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Veli Albert Kallio

belum dibaca,
29 Jul 2009, 05.08.4029/07/09
kepadaGeoengineering FIPC, Indianice FIPC
RE: More Geogenineering Urgently Required!
This is a now "once-in-a-lifetime party" for the oil people to make billions of quick profits. It isn't every day you find 10 billion barrel new oil field like Three Forks / Sanish Formation. 
Because of its immense size, this helps to wean the USA off from the Middle East oil dependency and defer back the peak oil world-wide (somewhat).
Truly amazing discovery of new oil for the thirty drivers!
People are already dancing on tables on Houston today.
Sad day for environment.

FW: Big News from the Bakken 

Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 06:04:41 -0700
Subject: Big News from the Bakken


header (images are
being blocked)

Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

Dear Energy and Capital Reader,

It very well could be the oil play of the decade.

And I don't use words like these loosely.

That's because oilmen and geologists are confirming what we've been telling you for the last 15 months...

The Bakken is a domestic oil formation to be reckoned with... and it's churning out profitable plays, one by one.

But get this...

Geologists and industry officials are saying we may have a "second Bakken" on our hands... one that could literally double the Bakken's already-prolific output.

Truth is, we're in the early stages of what could be a long run-up for Bakken stocks.

In fact, since we reiterated our Bakken plays on June 24, our readers are already enjoying gains of 38%, 22% and 16%.

And we don't want you missing out on the gains still yet to come.

Read on to learn more about this breakthrough profit opportunity... and how it's singlehandedly helping the state of North Dakota stop the recession dead in its tracks.

To your safe and prosperous investing,

Keith Kohl
Editor, Energy and Capital

"Need a job? Move to North Dakota. In May, the state tied for the lowest unemployment rate in the nation -- a mere 4.4% -- and added 3,000 jobs over the past month."
-- CNN, June 24, 2009

North Dakota's
Recession-Proof Secret

It's being called "the #1 oil play in the country."
Here's how to get your share of it... starting today.

Dear reader,

The recession just can't sink its teeth into North Dakota.

Time magazine reports there's a real live boom happening here in the state where there's three times more cattle than people. Not only does it boast the country's lowest unemployment rate (4.3% in June), its state budget is enjoying a $1.2 billion surplus, home values are actually UP, and companies are actively recruiting workers from all over the country.

That's because these days - while most of the country hopes to merely ride out the recession - North Dakota's celebrating a new linchpin in their economy:

Light, sweet crude OIL.

And it's about to make national headlines... again. Only this time, a new geologic twist has North Dakota's normally modest residents... grinning from ear to ear. Take a look -

551 quote 1

It was only a year ago that we introduced our readers to the massive domestic oil find known as the Bakken, just as the U.S. Geological Survey released its long-awaited study. The USGS estimates 4.35 billion barrels of recoverable oil in the Bakken, which stretches from the Dakotas and Montana into Canada.

Now it's no secret that oil rigs have been producing Bakken oil with great success for the last several years... as technological advancements have finally unlocked the formation's massive net potential.

The Bakken, on its own, is already a vital piece of the domestic oil landscape.

In fact, the Bakken was recently called "the #1 oil play in the country," in an Oil & Gas Financial Journal interview with Mark Williams, senior VP at Whiting Petroleum - one of the leading producers in the Bakken.

But it's the latest news - sweeping the entire state and its 641,500 residents - that has oil companies and North Dakota residents understandably pumped.

That's because -- according to geologists and state and industry officials -- we may be looking at another oil formation... one that's every bit as big and resource-rich as the Bakken.

It's the gargantuan Three Forks/Sanish formation. It lies beneath the Bakken.

20090720 549

If geologists and officials are right about Three Forks, they could soon be confirming this giant basin as a a separate oil-producing formation... one of major significance to our national energy landscape... one that could literally double the output of the Bakken... one that could finally break our addiction to Saudi oil.

And the best part for investors?

Let me just say this. A trio of companies operating here - ones we've already played once for gains - could be the juiciest profits you add to your portfolio over the next few years.

Again, we're still holding these companies... some of which we've advised our readers to close 50% of their positions to secure profits... others of which we've recommended buying more on dips.

And now, the day we've been waiting for has finally come. Targets are set squarely on our Bakken - Three Forks plays to seize all the gains that Round 2 has to offer.

I'll go into full detail on all three of these incredible money-making opportunities below... but not before you get the facts on the two domestic oil resources that could help fill our national energy gap for the next several decades.

Bakken + Three Forks = "A "Sh__t Ton of Oil"

As I mentioned above, geologists and officials are busy determining if the gargantuan Three Forks-Sanish formation is a separate oil-producing formation... or an "oil drip pan" for the Bakken.

Now we already know the Bakken is a homerun play for many drillers... and individual investors. (There's still a mad dash to set up shop and begin extracting the Bakken's rich oil resources... most notably in the new boom state of North Dakota.)

How Everyday North Dakota Landowners Turned Millionaires... Overnight

Throughout the vast rangelands of North Dakota, residents are saying it's "easier to strike it rich from oil than by winning the lottery."

Take longtime resident Oscar Stohler, for example...

A retired cattle rancher who's lived modestly for 75-plus years, Stohler is now officially a millionaire.

Normally, the afternoon walk to his mailbox would have him flipping through an assortment of bills and your standard issue junk mail. But these days - as often as two or three times a month - he opens up an envelope filled with a staggering check.

Then there's John Bartelson, who gets a hefty royalty check, in the tens of thousands of dollars, from one of the oil companies drilling on his land.

And they're hardly alone.

