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From Windows, how can we open a command line on the Android filesystem?

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Arlen Holder

Oct 11, 2018, 3:43:38 PM10/11/18
From Windows, how can we run a DOS command on the Android filesystem?

For example:
How can we run a Windows command-line "dir" from Windows on Android?*

1. The Android phone is set to "MTP"
2. I plug the Android phone into Windows via USB for r/w access to Windows
3. This creates a clickable r/w connection for my Android phone on Windows
4. I can easily see, copy, read, & write all the files from Windows:
o This PC\lgstylo3plus\Internal storage\
o This PC\lgstylo3plus\SD card\
5. But how do I open the command line from Windows, on Android to run:
dir /s/a/l/on/b This PC\lgstylo3plus\Internal storage\0data\apk\*

The reason I ask is simply to create accurate text Android app inventories.

I want an editable list containing these four items per line:
a. Common name
b. Installation URL
c. Unique name
d. Sub version

I can create that information in a text file, using a set of workarounds.

Windows Workarounds:
A: On Windows, I can copy the "apk" directory from Android to Windows.
Once it's on Windows, I can easily run a Windows command on the files.
dir /s/a/l/on/b C:\data\backup\lgstylo\phone\apk\*.apk > applog.txt

Android Workarounds:
A. I can send all installed app names & URLs to an editable file using:
[My Apps]
B. I can view all the installed app names & versions on the screen using:
[Applications Info]
C. I can create a directory of installed APKs & their subversions using:
[App Backup & Restore]
D. On Android, I can open up any terminal emulator to run the "ls" command:
[Terminal Emulator]
ls -l /sdcard/0data/apk/*.apk > applog.txt

*But how, from Windows, can we run that DOS dir command on the Android filesystem?*

Arlen Holder

Oct 11, 2018, 3:48:20 PM10/11/18
On Thu, 11 Oct 2018 19:43:38 -0000 (UTC), Arlen Holder wrote:

> I want an editable list containing these four items per line:
> a. Common name
> b. Installation URL
> c. Unique name
> d. Sub version
> I can create that information in a text file, using a set of workarounds.

The alternative solution to the Windows experience required to answer the
original question ...

Would be if someone experienced on Android knows of a free Android utility
that creates an editable file containing an ad-hoc inventory of all
installed programs.

The editable inventory file would only need to contain:
a. Common name (optional)
b. Installation URL (optional)
c. Unique name (mandatory)
d. Sub version (mandatory)

Arlen Holder

Oct 11, 2018, 4:19:15 PM10/11/18
On Thu, 11 Oct 2018 19:48:20 -0000 (UTC), Arlen Holder wrote:

> The editable inventory file would only need to contain:
> a. Common name (optional)
> b. Installation URL (optional)
> c. Unique name (mandatory)
> d. Sub version (mandatory)

I just tested by dualbooting to Ubuntu where the command line works fine on
the Android filesystem from Linux - but not from Windows (for some reason):

So the technical question for Android/Windows experts is simply:

A: How to get an editable app/version inventory using a free Android app
o Text file containing the installed app unique name + subversion
B. How to get the Windows DOS commands to work on an Android filesystem\
o dir /s/a/l/on/b This PC\lgstylo3plus\Internal storage\0data\apk\*


Oct 12, 2018, 2:11:49 AM10/12/18

> How can we run a Windows command-line "dir" from Windows on Android?*

Simple answer ? Find yourself a program which talks to the Android API on
one side, and accepts the word "DIR" as a command on the console side.
Good luck with that.

Another easy way, but would take some effort on your behalf: you could also
take those "Android Workarounds" steps and put them into a batchfile (or
other kind of script language) and name it DIR.BAT (or similar).


You could learn how op use the Andriod API (in whatever programming language
you like, scriptable or compilable) and write it yourself.

As for those "Installation URL", "Unique name", "Sub version" ? How do you
*now* get them ? Probably not from those copied APKs. But maybe that
info is stored *inside* those APKs, and you only need to extract it from
there. The same here. See if you can find yourself a programming language
that can peer into those files to extract what you want/need.

