I am having a problem with integrating Ajax History Back Button using Really Simple History (RSH) and YUI with Django.
If anyone has integrated either of the two with Django, I would really appreciate your help.
The reason why I need to integrate RSH or YUI is :-
I have a html template which takes user input, stores it into database(Postgres) and display into a table via Ajax.
This table has an anchor tag which redirects it to some other page.
When I click on one of the anchor tags and then click back button (in FireFox) to navigate to the previous page the table does not persists.
This problem also happens is other browser. The only solution I found is RSH and YUI.
I have done a lot of googleing around and found the two links satisfactory:-
The problem is it lacks in examples, also nothing specific related to Django is implemented yet.
I am not pretty sure either to put this topic in Django or Jquery mailing list.(Forgive my Ignorance)
Please help.
Thanks in advance.