Yes it is bizarre.
Cyclox objected to the application, because almost its sole objective appears to be to create something that won’t disturb the traffic.
It is pathetic.
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I'd be interested to know the forecast speed and volume of cyclists, particularly just south of Folly Bridge, and what other users of the path might think about that.If they mean it to be a major cycle route, you are probably talking about 5x the current volume of cyclists.
If it where I think it is, the bridge on the towpath over the smaller Thames stream is going to be a bottleneck. It is difficult at the moment with just a few cyclists and walkers.
There are also potential conflicts with rowing coaches.
But no cars will be affected, so all is well……
I don't think it's primarily about keeping out of the way of cars. It's more about trying to justify building a bridge over the Thames 150m from an existing one.
We should be grateful for a bridge we don’t want, in a place we don’t want it, to get from a place we aren’t to where we don’t want to go.
Money well spent, for sure.
From: [] On Behalf Of rob haynes
Sent: 03 March 2015 14:32
Subject: Re: [cyclox-forum] New Thames bridge funding.
Ah, ok thanks. The newspaper piece wasn't clear.
I can think of quite a few places where a bridge would be helpful. For instance, Bablock Hythe /Eaton; Radley/Nuneham Courtney. Jackdaw Lane
But alas not in this case. And nobody asked Cyclox or CTC or Sustrans or anyone else for a view.
Cyclox did suggest alternative plans. So did I as an individual.
But it was – so OCC said – important to get the bid in rather than get the right bid in.
From: [] On Behalf Of Richard Mann
Sent: 03 March 2015 15:31
Subject: Re: [cyclox-forum] New Thames bridge funding.
I think we should ask them to divert the money to the Oxford Cycle Strategy instead.
I wish I shared your optimism..
As I keep on saying, the main benefit to OCC in this scheme is that it doesn’t disturb motor traffic. Hence requires no thought or effort or selling by OCC to voters. And if we complain, then they can withdraw the application and we get nothing apart from opprobrium.
“I spoke to Ian Hudspeth on Monday about the bridge funding and he says that this is new money and they had to get a bid in very quickly so there was no time to consult. If the money has been awarded for a specific project it's probably ring fenced.”
And what a surprise that the specific project is one that doesn’t affect the roads (and so needs no major consultation) and that wasn’t discussed with cyclists’ groups. There is a flaw in the central government process but an even bigger flaw in the Oxfordshire County Council processes.
The other successful applicants for this funding – such as Bristol and Cambridge – don’t seem to have found it necessary to promote a wasteful and unnecessary scheme.
From: [] On Behalf Of Elise Benjamin
Sent: 04 March 2015 11:52
Subject: Re: [cyclox-forum] New Thames bridge funding.
A bridge from Jackdaw Lane would mean cyclists going through the Aston's Eyot nature area which is managed by local residents so it would have to be done very sensitively. I would also be concerned about cyclist safety beacause of the large (scary) vehicles that go to and from the scrap yard at the end of Jackdaw Lane. There have been calls for a bridge connecting Iffley Road and Abingdon Road for years to stop cyclists having to double back by either cycling to Donnington Bridge or into town. But the cost of a bridge over the Thames would be significant and there are problems finding a suitable crossing point.