Rudy Wieser

I would suggest you do not spend too much time on the first option. Your
request is too "niche", and the chance that such a program actually exists
is low. *Especially* one which will also display that extra info you

Frank Slootweg

Oct 12, 2018, 6:29:00 AM10/12/18
Arlen Holder <> wrote:

> *But how, from Windows, can we run that DOS dir command on the Android
> filesystem?*
> <>

The only solution I know, is to use the FTPUSE [1] command on the
Windows system, to 'map'. the Android filesystem to a Network Drive.

An alternative is to use a SMB-*server* on the Android side, but as
you know, that requires a rooted Android device (because the SMB port
number can not be changed on the Windows side).

[1] At the time, you posted about FTPUSE, so I'm sure you know what it
is and where to find it. :-)

Arlen Holder

Oct 12, 2018, 9:50:43 AM10/12/18
On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 08:11:26 +0200, R.Wieser wrote:

> As for those "Installation URL", "Unique name", "Sub version" ? How do you
> *now* get them ? Probably not from those copied APKs. But maybe that
> info is stored *inside* those APKs, and you only need to extract it from
> there. The same here. See if you can find yourself a programming language
> that can peer into those files to extract what you want/need.

Hi Rudy,

My hope is that there is someone on this ng who knows more than I do.
By that, my hope is that someone _already_ has solved this issue, Rudy.

If there is an _experienced_ person here who already has run a DOS command
on the Android filesystem connected via USB using a method that is easier
than the method outlined below - _that_ is what I wish to learn about.

If they don't have a ready-made solution to the question in the subject
line, Rudy, then they probably can't help since I already have a
workaround, as I already explained, Rudy.

Moving forward, I just ran an experiment by factory resetting my Android
phone (which I generally do roughly about monthly anyway), in order to
distinguish which apps are considered "system apps" & which are considered
"carrier-installed apps".

This helps us all distinguish those two varieties from the third type of
app, which is a "user installed" app as shown below by running the APK
backup program three times, using three different destination settings:
/sdcard1/data1/software/system_apk (which contained 487 APKs)
/sdcard1/data1/software/carrier_apk (which contained 28 APKs)
/sdcard1/data1/software/user_apk (which contains 159 APKs)

That's roughly 500 pre-installed APKs plus about 150 user APKs per device.

Once I have those files on Android, my workaround to obtaining a unique
editable list is to copy those APKs to Windows so that I can run:
dir /s/a/l/on/b > apk_inventory.txt

It would just be nice to find someone on this newsgroup who knows more than
I do who has _already_ solved the problem of running a DOS command on the
Android filesystem, that is _easier_ to do than to copy the files over to
Windows and then run that DOS command on them.

To obtain _that expert knowledge_, is the reason for this thread.

Arlen Holder

Oct 12, 2018, 12:21:07 PM10/12/18
On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 16:04:50 +0200, FredW wrote:

> Please don't feed the troll.
> Did you notice how many non-related newsgroups were included.

This isn't a thread for ignorant children like FredW proved himself to be.

This is a thread for intelligent adults - who want the same thing everyone
wants, which is a way to mount the Android filesystem on Windows without
having to be root on that Android filesystem (just like we do on Linux

*My feeling is that if Linux can mount Android for rw, why can't Windows?*

Frank Slootweg is correct that the goal would be to mount the Android file
system read write as a drive on Windows so that the DOS commands could run.

Everyone would benefit when we figure out how to do this expert task.

Unfortunately, we'll never move forward if ignorant children like Frank W
just proved himself to be waste everyone's time by posting their ignorant
child-like drivel on this thread.

It's clear Frank W. has _nothing_ of value to add.
All Frank W can do is prove he is not only a child, but that he's an
ignorant child who has not grown up past the fourth-grade level yet.

It's just as clear that Frank W. will _never_ advance our knowledge.
He can't. Every post from him proves how childish he is.

Moving forward with the remaining expert adults on this newsgroup...

