Can you imagine that we would like to improve the
Matlab's quality?
By the way, there is room for improvements in Maple,
Mathematica, Axiom, Sage, Maxima and other packages.
Don't forget, 2008 is the year of Cyber Tester.
Best wishes,
Vladimir Bondarenko
Co-founder, CEO, Mathematical Director Cyber Tester Ltd.
"We must understand that technologies
like these are the way of the future."
>> As is, without any evidence, it is pure slander, but
>> you don't seem to bother about legal matters.
I didn't time anything, but when I put together a simple testing
script and applied it against Matlab 2007a, it was a matter of
only about 15 minutes run time to crash Matlab R2007a completely.
R2008a is a bit tougher, but it didn't take particularly long
(definitely less than half an hour) to find something that would crash it.
I have opened 10 "crashes" cases with Mathworks about my results, and
another 5 cases concerning situations where the Matlab code could be
improved. I have found about a dozen other combinations of circumstances that
will reliably crash R2008a, but which I have not yet written up for Mathworks
(they asked me to send the reports in batches.)
Specific evidence?
R2007a: movie(''); crashes Matlab (fixed in newer versions)
R2008a: movie(uint64(0)); crashes Matlab
The above are simple cases of obvious defects, unless you are willing to
define away a complete session crash as not being a "defect". Vladimir's
tools are more refined, finding situations where products produce
dubious or decidedly incorrect answers. I don't think it would have taken
very long to find such a case in Matlab 2008b: all one would have to do
is pull out some of the cases one had recorded against Maple, transpose
them into Matlab notation, and watch as the Maple-based Matlab Symbolic Toolbox
reproduced the existing Maple bug. For example, Maple 12:
> log(exp(RootOf(_Z*exp(_Z)))); simplify(%);
Error, (in ln) numeric exception: division by zero
but evalf(RootOf(_Z*exp(_Z))) is 0, and log(exp(0)) is 0 so there should
be no division by zero.
My saying that it was not much work to find ways to crash Matlab R2007a
or R2008a is not intended as a disparagement of the effort that Mathworks
has put into their products. Mathwork's support has reacted admirably quickly
in verifying my reports, and I believe they will repair the serious defects
in the next release or the one after.
As a programmer myself, I know how hard it can be to think of all of the ways
that some fool (like me ;-) ) might abuse software; and as a programmer, I know
how easy it can be to read an algorithm dozens of times and never once see
the circumstances under which the algorithm Won't Work. I'm not talking
about typos and off-by-one type errors: I'm referring to situations where
the circumstances that can break your algorithm just escape your attention. For example,
one might not happen to realize that the algorithm one is working on is only applicable
to topologies of orientable surfaces with even genus numbers if one's attention
has been on linear algebra.
It is well established the bugs exist in nearly every serious programs. It used to be
thought that having two or three independent "tiger teams" that did not discuss
implementation with each other would be sufficient to produce the "right answer"
out of at least one of the implementations (for any situation that fell within the design
parameters), under the view that bugs were more or less just "accidents" -- but it has
been shown otherwise, that different groups tend to make the same -kinds- of errors.
Thus, it is valuable to have someone doing comparative testing of products -- to
discover the classes of defects in particular products, and to discover the
commonality of defect classes amongst the various products. Information about
what kinds of cases that multiple products tend to get wrong is of benefit to all
serious product designers so that they know what to pay special attention to; and
such information is also of strong interest to those who want to teach well.
Information about the commonality of class defects amongst multiple products
is also indicative of mathematics or technology that is not widely understood,
which is a hint that there is potentially room for others to re-examine that
particular field and find different expressions of it that might be easier to
understand or which might lead to new insights.
It is disappointing to see systematic analysis attacked as being of low value on
the basis that the analyzer does not provide "solutions" or does not debug
far enough to find the root cause for all of the difficulties encountered.
There is value in knowing the problems that exist. A person skilled in
finding the problems is not necessarily a person who is skilled in fault classification,
or in debugging, or in deep category theory, or in figuring out -why-
humans tend to have problems with certain kinds of knowledge: people with those
kinds of skills do exist, though, and if they had access to the fault information,
then they would have fertile grounds for investigation.
