Firebase App. Not Working on Safari -- (auth/web-storage not supported)

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Guillaume Bourda

Jun 21, 2016, 10:20:32 AM6/21/16
to Firebase Google Group
Hi everyone,

I have a simple web app. using Firebase. The init function calls   firebase.initializeApp & firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword

The app. isn't working on my iPhone and after checking the debugger I can see the error message: auth/web-storage is not supported.
This seems to be happening when Safari runs in privacy mode.

Is there a workaround to get my firebase init working?
Any way to get it work without localstorage or sessionstorage?

Thanks in advance

Kato Richardson

Jun 21, 2016, 10:56:13 AM6/21/16
to Firebase Google Group
Hi Guillaume,

Safari indeed does not support local storage in private browsing. The workaround, of course, would be to not use private browsing. Not much more that can be done here.

I'll pass this on to the auth experts to consider, but we need local storage to persist auth tokens between pages and visits.

☼, Kato

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Kato Richardson | Developer Programs Eng | | 775-235-8398

Jul 5, 2016, 8:05:00 PM7/5/16
to Firebase Google Group
How is that possible? Products like work in private browsing in safari as well... 

An alternative would be if the API still passes the token, so it could be passed manually and at lease kept in the state object.
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