I doubt anyone knows more than I do on this specific problem set since I've
been dealing with Android management via the desktop for years - but Frank
Slootweg does know far more than I do on his "ftpfuse" & "smb" suggestions.

Both could work, if we can get them to work on a non-rooted Nougat device.

Bearing in mind that Ubuntu 18.04 natively has no problem whatsoever
running commands on the Android filesystem, I'm _sure_ that those who are
experts at Windows can figure out what needs to be done to get Windows to
do what Linux already does naturally.

In addition, perhaps an "adb" expert can advise whether the adb shell can
mount the Android filesystem on Windows so that DOS commands will run on
that mounted Android file system?

It's clear that only an expert can progress our capabilities here.

As Frank Slootweg correctly surmised, I am no expert in either FTPFuse or
in SMB (at least not on Windows or Android I'm not, although I am
reasonably well aquainted with at Samba SMB on Linux), perhaps something
Android-specific, like adb running on Windows, might work?
adb shell
mount -o rw,remount /system

But adb may require a rooted Android system as a pre-condition of success:

In fact, as Frank Slootweg noted, even though Linux clearly doesn't require
the Android file system to be rooted, it _may_ be that Windows requires it:

I tend not to give up when I know that Linux can do it without rooting the
Android phone, so I feel, strongly, that Windows _must_ be able to mount
the Android file system without needing root. But how?

This implies that Android phones with the "MSC/MTP switch" can do it:

While I'm no stranger to testing things out and moving our tribal knowledge
forward in huge leaps and bounds, I'm out of my expertise level with all
these potential solutions (ftpfuse, adb, webdav, smb, etc.).

Hence that's why I ask for _experts_ (not children like Frank W proved
himself to be) to help advise how we can mount an Android file system on
Windows just like Linux already does.

Arlen Holder

Oct 12, 2018, 12:26:17 PM10/12/18
On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 16:21:06 -0000 (UTC), Arlen Holder wrote:

> Unfortunately, we'll never move forward if ignorant children like Frank W
> just proved himself to be waste everyone's time by posting their ignorant
> child-like drivel on this thread.
> It's clear Frank W. has _nothing_ of value to add.

Minor typo ... since I confront cowardly bullies who not only add zero
value, and who _can't_ add any value - but who will _never_ be able to have
the adult conversation it takes to move our knowledge level forward.

It's *FredW" (not Frank W) who acted like a whiny cowardly child.
Alienating cowardly children like FredW is my goal - so that they go away.

Cowardly ignorant children like FredW can _never_ advance our knowledge.
From: FredW <fr...@ninmule.invalid>

Moving forward with adults, I commend Frank Slootweg for his technical
suggestions which may help us, finally, to achieve what everyone wants,
which is the ability to mount the Android filesystem on Windows (which
already works for Linux - so it's possible).

It's possible - but nobody yet on this ng knows how (which I'm confident we
can figure out together - which advances our knowledge greatly).


Oct 12, 2018, 12:39:51 PM10/12/18

> My hope is that there is someone on this ng who knows more than I
> do.

You mean, like where to download that program ? Have you already googled
for it yourself ?

> By that, my hope is that someone _already_ has solved this issue,
> Rudy.

As I said, that might be possible, but as its a niche something don't get
your hopes up for it. *Especially* not whith the requirements you

> If they don't have a ready-made solution to the question in the
> subject line, Rudy, then they probably can't help

I suggest you take that (not being to help you by offering you an URL to the
product) as a given.

> It would just be nice to find someone on this newsgroup who knows more
> than I do

The problem is that pretty-much *all* your questions are like that. No
indication to what you did yourself to find an answer. Just a summing up of
what you have on your screen and than some requirements.

> To obtain _that expert knowledge_, is the reason for this thread.

How do you think those people gained *their* knowledge ? Have you ever
thought about that ?

Also, if you think that just knowing where to get/download that program is
"expert knowledge" you do not put your goals high, do you ? I mean, if
that product exists commercially just a run-of-the-mill store clerk would
possibly know it. If its some (semi) hobby project I could imagine a
person randomly browsing GitHub also could.