In regards to the matter of financial motive, I would point out this: everyone I work
with (in a government research facility) has the "financial motive" of doing a good job
so as to continue to be employed. For some of the people, it is perhaps mostly a nice
place to work, that pays tolerably well (but certainly not extravagantly), given that
the reality of the world is that one has to work *somewhere* -- but we have a high
concentration of people who believe firmly that the research we do is important for
public health, many of whom have turned down better-paying opportunities in order to
work there.
But the reward of knowing that one is benefiting humanity doesn't pay the
heating bill, and I live in the coldest city in the world that has a population of over
600,000. Is it somehow improper or unethical for me to seek a living wage in return
for my work?
This Maple bug steps in before log, already at
'simplify( exp(RootOf(exp(_Z))) )'.
> Specific evidence?
> R2007a: movie(''); crashes Matlab (fixed in newer versions)
> R2008a: movie(uint64(0)); crashes Matlab
Both of those do not crash the R2006B and R2008A, Windows Vista 32 bits.
It seems there is a huge discrepancy stability of Matlab between various plateforms. Matlab on Windows is the most tested thus seems to be the most reliable.
That is a different bug, I think. Zeros of exp(_Z) do not exist, but Maple
does not know that, so it essentially applies the simplification rule
f(RootOf(f(_Z))) = 0.
I think what you mean is
> simplify(exp(RootOf(_Z*exp(_Z))));
or more generally
> simplify(f(RootOf(f(_Z)*g(_Z))));
If w is a zero of f(_Z)*g(_Z), we must have f(w) = 0 or g(w) = 0. I don't
know why Maple jumps to the conclusion that f(w) = 0 here.
Robert Israel
Department of Mathematics
University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC, Canada
Thx, f(RootOf(f(_Z))) = 0 sounds like a reason to me.
I have the errors for 'exp(RootOf(exp(f(T)))); simplify(%);' as well
and dito with a factor exp(RootOf(f*exp(_Z))) or for f a function
> There is value in knowing the problems that exist. A
> person skilled in finding the problems is not
> necessarily a person who is skilled in fault
> classification, or in debugging, or in deep category
> theory, or in figuring out -why- humans tend to have
> problems with certain kinds of knowledge
There is a nice article relating to this point, written by
security guru Bruce Schneier, entitled "Inside the Twisted
Mind of the Security Professional",
Quoting from the article:
Security requires a particular mindset. Security
professionals -- at least the good ones -- see the world
differently. They can't walk into a store without noticing
how they might shoplift. They can't use a computer without
wondering about the security vulnerabilities. They can't
vote without trying to figure out how to vote twice. They
just can't help it. [...]
This kind of thinking is not natural for most people.
It's not natural for engineers. Good engineering involves
thinking about how things can be made to work; the
security mindset involves thinking about how things can
be made to fail. It involves thinking like an attacker,
an adversary or a criminal. You don't have to exploit the
vulnerabilities you find, but if you don't see the world
that way, you'll never notice most security problems.
I've often speculated about how much of this is innate,
and how much is teachable. In general, I think it's a
particular way of looking at the world, and that it's far
easier to teach someone domain expertise -- cryptography
or software security or safecracking or document forgery
-- than it is to teach someone a security mindset.
So Vladimir has somewhat of the "security mindset" when
it comes to CAS: he is good at finding ways to make them
fail. What does Bruce Schneier have to say about this kind
of skill?
The lack of a security mindset explains a lot of bad
security out there: voting machines, electronic payment
cards, medical devices, ID cards, internet protocols.
The designers are so busy making these systems work that
they don't stop to notice how they might fail or be made
to fail, and then how those failures might be exploited.
Teaching designers a security mindset will go a long way
toward making future technological systems more secure.
That part's obvious, but I think the security mindset is
beneficial in many more ways. If people can learn how to
think outside their narrow focus and see a bigger
picture, whether in technology or politics or their
everyday lives, they'll be more sophisticated consumers,
more skeptical citizens, less gullible people.
One person sees ways to make things work; another person
sees ways to make things fail. Different mindsets, and
*both* are needed. It is unfair to expect that the person
who sees how to make things fail will have the time and
expertise to come up with solutions to all of the things
they see wrong.