According to Bruce Gjovig, director of the University of North Dakota's Center for Innovation, there may be as many as 2,000 new North Dakota millionaires within the next three to five years.

And that's only counting one small North Dakota county... where the population barely tops 6,000 residents.

That's one estimated millionaire for every three residents!

North Dakota, as it turned out, set a state oil-production record in 2008, despite oil prices collapsing during the second half of the year.

In fact, oil & gas companies are already churning out successful drill result after drill result... and handing over huge oil royalty checks to property owners.

But North Dakotans aren't the only ones getting rich...

You see, the Bakken formation is quickly becoming the country's hottest new oil play.

And early-adopting, "in-the-know" investors are cashing in... in a big, big way.

Keep reading to learn how it's all going down...

551 quote 3

In fact, the state's oil industry "doubled in size dollar-wise between 2005 and 2007," according to a recent North Dakota State University study. The same report places the value of oil production, exploration, refining and other activity at "a total of $8.2 billion in 2007, up from $4.1 billion in 2005."

Almost all of it... owed to the Bakken.

It's why exploration in N.D. increased by more than 230 percent between 2005 and 2007.

It's also why there's good reason to be excited over the prospect of a second Bakken in the Three Forks formation.

Keep in mind, the Bakken had been estimated at a mere 151 million barrels. That is, until last year, when the USGS called the Bakken "the largest continuous oil accumulation it has ever assessed."

So, with 4.35 billion barrels in place - and the opportunity to double that amount in the Three Forks formation - we're looking at a staggering turn to the upside.

And, for investors, here's where things get really enticing...

What the USGS Missed in its Landmark 2008 Study...
Could Put Serious Money in Your Pocket, Starting Today

The 2008 USGS assessment of the Bakken's vast oil reserves quickly became a major national energy story.

But it completely missed out on what could prove to be the bigger story: the Three Forks basin.

(In fact, two of our Bakken plays - which you'll learn about below - are already drilling here in Three Forks... with record-setting results.)

According to a major Bakken driller, core samples from early drilling results in the Three Forks area indicate it's likely to be a separate formation from the Bakken.

These samples show significant promise for Three Forks, given its substantially higher number of hydrocarbons when compared with the Bakken formation... which is another reason geologists think we're dealing with an oil formation all its own.

Now we won't know for sure for a number of months. But it comes down to this. If the Three Forks formation is determined to be a unique oil-producing formation, it could easily add billions of barrels to North Dakota's oil reserves.

Combined, they could pump out as much as 9 billion barrels!

I don't need to tell you... that's an astonishing supply of oil. And the competition among companies to drill there will only heat up more.

551 quote2

Either way, it's a win-win situation for oil in North Dakota. Development in both the Bakken and Three Forks will undeniably accelerate from here.

And the 3 stocks we're recommending could be easy doubles or triples... especially if the price of oil stays in the $60-$70 range, or goes higher.

Here's the Kicker:
Oil Up, Oil Down... It Doesn't Matter

Truth is, the Bakken companies we've selected are still economical -- as in, they can still make money -- even if oil were to drop into the $35 - $45 range!

That's right. Let me break down the economics, straight from the V.P. of one of the Bakken's leading producers, Whiting Petroleum...

  • Assume oil were to drop all the way to $45 a barrel from its current $65 level. With a $5 discount to the NYMEX price, each well would be pumping oil at $40 a barrel.
  • Roughly 20% of that $40 is sent directly to the North Dakota landowner. Another 20% goes to operating expenses.
  • That leaves approximately 60% of the original $40, giving the driller $24 a barrel.
  • Assuming drillers can pump out 800,000 barrels of oil per well, that allows the company $19 million in revenue, per well.

Conclusion: If each well costs about $5.5 million, the driller is still making a 3.5 to 1 ratio return on their money!

Remember, that's in a scenario in which oil collapses to $45. Today, of course, oil's found support at $60... and trending upwards.

And that's why we think there's so much money to be made in the Bakken... even in a time of crisis.

Understandably, our analysts and editors get a healthy dose of questions about the Bakken, its reserve estimates, production numbers, and - of course - which stocks stand to benefit the most.

So let's quickly take a closer look at what the USGS calls...

"The Largest Continuous Oil Formation It Has Ever Assessed"

It's technically known as the Williston Basin, but more commonly referred to as the "Bakken." Here's a look at the map:


For years, U.S. oil exploration has been considered a dead end. Even the "Big Oil" companies gave up searching for major oil wells decades ago. However, a recent technological breakthrough has opened up the Bakken's massive reserves... and we now have access of up to 4.35 billion barrels.

And that's just in the Bakken.

If the Three Forks formation proves separate from the Bakken, we could be looking at enough crude for decades on end.


To America, these oil finds couldn't have come at a better time. You see, when all the wells are finally drilled and pumping, the net result will drastically reduce our dependence on Saudi oil.

And for investors like you and me, it means a "once-in-a-lifetime" chance to profit on our urgent need for a domestic oil supply. And we can do it by getting in on the groundfloor of the next great oil boom...

Bakken - Three Forks Oil:
Neither gritty, nor dirty, nor expensive... nothing like the Alberta oil sands

We're talking light, sweet crude oil - the least expensive and easiest to refine oil out there.

What's more-- While North Dakota's economy is benefitting greatly from this massive oil prize, you don't have to be a North Dakota resident to get your piece of the pie.

In fact, I have uncovered three companies that are drilling in the Bakken right now and are seeing returns and revenues second to none...

"It's a good, old fashioned oil boom," says Dr. Paul Polzin, a University of Montana economist.

One company has been there since the beginning of the Bakken boom... and is already selling its oil to the market. And the best part about it - this company is sharing its Bakken profits with everyday investors.

