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Ex2, alien blade, and misc questions

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Jan 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/14/96
> I finished Ex2 awhile ago (all three major goals accomplished) and
> i've been trying to make sure i've been through everything. Here're
> a list of stuff which i still haven't got satisfactory answer yet:
> - has anyone got the alien blade mentioned in the Exile editor without
> cheating?

I didn't, Dan did. Ask him about it.

> - there's a hurt ice drake near the unfinished fort. how can i heal it?

Good ol' Graymold salve can help.

> - the other day i randomly browsed through the file "special data" with
> ResEdit and I saw something like "King Micah pulls off his mask and
> reveals..." is it an easter egg of some sort?

Yikes! King Micah "pulles off his mask"??!
The only EE I encountered was the "HI" message behind the Tower of Magi.
Dan was talking about a super secret cave, with a pillar reading "EasTer
Egg". He thought those might be teleport coordinates, but I didn't try it
Anybody else has any EE's?
"God, please make me forget all those insignificant details, and
please do it beginning from tomonrrow 15:25:13 EST."

Hung F. Fong

Jan 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/15/96
to follow up my own postings. Try using "Eas Ter Egg" (Easter Egg)
at the Tower of Magi portal. it's cool.


Darin Takemoto

Jan 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/15/96
In article <4dap6i$d...@cnn.Princeton.EDU>,
(Hung F. Fong) wrote:

> I finished Ex2 awhile ago (all three major goals accomplished) and
> i've been trying to make sure i've been through everything. Here're
> a list of stuff which i still haven't got satisfactory answer yet:
> - has anyone got the alien blade mentioned in the Exile editor without
> cheating?

Go west of the Crystal Shrine, behind a secret wall there is an area
of lava. Put on your asbestos sneakers (or Firewalk) and go to the
south end of it (I think). There is a special and a minor fight, and
then you got it.

> - there's a hurt ice drake near the unfinished fort. how can i heal it?

Graymold Salve.

> - the other day i randomly browsed through the file "special data" with
> ResEdit and I saw something like "King Micah pulls off his mask and
> reveals..." is it an easter egg of some sort?

> that's it for now. thanks in advance.

Darin Takemoto

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