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Apple price increases

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Herb Poppe

Sep 12, 1988, 9:18:03 PM9/12/88
Just heard a short item on the radio that "Apple Computer is raising
prices on their product line by as much as 20%."

Has anyone heard more details: what items are affected, when do the
new prices go into effect, etc?

Herb Poppe NCAR INTERNET: hpo...@scdpyr.UCAR.EDU
(303) 497-1296 P.O. Box 3000 CSNET: hpo...@ncar.CSNET
Boulder, CO 80307 UUCP: hpo...@scdpyr.UUCP

Michael Wang

Sep 13, 1988, 7:33:41 AM9/13/88
Here are the price increases just announced today (well, actually yesterday)
by Apple Computer, Inc. These prices went into effect yesterday, Sept. 12,
1988. I haven't seen the AUC price list yet, but I'm sure it includes
comparable price increases.

Old New
Product Retail Price Retail Price

Macintosh Plus $1,799 $1,799
Macintosh SE $2,769 $3,169
Macintosh SE 20MB $3,569 $3,769
Macintosh II $3,769 $4,869
Macintosh II 1 MB/40 MB $5,369 $6,169
Macintosh II 4 MB/40 MB $7,269 $8,069
Apple IIe $829 $829
Apple IIGS $999 $1,149
LaserWriter IISC $2,799 $2,799
LaserWriter IINT $4,599 $4,999
LaserWriter IINTX $6,599 $6,999
5.25" drive $299 $329
3.5" drive $399 $429
AppleColor Composite Monitors $379 $399
Apple Monochrome Monitors $129 $159
AppleColor RGB Monitor $499 $599
Apple II 256K memory expansion kit $69 $159
Apple IIGS memory expansion card $129 $229
LaserWriter IINTX 1MB memory expan. kit $349 $499
LaserWriter IINTX 4MB memory expan. kit $1,799 $2,399
LaserWriter IINT Controller Card $2,099 $2,699
LaserWriter IINTX Controller Card $4,299 $4,699

-Michael Wang

| Michael Wang | Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 |
| ARPAnet, CSNET, BITNET, Internet: |
| UUCP: ...decwrl!!mouser AppleLink: ST0064 |

Willard Korfhage

Sep 13, 1988, 4:30:19 PM9/13/88

And I had been thinking about buying a Mac II for personal use this fall.
Well, not any more.

Notice that Apple is taking a swipe at third party accessories. A Mac II
alone went up by $1100, but if it has 4 M ram and a 40 MB disk, the price
goes up by only $800. Buy our overpriced disks and memory, and we won't hurt
you as badly. One can only hope that sale will drop off more precipitously
than their MBAs expected.

Willard Korfhage

UUCP : {ucbvax,ihnp4,randvax,trwrb!trwspp,ism780}!ucla-cs!korfhage

Rob Jellinghaus

Sep 13, 1988, 5:58:53 PM9/13/88
In article <36...@Portia.Stanford.EDU> (Michael Wang) writes:
>Here are the price increases just announced today (well, actually yesterday)
>by Apple Computer, Inc. These prices went into effect yesterday, Sept. 12,
>1988. I haven't seen the AUC price list yet, but I'm sure it includes
>comparable price increases.
> Old New
>Product Retail Price Retail Price
>Macintosh SE $2,769 $3,169
>Macintosh SE 20MB $3,569 $3,769

Yow! $400+ for a regular SE, but only $200 for an SE with HD??? Huh????

>Macintosh II $3,769 $4,869
>Macintosh II 1 MB/40 MB $5,369 $6,169
>Macintosh II 4 MB/40 MB $7,269 $8,069

Now, wait a minute!!! $1,100+ for a regular Mac II, but only (only?) $800+
for the other two models? What goes on here?

Apple's historically been known for some of the most expensive equipment in
the computer industry, compared to other similar manufacturers (with the
exception of IBM). And now they're exacerbating the problem! I know someone
who was planning to buy an SE, but she'll probably go with a Plus now, because
of this heinous price increase.

People told me, back last year when I got my II, that I'd be sorry in a year
when the price dropped. I expected them to be right, not $800 wrong!!