In mathematics, if you come up with a counter-example to
a theorem, do you publish the problem, or do you
keep the counter-example to yourself and your co-workers
until such time as you have worked out a broader
theorem? Where, for example, would we be if Riemann had
sat on his work until such time as he had "solved" the
multiple difficulties it raised? Has it not, in fact, been
extremely important to the history of science and
mathematics that people have published "problems" that
they have observed, with other people with different
viewpoints picking up on the topic and attempting to
extend or solve it, with the final solution sometimes not
coming for hundreds of years?
> > Specific evidence?
> > R2007a: movie(''); crashes Matlab (fixed in newer versions)
> > R2008a: movie(uint64(0)); crashes Matlab
> Both of those do not crash the R2006B and R2008A, Windows Vista 32 bits.
Interesting. I was testing Linux-64; some of the tests
were done with no display (command line only), which
would be expected to influence the results.
> VladimirBondarenko wrote:
> > On Oct 10, 5:35 pm, Pfenniger Daniel <>
> > wrote:
> >>VladimirBondarenko wrote:
> >>> It took the VM machine less than 7 minutes to
> >>> identify the first defect in Matlab 2008b.
> >> As is, without any evidence, it is pure slander, but
> >> you don't seem to bother about legal matters.
> I didn't time anything, but when I put together a simple testing
> script and applied it against Matlab 2007a, it was a matter of
> only about 15 minutes run time to crash Matlab R2007a completely.
> R2008a is a bit tougher, but it didn't take particularly long
> (definitely less than half an hour) to find something that would crash it.
> I have opened 10 "crashes" cases with Mathworks about my results, and
> another 5 cases concerning situations where the Matlab code could be
> improved. I have found about a dozen other combinations of circumstances that
> will reliably crash R2008a, but which I have not yet written up for Mathworks
> (they asked me to send the reports in batches.)
> Specific evidence?
> R2007a: movie(''); crashes Matlab (fixed in newer versions)
> R2008a: movie(uint64(0)); crashes Matlab
> The above are simple cases of obvious defects, unless you are willing to
> define away a complete session crash as not being a "defect".Vladimir's
WR> I don't think it would have taken very long to find such
WR> a case in Matlab 2008b: all one would have to do is pull
WR> out some of the cases one had recorded against Maple,
WR> transpose them into Matlab notation, and watch as the
WR> Maple-based Matlab Symbolic Toolbox reproduced
WR> the existing Maple bug.
Actually, Matlab 2008b's default symbolic engine is MuPAD 5.1.
It did inherit quite a number of defects detected by the VM
machine (VMM) in MuPAD 4.0.6 and, in a (small) part posted
many of them, but far from all, have been fixed in MuPAD 5.1,
But, unfortunately, new numerous defects have been identified
by the VMM throughout all the MuPAD solvers, - and more.
Best wishes,
Vladimir Bondarenko
Co-founder, CEO, Mathematical Director Cyber Tester Ltd.
"We must understand that technologies
like these are the way of the future."
A selected bug detected once by our 24/365 VM machine:
(* Mathematica 6.0.3 *)
N[Integrate[Re[z], {z, 0, Sqrt[I]}]]
NIntegrate[Re[z], {z, 0, Sqrt[I]}]
0.+ 0.5 I
0.25+ 0.25 I
N[Integrate[Im[z], {z, 0, Sqrt[I]}]]
NIntegrate[Im[z], {z, 0, Sqrt[I]}]
0.25+ 0.25 I
(* *)
Best wishes,
Vladimir Bondarenko
Co-founder, CEO, Mathematical Director Cyber Tester, LLC
"We must understand that technologies
like these are the way of the future."
Does this also happen with
Integrate[Re[z], {z, 0, Sqrt[I]}]
Integrate[Im[z], {z, 0, Sqrt[I]}]
i.e. without prefixing these by N[]?
Integrate[Re[z], {z, 0, Sqrt[I]}]
Integrate[Im[z], {z, 0, Sqrt[I]}]
N[] are used just to make the comparison easier.
As of Oct 24, 2008 it is safe for us to claim
the VM machine has already identified a unique
number of defects in MATLAB 2008b & Symbolic
We hoped for a success, but we are impressed.
Don't forget, 2008 is the year of Cyber Tester.
Best wishes,
Vladimir Bondarenko
Co-founder, CEO, Mathematical Director Cyber Tester Ltd.