All I see is someone who has ideas, and than thinks he should, instead of
googeling his ass of for a couple of hours (or days), use these newsgroups
as his personal knowledge database. And that breeds resentment.

Currently *I* resent you.

I don't think you are aware of it (how could you), but when you asked for
that geoPDF stuff I was actually researching the subject to see if something
could be whipped up - until I realized that that (reasearching) was exactly
what *you* should have been doing - and giving no indication that you ever
tried. You where *that* close of having taken advantage of me. :-(

So, sit your ass infront of your 'puter, search for something, *anything*
that could be helpfull in completing your current task AND POST THE RESULTS
(URLs will do nicely). As long as you're not coming up with stuff which
could possible lead the way to your sought solution I have no other choice
than to conclude that you refuse to put any effort into it yourself (and
thus that you are simply trying to leech us for all we are worth)

And that is exerbated by the fact that you did ask a two-part question for
which I didn't even need 30 seconds to google both of its answers. That
simply proves that, at that time, you did not even *try* to find the answer

Show us what you yourself did to find a solution to your own problem(s).
Up until that moment at least I will not (even try to) help you, and will
keep warning others of your "putting effort into something is good, as long
as its not mine" approach.

Rudy Wieser

Arlen Holder

Oct 12, 2018, 1:58:10 PM10/12/18
On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 18:39:45 +0200, R.Wieser wrote:

> Have you already googled for it yourself ?

Jesus Christ Rudy Wieser.
*I'm sick of utter morons like you prove to be every time you post.*

This isn't my first rodeo with worthless children like you Rudy Wieser.

The day you actually add adult _value_ to any thread, would be a big deal.
Worse, the day you stop saying stupid things is a day we rejoice.
HINT: I provided tons of links - you moron.

It's tough dealing with utter morons like you Rudy Wieser.
All you do is _prove_ you own the brain of a small child.

You're _worthless_ Rudy.
But worse than worthless, is I have to spend energy squashing you like I
would squash vermin on the kitchen floor.

Go away Rudy. You're a child Rudy. You have no value to adults. Rudy.

*You prove your posts are worthless _every_ single time you post, Rudy.*

Grow up Rudy.
If you post again, please _try_ to post like an adult would.
HINT: That means you have to add on-topic technical value.

Saying "Google" is not on-topic technical value.
It's what you childish morons say because you have no value.


Oct 12, 2018, 2:11:58 PM10/12/18
On 10/12/2018 12:58 PM, Arlen Holder wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 18:39:45 +0200, R.Wieser wrote:
>> Have you already googled for it yourself ?
> Rudy,
> Jesus Christ Rudy Wieser.
> *I'm sick of utter morons like you prove to be every time you post.*

Arlen, if you actually used google you might find
which tells you why it doesn't work by default.

You might also find
which could be a solution.

But, you seem to lazy to look for yourself.

Instead you prefer to berate people.

Wolf K

Oct 12, 2018, 3:14:52 PM10/12/18
On 2018-10-12 13:58, Arlen Holder wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 18:39:45 +0200, R.Wieser wrote:
>> Have you already googled for it yourself ?
> Rudy,
> Jesus Christ Rudy Wieser.

Jesus Christ, Arlen Holder. Put a sock in it. Your repeated rants
against people who "don't add technical knowledge" are getting more than

Best wishes (really!),

Wolf K
Complexity is not a condition to be tamed, but a lesson to be learned.
(James Bridley, 2018)

Sam Hill

Oct 12, 2018, 3:23:29 PM10/12/18
On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 18:39:45 +0200, R.Wieser wrote:

> Arlen wrote:
>> My hope is that there is someone on this ng who knows more than I do.

That would be everyone else...

> All I see is someone who has ideas, and than thinks he should, instead
> of googeling his ass of for a couple of hours (or days), use these
> newsgroups as his personal knowledge database. And that breeds
> resentment.
> Currently *I* resent you.