You see, for the past seven years, this company has distributed its net profits in the form of MONTHLY cash payments. They have sent their shareholders profit-sharing checks for 96 months in a row... and the check amounts are on the rise.

Straight from the company's annual report:

20090720 chart

That's how huge and insanely profitable the Bakken play has become.

Now, two of the Bakken - Three Forks companies I've uncovered are true "wildcatter" plays... with the potential to return investors 100-to-1 on their money. They trade at an incredible discount in the $3 - $6 range... each having enjoyed solid gains on recent positive news.

The third company is even more firmly rooted in the Bakken - Three Forks region. It has the largest stake in the Bakken - Three Forks region, leaving its competition in the dust.

Amazingly, this monumental oil discovery - and these 3 companies - have remained somewhat of a secret.

Before I explain this opportunity in more detail, let me be perfectly clear - I have never come across a more ideal profit scenario.

In this letter, I'm going to tell you everything that I've learned about the Bakken discovery, why it is still a secret, who's involved, and - more importantly - how to profit from it. Especially before the rest of the investment community finds out.

Mark my words, an opportunity like this only comes around once every so often and I can GUARANTEE that this will not remain a secret for much longer.

In fact, some of the local media are beginning to report on it...

  • "If [oil] prices increase or technology improves, the total amount of oil taken from the Bakken will go up... and that much oil means a century of steady oil production." - Lynn Helms, Director, North Dakota Dept. of Mineral Resources
  • "People in the region 'are just starting to see the potential' in this new oil play" - Grand Forks Herald
  • "The huge potential of the Bakken play has industry and government officials gushing with superlatives." -CanWest News Service

As we all know - the people who make the most money are the people who get in first.

And for the shareholders of oil companies that make huge, new discoveries, the potential payoff is mind-blowing.

There are several companies that have seen similar situations to the Bakken - of course on a far smaller scale - and have rallied hundreds of percent in just a few months. If these companies can see their stock prices increase by 300%, 400% or even 500% with oil discoveries of 1 or 2 billion barrels... just imagine what a discovery of up to 9 billion barrels of oil would do to a stock's price!

Here are a few examples...

Bankers Petroleum is a company based in the Patos-Marinz Oil Field in Albania. Upon discovery of its 1.96 billion barrels, the company's stock price increased 468% in just 7 months!

Let me fill you in on the details...


It was a true "rags to riches" story.

Then there's Petrominerals, a company whose primary drilling area is in the Llanos Basin in Colombia, South America. When uncovering a 1 billion barrel potential (about 1/10th the potential in Bakken - Three Forks), this stock jumped 775% in just 10 months!


Lastly, there's the example of BPZ Resources, a Peruvian company that has concentrated on two main oil fields: The Corvina and Albacora Formations. Recently, it was reported that the Corvina Field holds reserves of 60 million barrels and that the Albacora field hold reserve of roughly 500 million barrels... and the stock price rocketed 449% in just 8 months!


As you can see from the charts above - the potential is huge when a company makes a new discovery. And with the Bakken being exponentially larger than any oil field listed above, there is no telling how high the stock prices of the companies that I have outlined below will go -- 100%... 300%... 500%... maybe much, much higher.

Keep reading to learn exactly how to get in on the ground floor of this unprecedented oil discovery in the Bakken - Three Forks Basin...

How a Starving Geologist Found
the Largest Oil Field in Modern History

A few years ago, a Billings petroleum geologist by the name of Dick Findley was working out of his basement - searching for oil in an area that had been barren for over 20 years. Things were rough and he was struggling to get by.

He even flirted with the idea of getting a second job as a restaurant cook. On a diet of nothing but Ramen noodles and hard-boiled eggs - how could you blame the guy?

"The boom has been so big the pipeline carrying Montana and North Dakota crude to Midwestern markets is at capacity and the largest company drilling in Elm Coulee has temporarily closed some wells because they have no way to sell it." - The Montana Standard

But one thing kept Dick going - an unprecedented suspicion that this area, known as the Bakken Basin, contained more oil than Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran combined.

The Bakken Basin, located in Montana, North Dakota and Saskatchewan - was at one point coined "one of the largest disappointments in the oil industry."

During this period, technology lacked the efficiency to make drilling worthwhile. And when oil hit all time lows in the late 90's - the Bakken Basin was basically abandoned.

But Findley kept digging around.

And through sheer luck, he and his partner stumbled upon a porous layer of dolomite, 9000 feet below the ground of a ranch just outside Sidney, Montana.

This stumble turned out to be the largest on-shore oil discovery in decades.

Little did he know, but Findley discovered enough oil to fuel the U.S. for decades.

And the oil field he found - and the technology that he helped develop to extract the oil - has recently made millionaires out of ordinary North Dakotans and Montanans...

"It was a light bulb kind of thought - When I discovered that the oil was in the middle shale and it continued for 50 miles, I called my partner and I said, 'I think you'd better sit down...we found a giant oil field,'" says Findley of his initial discovery.

Findley soon took his discovery to energy giant Haliburton, which backed him financially and provided the support to help him develop the necessary drilling technology to efficiently take advantage of this huge oil discovery...

The Technology That Makes It All Possible

It's true that the oil industry has known about the Bakken Basin for over 20 years - but the problem always was that no one knew how to get at the oil. The technology just wasn't there. Until now...

But even today, the exact science behind getting oil in the Bakken and Three Forks is still somewhat of a secret.

I mean, think about it for a minute...

Imagine you found a massive, but trapped gold mine in your neighborhood. Now imagine you created a technology to mine it - a technology unique to this specific gold mine.