Their patience will be awarded.
After the last months of frenzy work our team delivered
the next VM machine version.
It's great. It have already brought novel, unique results.
Unlike the MATLAB or Maple or Mathematica testers, being
not a human, the VM machine does not know what fatigue is.
Best wishes,
Vladimir Bondarenko
Co-founder, CEO, Mathematical Director Cyber Tester, LLC
"We must understand that technologies
like these are the way of the future."
On Oct 12, 9:40 pm, "Walter Roberson" writes:
WR> ...
WR> It is disappointing to see systematic analysis attacked
WR> as being of low value on the basis that the analyzer
WR> does not provide "solutions" or does not debug
WR> far enough to find the root cause for all of the
WR> difficulties encountered.
WR> There is value in knowing the problems that exist. A
WR> person skilled in finding the problems is not
WR> necessarily a person who is skilled in fault
WR> classification, or in debugging, or in deep category
WR> theory, or in figuring out -why- humans tend to have
WR> problems with certain kinds of knowledge
WR> ...
[ security mindset ]
BS> ...
BS> I've often speculated about how much of this is innate,
BS> and how much is teachable. In general, I think it's a
BS> particular way of looking at the world, and that it's far
BS> easier to teach someone domain expertise -- cryptography
BS> or software security or safecracking or document forgery
BS> -- than it is to teach someone a security mindset.
BS> ...
WR> So Vladimir has somewhat of the "security mindset" when
WR> it comes to CAS: he is good at finding ways to make them
WR> fail.
This is a very nice description of what happens.
Actually, years in, years out, after lots of failed attempts,
trying, in particular, to make my own life to be easier and
more efficient, I was able to invent the VM machine which is
a failure prediction oracle, a "security mindset" amplifier.
What is the best, it turned out to be possible to make it
ticking without human intervention.
We the humans may read, watch TV, drink, dance, do whatever
we want while the VM machine ticking around the clock comes
with new, not so much seldom, novel ways the environments
like Maple, Mathematica, MATLAB etc fail (crash, hang, yield
mathematically wrong, at times absurd outputs etc)
Now, with a new resource we gained we are in the process of
a major update of our sites, - and more.
Best wishes,
Vladimir Bondarenko
Co-founder, CEO, Mathematical Director Cyber Tester Ltd.
"We must understand that technologies
like these are the way of the future."
-- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Is this our headache that some guys are not able to
understand the direction we keep driving at?
New correctness standard for computer mathematics.
Maple 12> length(int(1/(z^2+2^I)^11, z=0..infinity));
The answer is just 22 bytes long, 46189*Pi/2^(19+21*I/2).
Vladimir Bondarenko
Co-founder, CEO, Mathematical Director Cyber Tester Ltd.
"We must understand that technologies
At the time being, we'd rather eschew the further specs.
Let's wait and see what will happen.
- Frequently.
- How often?
- Well, some hundreds of times.
- Then how many are there?
- How many? I don't know.
- Quite so! You have not observed. And yet you have seen.
That is just my point. Now, I know that there are seventeen
steps, because I have both seen and observed."
A year ago, Jan 16, 2008, I wrote
Hello the world,
2008 will be the year of Cyber Tester.
We will bring you something you have
never seen before us.
Vladimir Bondarenko
VM and GEMM architect
Co-founder, CEO, Mathematical Director Cyber Tester, LLC Maple Bugs Encyclopaedia CAS Testing
As I was able to foresee, during the last 12 months our company
was able to make a positive pure profit.
This was important for us. 1st, stabilization is often a boon;
2nd, we were able to embark on the next step of our development,
both figuratively and literally.
During the last 12 months we analyzed further Mathematica 7,
Maple 12, MATLAB 2008b, MuPAD 4.0.6, Macsyma 2.4, Maxima 5.15.0
to 5.17.0, Axiom, and Derive 6.1.
So as of Jan 17, 2009 Cyber Tester Ltd. owns a unique data base
of computer algebra systems bearing 100000s distinct CAS defects
and this data base keeps expanding daily.
The best, to achieve a (much) better performance, over the last
8 months our engineers redesigned the VM machine.
Now, typically, given a new version of math/engineering package,
the VM machine running on a SINGLE computer is able to discover
the 1st critical defect like a crash caused by a VALID input
within just an hour.
