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Announcing Release 2 of the X Window System, Version 11

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Jim Fulton

Mar 1, 1988, 10:19:10 AM3/1/88

The X Consortium and the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science are proud to
announce the second release of the X Window System, Version 11. Highlights of
this version include:

o many, many bugs have been fixed
o better documentation
o sources for 4 fast, color servers
o standard -display and -geometry command line arguments
o first release of the X Toolkit specification and sample implementation
o performance enhancements in Xlib
o new Inter-Client Communications Conventions Manual
o X10 to X11 protocol converter for running X10 programs on X11 displays
o more powerful default resource specification format
o lots of new user-contributed software, including:
- Andrew Toolkit
- Xrlib toolkit
- MetaFont GF to X BDF font converter
- Kanji xterm and public domain Kanji font
- TeXX dvi file previewer

Release 2 is substantially more robust than the previous version, and should
provide a firm foundation upon which applications may be developed. The X
Protocol has not changed since the last release, and the only incompatible
changes in Xlib are in the Resource Manager and the extension mechanism. In
addition, supported client programs have been converted to use the new -display
and -geometry command line options.

Beginning with this release, the core software, which is supported by the staff
of the X Consortium, and the user-contributed software have been split into two
separate distributions. Sites that have access to the Internet can retrieve
both distributions from either of the following machines using anonymous ftp
from the directory pub/X.V11R2/:

East Coast: (
West Coast: (, bits will be there soon)

Please use the machine nearest you as there is 18 megabytes of compressed
and split tar files to collect.

Both distributions (we STRONGLY recommend that you to obtain the full set) are
available on 1600 BPI tapes in tar(1) format from the MIT Software Distribution
Center, along with printed copies of the major manuals, for $400 ($200 per

To order the full release, please send your request and check to:

MIT Software Distribution Center
room E32-300
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139

Their telephone number is (617) 253-6966.

Bob Scheifler, Jim Fulton
X Consortium
MIT Laboratory for Computer Science

(*) X Window System is a trademark of MIT.

Mar 1, 1988, 11:05:57 AM3/1/88

Edward J Cetron

Mar 1, 1988, 1:42:18 PM3/1/88
In article <36...@mit-vax.LCS.MIT.EDU> writes:
>The X Consortium and the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science are proud to
>announce the second release of the X Window System, Version 11. Highlights of
>this version include:

And now for the $64,000 question: Is the VMS (DECWindows) support
in place? The latest internal flash to sales staff implied that while this
release is NOT DECWindows, it would run on VMS and was 99% compatible.

I've got 4 MVII/GPX's running VMS with both DECNET and TCP/IP and
I desperately need X to run on them (sharing one B&W SUN just doesn't cut

Ed Cetron
Center for Engineering Design
Univ of Utah

Patrick Naughton

Mar 1, 1988, 9:19:21 PM3/1/88
From article <880301151...@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU>, by j...@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Jim Fulton):

> The X Consortium and the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science are proud to
> announce the second release of the X Window System, Version 11.

Great... It is on expo... and the entire east coast is ftp'ing in to
get it. I started at about 2:00 am this morning and still don't even
have the core.src file. If anyone out there gets a complete copy of R2,
I am hoping that they will put it up on their system for anonymous ftp
and take some of the load off of expo. If/when I get it all, I'll post
here and make it available.

| |
| Internet: |
| uucp: {rpics, gould}!clutx!naughton |


Mar 3, 1988, 4:22:37 AM3/3/88

is it possible to get the dist via bitnet ?

Mar 5, 1988, 12:02:24 PM3/5/88
I have made the X.V11R2 files avalable for anon. FTP on in
pub/X.V11R2/... I've compiled and run the servers and some clients on a
VS2000, Sun 3/60C, and Sun 3/260, so the files are OK. One thing
I noticed FTP'ing from expo was that about 1 in 4-5 times the file
would be corrupted and only be 511999 in length (and yes, I made sure
I was in binary mode :-). Made for a lot of retries. I've also got the three
updates that were on expo, but you should probably go to expo for the latest.

For those wondering about connectivity, UTK is in SURAnet, a regional network
of NSFnet.

Ken Key (
University of Tennessee Computing Center

Mar 5, 1988, 12:02:24 PM3/5/88

Mar 5, 1988, 12:02:24 PM3/5/88

Mar 5, 1988, 12:02:24 PM3/5/88

Mar 5, 1988, 12:02:24 PM3/5/88

Mar 5, 1988, 12:02:24 PM3/5/88

Mar 5, 1988, 12:02:24 PM3/5/88

Leonard H. Tower Jr.

Mar 12, 1988, 10:08:12 AM3/12/88
|The X Consortium and the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science are proud to
|announce the second release of the X Window System, Version 11.

|Both distributions (we STRONGLY recommend that you to obtain the full set) are
|available on 1600 BPI tapes in tar(1) format from the MIT Software
|Distribution Center, along with printed copies of the major manuals, for $400
|($200 per distribution).
|To order the full release, please send your request and check to:
| MIT Software Distribution Center
| room E32-300
| 77 Massachusetts Avenue
| Cambridge, MA 02139
|Their telephone number is (617) 253-6966.

The Free Software Foundation now has both the core and user-supported
X11R2 distribution on it's beta-tape available for $150.00. GNU Emacs
18.50 includes both X10 and X11 support and is available on a separate
tape for $150.00. Both tapes include additional freed software. FSF
is NOT shipping printed copies of the major X manuals.

Full information is available by e-mail from or

Free Software Foundation, Inc.
675 Mass Ave
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 876-3296

enjoy -len

Scott Schwartz

Mar 25, 1988, 3:52:47 AM3/25/88
In article <> k...@UTKCS2.CS.UTK.EDU writes:

>I noticed FTP'ing from expo was that about 1 in 4-5 times the file
>would be corrupted and only be 511999 in length (and yes, I made sure
>I was in binary mode :-). Made for a lot of retries. I've also got the three
>updates that were on expo, but you should probably go to expo for the latest.
>For those wondering about connectivity, UTK is in SURAnet, a regional network
>of NSFnet.

At PSU we noticed exactly the same thing. We too are on NSFnet.

-- Scott Schwartz | Your array may be without head or | tail, yet it will be proof against
| defeat. -- Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"

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