The Grouper Project

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Nov 5, 2012, 1:17:37 PM11/5/12

Grouper... like the fish.

Grouper is a project aimed at helping newbies get up to speed on developing and  understanding
Ruby, web applications and the tools used to create them.

If you're a person just starting out learning web-design and web-development it can be a daunting task to
decide what to learn first... should you start with ruby, rails, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VIM, CoffeeScript,
Git, Backbone, PostgreSQL, Sinatra, Rake, Cucumber, jQuery, ActiveRecord, HAML, ..... OK... you get the
point right?

Grouper is intended to group experienced users and newbies together for a more pleasing learning experience.

Small groups will work together to create useful apps.

Now you may ask yourself, "Am I an expert or a newbie?"... well you could be BOTH! You could be a VIM Virtuoso,
but a Node.js novice... an SQL Super-star, but an RSpec...( OK, no witty phrase here! )

So join one project as a mentor, and another as a novice!

The pilot app, which is simply called "voter", is a really simple web-app that allows members of
the Elmhurst Ruby Meetup Group to vote on upcoming meeting topics.

Is it complete? NO! Is it flashy? NO! Is it something that a beginner can wrap her head around and suggest
improvements and tackle making those improvements with a bit of hand holding?  YES!

Take a look at "voter" located at  If you're amazed at how it works and would
like some explanations let's talk about it! If you think it crappy because it needs ( fill-in-the-blanks ),
let's talk about that too!

Again... a big thanks to C. Bedrosian for creating this group, and Darren, Ray, Stu and others for their help and input.

Sterling  aka

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