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Gary Kildall explains PRL files

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French Luser

Jul 7, 2006, 3:58:48 AM7/7/06

- "A simple technique for static relocation of absolute machine code"
Gary Kildall
DDJ ("Dr. Dobb's Journal"), #22, Vol.3, No.2, February 1978, pp.10-13

(Retyped by Emmanuel ROCHE.)

One principal difficulty with newly evolving computer technology
is that software generation tools generally lag corresponding
hardware facilities, thus forcing the software engineer to
resort to outmoded techniques to produce software systems.

The purpose here is to present one area of difficulty -- that of
a static program relocation -- and to offer a simple solution
which can be applied to nearly any microcomputer software
environment where relocation is not supported by the

The need for static relocation arises most often in a situation
where the software systems must be reconfigured in the field.
For example, data entry equipment manufacturers often provide a
range of optional peripherals which can be attached to user's
equipment as processing requirements change. Each peripheral
usually requires a software "driver" which is device-specific,
and interfaces the device to the operation environment.

A common approach to software reconfiguration is to arrange the
individual translated peripheral drivers into distinct machine
code modules which can be selectively brought together to form
an integral system at the customer site. In order to perform the
field reconfiguration, each module is translated so that it
originates at location 0 in memory and, when it is brought
together with other modules, it is placed at the next available
memory location as the system is being constructed. All machine
code elements which are location dependent must, of course, be
altered to reflect the actual locations that the driver
occupies. Generally, the elements which are affected are the
addresses of branch destinations and data addresses. If the
locations of the affected addresses in each module are known
ahead of the system reconfiguration, the module can be placed
anywhere in the final memory image.

Simple static relocation

The process of constructing an executable memory image from a
set of relocatable modules, as described above, is called static
relocation. Unfortunately, very few microcomputer manufacturers
produce the address information with their translator output
which is required for the relocation process. The method
described below, however, can be applied to the output of most
manufacturer's absolute translators to derive the necessary
relocation information. In order to be specific, the Intel 8080
microcomputer is used in the discussion, with the understanding
that the concepts can be easily extended to differing

The Intel 8080 microcomputer has a 64K (65,535 bytes) memory
space, which can be thought of as 256 "pages" of 256 bytes per
page. Data and instructions are intermixed in this memory space,
and are addressed with a 16-bit address operand which can be
divided into an 8-bit (high-order) page address (0-255), and an
8-bit (low-order) address within a page. Typical 8080
instructions which can use these address operands are shown in
Figure 1, where PA denotes the page address, and AWP denotes the
address within a page.

| MVI A, | PA | Move immediate to A
| MVI C, | AWP | Move immediate to C
| LXI D, | AWP | PA | Load DE with address
| JMP | AWP | PA | Jump to address

Figure 1. Typical 8080 instructions

In general, a machine code memory image consists of
instructions, instruction addresses, and data items. The
instructions and data items are independent of the actual
location at which the module finally resides. Further, only a
subset of the instruction addresses are dependent upon the
module location. That is, a load instruction may reference a
buffer address which is fixed outside the relocatable module, in
which case it does not change when the module is moved into
position. If the address references a branch location or data
item within the module, then the value of PA, AWP, or both, must
be biased by fixed values, dependent upon the final position of
the module in the resulting configuration.

A simpler form of relocation, called "page boundary relocation",
is usually sufficient for field reconfiguration. In this case,
the module is relocated to a page boundary, so that only the
page address (PA) need be changed to perform the relocation,
since the address within a page (AWP) remains constant.

Page boundary relocation

In its simplest form, page boundary relocation can be
accomplished by constructing two parallel memory images for each
module. The first, called the "relative-0", image is created by
translating the module for execution at location 0. The second,
called the "relative-1", image is produced by translating the
module for execution at page 1 (address 256). The relative-0 and
relative-1 memory images can then be compared to determine the
high-order address elements which must change when the module is
moved to its final page boundary location. Figures 2a and 2b
show a simple program segment assembled as relative-0 and
relative-1 images. The differences in the machine code images
are shown in bold characters, and are thus the high-order
addresses which must be biased when the module is moved. Figure
2c shows the same program segment assembled at page 5. Note
that, if the bolded address fields in the relative-0 image are
biased by an amount 5 (corresponding to page boundary 5), they
result in the proper values for the relocated program.

