webkitPeerConnection00 available in Canary?

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Ivan Vučica

পড়া হয়নি,
১৬ এপ্রি, ২০১২, ১২:৫৯:১৫ PM১৬/৪/১২
প্রাপক discuss...@googlegroups.com

I just did 
as well as just a tiny bit more of digging, and it looks like webkitPeerConnection00 has landed into Canary 20.0.1104.0.

Does this mean we can start working on demos based on JSEP? Are there any JSEP-using demos already?

Ivan Vučica - iv...@vucica.net

Harald Alvestrand

পড়া হয়নি,
১৬ এপ্রি, ২০১২, ১:০৯:৪১ PM১৬/৪/১২
প্রাপক discuss...@googlegroups.com
Yes, the JSEP has landed.
The adaptation layer has also been updated to work with this:


This also contains a very simple call-yourself page that demonstrates
working with multiple PeerConnections in a single page; it works with
PeerConnection00, DeprecatedPeerConnection and a pure mock
PeerConnection coded up for the tests.

We know of a few bugs (mostly around closing connections), which is
why this hasn't been announced!


Ivan Vučica

পড়া হয়নি,
১৬ এপ্রি, ২০১২, ১:২১:৩৮ PM১৬/৪/১২
প্রাপক discuss...@googlegroups.com,discuss...@googlegroups.com

Thanks for all the hard work! I can't wait to play with it.


Ivan Vučica
via phone

Xia, Junluan

পড়া হয়নি,
১৭ এপ্রি, ২০১২, ৯:৩০:০৮ AM১৭/৪/১২
প্রাপক discuss...@googlegroups.com
Hi Harald,

I try the demo from http://code.google.com/p/webrtc-samples/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2Froap-jsep
Just one question:
The "OK" message like {"messageType":"OK","offererSessionID":104,"answererSessionID","seq":1} is ignored by caller? Or need be handled by some function?

Harald Alvestrand

পড়া হয়নি,
১৭ এপ্রি, ২০১২, ৯:৪৪:৫২ AM১৭/৪/১২
প্রাপক discuss...@googlegroups.com
At the moment, the demo seems to work without doing anything with the
OK message.

It was intended to be used by responders that wanted to delay some
action (like sending media) until the answer had been received by the
initiator, but things seem to work fine without that.



পড়া হয়নি,
১৭ এপ্রি, ২০১২, ১০:১৬:৩৮ AM১৭/৪/১২
প্রাপক discuss...@googlegroups.com
Hi , is webkitPeerConnection00 support  multiple independent PeerConnections or not?

Harald Alvestrand於 2012年4月17日星期二UTC+8下午9時44分52秒寫道:
Harald Alvestrand於 2012年4月17日星期二UTC+8下午9時44分52秒寫道:


পড়া হয়নি,
১৭ এপ্রি, ২০১২, ১০:১৮:৩৪ AM১৭/৪/১২
প্রাপক discuss...@googlegroups.com
Like Harald mentioned - looks like it supports multiple PeerConnections.


Scott Haynes

পড়া হয়নি,
২৫ এপ্রি, ২০১২, ১১:০৬:৪৮ AM২৫/৪/১২
প্রাপক discuss...@googlegroups.com
I need to write a video chat application in canary, and I had been looking into the PeerConnection API.  I ran into this post and now I'm a little bit confused.  Should I be using JSEP/ROAP or just using the PeerConnection API directly.  It seems like JSEP/ROAP is an API on top of the PeerConnection.  Is there a document/webpage that talks about history and road map of what all is going on here?  Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I've only been working with WebRTC since last week.  I've got the call-yourself page working, and this looks exactly like what I need to do(just in separate clients).  Cool stuff.



পড়া হয়নি,
২৫ এপ্রি, ২০১২, ১১:২৩:১৭ AM২৫/৪/১২
প্রাপক discuss...@googlegroups.com
if you just want to build peerconnection, then PeerConnection API is enough.
but if you want to use your self - defined handshake protocol(like: SIP) ,then you must use webkitpeerconnection00.

Scott Haynes於 2012年4月25日星期三UTC+8下午11時06分48秒寫道:

Scott Haynes

পড়া হয়নি,
২৫ এপ্রি, ২০১২, ১২:৩৮:২৬ PM২৫/৪/১২
প্রাপক discuss...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for the reply.  Does anyone know of an sample web application that is using PeerConnection?  I was looking at the https://apprtc.appspot.com sample but I'm getting a 'goog is not defined', plus the createPeerConnection is commented out. I'm assuming that when the page was uploaded that PeerConnection inmplementation was not ready, but it should be fine now.

Is there a document that describes the parameters to webkitPeerConnection?

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