If we speak of mathematically invalid results, a typical time
to discover the 1st defect is of order several minutes.
Consider, here we are NOT speaking of using our huge precomputed
data base, we mean discovering these defects from the initial
state of the VM machine.
The new version of it delivered us the results we promised on
Jan 16, 2008. You may wish to spot some bits of our results
over the Google Groups, but by and large our new results are
not available publicly.
We feel we need to pay further attention to more powerful CAS
bug taxonomy and better methods of automated classification.
Also, we feel positively that our sites got flagrantly obsolete
and require a capital makeover, and this is yet another point
we are also focused now.
In a nutshell, our message to the world.
Frankly, as of Jan 17, 2009, by and large, both the commercial
mathematical and engineering packages and open source CAS ones
yield a conspicuous part of invalid answers.
To overcome this customers frustrating situation, it requires
further CAS related algorithm research, usage of the achieved
new results, and, last but not least, the iron determination
to change the current awry course of events to the better.
We reached the point when we feel the amazing results achieved
by us, for the sake of further CAS progress, should be either
sold to the manufacturers, or presented them totally free of
charge to help them to improve their systems.
Fruitful cooperation is our goal, but we should not be greedy.
May the fittest survives.
Last but not least. Right now we have something many of our
readers do not expect from us.
Folks, this is called a Surprise. ;)
Viva la new math correctness standards!
Viva la computer algebra systems high quality!
Vladimir Bondarenko
Co-founder, CEO, Mathematical Director Cyber Tester Ltd.
"We must understand that technologies
like these are the way of the future."
RJF> Happy new year, the first year of the post-cyber tester era.
On behalf of the growing Cyber Tester's team let me wish
Professor Fateman to stay in the best health and keep his
inspiring champagne enthusiasm for computer algebra.
Vladimir Bondarenko
Co-founder, CEO, Mathematical Director Cyber Tester Ltd.
"We must understand that technologies
like these are the way of the future."
On Jan 17, 8:13 am, Vladimir Bondarenko <> wrote:
> Hello to CAS customers from far-off CAS-events-rich Simferopol,
> Ayearago, Jan 16, 2008, I wrote
> ................................................................
> Hello the world,
> 2008 will be theyearofCyberTester.
> We will bring you something you have
> never seen before us.
> Cheers,
> Vladimir Bondarenko
> VM and GEMM architect
> Co-founder, CEO, Mathematical Director
> CyberTester, LLC Maple Bugs Encyclopaedia CAS Testing
> ................................................................
> As I was able to foresee, during the last 12 months our company
> was able to make a positive pure profit.
> This was important for us. 1st, stabilization is often a boon;
> 2nd, we were able to embark on the next step of our development,
> both figuratively and literally.
> During the last 12 months we analyzed further Mathematica 7,
> Maple 12, MATLAB 2008b, MuPAD 4.0.6, Macsyma 2.4, Maxima 5.15.0
> to 5.17.0, Axiom, and Derive 6.1.
> So as of Jan 17, 2009CyberTesterLtd. owns a unique data base
From Russia with love,
Vladimir Bondarenko
Co-founder, CEO, Mathematical Director Cyber Tester Ltd.
"We must understand that technologies
like these are the way of the future."
Best wishes,
Vladimir Bondarenko
Co-founder, CEO, Mathematical Director Tester Ltd.
"We must understand that technologies
like these are the way of the future."
On Mar 22, 10:48 pm, Vladimir Bondarenko <> wrote:
> Let me greet all the computer algebra fans from MSU,
> Moscow. Tomorrow in the morning I am leaving Moscow
> for Dusseldorf.
> From Russia with love,
> Vladimir Bondarenko
> Co-founder, CEO, Mathematical Director
> Tester Ltd.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> "We must understand that technologies
> like these are the way of the future."
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> On 16 ÆÅ×, 18:42, Vladimir Bondarenko <> wrote:
> > Professor Richard J. Fateman writes
> >
> > RJF> Happy new year, the first year of the post-cyber tester era.
> > On behalf of the growing Cyber Tester's team let me wish
> > Professor Fateman to stay in the best health and keep his
> > inspiring champagne enthusiasm for computer algebra.