0000 ORG 0 ; Relative-0 assembly
0000 3E00 start: MVI A, d1 SHR 8 ; Page address to A
0002 0E0A MVI C, d1 AND 0FFH ; Address in page
0004 110A00 LXI D, d1 ; Full address to DE
0007 C30000 JMP start
; Data area
000A d1 DS 2 ; Two unfilled
000C 00 DB 0 ; One filled element
000D END


Figure 2a. Relative-0 assembly

0100 ORG 100H ; Relative-1 assembly
0100 3E01 start: MVI A, d1 SHR 8 ; Page address to A
0102 0E0A MVI C, d1 AND 0FFH ; Address in page
0104 110A01 LXI D, d1 ; Full address to DE
0107 C30001 JMP start
; Data area
010A d1 DS 2 ; Two unfilled
010C 00 DB 0 ; One filled element
010D END


Figure 2b. Relative-1 assembly

0500 ORG 500H ; Assembly at page 5
0500 3E05 start: MVI A, d1 SHR 8 ; Page address to A
0502 0E0A MVI C, d1 AND 0FFH ; Address in page
0504 110A05 LXI D, d1 ; Full address to DE
0507 C30005 JMP start
; Data area
050A d1 DS 2 ; Two unfilled
050C 00 DB 0 ; One filled element
050D END


Figure 2c. Assembly at page 5

The program which actually performs the relocation process is a
simple modification of an absolute loader. The translator output
for an 8080 microcomputer is a "hex format" file, containing a
sequence of absolute records which give a load address and byte
values to be stored starting at the load address. The exact
format of each record, shown in Figure 3, begins with a colon
(":") followed immediately by a 2-digit record length (RL) and
4-digit load address (LA). The 2-digit record type (rt) is
always zero for absolute records, and is followed by RL pairs of
hexadecimal digits to be placed at LA through LA+RL-1 in memory.

| : | nn | aaaa | tt | d1 d2 ... dn | cc |
nn = record length (01-FF)
aaaa = load address (0000-FFFF)
tt = record type (00)
d1 = data byte #1
d2 = data byte #2
dn = data byte #n
cc = checksum byte

Figure 3. Hex file format

The record terminates with a pair of checksum digits: if the
byte values (hexadecimal digit pairs) are summed, starting
immediately after the colon, and continuing through the end of
the record (including the checksum byte), then the sum should be
zero when computed with an 8-bit counter. The checksum byte is
included as an error detection mechanism. The last record of a
hex file is denoted by a record length of 00.

An absolute loader reads each record of the hex file, and loads
the byte values at the load address specified by LA for the next
RL bytes, as shown in the algorithm of Figure 4.

Note: nextchar reads the next ASCII character
nextbyte reads the next pair of digits
nextaddr reads the next pair of bytes
CS is the checksum accumulator (8-bits)
RL is the record length (8-bits)
LA is the load address (16-bits)
M[x] is memory location x (8-bits)

A1 [scan for :] if nextchar <> ":" go to A1
A2 [set checksum] CS := 0
A3 [get length] RL := nextbyte
A4 [last record?] if RL = 0 go to A16
A5 [set address] LA := nextaddr
A6 [set type] RT := nextbyte
A7 [load bytes] if RL = 0 go to A13
A8 [get byte] b := nextbyte
A9 [store byte] M[LA] := b
A10 [checksum] CS := CS + b
A11 [next addr] LA := LA + 1
A12 [count length] RL := RL - 1, go to A7
A13 [checksum] CS := CS + nextbyte
A14 [total ok?] if CS = 0 go to A1
A15 [check error] halt, "checksum error"
A16 [normal end] halt, "tape read ok"

Figure 4. Absolute loader algorithm

The notation used in this algorithm is that of Knuth [Ref. Kn],
where each step is labeled with a step name (A1, ..., A16),
followed by a [comment] describing the action of the step. The
action itself is a series of assignments of expressions to
variables, and conditional control transfers. The algorithm
begins at step A1, and scans for the beginning colon for each
record. When found, the algorithm reads the record length and,
if zero, terminates the load operation. If the record length is
not zero, the load address is read, followed by the record type
(which should be zero). The algorithm then loops between steps
A6 and A12, reading successive bytes to memory while computing
the checksum. When the entire record has been loaded, the final
checksum byte is added, which should result in a zero value.
Upon completion of the algorithm of Figure 4, the entire hex
file has been read and loaded to an absolute location in memory.

