap about him in front on people. Do you guys now understand
>>>>>>>>>> why Silicon Valley is so successful yes! people spend less time talking
>>>>>>>>>> about each other and more time building meaningful products to solve real
>>>>>>>>>> world problems...."Code.....Ship....**Repeat...." This is a
>>>>>>>>>> clear indication of why most African start up fail, we African would always
>>>>>>>>>> be Africans and can never change....
>>>>>>>>>> There is local akan saying "Nipa ya adea osa yeyi, weyi na ya me
>>>>>>>>>> sei ni dien".
>>>>>>>>>> Finally, this thread I think should be taken down. Nobody cares
>>>>>>>>>> if Randy cloned Suse, at the end who is making a difference....
>>>>>>>>>> Lets talk code and stop acting like we are still in primary school
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 10:54 PM, Nyarko Rexford <
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> /*Clearing my throat*/
>>>>>>>>>>> I've been following this thread for while. I'll like to add my
>>>>>>>>>>> voice.
>>>>>>>>>>> I quote from your post *"Before i started this project I sent a
>>>>>>>>>>> mail in April introducing my self to this group and said i was looking for
>>>>>>>>>>> a team to join me in my upcoming projects. A couple of guys responded but
>>>>>>>>>>> no developer contacted me."*
>>>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>>>> I think you added me to your team. (
>>>>>>>>>>>**?q=oasis/<>(You gave me this address to log into your so-called secure platform which
>>>>>>>>>>> conversations cannot be stolen by Microsoft nor Google. I still have the
>>>>>>>>>>> password (I wonder if you've not changed it of which I can pull out when
>>>>>>>>>>> asked.)) However without my knowledge, I was booted out of the team. In
>>>>>>>>>>> some few months later with no reason.
>>>>>>>>>>> As a team member (by then) I designed the Opey Magazine (a
>>>>>>>>>>> site you made noise about, but doesn't exist today, only to be redirected
>>>>>>>>>>> to some 40-something something) (I lost the source file of that design in
>>>>>>>>>>> a hard disk crash but this video on my channel proofs me right:
>>>>>>>>>>> www.*youtube*.com/watch?**v=0eBuzvci3kQ ) design of which you
>>>>>>>>>>> said you'll meet me in Accra by then at KATI-AICE to offer me some toffees
>>>>>>>>>>> to clear my throat, but you totally failed to show up and since then you
>>>>>>>>>>> never even replied to my emails.
>>>>>>>>>>> So if you really wanted team members, trust me, you had many
>>>>>>>>>>> even including 3D artists like me. I made some designs for you for your
>>>>>>>>>>> so-called OS but never even got confirmation as to whether it was used or
>>>>>>>>>>> not (i guess it was too crappy for you liking)
>>>>>>>>>>> In the last 6 months i'm sure you've put up 2 different
>>>>>>>>>>> websites at The most recent one (not the
>>>>>>>>>>> current one) had 4 team members, listed as Oasis Websoft team members.
>>>>>>>>>>> However you current website features *none *of them anymore.
>>>>>>>>>>> The above was just a touch on your request for team members. The
>>>>>>>>>>> truth of the matter is, @folks Raindolf had real members whom he could work
>>>>>>>>>>> with, but for reasons I don't fully know, he's alone still. (maybe he
>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't trust anyone, i guess)
>>>>>>>>>>> Back to general:
>>>>>>>>>>> For me, I don't have problems with what Raindolf is currently
>>>>>>>>>>> working on - building customized Open SUSE OS. My problem has to do with
>>>>>>>>>>> his way of branding himself online. One thing I always tell my colleagues
>>>>>>>>>>> (I'm coordinator for Planning Wikimedia Ghana) is that, the outside world
>>>>>>>>>>> are always looking at as, and willing to open up opportunities with us.
>>>>>>>>>>> However, what we say or how we brand ourselves will surely push them away.
>>>>>>>>>>> A Swiss friend of mind told me one thing about Africans that they
>>>>>>>>>>> (including whites) hate is when someone *overstate something. *E.g.
>>>>>>>>>>> "We had a nice meeting today with a friend in Accra." - Okay | Overstating
>>>>>>>>>>> - "We had a tremendous and outstanding conference with a seasoned
>>>>>>>>>>> professional from East Legon, Accra, today. (just trying to paint a picture
>>>>>>>>>>> of what overstating can mean.
>>>>>>>>>>> Raindolf is everywhere of late with his OS. For me, I knew
>>>>>>>>>>> from day one, that Raindolf is cloning. At least, Windows XP had at least
>>>>>>>>>>> 25M lines of C++ hardcore, machine level coding of which Linux might be
>>>>>>>>>>> longer of which Raindolf cannot write within a period of 1 or 2 years solo.
>>>>>>>>>>> So his moving around wasn't something special to me (and I'm sure to many).
>>>>>>>>>>> I was quite on his activity most often simply because I wanted to see how
>>>>>>>>>>> far he goes with cloning Open SUSE.
>>>>>>>>>>> The little advice I'll give Raindolf is to keep things low. The
>>>>>>>>>>> principle, keep things low. When you keep things low, you'll get people to
>>>>>>>>>>> move on with you from the low level into bigger areas. However, when you
>>>>>>>>>>> start high, it doesn't serve well sometimes (in fact, most times)
>>>>>>>>>>> And my last touch is on the Wikipedia (r) Seach Engine you have,
>>>>>>>>>>> kindly do something about it. Wikipedia is a registered Trademark of the
>>>>>>>>>>> Wikimedia Foundation that runs 10 project sites (+ more (wikimania etc)).
>>>>>>>>>>> In order to avoid confusing your site visitors as your site is endorsed by
>>>>>>>>>>> them, I on behalf of my Wikimedia Ghana team offered you two suggestions (
>>>>>>>>>>> I won't say that here). Please work on that for us. Kindly update us on how
>>>>>>>>>>> far that goes.
>>>>>>>>>>> In all, I say you've got good talent and can further that into
>>>>>>>>>>> greater heights. However, I repeat, kindly keep things *low*!

