Make "required=True" on forms.fields.NullBooleanField do something useful?

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Matt Hoskins

Jun 17, 2010, 5:39:54 AM6/17/10
to Django developers
My use case is that I want to have a BooleanField on the model and on
the form want to have the choices of "Unknown", "Yes" and "No" in a
select list and give a "this field is required" error if the user
leaves it set to "Unknown" (i.e. require them to actively choose "Yes"
or "No", rather than defaulting to either of them). I thought I'd just
be able to use NullBooleanField with "required=True" set, but
NullBooleanField just ignores the "required" argument. To my mind it
would be a sensible use of "required" for NullBooleanField, but before
raising a ticket I thought I'd ask if it was a deliberate oversight or
if what I'm suggesting isn't sensible for some reason :).

Looking at the code for forms.fields.BooleanField and
forms.fields.NullBooleanField I guess the change would be in to_python
in the latter to check in the case where it would return None if
self.required is true and raise the validation error if that's the
case (i.e. similar to what BooleanField.to_python does for values of


George Sakkis

Jun 17, 2010, 6:11:05 AM6/17/10
to Django developers
On Jun 17, 11:39 am, Matt Hoskins <> wrote:

> My use case is that I want to have a BooleanField on the model and on
> the form want to have the choices of "Unknown", "Yes" and "No" in a
> select list and give a "this field is required" error if the user
> leaves it set to "Unknown" (i.e. require them to actively choose "Yes"
> or "No", rather than defaulting to either of them). I thought I'd just
> be able to use NullBooleanField with "required=True" set, but
> NullBooleanField just ignores the "required" argument. To my mind it
> would be a sensible use of "required" for NullBooleanField, but before
> raising a ticket I thought I'd ask if it was a deliberate oversight or
> if what I'm suggesting isn't sensible for some reason :).

If you require a "Yes" or "No" choice, why do you use a
NullBooleanField in the first place and not a BooleanField ?


Matt Hoskins

Jun 17, 2010, 7:01:12 AM6/17/10
to Django developers
For the reasons I gave in my explanation above - which bit isn't

Hanne Moa

Jun 17, 2010, 7:07:50 AM6/17/10
On 17 June 2010 13:01, Matt Hoskins <> wrote:
> For the reasons I gave in my explanation above - which bit isn't
> clear?

Why not reuse the NullBoolean widget with a Boolean field?


Matt Hoskins

Jun 17, 2010, 7:21:39 AM6/17/10
to Django developers
Because "required=True" on a BooleanField means "raise a required
validation error if the value is anything other than True" so although
using that combination that would give me the drop down list, it
wouldn't give me the behaviour I desire which is to only raise the
validation error if None is selected. I could handle it on the form,
it just seems to me that given "required=True" is ignored on
NullBooleanField it would be a sensible (and logical) use for it to
have it mean "require the user to pick either Yes or No".

(George - in case this is where you're not clear - in my use case I
don't want the user to be able to just hit the submit button without
having actively selected either "Yes" or "No" for these fields - if
the choices were just "Yes" or "No" then one of those would have to be
the default and thus the default value would be valid so the user
could just hit submit without interacting with the field, whereas if
the selection list includes "Unknown" and defaults to that, the user
has to interact with the field and change it to "Yes" or "No" to pass

On Jun 17, 12:07 pm, Hanne Moa <> wrote:

Matt Hoskins

Jun 17, 2010, 7:54:20 AM6/17/10
to Django developers
> Looking at the code for forms.fields.BooleanField and
> forms.fields.NullBooleanField I guess the change would be in to_python
> in the latter to check in the case where it would return None if
> self.required is true and raise the validation error if that's the
> case (i.e. similar to what BooleanField.to_python does for values of
> False).

As an aside, I'm now wondering if it's actually incorrect in Django
1.2 that BooleanField.to_python is what does the self.required check
- shouldn't it be done in a method called validate? The documentation
for the field api for 1.2 says "the to_python() method on a Field is
the first step in every validation, it coerces the value to correct
datatype and raises ValidationError if that is not possible" - I'd
argue that False is of the correct data type (i.e. just because
required is set to True doesn't mean that False now is not of the
correct data type for BooleanField) so to_python shouldn't be doing
this check. I think it's probably an oversight as the code that's now
in "to_python" on BooleanField in 1.2 is what was in "clean" in 1.1,
so it was probably just moved wholesale.


Gary Reynolds

Aug 4, 2010, 7:50:59 AM8/4/10
Sorry this is quite late on this thread, but I hadn't noticed any answer for it.

How about:

from django import forms

class MyNullBooleanField(forms.NullBooleanField):

    def clean(self, value):
        if value is None:
            raise forms.ValidationError('Choose either Yes or No.')
        return super(MyNullBooleanField, self).clean(value)

class YourForm(forms.Form):
    whatever_field_name = MyNullBooleanField()

You could also subclass the django.db.models.fields.NullBooleanField and overload the formfield method if you want this for free on a ModelForm, but I suspect we're heading into django-users territory already.


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