> > Cheers,
> > Vladimir Bondarenko
> > Co-founder, CEO, Mathematical Director
> >šCyber Tester Ltd.
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------
> > "We must understand that technologies
> > like these are the way of the future."
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------
> > On Jan 17, 8:13šam, Vladimir Bondarenko <> wrote:
> > > Hello to CAS customers from far-off CAS-events-rich Simferopol,
> > > Ayearago, Jan 16, 2008, I wrote
> > > ................................................................
> > >
> > > Hello the world,
> > > 2008 will be theyearofCyberTester.
> > > We will bring you something you have
> > > never seen before us.
> > > Cheers,
> > > Vladimir Bondarenko
> > > VM and GEMM architect
> > > Co-founder, CEO, Mathematical Director
> > >šCyberTester, LLCšMaple Bugs EncyclopaediašCAS Testing
> > >šCyberTesterLtd.
I get a 403 - Forbidden error on this URL:
"You don't have permission to access /Private/Germany-2009/HNF.jpg on
this server."
Perhaps this is, in part, a testing strategy?
regards, chip
I had no problem acecessing it on Thursday at 02:43 GMT+01:00 (for
reference, your message above arrived on Thursday 21:16 GMT+01:00).
The jpg picture is a self-promotion showing Vladimir (I guess it's
him) next to a cybertester ad ("Command the brilliance of a thousand
cocktailed mathematicians") displayed on what looks like an outdoor
ATM purporting to be made by Wincor/Nixdorf, and the file is a
whopping 1.3 MByte in size.
Could some events of my life be a mere
application of the probability theory?
Musatov * Bondarenko | Riemann Hypothesis / Matlab Seed Proof ...2
posts - 1 author - Last post: May 29
Mathematical Director Cyber Tester ...
From: Martin Musatov Date: 25 May, 2009 03:36:14 Message: 2 of 6 ...
Yet another funny bug in Maple 13...6 posts - Last post: 3 days ago Cyber Tester Ltd. .... Math Forum
Discussions Martin Musatov wrote:> Vladimir Bondarenko ...
An exact simplification challenge - 91 (eerie PolyGamma) -
comp ... Cyber Tester Ltd. ... search
sci.math: "Musatov" and "Eerie". Want to keep going? I enjoy it. It
keeps getting more gratifying ...
Math Forum Discussions Now the gate has opened as recognized proven by
Musatov (2009) ... Bondarenko Co-founder, CEO, Mathematical
Director Tester ...
Yet another funny bug in Maple 13 - sci.math | Google Groups6 posts -
4 authors - Last post: 2 days ago Cyber Tester Ltd. ..... Martin Musatov
P=NP Freedom Fighter fighting in Panama with the rebels since
1993. ...
Math Forum Discussions Jun 13, 2009 ...
Cyber Tester Ltd.
---------------------------------------------------------- ... Martin
Michael Musatov ...
Discussions - sci.math.symbolic | Google Groups... CEO, Mathematical
Director [link] Cyber Tester Ltd. ... Proof pi is NOT irrational:
[link] Musatov (Inverse 19 Mathematics Co-Creator): not the only
but ...
Discussions - sci.math.symbolic | Google Groups10 posts - 9 authors -
Last post: Jun 9
... CEO, Mathematical Director [link] Cyber Tester Ltd. ... Proof pi
is NOT irrational: [link] Musatov (Inverse 19 Mathematics Co-
Creator): ...
Math Forum Discussions Jun 13, 2009 ...
Cyber Tester Ltd. > >
---------------------------------------------------------- ... Martin
Michael Musatov ...
Maybe within a couple of months I will know
the answer.
lexia4=-disableTMachinates symbol; ™ © 2009 Martin Musatov 1978-
Meanwhile, going to visit China within the next weeks.
If someone has an experience with this country, could
you please contact me at
v b @ c y b e r t e s t e r . c o m
Thanks in advance.
The next year.
Alive and kickin', making money to be back :)
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More about our plans in a month.
We already have the unique Rubi
QA results from the VM machine.
More about our plans in a month.
Rubi2 is quite raw and buggy.
Do we have reasons to think so? May I suggest you provide some?
