Free Geek Providence address

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Sara Streeter

Jul 9, 2011, 1:42:07 PM7/9/11
    For all those planning on dropping by the Free Geek Providence headquarters today, here is the location:

11 Hawthorne Street
Providence, RI 02907

We're in the basement of Truth Tabernacal Church.  Hope we get plenty of people showing up today!



Jul 9, 2011, 1:48:41 PM7/9/11
to Free Geek Boston
Hello again!

I'm glad to be on the mailing list, but maybe I'm not in the loop yet?

Is there a "meeting" happening at Free Geek Providence today?

If so, I'm sorry I won't be able to attend--I'm in the thick of a
housing search.
If not, could announcements about any such occurrence in the future be
made here?

Thanks so much!

-- Andrew

On Jul 9, 9:42 am, Sara Streeter <> wrote:
> Hallo,
>     For all those planning on dropping by the Free Geek Providence
> headquarters today, here is the location:
> 11 Hawthorne Street
> Providence, RI 02907

Sara Streeter

Jul 9, 2011, 1:52:00 PM7/9/11
Sure - and as an FYI here's our schedule:

Every second and third Saturday from 11:30-2pm
Monday nights at 6:30pm
Wednesdays and Fridays from 11am-2pm

Hope you can make it one of these days!

Sara Streeter


Jul 9, 2011, 2:02:25 PM7/9/11
to Free Geek Boston

Thanks for the times and links.

My primary interest is whether these dates and times will involve
"meetings" about the future of The Hub Geeks and/or Free Geek Boston.
I'm a huge fan of Free Geek Providence, my primary goal is getting
something similar going closer to home in the Boston metro area.

I just need some clarification so I'm not missing out on participating
in discussions and plans to which I can contribute. I can drive down
to Providence for such meetings when I have some reasonable lead time
in which to schedule. It seems a good idea to avoid duplication of
significant efforts.

Is the Skype conversation still set for this coming week?

-- Andrew

On Jul 9, 9:52 am, Sara Streeter <> wrote:
> Sure - and as an FYI here's our schedule:
> Every second and third Saturday from 11:30-2pm
> Monday nights at 6:30pm
> Wednesdays and Fridays from 11am-2pm
> More info at
> Hope you can make it one of these days!
> Sara

Sara Streeter

Jul 9, 2011, 2:05:03 PM7/9/11
These are the dates and links for Free Geek Providence only.  We decided at the last meetup for Free Geek Boston that we would do a mini-meetup at the next Free Geek Providence Saturday volunteer day.

Our next Free Geek Boston meetup is via Skype this Wednesday evening, July 13 at 7pm.  You are welcome to join in for that one.

My Skype name is saranicole1980.

Hope that clears up your concern!
Sara Streeter

Sara Streeter

Jul 9, 2011, 2:16:03 PM7/9/11
On that note, can people post their Skype names in advance of the Wednesday meeting?

Sara Streeter


Jul 9, 2011, 2:30:23 PM7/9/11
to Free Geek Boston

I would really appreciate seeing announcements to this mailing list
(free-geek-boston) about meetings in the future. When I joined the
mailing list I read all the previous messages. There is no mention of
today's meeting. It is disappointing to me that the response this
morning is the first I'm hearing about today's "mini-meetup."

I have made a lot of progress, am ready to contribute, and am hopeful
all of us can work together--those of us living in the immediate
vicinity and those of who don't. So, since I won't be able to attend--
though I would have liked to, can I ask that that a "mini-synopsis" be
posted to this mailing list afterwards?

Thank you!

-- Andrew

On Jul 9, 10:16 am, Sara Streeter <> wrote:
> On that note, can people post their Skype names in advance of the Wednesday
> meeting?
> Thanks,
> Sara
> On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 10:05 AM, Sara Streeter <>wrote:
> > These are the dates and links for Free Geek Providence only.  We decided at
> > the last meetup for Free Geek Boston that we would do a mini-meetup at the
> > next Free Geek Providence Saturday volunteer day.
> > Our next Free Geek Boston meetup is via Skype this Wednesday evening, July
> > 13 at 7pm.  You are welcome to join in for that one.
> > My Skype name is saranicole1980.
> > Hope that clears up your concern!
> > Sara

Raymond Plante

Jul 9, 2011, 2:30:44 PM7/9/11
Im going to try and get there today for 1pm. 

I'm unable to make the wednesday skype meeting--i actually had an obligation which wasnt on my calendar when we pick a day.  

However, i support any decisions about       the group you make then.

Raymond Plante
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