Rudy, time to exercise your Mark One Eyeball and just ignore and skip over
everything the morphing idiot posts. It's easy to do, eh? I doubt if
anyone else is reading his posts.

😉 Good Guy 😉

Oct 12, 2018, 4:15:19 PM10/12/18
On 12/10/2018 20:23, Sam Hill wrote:

Rudy, time to exercise your Mark One Eyeball and just ignore and skip over 
everything the morphing idiot posts. It's easy to do, eh? I doubt if 
anyone else is reading his posts.

Any you are wasting time responding to the idiot who is part of the same sex ring operating on these newsgroups looking for young boys.  We don't receive, let alone read, any of the posts from idiots who are still responding to the members of the sex ring run by Arlene H Holder.  Arlene has a very large following and people like you keep responding to him or his followers and make our life difficult to decide who to kill-file and who not.  My position is that anybody responding that idiot or his followers goes on to my kill-file.  You have been added to my kill-file until after 3 months when I review the list again to decide who doesn't deserve to be on it.

Good bye.

With over 950 million devices now running Windows 10, customer satisfaction is higher than any previous version of windows.

Char Jackson

Oct 12, 2018, 4:49:10 PM10/12/18
On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 18:39:45 +0200, "R.Wieser" <add...@not.available>
All of that was very well said. I've simply given up on him, as I
suspect most have.


Oct 12, 2018, 5:15:21 PM10/12/18

> This isn't my first rodeo with worthless children like you Rudy Wieser.

It sure isn't your first rodeo. But you keep making the same mistake(s)
over-and-over again, as if your learn really *nothing* from our encounters.
You do not like to be told something, so you still go for the messenger
instead of the message. Old hat actually, and rather predictable - having
seen you do that and experienced it myself several times.

And you *again* evaded a straight answer. Did you google for yourself ?
We still do not know. But for the moment I take the above response to be
meaning a "No".

> The day you actually add adult _value_ to any thread

I'm sorry, this is a children-friendly place. We certainly do not
appriciate adult content being posted here. :-)

> HINT: I provided tons of links - you moron.

Yes, you did. Your initial message in this thread is full of them. All to
*screenshots*. NONE of them to material you googled, and which could
possibly be part of/leading to the solution you are looking for. Nothing.
Zip. Nada.

> But worse than worthless, is I have to spend energy squashing you like
> I would squash vermin on the kitchen floor.

You're not really good squashing vermin are you (which you probably never
have done in the first place) ? At least, you seem to have a hard time
trying to squash me. Than again, its rather possible you have not started
yet, so apologies. Could you warn me when you start ? Otherwise I might
fully miss it. :-)

And I wish you would spend some more time at solving your own problems, or
*at least* doing some preliminary work in that regard AND POSTING IT,
instead of (talking about) making some threatening movements towards some
poor rodent.

> Go away Rudy. You're a child Rudy. You have no value to adults. Rudy.

No, no, and how would you know ? Also, not a smart statement: I need only
one adult to be valuable for and your whole claim is void. Care to try
again ?

> *You prove your posts are worthless _every_ single time you post, Rudy.*

Absolutily. I mean, if someone with 10.000 tutorials on his name - every
working day for 37 years straight - says it than it must be true, innit ?

> If you post again, please _try_ to post like an adult would.

Lol. Says the one who lashed out like a little kid at most every person he
doesn't like.

> HINT: That means you have to add on-topic technical value.

No, that is what you *want* to be posted, as that would benefit *you* the
most. Kiddo, you're so transparent that at times it feels you are not even
really there. :-)

> Saying "Google" is not on-topic technical value.

Besides the problem that I didn't (not in the way you are trying to make is
sound - context and all that), how is refusing to put effort into finding
possible solutions to your own problems "on topic" ? Not in any of the
newsgroups you are postng your needfull "give-and-explain me *everything*"
threads in, thats for sure.

> It's what you childish morons say because you have no value.

Kiddo, I said it before: as long as you refuse to show that you have put
effort into finding possible solutions to your own problems I'm considering
you a leech.