Note: nextchar, nextbyte, nextaddr,
CS, RL, LA, and M are identical to
Figure 4. PG is the page number where
the relocated module will reside.

A1 [scan for :] if nextchar <> ":" go to A1
A2 [set checksum] CS := 0
A3 [get length] RL := nextbyte
A4 [last record?] if RL = 0 go to A16
A5 [set address] LA := nextaddr
A6 [set type] RT := nextbyte
A7 [load bytes] if RL = 0 go to A13
A8 [get byte] b := nextbyte
A9 [store byte] M[LA + PG * 256] := b
A10 [checksum] CS := CS + b
A11 [next addr] LA := LA + 1
A12 [count length] RL := RL - 1, go to A7
A13 [checksum] CS := CS + nextbyte
A14 [total ok?] if CS = 0 go to A1
A15 [check error] halt, "checksum error"
A16 [end rel-0] go to R1

R1 [scan for :] if nextchar <> ":" go to R1
R2 [set checksum] CS := 0
R3 [get length] RL := nextbyte
R4 [last record?] if RL = 0 go to R19
R5 [set address] LA := nextaddr + 256 * (PG - 1)
R6 [set type] RT := nextbyte
R7 [record done?] if RL = 0 go to R15
R8 [compare data] b := nextbyte
R9 [data same?] if b = M[LA] go to R12
R10 [page diff 1?] if b <> M[LA]+1 go to R18
R11 [relocate] M[LA] := M[LA] + PG
R12 [checksum] CS := CS + b
R13 [next address] LA := LA + 1
R14 [count length] RL := RL - 1, go to R7
R15 [checksum] CS := CS + nextbyte
R16 [total ok?] if CS = 0 go to R1
R17 [check error] halt, "checksum error"
R18 [reloc error] halt, "relocation error"
R19 [end rel-1] halt, "relocation done"

Figure 5. Relocating loader algorithm

The algorithm of Figure 5 is a simple extension of the previous
absolute loader, which reads two successive hex files. The first
hex file is the relative-0 machine code, produced by translating
the module for execution at location 0. The second hex file is
the relative-1 machine code, resulting from the module
translation when originated at location 256 (100 in
hexadecimal). The first part of the algorithm, given by steps A1
through A16, is similar to that of Figure 4, except that the
data is loaded to address LA+PG*256 (which effectively moves the
module to the page boundary given by PG) rather than absolute
address LA.

Upon reaching step A16, the module has been loaded into memory
at page PG, but is translated for execution at location 0 and
thus would (most likely) execute improperly, since the high-
order branch and data addresses must be biased by an amount PG.
Thus, steps R1 through R19 read the relative-1 hex file to
determine the addresses which must change. These steps are
similar to A1 through A16, except that the input data is
compared with memory for differences, rather than actually
placed in memory. In step R5, the load address is read as before
but, since the relative-1 machine code is biased by one page,
the effective address must be reduced by 256 bytes. Step R9
compares the data loaded in the first phase with the data read
in the second phase: if the data is the same, then the element
is invariant in the relocation process. If the data differs,
then it must have been due to the difference in the relative-0
and the relative-1 memory images. Further, this difference must
be exactly 1, since differences occur only in the high-order
address fields; otherwise, an error occurs and the module cannot
be relocated. When a relocatable element is found, the original
value loaded and relocated in phase 1 must be biased by an
amount PG in step R11. Upon completion of the second phase, the
algorithm halts at step R19 with the high-order addresses
altered by the proper amount in the relocated module. Note that
the algorithm given in Figure 5, when applied to the relative-0
file of Figure 2a, followed by the relative-1 file of Figure 2b,
produces the relocated machine code of Figure 2c, when page
boundary PG=5 is used.

The algorithm of Figure 5 can be easily translated to an
appropriate assembly or high-level language program to perform
this relocation process.

