2018-11-20 Dataverse Community Call notes

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Philip Durbin

Nov 20, 2018, 12:58:24 PM11/20/18
to dataverse...@googlegroups.com

2018-11-20 Dataverse Community Call


* #dataverse2019 - June 19-21
* Community Call Connection Options
* Consortium Updates
* Community Questions


* Danny Brooke (IQSS)
* Philip Durbin (IQSS)
* Pete Meyer (HMS)
* Tania Schlatter (IQSS)
* Gustavo Durand (IQSS)
* James Doiron (UAlberta)
* Piyapong Charoenwattana (Ualberta)
* Jim Myers (QDR, TDL)
* Paul Boon (DANS)
* Slava (DataverseEU/DANS)
* Courtney Mumma (TDL) (c.m...@austin.utexas.edu)
* Sherry Lake (UVA)
* Jonathan Crabtree (Odum)
* Leigh Phan (UCLA)
* Jamie Jamison (UCLA)
* Craig Willis (UIUC/NCSA)
* Kacper Kowalik (UIUC/NCSA)


* #dataverse2019
   * (Danny) Announcement: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/dataverse-community/mc83Blczm04/VMHOgwaRAQAJ
* Community Call Connection Options
   * (Danny) Are the concerns about switching technology?
   * (Sherry) Would be good to record the meeting, especially for people in other time zones.
   * (Danny) I'll send an update.
   * (Jon) Any talk of varying the time zone? This is a bad time in Australia.
      * (Danny) Yes, we can investigate this as well.
* Consortium Updates (Jon)
   * ICRAF has joined
   * 11 members to date
   * Lots of interest in Dataverse from RDA meeting in Botswana.
   * Building a network in France. Several installations live already.
   * Open science cloud in South Africa. Interested in joining.
   * Two networks in Brazil. Additional interest.
   * Slowdown in terms of payment. A bigger task than anticipated. Account was approved last week. Online system for credit card vendor still needs to be set up (20-30 days at least). We'll get there.
   * Check out http://dataversecommunity.global
   * Meeting with Merce coming up.
   * First deliverable: DataCite DOIs. Harvard ( https://github.com/IQSS/dataverse/issues/5024 ) , TDL, and QDR have migrated already.
   * (Phil) What happened with "two goals, two months"?
      * (Jon) Our months are long. We did get feedback on our vision statement. Would like more feedback.
      * (Jon) Review governance models. A big task. Need a model before the end of this year. Want feedback rather than imposing it top down.
   * (Slava) How are you going to scale the consortium? 100 partners. Resources are not unlimited. Difficult already to manage DataverseEU with only 11.
      * (Jon) Managing 9 right now. Managing 90 would be difficult. Setting up the account and the processes is the hard part. Along with hundreds would come resources. Right now, it's donated time.
   * (Danny) I'll share the steps Harvard used to move from EZID to DataCite
      * (Phil) For now, you can read https://groups.google.com/d/msg/dataverse-community/J5bCVOsjQlw/AkMTexV-BQAJ
   * (Jon) We need to talk more about dev/test credentials for DataCite. I can get test accounts for members of the consortium. Just let me know. We have one voice in DataCite. We don't want to overwhelm them.
      * (Danny) In addition, we just opened "Do not require setup of PID credentials for development environments" at  https://github.com/IQSS/dataverse/issues/5327 and comments and feedback are welcome.
* Community Questions
   * (Phil) Does anyone want to create an issue and pull request listing reporting tools created by the community in the Admin Guide? Help wanted. :) Right now we are aware of three tools: 1) https://www.tdl.org/2018/07/dataverse-reports-for-tdr-liaisons-now-available-on-github/ 2) https://github.com/scholarsportal/Dataverse-Web-Report  3) https://github.com/rindataverse/matrix
   * (Jamie) Core Seal of Approval
      * (Courtney) TDL is working on it. I can help. I added my email address above.
      * (Phil) Tilburg has theirs already: https://blog.uvt.nl/rs/2018/06/tilburg-university-dataverse-receives-coretrustseal-certification/
      * (Jon) I'm on the board.
   * (Craig) Kacper and I are involved in the Whole Tale project. Kacper has done some work to explore data from Dataverse in Jupyter notebooks or RStudio environment. We are interested in feedback. Please see https://github.com/IQSS/dataverse/issues/5097 - Add the ability to "Explore in Whole Tale" (External Tool).
      * (Jon) Don sat in on a recent call ( https://github.com/whole-tale/whole-tale/issues/43 ) and said it was interesting. I met with Code Ocean recently. We're doing almost the same workflow. Heading to Shanghai to look at their Dataverse installation and they have integration with Jupyter notebooks.
      * (Phil) April from Code Ocean was in town recently and I attended her workshop. I left a brain dump in https://github.com/IQSS/dataverse/issues/5028 . Code Ocean recently switched their user interfact to JupyterLab: https://medium.com/codeocean/new-jupyterlab-based-capsule-page-d618f34bc636
      * (Jon) There's also Binder integration. https://github.com/IQSS/dataverse/issues/4714


Philip Durbin

Nov 20, 2018, 8:53:22 PM11/20/18
to dataverse...@googlegroups.com
Just a quick update to say that https://github.com/IQSS/dataverse/issues/5331 is the issue to track for my "help wanted" for a new page in the Admin Guide that lists reporting tools that the community has created for Dataverse. Thank you to Jamie Jamison from UCLA for creating the issue and pull request! Much appreciated! I make a tiny addition, added a few points to think about in the issue (whither miniverse), and moved it to QA.


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