Opening a file when using helm-find-files before it autocompletes

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Sep 25, 2012, 2:49:00 PM9/25/12
I have noticed that if I type a filename and hit enter before the autcompletion list has been updated, then Emacs/Helm opens Dired on the current folder, instead of trying to open the filename first.

 In most cases, I don't mind waiting for 1 sec for the list to be updated, but I wonder if there is a way to get Helm to just try to open the file I have typed when I hit enter (and if the file does not exist, it can prompt for confirmation to create a new file), as opposed to just open the parent directory.

In other words, if I type M-x helm-find-files, and then I type:
/path/to/folder/filename <RET>
it should open filename or ask for confirmation to create a new file called filename

but at the moment if the autocompletion list has not been updated, Helm will open

I don't see a reason for the current behavior, but maybe I am missing something?

Thierry Volpiatto

Sep 25, 2012, 3:20:40 PM9/25/12
helm don't open the filename that is in minibuffer but the one where the
selection is on in the helm buffer.
So be sure the selection is on the filename you want to open or create
when you press <enter>.

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Sep 25, 2012, 4:00:25 PM9/25/12
You are right, I guess there is something else going on with find-file. Thanks anyways.


Sep 25, 2012, 4:04:21 PM9/25/12
Sorry I meant to reply to a different post. As for this specific feature, I guess there is currently no way to have helm open a manually typed path quickly regardless of the status of the autocompletion list

If that's the case, what is the easiest way to open a path that I can type quickly (without waiting for helm to refresh the list) when helm-mode is 1? Once helm-mode is 1 it looks like I have no choice but to always wait for the autocompletion list to refresh.

Thierry Volpiatto

Sep 26, 2012, 3:56:46 AM9/26/12
Ribonous <> writes:

> Sorry I meant to reply to a different post. As for this specific feature, I
> guess there is currently no way to have helm open a manually typed path
> quickly regardless of the status of the autocompletion list
> If that's the case, what is the easiest way to open a path that I can type
> quickly (without waiting for helm to refresh the list) when helm-mode is 1?
> Once helm-mode is 1 it looks like I have no choice but to always wait for
> the autocompletion list to refresh.
I don't understand exactly what you mean, helm-mode is enabled, ok, but
what command are you running then?

Also why do you have to wait? completion is instantaneous normally.
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