Would you tell anyone how to do it? Would you reveal your secret?

"Could increase U.S reserves by 10 times..."- American Digest

No, of course not. You would want to make as much money as possible, before everybody else found out about it.

Well that's exactly what's going on with the Bakken - Three Forks Basin.

"It's too early in the play to be sharing information," says Bill Walker, a Denver-based geologist with Headington Co.

Bill says his company has recently developed the technology to drill the Bakken down effectively - and it's one of the company's closest guarded secrets.

Even though the technology I'm talking about is rather well known, actually using it successfully is the big secret.

The technology is called Horizontal Directional Drilling or H.D.D., and only a few companies have mastered the process.

Horizontal Directional Drilling:
Oil's "Underground Sprinkler"

Getting oil out of the Bakken is not a matter of poking a hole in the ground until you hit a soft spot full of oil - which is the old vertical drilling technique.

The Bakken is woven with rocks, and that rock-layer is wide but very thin. Thin enough that vertical drilling is horribly unsuccessful.

It was Findley's idea to drill a well sideways - a technique called "horizontal directional drilling," in which wildcatters drill down to the oil and then kick out their well thousands of feet to the left or right... like an underground sprinkler.



But horizontal drilling alone isn't enough to get the oil out of the ground.

Findley had to work with Haliburton engineers to figure out a way to both drill sideways and fracture the rock to release the oil.

"The Bakken is so prolific... one of the top onshore fields found in the past half-century." - Financial Post

Both horizontal drilling and fracturing had been done before, but never together. This was Findley's revolutionary idea.

These combined technologies made drilling the Bakken - Three Forks basins possible and extremely profitable.

And you can too if you get in quickly enough...

The Best Way to Get in on the Groundfloor of One of
the Largest American Oil Booms in History

My team and I have spent much of the past 3 years researching every possible way of making money with this monumental oil discovery. Many of our subscribers have already made tremendous gains from our recommendations... or holding their positive positions.

But now - with the potential for a second Bakken in the Three Forks/Sanish formation - the opportunities to make our readers even bigger gains have our analysts and editors licking their chops.

Now like I said, we've come up with a total of THREE ways (and that's just the beginning).

Each opportunity has a unique advantage. And whether you're an income investor or a growth stock investor, there is a way for you to get in on the Bakken boom, before the herd does...

Bakken - Three Forks Millionaire Opportunity #1

The first opportunity is an explosive growth stock that has catapulted since being upgraded to the AMEX exchange in February 2007.

Since being upgraded this stock hit a high of nearly $15 - including a 233% gain in just over one year. We cashed out with a gain of over 103%... and now we're ready to take our second round of profits.

chart 5

And that is just the beginning...

The main catalyst for the company's stock price spike is an increase in its acreage position in the Bakken Basin to 65,000 net acres.

They are gobbling up land in this precious region with fervor second to none.

Over the past two years, insiders of the company have purchased more than 120,000 shares. They know that the Bakken play is a fortune-maker.

With a deep foothold in the Bakken and the expansion of wells throughout the region - there is no telling how high this stock could go. Companies in similar situations have seen their stock rise to over $100 a share. Right now you can buy it for under $7 a share.

But let me be very clear: we are talking about the potential for several hundred percent gains. This company trades at a market cap of just $232 million. So it's very small. With its firm foothold in the Bakken, its market cap could easily balloon to over $1 billion! Right now the company's stock is under the radar. But with the recent positive news coming out of the Bakken combining with the potential for the Three Forks, this company could jump as much as 300% in just a couple of days...

By combining experienced management, low overhead and aggressive acreage acquisition, this company is one of the nation's fastest growing small-cap gas and oil exploration and production companies. And that spells a higher stock price and more cash in your pocket.

Bakken - Three Forks Millionaire Opportunity #2

The second opportunity is an aggressive income play. This company has been involved in the Bakken for years, and has significant acreage in the play.

Additionally, this company is a high-yielding equity investment in the oil and natural gas business. They have built a balanced and diversified portfolio of producing properties across the United States with a focus on large resource plays, like the Bakken.

They have a strict discipline of paying a significant portion of their cash flow to investors each month. And after having paid out over $3 billion to shareholders during its tenure as well as having a dividend yield of 9%, it's hard to argue otherwise.

But here's the rub...

"A new black gold rush is under way... enough to meet all U.S. oil needs for decades." - Kiplinger

This company is also a significant growth opportunity. Compared to the industry this company is trading at a heavy discount.

With a P/E ratio of 4.74 compared to an industry average of 10.17 and a price to sales ratio of 2.00 compared to 3.77 for the industry, this company is sorely undervalued.

Based on conservative valuation models, we believe this stock has the potential to double in the next 12 to 24 months.

And that's on top of the cash payments it pays out every single month.

Bakken - Three Forks Millionaire Opportunity #3

The third opportunity to take advantage of the next great American oil boom is through an independent exploration, development and production company. It utilizes a revolutionary 3-D seismic imaging technology to systematically explore and develop domestic oil and gas reserves.

The use of this 3-D seismic technology reduces drilling risk and compounds their ability to grow reserves and production volumes.

The company also recently released record drilling results in this burgeoning play, and is now planning to complete the wells.

But that's just the beginning.

You see, this company is aggressively snatching up quality land, and has already tacked on more than 290,000 Bakken acres to its growing list of assets. Out of the 71 Three Forks wells so far, more than half are in production, with another 11 on the verge of being completed.

And their booming oil revenues are nothing new. Take a look:


Now, this is just a taste of how things will turn out as oil begins to trade higher. And as a direct result, this company's profits are expected to grow at a huge rate.

