New Dart DevTools Release 0.1.11

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Kenzie Schmoll

Nov 8, 2019, 6:40:33 PM11/8/19
to Flutter Development (flutter-dev)

DevTools 0.1.11 Release Notes

Dart DevTools - A Suite of Performance Tools for Dart and Flutter

General Updates

  • Fix a recent regression with the message manager, which is responsible for showing warning messages to users.

  • Fix a bug with processing CPU profile data.

Timeline Updates

  • Enable Timeline for Dart CLI applications. The new “full timeline” below will be available for both Dart CLI and Flutter apps.

  • Added a “full timeline” mode that shows all timeline events for a recorded session. This mode of the timeline supports async tracing and custom events sent from dart:developer, as well as import and export for DevTools Timeline snapshots. The timeline mode can be toggled via the “Show frames” checkbox.

This mode of the timeline also supports tracing for concurrent asynchronous events sent from dart:developer. When understanding parent-child relationships between timeline tasks is important, use the DevTools timeline. Using the TimelineTask api, you can send asynchronous timeline events with parent task information. The DevTools timeline is able to parse this information and display parent-child guidelines in the UI to visualize event hierarchy:

  • Added an event summary view that shows metadata for a selected timeline event. We show this data for non-UI events since we show the CPU profiler for UI events. Event summary support for UI events will be added soon.


More details about changes and fixes are available in our changelog.

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