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Two new versions of procps

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Michael K. Johnson

Mar 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/12/99

I've just released two new versions of procps.

The first is 1.2.10, which I hope is the final (or pretty close to
final) release of the 1.2.x series. Just a few minor bug fixes and
a move for libproc to the LGPL (always the intention, forgot to
make a new template when I started it years ago, oops).

The second is 2.0. That's far more interesting. I took Albert
Cahalan's latest snapshot and integrated it into my tree and made
a few changes and fixed a few bugs, but I'm sure that there are
more bugs to fix there, as compared to 1.2.x it is a relatively
untested release. Please hammer on 2.0 and report bugs to so that I can keep track of them, and if
you can send patches with your bug reports, that would be great.
I will not necessarily see your reports if you post them here --
I do scan linux-kernel but can't always read it in great depth...

I've also uploaded to metalab, but I don't know if they will take
two versions at once.


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Dan Christian

Mar 18, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/18/99
to Michael K. Johnson
For procps-2.0-2

When running "ps -p 2" or "ps 2", ps returns success even if the process
doesn't exist. This is different than the previous behavior and from other


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Michael K. Johnson

Mar 18, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/18/99
to Dan Christian

Dan Christian writes:
>For procps-2.0-2
>When running "ps -p 2" or "ps 2", ps returns success even if the process
>doesn't exist. This is different than the previous behavior and from other

Should be fixed in procps 2.0.1 (not out yet). Thanks for the bug report.

Please send procps bugs to in the future, thanks!

Steven N. Hirsch

Mar 18, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/18/99
to Dan Christian
On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Dan Christian wrote:

> For procps-2.0-2
> When running "ps -p 2" or "ps 2", ps returns success even if the process
> doesn't exist. This is different than the previous behavior and from other
> Unix.

The last time I tried Albert's version of procps, it broke all the RedHat
SysV scripts. I'll take another look at it now, though.


Michael K. Johnson

Mar 18, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/18/99
to Steven N. Hirsch

"Steven N. Hirsch" writes:
>The last time I tried Albert's version of procps, it broke all the RedHat
>SysV scripts. I'll take another look at it now, though.

It still will, even with that bug fixed. procps 1.2.x use the h flag to
turn off header generation; Albert's version tries to implement every flag
ever available under any version of ps ever made (correct me if I am wrong,
Albert) and so h is overloaded -- turn off all header generation (specific
to old procps) and generate a header every page (long-time BSD meaning)
and he tries to distinguish between the two based on whether standard in
is a tty. Unfortunately, most scripts, including init scripts, run with
standard in being a tty, so the distinguisher doesn't work.

We're working on resolving this...


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