This company, like the first one, is a huge growth play. It is currently trading at a huge discount with a price to sales ratio of 2.35 compared to an industry average of 11.04.
"The highest-producing onshore field found in the lower 48 states in the past 56 years." - The Wall Street Journal 

Not to mention the insider purchases we've seen over the last 2 years...

This company is setting up for major success and the insiders know it - this stock is going nowhere but up over the next couple years...

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get in at the beginning of an oil boom - for next to nothing...

Now listen closely-- I've put together an exclusive report that details the 3 companies currently in the Bakken ready to get America off of Mideast oil.

I call the report The Bakken Billions: The Next Big Oil Rush.






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Peter Read

belum dibaca,
29 Jul 2009, 06.55.0429/07/09, Geoengineering FIPC, Indianice FIPC
This reads like a hard sell, maybe a scam.  Visit for a more thoughtful analysis which puts about  one per cent of the reserve as recoverable by conventional means.  Horizontal directed drilling can likely increase that.  Maybe someone knows an oil industry expert who could say by how much and what cost.

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.5.392 / Virus Database: 270.13.35/2269 - Release Date: 07/28/09 17:58:00

Eugene I. Gordon

belum dibaca,
29 Jul 2009, 08.07.2129/07/09, Geoengineering FIPC, Indianice FIPC
Nothing new here. Very difficult to extract. Americans (not the politicians) have had it with the oil companies to some extent. The real news is that a new deep discharge battery with over 6000 discharge cycles has been demonstrated by some friends of mine and for the first time electric vehicles become practical and affordable in terms of cost per mile to drive. Cars like the GM volt will cost over 25 UScents per mile to drive when one takes into account the battery wear out cost; another $15,000 for batteries at 50,000 miles. The new batteries will last for over 250,000 miles and the engines will be electric motors with virtually no maintenance or replacement.
In five years only EVs and plug in hybrids will be of interest and the US will be able to forget about oil; the market will crash and this new oil field will never be developed.
Moreover, the U.S. had a classic opportunity to kick the GM and Chrysler companies in the sit zone and blew it. 100 mpg hybrid cars could easily be built with current gas turbine generator technology.. That would have eliminated the need to buy foreign oil altogether. The oil companies have friends; but it won't last.

From: [] On Behalf Of Veli Albert Kallio
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:09 AM

To: Geoengineering FIPC; Indianice FIPC


belum dibaca,
29 Jul 2009, 09.18.1029/07/09
When the second google hit is Snopes ...

On Jul 29, 8:07 am, "Eugene I. Gordon" <> wrote:
> Nothing new here. Very difficult to extract. Americans (not the politicians)
> have had it with the oil companies to some extent. The real news is that a
> new deep discharge battery with over 6000 discharge cycles has been
> demonstrated by some friends of mine and for the first time electric
> vehicles become practical and affordable in terms of cost per mile to drive.
> Cars like the GM volt will cost over 25 UScents per mile to drive when one
> takes into account the battery wear out cost; another $15,000 for batteries
> at 50,000 miles. The new batteries will last for over 250,000 miles and the
> engines will be electric motors with virtually no maintenance or
> replacement.
> In five years only EVs and plug in hybrids will be of interest and the US
> will be able to forget about oil; the market will crash and this new oil
> field will never be developed.
> Moreover, the U.S. had a classic opportunity to kick the GM and Chrysler
> companies in the sit zone and blew it. 100 mpg hybrid cars could easily be
> built with current gas turbine generator technology.. That would have
> eliminated the need to buy foreign oil altogether. The oil companies have
> friends; but it won't last.
>   _____  
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Veli Albert Kallio
> Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:09 AM
> To: Geoengineering FIPC; Indianice FIPC
> Hi,
> RE: More Geogenineering Urgently Required!
> This is a now "once-in-a-lifetime party" for the oil people to make billions
> of quick profits. It isn't every day you find 10 billion barrel new oil
> field like Three Forks / Sanish Formation.  
> Because of its immense size, this helps to wean the USA off from the Middle
> East oil dependency and defer back the peak oil world-wide (somewhat).
> Truly amazing discovery of new oil for the thirty drivers!
> People are already dancing on tables on Houston today.
> Sad day for environment.
> Rgs,
> Albert
> FW: Big News from the Bakken
>   _____  
> Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 06:04:41 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Big News from the Bakken
>  header (images are
> being blocked)
> <
> 8ijp34pq8_/eac.gif>
>   _____  
>  North Dakota's
> Recession-Proof Secret
> <>
> It's being called "the #1 oil play in the country."
> Here's how to get your share of it... starting today.
> Dear reader,
> The recession just can't sink its teeth into North Dakota.
> Time magazine reports there's a real live boom happening here in the state
> where there's three times more cattle than people. Not only does it boast
> the country's lowest unemployment rate (4.3% in June), its state budget is
> enjoying a $1.2 billion surplus, home values are actually UP, and companies
> are actively recruiting workers from all over the country.
> That's because these days - while most of the country hopes to merely ride
> out the recession - North Dakota's celebrating a new linchpin in their
> economy:
> Light, sweet crude OIL.
> And it's about to make national headlines... again. Only this time, a new
> geologic twist has North Dakota's normally modest residents... grinning from
> ear to ear. Take a look -
>  551 quote 1 <>
> It was only a year ago that we introduced our readers to the massive
> domestic oil find known as the Bakken, just as the U.S. Geological Survey
> released its long-awaited study. The USGS estimates 4.35 billion barrels of
> recoverable oil in the Bakken, which stretches from the Dakotas and Montana
> into Canada.
> Now it's no secret that oil rigs have been producing Bakken oil with great
> success for the last several years... as technological advancements have
> finally unlocked the formation's massive net potential.
> The Bakken, on its own, is already a vital piece of the domestic oil
> landscape.
> In fact, the Bakken was recently called "the #1 oil play in the country," in
> an Oil & Gas Financial Journal interview with Mark Williams, senior VP at
> Whiting Petroleum - one of the leading producers in the Bakken.
> But it's the latest news - sweeping the entire state and its 641,500
> residents - that has oil companies and North Dakota residents understandably
> pumped.
> That's because -- according to geologists and state and industry officials
> -- we may be looking at another oil formation... one that's every bit as big
> and resource-rich as the Bakken.
> It's the gargantuan Three Forks/Sanish formation. It lies beneath the
> Bakken.
>  20090720 549
> chart <>
>  551 quote 3 <>
> In fact, the state's oil industry "doubled in size dollar-wise between 2005
> and 2007," according to a recent North Dakota State University study. The
> same report places the value of oil production, exploration, refining and
> other activity at "a total of...
> read more »

