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QUESTION: Format C Code in THINK C 4.0

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Sep 22, 1990, 10:57:51 AM9/22/90
A question...

I'm sure you have seen how THINK pascal formats you're text.

Well, I like that feature of having keywords in bold and code structures
formatted so you can tell where they are...

Why was this feature taken out of THINK C ? there anyway I can put it into THINK C.


Rob Pickering

internet: NeXT:
bitnet : rp1v...@miamiu.bitnet

"One time the police stopped me for speeding, and they said,'Hey, don't
you know that the speed limit is 55 miles per hour?'.
I said,'Yeah, I know...but I wasn't going to be out that long.'"
-Steven Wright


Phil Shapiro

Sep 24, 1990, 11:38:58 AM9/24/90
In article <> writes:
> A question...
> I'm sure you have seen how THINK pascal formats you're text.
> Well, I like that feature of having keywords in bold and code structures
> formatted so you can tell where they are...
> Why was this feature taken out of THINK C ?
> there anyway I can put it into THINK C.

It was never in Think C. Think Pascal formats code because it parses
your code as it is loaded, so the editor 'decodes' the parse tree in
order to display your program. Thus, you get (feature) automatic
formatting and bolding and lose (misfeature?) the ability to
arbitrarily reformat the code as you wish.

You can use Pretty-C (v.1.04) to get nice looking code listings. It's
ftpable from sumex-aim, $25 shareware.

-phil shapiro, symantec tech support
Phil Shapiro

Francis Stracke

Sep 26, 1990, 5:45:59 PM9/26/90
>A question...
>I'm sure you have seen how THINK pascal formats you're text.
>Why was this feature taken out of THINK C ?
THINK Pascal (LSP) is descended from Mac Pascal, the first (2nd?) Mac language.
Mac Pascal originated the pretty-printing; LSP inherited it, apparently to
punish us. LSC is not actually related to LSP; it predates Symantec's
acquisition of the latter (question: anybody know how that came about?). There
was never any pretty-printing in LSC; it wasn't taken out.

> there anyway I can put it into THINK C.
Why would you want to, anyway? It's kind of nice, but it gets obnoxious.
Especially when you've got a godawful long list of things that you've told it
you want printed horizontally (variables and unit names, for example--either all
on one line or each on its own).

Rich Siegel

Sep 26, 1990, 10:00:44 PM9/26/90
In article <> (Francis Stracke) writes:
>THINK Pascal (LSP) is descended from Mac Pascal, the first (2nd?) Mac language.
>Mac Pascal originated the pretty-printing; LSP inherited it, apparently to
>punish us. LSC is not actually related to LSP; it predates Symantec's
>acquisition of the latter (question: anybody know how that came about?). There
>was never any pretty-printing in LSC; it wasn't taken out.

Close, but not quite. :-) Here's the history, in approximate
chronological order:

Macintosh Pascal was the first high-level language implementation
which ran on a Mac.

Macintosh Pascal begat Lightspeed Pascal (trivia question:
in early fliers, what was Lightspeed Pascal called?)

LightspeedC and Lightspeed Pascal were released, within months
of one another.

Lightspeed, Inc., makers of the Lightspeed Color Layout System,
took exception to THINK Technologies' use of the name "Lightspeed"
in the products. As a result, the product names went through a
gradual change:

LightspeedC became THINK's LightspeedC, and then became THINK C.
Lightspeed Pascal became THINK's Lightspeed Pascal, and then
became THINK Pascal.

Neither product was "acquired" separately by Symantec; THINK Technologies,
however, became part of Symantec.

The pretty-printer in THINK Pascal is not an ancillary feature; it's
a direct side-effect of the architecture of the product.

(p.s. Macintosh Pascal, the interpreter, is still alive and kicking.)

Rich Siegel Software Engineer Symantec Languages Group
Internet: UUCP: ..harvard!endor!siegel

If you have telekinetic powers, raise my hand.

Owen M. Hartnett

Sep 26, 1990, 11:37:54 PM9/26/90
In article <> sie...@endor.UUCP (Rich Siegel) writes:
> Macintosh Pascal begat Lightspeed Pascal (trivia question:
> in early fliers, what was Lightspeed Pascal called?)

I'm going to take a shot. I could be wrong, but something way in the
back of my head says "QuickSilver."


Owen Hartnett
Brown University Computer Science
"Don't wait up for me tonight because I won't be home for a month."

Francis Stracke

Sep 27, 1990, 11:03:09 AM9/27/90
First of all: apologies to all I've managed to offend in the past 2 days.
I'll calm down from here on.

In article <> sie...@endor.UUCP (Rich Siegel) writes:

[My version of the LightSpeed geneology]

> Close, but not quite. :-) Here's the history, in approximate
> chronological order:


> Macintosh Pascal begat Lightspeed Pascal (trivia question:
> in early fliers, what was Lightspeed Pascal called?)

Thanks for the correction (I was just going by when I saw LSP and LSC appear).
The thing I've been curious about is how this begatting came about.

| Francis Stracke | My opinions are my own. I don't steal them.|
| Department of Mathematics |=============================================|
| University of Chicago | A mathematician is a professional |
| | schizophrenic.--Me. |

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