GeoTrellis 0.8.2 is now available!

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Sep 25, 2013, 3:09:43 PM9/25/13

GeoTrellis 0.8.2 is now available!

A new minor release of GeoTrellis, 0.8.2, is now available as a release candidate: 0.8.2-RC2. Please let us know if you find any issues with the release candidate so we can address them before the release of 0.8.2.

One major announcement is that GeoTrellis 0.8.2 will be the first release under Apache 2, as we are switching licenses from GPL to Apache 2. We feel that the less restrictive license will allow more users to take advantage of what GeoTrellis has to offer. The decision to change licenses was motivated by feedback from potential users for whom the GPL was a roadblock.

There are some exciting new features in this release:

Geotrellis Transit

We've included new functionality for creating shortest path trees and creating transitshed rasters using the new package. Please see for more info, including demos and an API listing.

New Operations

We've continued to add new raster operations, including Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation; zonal operations such as Percentage, Classification, Mean, local operations such as Mean, Variety, Combination, Minority, Majority, as well as vector transformations such as ToVector (vectorization), and RegionGroup.

Simplified Workflow with Tiled Rasters

We have unified the API for working with tiled and untiled rasters: most operations will now work transparently on tiled or untiled operations.

Improved Catalog and Data Import

A major refactor to the catalog code means that all layer types are now listed in the catalog (tiled, ascii grid, geotiff, etc.) and an improved internal organization for future development. There is a new script, gtloader, for importing and tiling raster data.

Remoting Improvements

Critical bug and performance improvements were made to GeoTrellis clustering and remoting capabilities.

Thanks to our contributors:

Commits                Author
   76                Rob Emanuele (lossyrob)
   43                Josh Marcus    (joshmarcus)
    6                 Eric J. Christeson (ejc123)
    3                 Adam Hinz (ahinz)

Special shout out to Eric J. Christeson, our newest GeoTrellis contributor!

Complete commit list:

9ed079a  Updated version numbers to 0.8.2
2462ea7  Publish docs and sources in publish task
b46c3ef  Added ejc123 to contributors list.
b2c4d0a  Process path fix for raster layer loading
fb3c752  Noticed wrong variable comparison when looking over code.
536ea64  Need to handle count == 0 case.
b286e48  Removed println
92b9933  Added Tests for MinDouble and MaxDouble. I noticed that SumDouble has a test, b
6a38bcf  Added Mean to zonal.summary ops
a41e19b  Take a stab at adding Mean
5bd4308  Produce documentation for release.
0c12ceb  Update to version 0.8.2-RC1.
cd88372  Change license from GPL 3 to Apache 2.
50f0de0  Increase biking speed.
bebe7c9  Modify biking speed.
d552893  Removed catalog path from reference.conf
df8c2d3  Remove debug code
24c0465  Added .interesects method to Extent
a295b41  Made endpoint prefix configurable
1d3c34d  Made WebRunner more configurable.
2aa04db  Created IDWInterpolation operation.
65405a0  Specify where to get jai_core explicitly
b83732f  Create empty features.
208e9c8  Additional test coverge to geotrellis.logic
b763de5  Split gtfs edge data by transit type
d7af478  Performance improvements to ToVector and RegionGroup
2897dac  Added ZonalClassification operation
a9e85a5  Added ZonalPercentage operation.
a33297f  findMinMax was returning a confusing value for empty raster
821a791  Benchmarks now use singleton Server.
8dd6a3a  Fixed bug with .mapIfSet in StrictRasterData\some ArrayRasterData types.
917aabb  Added operations to convert sequences of features to geojson
5a98895  Fixed bug in TransitPath equal code
d8e2ea6  Added unit test for code coverage of getEdgeIterator
b4d84b2  Removed comments from speeds.
7f0b858  Enabled weekly scheduled for public transit
08e9be1  Enabled arrival time for shortest path
5233a77  Adding print ability for neighborhood, doc of how mask() works
ffacf5c  Fixes to seperation of edge sets in Transit Graph
08349ed  Fixing transit graph bugs
260cf79  Separated out biking, transit, and walking in TransitGraph
5565c8b  Minimal test code cleanup
66a1b04  Removing placeholder file.
9916529  Added Combination operation
4b8d8ab  Updated for merge of upstream
8d49fa4  Added Minority operation
32c3eac  Added majority operation
439146e  Created ColorMap operation.
bcd2398  Update signature of Mean and Variety to take Seq[Raster].
7c2ebad  Update signature of Collect to take an Operation.
b5ecf75  Minor fixes as per code review.
238c3e3  Remove language feature warnings from tests.
414ed03  Resolve -feature scala warnings.
159aed1  Update subprojects to reflect RasterData package change.
e21dfbf  Refactor geotrellis.raster classes into separate files.
19885a1  Move RasterData classes to geotrellis.raster package.
0945e65  Removed debug path storing code from shortestpath
9ff041a  Move AsPolygonSet out of package file.
03165e3  Replacing accidentally deleted file
14af858  Additional fixes to ToVector
7f7091f  Fixed bugs with ToVector and RegionGroup
b332fcc  Added
d2228e0  Add col, row, and extent constructor for RasterExtent.
0cf436b  GeoJSON reader properly parses feature and geometry collections.
b4aa543  Fixed issue with try\catch block
8c5f868  Upgrade to akka 2.2.0 final.
f95131c  Add and consolidate operations for resizing and rescaling rasters.
089a90c  gt-loader now deals with args
925fae1  Fixed tile to array bug.
80ef21d  Extend WebRunner & JettyServer API for custom init parameters.
33a8c32  Fixed server project.
10e98db  Vectorization supports holes.
b98f509  Second version of ToVector.
016f2fc  Removing comments in test.
7214139  Added ToVector operation.
0acf692  Added RegionGroup operation.
4bff785  Update sbt subprojects to use 2.10.2.
78cc45e  Added local.Variety operation.
4907265  Updating Build.scala to used Scala 2.10.2, spire 0.4
1f509f0  Added local.Mean operation.
c6c4eb9  Change gtloader to properly save epsg as integer in json.
abebac8  Update remote client to load tiled raster from catalog.
ac559a3  Refactor tile loading to use LoadRasterTile.
ad0944a  Remove and replace deprecated map/reducer classes.
f8eaa0b  Add new operations that return raster tile loading operations.
48832d9  Added a convert-all command to batch convert.
7fbec19  Improvements and bugfix to remote execution of operations.
dd92645  Fixed metadata for mtsthelens rasters in test data.
e7f9048  Fixed path in metadata for converting tiles.
8e9fa17  Set in RasterLayerInfo whether or not the layer is cached.
812c0fe  Ensure that remote operations are not only lazily evaluated.
d14523e  Refactored how cache is given propagated through catalog.
af62be0  Fixed tiled mtsthelens rasters.
580ebba  Added raster data type in layer information for admin site.
a270de2  Fixes to gtloader
142984e  Added task for displaying ARG raster info.
5f7f339  Added operation for getting RasterLayerInfo from name or path.
c8e1dc5  Resolve feature serialization issues.
2594637  Fixing some links in Build.scala
367ba3e  Extended the Layer getRaster API to include loading with an extent.
9e45d93  Taking conscript out of travis build.
6450971  Fixed failing test.
0111e8f  Made test tile rasters smaller.
32f6c6c  Added legacy support for tile conversion.
a551a18  Initial refactor to break into separate files
dabfde5  Enabled caching tiled rasters in catalog.
c604897  Remove debugging println statements.
54ee9c4  Major tiled raster loading refactor.
7bd3f7f  Add .gitattributes file.
86eb58e  Update version numbers in README.
26a9f24  Update readme
6bcb34e  Add catalog management support
48a31b4  Update tiling support
97d2501  Added ability to convert tiled rasters.
e8b5305  Remove focal.TileFocalOp from benchmarks.
f73d905  Unify focal operations on tiled and untiled rasters.
8e0fa9c  Setting other projects to use new TileSetRasterLayer
68dcc65  Add into() method to Operation.
4ac57a7  Fix benchmark project post-local operation changes.
a08a259  Local operations should now transparently act on tiled rasters.
9222cf1  RasterDualReduce op replaces local operation traits.
bdb87ff  Convert remaining local operations to use helper operations.
6d44d9e  Update many local operations to use new helper operations.
7cb190d  Update Do operations to reflect operation conventions.
d64fbd3  Add new helper Operations for local raster operations.
5c7c0d3  Tiles, ascii and geotiffs now in catalog
88aa1b1  Refactor of catalog code, should now read geotiffs and ascii in catalog
84ef955  Refactor catalog.scala and json parsing.
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