Veli Albert Kallio

belum dibaca,
29 Jul 2009, 12.21.0229/07/09, Geoengineering FIPC, Indianice FIPC
Hi Peter,
I agree your assessment but note that the oil extractive technologies are improving in efficiency and sophistication just like military weapons systems do due to huge amount of funds to these industries (that are the life-line for the continuity of big oil companies).
Provision of false investment advice is also an offence in the USA which restricts size of fancy claims. I rather tend to think that the renewable energy company you cited down plays it, as it competes for same investment dollars from the same pool of investor money.
I understand that people are concerned and worried about the Ponzi schemes of the investment managers, but this is overstated and very atypical of them despited weakened credibility of the financial markets and banks on financial data released by the companies.
It is custodial not to spill beans before patent protection is fully in place. Halliburton is a very reputable oil firm. But what is important is to note the greed and potential unleashed. In fact, I would say that this reference is largely only towards most secure oil potential.
I think the matter goes beyond that to supply far more oil and some refer that these can supply the US oil for decades. "Could increase U.S reserves by 10 times..."- American Digest. It is this that are hopeful and move investors minds some way towards El Dorado.
Of course, there is the aspiration to sell oil as the new Midas touch in North Dakota by the local people, including government, anxious to secure new jobs and contracts in times of recession. We need to realise that background. But extraction is an improving technology.
But similarly, given similar financial back up, geoengineering could utilise its full potential as the methods multiply and crude tecniques improve to solve these problems. The big picture is that it is all not that bad news as it is giving a promise that many of the obstacles in geoengineering will be removed in course of time.
In geoengineering we also must look at combinatorics like Halliburton goes both horizontal drilling and fracturing to unleash the potentials of Bakken and Three Forks. The combinations of crude geoengineering components to amplify quantitative or effective aspects of intervention. Easier said than done, but our field is very new and it could sooner than later pick up also this aspect.
A good documenting of geoengineering ideas and database would be essential to gather all material input to help finding joining pieces to enhance and amplify it.
Kind regards,





Bruce Gjovig, director of the University of North Dakota's Center for Innovation, there may be as many as 2,000 new North Dakota millionaires within the next 3 to 5 years. And that's only counting one small North Dakota county of 6,000 residents. That's one estimated millionaire for every three residents!


  • A recent technological breakthrough has opened up the Bakken's massive reserves of up to 4.35 billion barrels and that's just in the Bakken. If the Three Forks formation proves separate from the Bakken, we could be looking at enough crude for decades on end. "Could increase U.S reserves by 10 times..."- American Digest
  • Bill Walker, a Denver-based geologist with Headington Co. says his company has recently developed the technology to drill the Bakken down effectively - and it's one of the company's closest guarded secrets.  Even though the technology is rather well known, actually using it successfully is the big secret.  The technology is called Horizontal Directional Drilling or H.D.D., and only a few companies have mastered the process.
  • Getting oil out of the Bakken is not a matter of poking a hole in the ground until you hit a soft spot full of oil - which is the old vertical drilling technique. The Bakken is woven with rocks, and that rock-layer is wide but very thin. Thin enough that vertical drilling is horribly unsuccessful. It was Findley's idea to drill a well sideways - a technique called "horizontal directional drilling," in which wildcatters drill down to the oil and then kick out their well thousands of feet to the left or right like an underground sprinkler.
  • But horizontal drilling alone isn't enough to get the oil out of the ground. Findley had to work with Haliburton engineers to figure out a way to both drill sideways and fracture the rock to release the oil. Both horizontal drilling and fracturing had been done before, but never together. This was Findley's revolutionary idea. These combined technologies made drilling the Bakken - Three Forks basins possible and extremely profitable.


Oil & Gas Financial Journal interview with Mark Williams, senior Vice President at Whiting Petroleum (one of the leading producers in the Bakken):
  • Assume oil were to drop all the way to $45 a barrel from its current $65 level. With a $5 discount to the NYMEX price, each well would be pumping oil at $40 a barrel.
  • Roughly 20% of that $40 is sent directly to the North Dakota landowner. Another 20% goes to operating expenses.
  • That leaves approximately 60% of the original $40, giving the driller $24 a barrel.
  • Assuming drillers can pump out 800,000 barrels of oil per well, that allows the company $19 million in revenue, per well.
  • If each well costs about $5.5 million, the driller is still making a 3.5 to 1 ratio return on their money!
  • Remember, that's in a scenario in which oil collapses to $45. Today oil's at $60.



Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 22:55:04 +1200

This reads like a hard sell, maybe a scam.  Visit for a more thoughtful analysis which puts about  one per cent of the reserve as recoverable by conventional means.  Horizontal directed drilling can likely increase that.  Maybe someone knows an oil industry expert who could say by how much and what cost.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 9:08 PM

RE: More Geogenineering Urgently Required!
This is a now "once-in-a-lifetime party" for the oil people to make billions of quick profits. It isn't every day you find 10 billion barrel new oil field like Three Forks / Sanish Formation. 
Because of its immense size, this helps to wean the USA off from the Middle East oil dependency and defer back the peak oil world-wide (somewhat).
Truly amazing discovery of new oil for the thirty drivers!
People are already dancing on tables on Houston today.
Sad day for environment.

FW: Big News from the Bakken 

Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 06:04:41 -0700
Subject: Big News from the Bakken




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Bill Fulkerson

belum dibaca,
29 Jul 2009, 12.47.5329/07/09,, Geoengineering FIPC, Indianice FIPC
Dear Eugene:
Can you point us toward more information about your friends' battery?  Batteries are the key, of course.  They always have been, but they are elusive little devils.
The best,

Bill Fulkerson, Senior Fellow
Institute for a Secure and Sustainable Environment
University of Tennessee
311 Conference Center Bldg.
Knoxville, TN 37996-4138
865-974-9221, -1838 FAX
2781 Wheat Road, Lenoir City, TN 37771
Then there's Petrominerals, a company whose primary drilling area is in the Llanos Basin in Colombia, South America. When uncovering a 1 billion barrel potential(about 1/10th the potential in Bakken - Three Forks), this stock jumped 775% in just 10 months!
"The Bakken is so prolific... one of the top onshore fields found in the past half-century." -Financial Post
Both horizontal drilling and fracturing had been done before, but never together. This was Findley's revolutionary idea.
These combined technologies made drilling the Bakken - Three Forks basins possible and extremely profitable.
And you can too if you get in quickly enough...
The Best Way to Get in on the Groundfloor of One of
the Largest American Oil Booms in History 
My team and I have spent much of the past 3 years researching every possible way of making money with this monumental oil discovery. Many of our subscribers have already made tremendous gains from our recommendations... or holding their positive positions.
But now - with the potential for a second Bakken in the Three Forks/Sanish formation - the opportunities to make our readers even bigger gains have our analysts and editors licking their chops.
Now like I said, we've come up with a total of THREE ways (and that's just the beginning).
Each opportunity has a unique advantage. And whether you're an income investor or a growth stock investor, there is a way for you to get in on the Bakken boom, before the herd does...
Bakken - Three Forks Millionaire Opportunity #1 
The first opportunity is an explosive growth stock that has catapulted since being upgraded to the AMEX exchange in February 2007.
Since being upgraded this stock hit a high of nearly $15 - including a 233% gain in just over one year. We cashed out with a gain of over 103%... and now we're ready to take our second round of profits.

20090720 chart 5
And that is just the beginning...
The main catalyst for the company's stock price spike is an increase in its acreage position in the Bakken Basin to 65,000 net acres.
They are gobbling up land in this precious region with fervor second to none.
Over the past two years, insiders of the company have purchased more than 120,000 shares. They know that the Bakken play is a fortune-maker.
With a deep foothold in the Bakken and the expansion of wells throughout the region -there is no telling how high this stock could go. Companies in similar situations have seen their stock rise to over $100 a share. Right now you can buy it for under $7 a share.
But let me be very clear: we are talking about the potential for several hundred percent gains. This company trades at a market cap of just $232 million. So it's very small. With its firm foothold in the Bakken, its market cap could easily balloon to over $1 billion! Right now the company's stock is under the radar. But with the recent positive news coming out of the Bakken combining with the potential for the Three Forks, this company could jump as much as 300% in just a couple of days...
By combining experienced management, low overhead and aggressive acreage acquisition, this company is one of the nation's fastest growing small-cap gas and oil exploration and production companies. And that spells a higher stock price and more cash in your pocket.
Bakken - Three Forks Millionaire Opportunity #2 
The second opportunity is an aggressive income play. This company has been involved in the Bakken for years, and has significant acreage in the play.
Additionally, this company is a high-yielding equity investment in the oil and natural gas business. They have built a balanced and diversified portfolio of producing properties across the United States with a focus on large resource plays, like the Bakken.
They have a strict discipline of paying a significant portion of their cash flow to investors each month. And after having paid out over $3 billion to shareholders during its tenure as well as having a dividend yield of 9%, it's hard to argue otherwise.
But here's the rub...
"A new black gold rush is under way... enough to meet all U.S. oil needs for decades." - Kiplinger
This company is also a significant growth opportunity. Compared to the industry this company is trading at a heavy discount.
With a P/E ratio of 4.74 compared to an industry average of 10.17 and a price to sales ratio of 2.00 compared to 3.77 for the industry, this company is sorely undervalued.
Based on conservative valuation models, we believe this stock has the potential to double in the next 12 to 24 months.
And that's on top of the cash payments it pays out every single month.
Bakken - Three Forks Millionaire Opportunity #3 
The third opportunity to take advantage of the next great American oil boom is through an independent exploration, development and production company. It utilizes a revolutionary 3-D seismic imaging technology to systematically explore and develop domestic oil and gas reserves.
The use of this 3-D seismic technology reduces drilling risk and compounds their ability to grow reserves and production volumes.
The company also recently released record drilling results in this burgeoning play, and is now planning to complete the wells.
But that's just the beginning.
You see, this company is aggressively snatching up quality land, and has already tacked on more than 290,000 Bakken acres to its growing list of assets. Out of the 71 Three Forks wells so far, more than half are in production, with another 11 on the verge of being completed.
And their booming oil revenues are nothing new. Take a look:
Now, this is just a taste of how things will turn out as oil begins to trade higher. And as a direct result, this company's profits are expected to grow at a huge rate.
This company, like the first one, is a huge growth play. It is currently trading at a huge discount with a price to sales ratio of 2.35 compared to an industry average of 11.04.
"The highest-producing onshore field found in the lower 48 states in the past 56 years." -The Wall Street Journal 
Not to mention the insider purchases we've seen over the last 2 years...
This company is setting up for major success and the insiders know it - this stock is going nowhere but up over the next couple years...
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get in at the beginning of an oil boom - for next to nothing...
Now listen closely-- I've put together an exclusive report that details the 3 companies currently in the Bakken ready to get America off of Mideast oil.
I call the report The Bakken Billions: The Next Big Oil Rush.