The processing of Figure 5 can be used to produce a more compact
form of the relocatable module by building a "bit vector" which
tabulates the addresses which require relocation, rather than
actually performing the relocation process. That is to say, in
step R11 the address LA must be biased by an amount PG for
proper execution when the module originates at address PG*256.
Thus, on the first pass, the data can be read to memory and,
upon completion of the pass, a bit vector is constructed, which
has one bit position for each address within the module. Before
starting step R1, the entire bit vector is zeroed, to indicate
that no addresses require relocation. As the second phase
processing proceeds, each relocation address determined in step
R11 can be "marked" by setting the corresponding position of the
bit vector. Upon completion of the algorithm, the bit vector
contains zeroes in the positions corresponding to addresses
which are invariant over the relocation, and ones in the
positions which require biasing by an amount PG. The entire
relocatable module can then be saved for later static

Given that the relative-0 memory image has been saved along with
the relocation bit vector, the page boundary relocation can be
simply accomplished by reading the memory image to its relocated
page address PG. The bit vector is then read and processed: for
each bit position which is set, the value PG must be added to
the corresponding element which was previously loaded. Note that
this extension to the basic algorithm of Figure 5 is included
only for compact representation, and produces exactly the same
memory image as the original algorithm.

A case in point

The following situation shows a case where page boundary
relocation is useful. The CP/M operating system [Ref. Ki] is a
simple small computer diskette-based software system, which
implements a file management and program loading facility for
microcomputer development. The operating system is arranged as a
set of modules which are loaded into memory when the computer
system is started. User programs are then loaded into memory
from the diskette and, because of memory constraints, must
overlay non-essential portions of the CP/M system to reclaim
storage for program and data areas. In order to allow these
areas of memory to be reclaimed, the CP/M system is loaded into
the high addresses of the memory space, and the user programs
are loaded into the low addresses. Thus, the user programs can
overlay the high addresses of memory when necessary and, upon
completion, cause the CP/M system to be brought back from the
diskette for the next operation.

Given that relocation is not supported by the manufacturer, this
memory organization presents a fundamental difficulty: each CP/M
operating system must be tied directly to the memory size. If
the user of CP/M owns a computer system with 16K bytes of
memory, then a 16K version of CP/M must be supplied. If the user
adds memory to enhance system capabilities, a different version
of CP/M must be supplied to support the larger memory space.

In order to overcome this difficulty, the CP/M system can be
reconfigured in the field to accomodate the increased memory,
using the page boundary relocation technique described above. In
particular, each user receives a 16K version of CP/M (the
smallest amount of memory which is useful for CP/M operation),
along with a program which implements the reconfiguration. The
user may optionally execute the program which rebuilds the CP/M
system, according to the existing memory size, and places the
relocated memory image back on the diskette, ready for
subsequent loading.

The CP/M debugger program, called the Dynamic Debugging Tool
(DDT), also resides in the upper portions of memory, so that it
can coexist with the programs under test. Again, the area in
which DDT is loaded depends upon the current memory
configuration, and thus page boundary relocation is performed
each time the DDT program is brought into memory. The increased
elapsed time for relocation of DDT is negligible when compared
to an absolute load, as long as the bit vector technique of the
previous section is used.


It should be noted that the technique described here is by no
means a complete linking loader: no address resolution is
provided between modules, and no load-time address arithmetic is
allowed. Sets of modules which coexist in an integral system
must communicate through instruction and data addresses. Using
the technique presented here, the communication must be
performed through dedicated absolute addresses for data items.
Further, instruction addresses must be established through a
"root module" which contains a jump vector with vector elements
for each possible module which could be configured in a final

Address arithmetic is often useful when combining modules. In
the simple page boundary relocation described above, all address
arithmetic must be performed at assembly or compile time, and
must consist only of simple operations which involve a fixed
positive or negative offset from a base address, or a shift or
logical AND operation which extracts the 8-bit page address of a
full 16-bit address. A relocation error will occur, for example,
if an 8-bit immediate operand instruction is obtained from a 7-
bit right shift, rather than an 8-bit right shift of an address

In spite of these shortcomings, the technique has particular
advantages in being independent of a manufacturer's
capabilities, whims, and fancies. All language processors must
eventually produce an absolute memory image for execution on the
target machine, and thus the relocation process presented here
will continue to operate when new software tools are introduced.


The author would like to point out that the techniques presented
here, although useful, are most likely not original or
particularly inventive. In fact, at least one individual, Bruce
VanNatta of IMS Associates, San Leandro, California, has
independently applied the methods to produce relocatable PL/M
programs. There are most certainly many other software designers
who have approached the relocation problem in a similar fashion.


- "Microcomputer Software Design: A Checkpoint"
Gary Kildall
Proceedings of the Fall Joint Computer Conference
Spartan Books, New-York, 1975

- "The Art of Computer Programming. Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms"
Don Knuth
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1975


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