---- Rubi2-IndInt-Hold.txt; created by VM 0.8.6 at 10/22/2010 8:27:56
AM -------------------
........................... 10/22/2010 8:30:30
AM ...............................
........................... 10/22/2010 8:32:58
AM ...............................
........................... 10/22/2010 8:35:35
AM ...............................
---- Rubi2-IndInt-Hold.txt; created by VM 0.8.6 at 10/22/2010 9:22:13
AM -------------------
........................... 10/22/2010 9:24:41
AM ...............................
........................... 10/22/2010 9:27:24
AM ...............................
........................... 10/22/2010 9:29:42
AM ...............................
---- Rubi2-IndInt-Hold.txt; created by VM 0.8.6 at 10/22/2010 9:41:08
AM -------------------
........................... 10/22/2010 9:43:27
AM ...............................
........................... 10/22/2010 9:46:52
AM ...............................
........................... 10/22/2010 9:50:36
AM ...............................
........................... 10/22/2010 9:52:55
AM ...............................
........................... 10/22/2010 9:56:08
AM ...............................
........................... 10/22/2010 9:58:44
AM ...............................
........................... 10/22/2010 10:01:24
AM ...............................
........................... 10/22/2010 10:03:43
AM ...............................
---- Rubi2-IndInt-Hold.txt; created by VM 0.8.6 at 10/22/2010 12:03:20
PM -------------------
........................... 10/22/2010 1:06:26
PM ...............................
---- Rubi2-IndInt-Hold.txt; created by VM 0.8.6 at 10/22/2010 8:35:54
PM -------------------
........................... 10/22/2010 8:50:26
PM ...............................
---- Rubi2-IndInt-Hold.txt; created by VM 0.8.6 at 10/23/2010 8:26:42
PM -------------------
........................... 10/23/2010 10:24:16
PM ...............................
> There are at least dozens types of bugs in Rubi 2.
> Here comes an edited snippet of one of the logs.
Your "edited snippet" doesn't make any sense to me. Please elaborate.
As no explanation appeared to be forthcoming my dear long-time friend
Watson has alerted me to this case.
The mysterious "edited snippet" shows 16 letter sequences of the type
"Hold[Int[v$nnnnnn,z]]", which are accompanied by dates and times spread
over roughly four hours and a half of a single day, the 22nd of October.
The snippet has been implied to refer to results produced by the Rubi2
integrator. These 16 sequences should therefore represent abortive
integration attempts by this integrator, since they are evidently
meaningless to anybody not familiar with whatever integration procedures
are employed by Rubi2.
I am forced to conclude that adverse circumstances are repeatedly
interrupting Rubi2 in the course of its work when the integration is
performed under the supervision of the eminent Dr. Bondarenko. It
further appears that such integrator failures occur at a fairly constant
rate of about four instances per hour under the particular conditions
Mr. Holmes, thank you so much for applying your famous deductive
method to this mysterious case! I really fail to forget ever your
out-of-this-world exclamation, Give me problems, give me work,
give me the most abstruse cryptogram or the most intricate
analysis, and I am in my own proper atmosphere.
A bit of correction.
Actually, the QA process is performed under the supervision of
the Strategist. It was me who interrupted it to play with some
modules to test them for efficiency.
Not that it is absolutely necessarily but unfortunately I am a
perfectionist :)
The VM machine will analyze Rubi 3 to
compare it to Rubi 2/Rubi.
But maybe some other news are coming.
I know, years in years out, some guys have
been waiting for my new words. Thanks for
you guys, for your support and patience!
It was quite a challenge to live through
these turbulent years of the local crisis,
it was quite a pain to feed my team... at
times, even myself.
But I managed to do what I wanted.
Consider now my first new step
My next step will be finished soon.
Vladimir Bondarenko
Co-founder, CEO, Mathematical Director Cyber Tester Ltd.
"We must understand that technologies
like these are the way of the future."
Cheers indeed, Vladimir! May your meeting be
a productive one.
regards, chip
Much thanks, Chip!
I keep working on a SAGE QA presentation...
and one more new thing.
Hope to tell more within 2 weeks.
Cheers, vladimir
But we do not want to tread water.
did your VM manage to find any bugs in Sage that were previously
I don't see your name list at
as one who has a trac account, but not everyone who has an account
puts their name.
This is a perfect case to say,
No comment.