Eugene I. Gordon

belum dibaca,
30 Jul 2009, 12.53.1830/07/09,, Geoengineering FIPC, Indianice FIPC
The Israeli's have it right. They say the best gift they have ever received from GOD  is 'No oil'.

From: [] On Behalf Of Veli Albert Kallio
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 12:21 PM
To:; Geoengineering FIPC; Indianice FIPC


belum dibaca,
30 Jul 2009, 17.12.5130/07/09
They wouldn't want to turn out like that country that was the #1 oil
producer for much of the 20th century.

On Jul 30, 12:53 pm, "Eugene I. Gordon" <> wrote:
> The Israeli's have it right. They say the best gift they have ever received
> from GOD  is 'No oil'.
>   _____  
> *      
>         A recent technological breakthrough has opened up the Bakken's
> massive reserves of up to 4.35 billion barrels and that's just in the
> Bakken. If the Three Forks formation proves separate from the Bakken, we
> could be looking at enough crude for decades on end. "Could increase U.S
> reserves by 10 times..."- American Digest
> *      
>         Bill Walker, a Denver-based geologist with Headington Co. says his
> company has recently developed the technology to drill the Bakken down
> effectively - and it's one of the company's closest guarded secrets.  Even
> though the technology is rather well known, actually using it successfully
> is the big secret.  The technology is called Horizontal Directional Drilling
> or H.D.D., and only a few companies have mastered the process.
> *      
>         Getting oil out of the Bakken is not a matter of poking a hole in
> the ground until you hit a soft spot full of oil - which is the old vertical
> drilling technique. The Bakken is woven with rocks, and that rock-layer is
> wide but very thin. Thin enough that vertical drilling is horribly
> unsuccessful. It was Findley's idea to drill a well sideways - a technique
> called "horizontal directional drilling," in which wildcatters drill down to
> the oil and then kick out their well thousands of feet to the left or right
> like an underground sprinkler.
> *      
>         But horizontal drilling alone isn't enough to get the oil out of the
> ground. Findley had to work with Haliburton engineers to figure out a way to
> both drill sideways and fracture the rock to release the oil. Both
> horizontal drilling and fracturing had been done before, but never together.
> This was Findley's revolutionary idea. These combined technologies made
> drilling the Bakken - Three Forks basins possible and extremely profitable.
> Oil & Gas Financial Journal interview with Mark Williams, senior Vice
> President at Whiting Petroleum (one of the leading producers in the Bakken):
> *       Assume oil were to drop all the way to $45 a barrel from its current
> $65 level. With a $5 discount to the NYMEX price, each well would be pumping
> oil at $40 a barrel.
> *       Roughly 20% of that $40 is sent directly to the North Dakota
> landowner. Another 20% goes to operating expenses.
> *       That leaves approximately 60% of the original $40, giving the
> driller $24 a barrel.
> *       Assuming drillers can pump out 800,000 barrels of oil per well, that
> allows the company $19 million in revenue, per well.
> *       If each well costs about $5.5 million, the driller is still making a
> 3.5 to 1 ratio return on their money!
> *       Remember, that's in a scenario in which oil collapses to $45. Today
> oil's at $60.
>   _____  
> From:
> To:;;
> Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 22:55:04 +1200
> This reads like a hard sell, maybe a scam.  Visit a more
> thoughtful analysis which puts about  one per cent of the reserve as
> recoverable by conventional means.  Horizontal directed drilling can likely
> increase that.  Maybe someone knows an oil industry expert who could say by
> how much and what cost.
> Peter
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Veli Albert Kallio <>  
> To: Geoengineering FIPC <>  ;
> Indianice FIPC <>  
> Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 9:08 PM
> Hi,
> RE: More Geogenineering Urgently Required!
> This is a now "once-in-a-lifetime party" for the oil people to make billions
> of quick profits. It isn't every day you find 10 billion barrel new oil
> field like Three Forks / Sanish Formation.  
> Because of its immense size, this helps to wean the USA off from the Middle
> East oil dependency and defer back the peak oil world-wide (somewhat).
> Truly amazing discovery of new oil for the thirty drivers!
> People are already dancing on tables on Houston today.
> Sad day for environment.
> Rgs,
> Albert
> FW: Big News from the Bakken
>   _____  
> Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 06:04:41 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Big News from the Bakken
>   _____  
>   _____  
> .
> <
> 70B7925A26D.jpg>
>   _____  
> Windows Live Messenger: Celebrate 10 amazing years with free winks and
> emoticons. Get Them  <> Now
>   _____  
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG
> Version: 8.5.392 / Virus Database: 270.13.35/2269 - Release Date: 07/28/09
> 17:58:00
>   _____  
> With Windows Live, you can organise, edit, and share your
> <> photos.
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