ggplot2 development

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Hadley Wickham

Feb 24, 2014, 4:08:07 PM2/24/14
to ggplot2
Hi all,

As you may have noticed, ggplot2 development has been non-existent in
the last year. That's because Winston and I have been working on the
next generation of data analysis tools like dplyr
( and ggvis
( and haven't had much time to work
on ggplot2. However, while we're working on the next thing, ggplot2 is
going to be around for a long time, and we want you to feel confident
that you can rely on ggplot2 now and in the future.

I want to formally announce that ggplot2 is shifting to maintenance
mode. This means that we are no longer adding new features, but we
will continue to fix major bugs, and consider new features submitted
as pull requests. In recognition this significant milestone, the next
version of ggplot2 will be 1.0.0.

I'm currently in the process of sorting through all ~300 open issues
on github, and working on a vignette describing how to submit a pull
request. If you're interested in contributing to the development of
ggplot2, now would be a great time to join the ggplot2-devel mailing
list In the near future
I'll be soliciting feedback their on how to make the pull request
process as smooth as possible.



Ben Bond-Lamberty

Feb 24, 2014, 4:17:55 PM2/24/14
to ggplot2
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Kohske Takahashi

Feb 24, 2014, 7:29:00 PM2/24/14
to Ben Bond-Lamberty, ggplot2
Hi Hadley,
Hi Winston,
and all,

The post reminds me something, so I want to say thank you here.
My contribution to ggplot2 is just a little, but I have really enjoyed
ggplot2 development.
I'm very happy to have had a nice time with you, Hadley, Winston, and
some others.

It's reasonable to shift to maintenance mode.
ggplot2 is now too popular and widespread to make any slight change.

I hope, and I believe, that your next project will progress successfully.


Kohske Takahashi <>

Assistant Professor,
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology,
The University of Tokyo, Japan.

Ista Zahn

Feb 24, 2014, 9:02:24 PM2/24/14
to Hadley Wickham, ggplot2
Hadley, as a long-time ggplot2 user I want to thank you for creating a
really useful tool, and for sticking with it and bringing it to its
current level of polish. I'll do my best to step up and contribute bug
fixes now that ggplot2 is entering maintenance mode.

Long live ggplot2!

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 4:08 PM, Hadley Wickham <> wrote:

Ben Bond-Lamberty

Feb 24, 2014, 9:23:29 PM2/24/14
to Ista Zahn, Hadley Wickham, ggplot2
 I second that. Thank you. 

Victor Kryukov

Feb 24, 2014, 9:58:39 PM2/24/14
Hadley, thanks a lot for creating ggplot2 - for me, it changed the process of creating R graphs from unbearable pain to endless joy. 

dplyr and ggvis are both amazing. As a data.table user, I was originally skeptical of dplyr, but it win me over - simplicity, clarity, lazy evaluation, effortless SQL backend support.

Would you consider ggvis ready for production use?

Brian Shine

Feb 25, 2014, 2:37:51 AM2/25/14
to Hadley Wickham, Dr Brian Shine, ggplot2
Yes, I use ggplot2 and dplyr pretty well every day. They are incredibly useful.

Thank you!

Best wishes,
Brian Shine

Hadley Wickham

Feb 25, 2014, 7:54:21 AM2/25/14
to Victor Kryukov, ggplot2
On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 8:58 PM, Victor Kryukov
<> wrote:
> Hadley, thanks a lot for creating ggplot2 - for me, it changed the process
> of creating R graphs from unbearable pain to endless joy.
> dplyr and ggvis are both amazing. As a data.table user, I was originally
> skeptical of dplyr, but it win me over - simplicity, clarity, lazy
> evaluation, effortless SQL backend support.


> Would you consider ggvis ready for production use?

Not yet, but Winston and I are working on it!


Ravina, Mark

Feb 25, 2014, 1:04:51 PM2/25/14
to ggplot2

Say it ain¹t so! Like many I¹ve become spoiled by the elegant, logical and
consistent syntax of ggplot across so many visualization. So I must
confess that I was hoping to see implementations of mosaic plots, tree
maps, etc. There are good packages for those, but they all seem clumsy
after ggplot. But thanks for taking ggplot so far.

I¹m still amazed by reshape2 ‹ it makes simple the seemingly impossible

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