tripVolume = dc.barChart("#trip-volume")
.width(980) // (optional) define chart width, :default = 200
.height(75) // (optional) define chart height, :default = 200
.transitionDuration(0) // (optional) define chart transition duration, :default = 500
.margins({ top: 10, right: 50, bottom: 30, left: 40 })
.dimension(tripsByDateDimension) // set dimension
.group(tripsByDateGroup) // set group
// (optional) whether chart should rescale y axis to fit data, :default = false
// (optional) whether chart should rescale x axis to fit data, :default = false
// define x scale
.x(d3.time.scale().domain([tripsByDateDimension.bottom(1)[0].startDate,[0].startDate ]))
// (optional) set filter brush rounding
// define x axis units
// (optional) whether bar should be center to its x value, :default=false
// (optional) render horizontal grid lines, :default=false
// (optional) render vertical grid lines, :default=false
d.filter(d.dimension().top(20)[19], d.dimension().top(20)[0]);
d.filter(function (d) {
return d.getTime() > start.valueOf() && d.getTime() < end.valueOf();
d.dimension().filterFunction(function (d) {return d.getTime() > start.valueOf() && d.getTime() < end.valueOf()});
tripsCx = crossfilter(data.rows);
var allTripsGroup = tripsCx.groupAll();
var tripsByDateDimension = tripsCx.dimension(function (d) { return d.startDate; });
var tripsByDateGroup =;
Note: a grouping intersects the crossfilter's current filters, except for the associated dimension's filter. Thus, group methods consider only records that satisfy every filter except this dimension's filter. So, if the crossfilter of payments is filtered by type and total, then group by total only observes the filter by type.