New GeneMANIA data release

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Harold Rodriguez

May 15, 2017, 4:23:19 PM5/15/17
to genemania-announce

The GeneMANIA team is pleased to announce a new GeneMANIA data release. The major changes are an update to the databases. We are now using:

Ensembl 85

BioGRID 3.4.145

GEO Dec 31, 2016

iRefIndex 14.0

E. coli was previously a customized build, but is now automatically built from the same sources as the other organisms, so there are some significant changes to it.

This new data set contains 2,277 networks and 597,392,998 interactions compared to the previous release’s 2,152 networks and 537,599,442 interactions.

As always, thanks for using GeneMANIA and please send us feedback about the new data release.

The GeneMANIA Team

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