I'm new to Gatling (and Scala) after struggling with one of my functional validation plan I've started to write on JMeter, in particular, around chaining requests to reflect use cases.
At this time, this is mostly functional tests (I know Gatling and JMeter are best for load tests).
After one day spent with Gatling, as a developer and an old JMeter user, I can see the benefits and like to go further but I'd like to get recommendation first.
Actually, here's a simplified view of the use cases I want to simulate over a HTTP REST API:
1) creating multiple users (facebook test users)
2) login them to our backend and obtaining session tokens
3) simulate users following other users, using session tokens
4) check list of followers / following are ok for each user
5) delete the users on Facebook and our backend
I've created most of the steps as separate chains and used multiple Maven executions to run them (on a single user at this time).
Great !
However, as there's no real sequence (and reading other posts, I understand why), I'd like to know how best I can implement passing contexts between chains in separate simulations.
Generating CSV? Custom feeder? Saving session attributes ? Any recommendation?