Joshua Kwabla

Oct 11, 2012, 8:52:43 AM10/11/12
Guys can this conversation be taken somewhere else ? Try Google+ or Yahoo Mail or something

I feel spammed !!


I would rather see a sermon than hear one any day. I'd rather have you walk with me,
 than merely point the way. The eye is a more ready pupil than ever was the ear, 
good advice is often confusing, but example is always clear.

Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 11, 2012, 8:54:29 AM10/11/12
Herh Joshua! I go come ur office beat u right now! Unsubscribe if u dont like it. lol

Charley long time! how be?

Joshua Kwabla

Oct 11, 2012, 8:55:53 AM10/11/12
I wont respond :) Oh .. i just did !!!
Anyway am fine !

That's it ! Take the convo somewhere else RINGLEADER :D


Emmanuel Eshun-Davies

Oct 11, 2012, 8:57:47 AM10/11/12
hahahahahahaha! alright sir! TTYL


Oct 11, 2012, 9:24:10 AM10/11/12
@rex 1000+

Sent from my iPhone


Oct 11, 2012, 9:46:43 AM10/11/12
@Ato my ans for you is a BIG NO. Am learning a lot from this thread and I don't think anyone is bitching here. Everything on this thread is super cool and will help make people who read carefully better soon.
@Emma I love your post. Keep hitting the hammer on the nails. I would have said I love u if that doesn't sound soo gay. Lol.
@Rain please no one here hates you, we just want to help make everyone here better. You wouldn't get these anywhere else. Don't forget that the truth is sometimes bitter.
Chillax man!

Sent from my iPhone

Patrick Edem Agama

Oct 11, 2012, 9:53:44 AM10/11/12
wow, smh. Incredible comments here. 

Archzilon Eshun-Davies

Oct 11, 2012, 9:53:54 AM10/11/12
@David Menson

>We did a base-n crypto analysis on category6 servers some years ago using kernel ciphering processes. The same applied to a work I did at N.A.S.A some years ago. That >said, I have a strong background in electrical engineering and protocol analysis. I eat engineering basically, I have managed to build a lot of processors to take advantage >of some of this so called lame designs. It is kind of cool coding a partially-monolithic kernel in a somewhat water-crimson  VA 234 trajectory. How does a semaphoric >design in kernel rendering for most part impact satellite based processors and their design flaws? I am working  on a significant calculand for encrypting the kernel image of >most linux kernels. Anyways, I met with Torvalds some years ago and consider him to be a fairly intelligent guy; His design is ok. When designing images, we normally >compile some base code in assembly and try to port it through various simplex running processes. I like kernel design a lot . Archzillon, have you built core DX-BX make-
>overs in operating systems before? I mean it is pretty lame and I expect  every operating systems student to know this kind of stuff. You come of as having some >knowledge of kernel design..An in-depth knowledge of kernel design is good. I am currently building a kernel and I want to include a multi-process , scalable and more 
>robust inter-cognitive design to the whole core. Also I am writing the TCP/IP stack from scratch and including the new hyper-modulated multi-core protocol stack. That is >to enable quick routing of packets using ipv4 and ipv6.

Seriously you didn't write all of that now did you? DX-BX? WTF? encrypting the kernel image?
what da hell is you talking about? Operating Systems Student?

My advice NASA wanna be is that you don't throw off such statements not even for fun they
can really mess your life up, its either you know what you want to say or you want to
scare/impress. And what is I like kernel design?

I already have access to petaflops of power so what is this quantum computing stuff you
are murmuring. List the processors you designed and add photos(you should know the kind
of photos I mean). You want an inter-cognitive system? are you sure you didn't read this
off a college AI bot match. WTF do you mean by multi processor OpenBSD has SMP.

Honestly I think you just posted that to impress and troll us all.

>Archzillon, if you have done Kernel layering especially in a more 'trans-genic' OS, you would realise that the subtleties in design architecture are some what convoluted. I >challenge anyone to take a course in Kernel Segmentation and Rendering using multi-cyclic n-core n-core base designs. Before you start making noise hear. Quantum >computing is now on its way lets see what happens.

OK I don't know what to say to you. Stop Trolling punk.
For everyone else We have multi-GPU and Multi-CORE that is enough to attempt quantum.
and quantum computing is not for playing zuma or NFS or FIFA 2010 even though that would be really
cool, playing dopewars on a quantum system is definetely wicked. BTW there's a high probability
that linux would sign an NDA and we won't have access to CRAY CX1 and it costs $25,000

Anyway NASA crypt-analysist eecs wanna be guru do you have the source to NASA's password cracker?
Yeah I taught so. You think boys talk you should get close to a mirror MAN.

I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand

I won't allow you to whore my talent.
I have seen the Future and I want to code it.

If a lie is universal then the Truth is revolutionary.  


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