DSpace 7 Updates from OR2018, including a recorded DSpace 7 demo

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Tim Donohue

2018年6月13日 下午3:43:002018/6/13
收件者:DSpace Community、DSpace Technical Support、DSpace Developers

In case you were not able to join us last week at the Open Repositories Conference (http://or2018.net) in Bozeman, Montana, or just want to review conference materials, we've collected information from all the major DSpace presentations and workshops below. (Please note, there were many other presentations and posters that involved DSpace. Below we've just noted the major community announcements / demo / tutorials that came out of the conference.)

DSpace 7 Updates, Demo and RoadMap

On Thursday, June 7, I gave an update on the DSpace 7 efforts and provided an early demo of the latest DSpace 7 user interface.  While this presentation was not recorded, I've recorded a "live" demo of the DSpace 7 UI and made it available on YouTube (see below)
  • DSpace 7 Update Slides: https://tinyurl.com/or2018-dspace7 (Includes updates, What is coming in DSpace 7, estimated roadmap, and screenshots of the live demo)
  • DSpace 7 Recorded Demo: https://youtu.be/yKnos2jTdSQ  (Includes a preview of REST API, Browse, Search, and a detailed demo of the enhanced Submission & Workflow functionality.)
As announced at OR2018, we are working towards a "beta" release of DSpace 7 by the end of this year, with a first "release candidate" in early 2019, and a final, production release shortly thereafter.  We also have a DSpace 7 Community Sprint (new developers are welcome) coming up from July 9-20.  Sprint signups are open at https://tinyurl.com/dspace7sprints  

DSpace Overview during the Repository Rodeo Panel

On Thursday, June 7, Maureen Walsh (The Ohio State University and chair of the DSpace Community Advisory Team) represented DSpace on the "Repository Rodeo Panel".  This is an annual panel at Open Repositories where all repository platforms provide a brief overview of their platforms, latest accomplishments, what is coming next, and how to get involved. This session was streamed live and recorded.

On Monday, June 4, we hosted two DSpace 7 technical workshops to allow developers and other tech-savvy individuals to learn a bit more about both the DSpace 7 REST API and the DSpace 7 Angular User Interface.  These resources are a great way to get more familiar with the new technologies in DSpace 7, and also great learning resources if you are a developer interested in taking part in a future DSpace 7 Sprint.
We hope you all are as excited about DSpace 7 as we are!  As several individuals noted at OR2018, DSpace 7 is shaping up to be one of the most exciting releases we've had in years!

As always, we welcome your feedback or involvement! We'd also encourage your developers to join us on a future DSpace 7 Sprint (https://tinyurl.com/dspace7sprints). The more help we get, the quicker DSpace 7 will get released! If you have questions, feel free to get in touch via email or on our DSpace Slack.

Tim Donohue
Tim Donohue
Technical Lead for DSpace & DSpaceDirect
DuraSpace.org | DSpace.org | DSpaceDirect.org
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