*[Enwl-eng] Petition against hydro-power in Tanzania

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2018年6月18日 下午6:03:252018/6/18

Dear friends of the rainforests,

be carefull - you have to address Rainforests web!

It’s the African wilderness of our hearts: savannah and woodlands under a huge sky, herds of elephants wandering the grasslands and lions dozing in the shade. And soon – men with bulldozers and chainsaws.

Tanzania wants to build a dam in the heart of Selous Game Reserve.

No one knows how the dam will be financed or who will build it, yet the government wants to push the half-baked project past the point of no return by clearing 1,500 square kilometers of forest and savannah – an area the size of London – and felling 2.6 million trees in the heart of Selous. The ecological damage would be unimaginable.

Please sign our petition and tell the Tanzanian government to drop this disastrous plan NOW.


Sent: Monday, June 18, 2018 11:39 AM
Subject: Petition against hydro-power in Tanzania


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