FOSDEM 2020 in Brussels Feb 1-2

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Philip Durbin

Dec 20, 2019, 11:12:27 AM12/20/19
I'm thrilled to announce that I will be in Brussels Feb 1-2 for FOSDEM 2020 and would be happy to meet up with other Dataverse enthusiasts there!

Here's how the conference is described:

"FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate. Every year, thousands of developers of free and open source software from all over the world gather at the event in Brussels."

Unfortunately, I do not yet know if my lighting talk on Dataverse was accepted but I'm seeing some nice talks on Java, PostgreSQL, and lots of good stuff in various "dev rooms":

- Open Source Design:

If you'll be in Brussels, please let me know so we can meet up!



p.s. As a reminder, this and other community-lead events are linked from a spreadsheet called "Dataverse Meetups" linked from

Philip Durbin

Jan 8, 2020, 8:58:17 AM1/8/20
Good news! My 15 minute lightning talk at FOSDEM was accepted!

If you'll be in Brussels on Sunday, Feb 2, please try to come!

FOSDEM is a conference primarily for open source developers so I'll be trying to explain what Dataverse even is. :)

I'll also try to explain more generally our approach toward building community, etc. All the open source goodness.

I'll mention projects at IQSS related to open source such as the The Open Source Software Health Index Project. (Two of our collaborators will be giving talks at CHAOSScon the day before FOSDEM starts.)

I only just started making slides[1] but feedback and ideas are very welcome! The page at currently lists my talk with the following title and abstract:

"Advancing science with Dataverse: Publication, discovery, citation, and exploration of research data

Dataverse is open source research data repository software installed by 48 institutions around the world and translated into ten languages. It facilitates data sharing, allowing researchers to replicate and build upon each other's work and receive academic credit in the form of citations for publishing data. Data deposited into Dataverse installations is made more discoverable through harvesting of metadata via standard protocols, publication to registries such as DataCite, and indexing into scholarly search engines such as Google Dataset Search. Data exploration is enabled by a variety tools contributed by the international Dataverse community that make use of Dataverse APIs to get data in and out. These APIs also enable a variety of integrations with scholarly publishing systems such as electronic lab notebooks, journal systems, reproducibility platforms, and more.

In this talk a core developer for Dataverse will introduce the audience to the world of scholarly publishing, making the case for data publication and how it contributes to the advancement of science. An emphasis will be made on how Dataverse goes beyond simply being open source by being friendly to contributions from newcomers."

(Yes, I'll update the number of installations from 48 to 53.) :)

The other news I'll hint at is that there's a good chance that a Dataverse event will happen the Friday before FOSDEM (Jan 31) in the afternoon (shortly after my flight lands). From the FOSDEM perspective, this will be a "fringe" event (like CHAOSScon). Please stay tuned for more on this.



Oliver Bertuch

Jan 9, 2020, 4:23:03 AM1/9/20
to Dataverse Users Community
Brussels is not far away for me.

I'll try to catch you on Sunday :-)

Philip Durbin

Jan 9, 2020, 10:36:22 PM1/9/20
Great! Also, the "fringe" event for Dataverse has been announced!

I'm excited that Dataverse is one of only 24 fringe events for a conference with 800+ talks and 8000+ attendees listed at

The FOSDEM'20 Dataverse Fringe Meeting is being hosted by the State Archives of Belgium (thanks!!) on the afternoon of Friday, January 31 and the following is what they say at

"The SODA project is organizing a FOSDEM’20 fringe meeting about Dataverse.

Dataverse is a free, open-source software program that allows ingest, documentation and dissemination of datasets. As such, it is used by many data archives and repositories around the world among which several members of the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA). As the CESSDA Belgian representative, the SODA project is about to finish setting up a Dataverse instance, which will be launched in the late summer of 2020.

This fringe meeting is an opportunity to share experiences with Dataverse and promote networking among Dataverse users in Europe and beyond. We are proud to announce that one of the Dataverse developers, Philip Durbin from Harvard University, will be among us!

Drinks and sandwiches will be available. Attendance is free, yet registration is mandatory. Please send an email to Benjamin Peuch if you wish to participate."

Thank you, Benjamin, for organizing this event!

If you are anywhere near Brussels, or can get there easily, I'd love to meet up!



p.s. Benjamin added this event to the "Dataverse meetups" spreadsheet linked from (thanks!).

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