Why, why, why is Apple doing this??? It doesn't appear to be due to the cost
of memory. It appears to be an attempt to persuade users to buy Apple-equipped
equipment, by making the basic Apple equipment more expensive compared to the
Apple equipment with options installed, thus effectively dropping the price of
Apple options (such as memory & hard drives). But these are some *serious*
price increases! $1,100 ain't chicken feed!

Apple, I love you, but you're making it damned hard for people (as opposed to
corporate empires with megabucks to spend) to get to know you as well as I do!

And so the dream of "a Mac on every desk" moves a bit further away...

>| Michael Wang | Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 |
>| ARPAnet, CSNET, BITNET, Internet: |
>| UUCP: ...decwrl!!mouser AppleLink: ST0064 |

If the current pricing trend continues, how much will the "Knowledge Navigator"
cost? $50,000???

Rob Jellinghaus | "Experiencing severe turbulence... and we're
jellingha...@CS.Yale.EDU | still on the ground. The forecast is for
ROBERTJ@{yalecs,yalevm}.BITNET | bad craziness."
{y'all}!ihnp4!hsi!yale!robertj | -- HST (really BM), _Where the Buffalo Roam_

Earle R. Horton

Sep 13, 1988, 8:11:34 PM9/13/88
In article <37...@yale-celray.yale.UUCP> jellingha...@yale.UUCP writes:

>Apple's historically been known for some of the most expensive equipment in
>the computer industry, compared to other similar manufacturers (with the
>exception of IBM). And now they're exacerbating the problem! I know someone
>who was planning to buy an SE, but she'll probably go with a Plus now, because
>of this heinous price increase.

A Plus is not a bad buy, even before the "heinous price increase." In
fact, I just bought one. If you don't have a pressing need for the
card slot, and can live with a plug-in second floppy drive and hard
disk, I see no real advantage in getting the SE over getting the Plus.
I got the Plus and a 30 Meg hard disk for $10.00 more than the
cheapest SE I could get.

Apple might even "support" the Plus for as long as they "support" the
SE. I sure hope so.
Earle R. Horton. 23 Fletcher Circle, Hanover, NH 03755
(603) 643-4109
Sorry, no fancy stuff, since this program limits my .signature to three

David Palmer

Sep 13, 1988, 9:57:14 PM9/13/88
Apple University Consortium prices (at least at CalTech) do not rise
until October 6, so I still have an opportunity to buy at the
old prices. The information I have has the keyboard, video card,
and monitor staying the same price (assuming that All of the price
changes were transmitted to the purchasing agents), while the price
of a 1 Meg MacII cpu box goes up by $640, leap-frogging the old
street price. (A rise of ~25%) The AUC price of 1 Meg of memory,
from Apple, is now $329, so we can assume from the price
differential that the previous price of memory was about 310 dollars
below zero :-).

If I give in to terrorism and am panicked into buying at the old price,
I will consider a third-party video system. I prefer acreage to color,
so I would probably buy a 1kx1k grey-scale or monochrome system instead
of an equally-priced 640x480 color system. Does anyone have any suggestions
or warnings about specific monitors and video cards?

David Palmer
"Flowers -- Just say NO!!"
- Mighty Mouse

Gordon E. Banks

Sep 14, 1988, 11:41:07 AM9/14/88
Apple may have a nasty surprise in store next month when the NEXT
machine is announced. If sales of NEXT start cutting into Apple's
you may see the price drop fast.

Sep 15, 1988, 6:17:00 PM9/15/88

Take a look at the latest MacWeek. They report that Apple is about to
announce some new machines (Sept. 19 supposedly). There is also a tip
that Radius is about to drop the list on their FPD from $1795 to under
a $1000. So that Mac Plus/Radius FPD combo is looking better all the time!

Mark Sandrock, <>

Kent Borg

Sep 15, 1988, 6:25:48 PM9/15/88
The good news about this is that my Plus has new life breathed into
it. Also, when someone asks you which to buy, the Plus or SE, the
answer is a lot easier than it was. Finally, to those who already own
SE's and are disgusted with Apple: it just went up in value, sell it
at a profit and use the money to buy an IBM.

A piece of bad news no one has mentioned: Software prices will go up
to match the presumed wealth of anyone who can afford to buy an Apple.

Kent Borg

Michael Siemon

Sep 15, 1988, 7:01:13 PM9/15/88

Let's wait and see what, if anything nExt is going to announce -- and when the
announced availability is, and when the first shipment is, and when there is
software, and ...

I think the iBm/nExt "announcment" was a triumph of PR.
Michael L. Siemon
contracted to AT&T Bell Laboratories
standard disclaimer

Paul R. Wenker

Sep 16, 1988, 2:04:59 PM9/16/88

I'll be surprised if NeXT *EVER* releases a machine.

Norman Goodger

Sep 16, 1988, 4:53:17 PM9/16/88
In article <15...@cadre.dsl.PITTSBURGH.EDU>, g...@cadre.dsl.PITTSBURGH.EDU (Gordon E. Banks) writes:

I doubt that Apple will be in for a "nasty suprise" the Next machine
maybe interesting, it maybe nice, but its probably/is a UNIX box, it will
be as expensive as a Mac II or more, and its an announcement (if it happens,
Where have we heard this before) This does not mean it will be shipping,
and that could be months....

Norm Goodger
Sysop - MacInfo BBS - @415-795-8862

Robert K Shull

Sep 16, 1988, 8:14:23 PM9/16/88
In article <15...@cadre.dsl.PITTSBURGH.EDU> (Gordon E. Banks) writes:

Didn't I see this same message about 3 months ago? 6 months? a year?
(or was it 2 maybe?)

:-) :-) :-)
Robert K. Shull
University of Oklahoma, Engineering Computer Network
att!occrsh!uokmax!rob or sun!texsun!uokmax!rob

Ted Johnson

Sep 20, 1988, 3:59:52 PM9/20/88
>> Apple may have a nasty surprise in store next month when the NEXT
>> machine is announced.

I doubt it. If there was going to be a nasty surprise, it would have
already taken place.

When Jobs left Apple, Apple sued him (something about stealing key
personnel and technology). As part of their out of court settlement,
Jobs agreed to show Apple any computer that he was about to market,
BEFORE he marketed it.

At least, this is what Scully claims in his book.


Joseph C. Lappa

Sep 22, 1988, 5:43:28 PM9/22/88
In article <870...@hpcilzb.HP.COM>, te...@hpcilzb.HP.COM (Ted Johnson) writes:
> >> Apple may have a nasty surprise in store next month when the NEXT
> >> machine is announced.
> When Jobs left Apple, Apple sued him (something about stealing key
> personnel and technology). As part of their out of court settlement,
> Jobs agreed to show Apple any computer that he was about to market,
> BEFORE he marketed it.
> At least, this is what Scully claims in his book.
> -Ted

Maybe thats why Apple rushed out the Mac IIX which basically has no
improvements over the Mac II. Sculley just wanted to beat Jobs to the
punch by saying that Apple had a 68030 based computer before Jobs..

Now the real contest will be between the new NeXT computer and the Mac
III. (Lets start get those rumors going.)

* Joseph Lappa : University of Pittsburgh, Dept of EE *
* UUCP : {allegra, bellcore, carde, idis, psuvax1} pitt!cisunx!jcl *
* UUCP : " " " " " pitt!cisunx!jclst1 *

Leonard John Schultz

Sep 29, 1988, 10:28:41 PM9/29/88
Can anyone tell me by e-mail what the NeXT computer will be like? I am a little
impaitient to wait till Oct 12.

David M. Land

Sep 30, 1988, 7:38:17 PM9/30/88

Look for the September 19 issue of InfoWorld, or here on Notes,
under one of the recent postings with "NeXT" in the title, where
the full text of Nick Arnett's excellent article is reported.

I don't work for InfoWorld, I don't work for NeXT, I don't
stand to gain anything from supplying this information, nor
does Hewlett-Packard. They don't even know or care that I am
writing this. They may deny my existence. That's my disclaimer,
so there.

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