And the funny thing is, each-and-every time you try to have a go at me you
are showing your possible victims to stay away from you. In that regard
you are in a so-called lose, lose situation :-)

Rudy Wieser


Oct 12, 2018, 5:34:00 PM10/12/18

> Rudy, time to exercise your Mark One Eyeball and just ignore and skip
> over everything the morphing idiot posts.

I do for most of his stuff. But once-in-a-while (when he opens a new
thread) I happen to see the initial message. And than I sometimes can't
help myself and try to give some hints-and-pointers, because I want to see
even him progress.

But alas, when he's hungry he stil resorts to begging for fish instead of
trying to learn how to fish himself. :-(

> It's easy to do, eh? I doubt if anyone else is reading his posts.

His next victims will ...

Rudy Wieser

Ken Blake

Oct 12, 2018, 6:15:31 PM10/12/18
On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 23:33:55 +0200, "R.Wieser" <add...@not.available>

>> Rudy, time to exercise your Mark One Eyeball and just ignore and skip
>> over everything the morphing idiot posts.
>I do for most of his stuff. But once-in-a-while (when he opens a new
>thread) I happen to see the initial message.

Killfiling him solves that problem.

Arlen Holder

Oct 12, 2018, 7:05:41 PM10/12/18
On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 13:11:56 -0500, joe wrote:

> Arlen, if you actually used google

Hi "joe",

The _less_ you and the other proven morons post, the easier it will be to
move the technical ball forward, "joe".

I am hoping that the "experienced" people on this ng, together, those of us
who are intelligent, can solve it finally, for the masses.

As always, that means a free unrestricted solution is required (not
crippleware or trialware, which is _always_ out of the question).

> you might find
> which tells you why it doesn't work by default.

I already provided _plenty_ of links from "google",
which show this is an unsolved-as-yet age-old problem for the masses.

> You might also find
> which could be a solution.

That's well known cripple ware trialware.

> But, you seem to lazy to look for yourself.

The difference between you and me, "joe", is that all you _can_ do, is play
childish games. I move the ball forward doing things _nobody_ else can do,
and I do that in little steps at a time, "joe".

You have a long history, "joe", of acting like a child, where you think
that running a google is sheer genius, when you didn't find anything we
didn't already know about years ago by your idiotic post.

> Instead you prefer to berate people.

This isn't my first rodeo with morons like you "joe".
a. When you act like an adult - I treat you like an adult.
b. When you act like a child - I treat you as a child.

I'm a mirror, "joe". A mirror.
You, "joe", have _never_ once acted like an adult on Usenet (AFAIK).

My strategy is to move the technical ball forward, "joe".
My tactics are to alienate the morons like you "joe" (and others).

The _less_ you and the other morons post, the easier it will be to move the
technical ball forward, "joe".

Arlen Holder

Oct 12, 2018, 7:13:46 PM10/12/18
On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 15:14:52 -0400, Wolf K wrote:

> Jesus Christ, Arlen Holder. Put a sock in it. Your repeated rants
> against people who "don't add technical knowledge" are getting more than
> tiresome.

Hi Wolf K,

*The _less_ you worthless vermin post, the more we'll move forward.*

You have _never_ once added any technical value to _any_ thread.
You _can't_ add any technical value.
You're a worthless piece of imbecilic vermin, Wolf K.

*You can _never_ add on-topic value to any technical thread, Wolf K.*

Am I clear yet?
Or do I need to explain what you are more clearly, Wolf K?

Why you insist on proving you can't add value, is beyond me.

This isn't my first rodeo where you morons are 99% of any tech thread.
My goal, if it's not obvious to you morons, is to _alienate_ you.

*I clearly want you utter worthless morons, Wolf K, to "go away".*
You morons, Wolf K, are welcome to infest some other thread.

You morons all use the "chit chat" model of worthless posts.
My posta are asking _hard_ questions, Wolf K.

You can't answer hard questions, Wolf K.
You're a moron, Wolf K.

The moment you worthless chitchat vermin realize I _mirror_ your posts, is
when I begin to alienate you so that the _intelligent_ experienced people
here (if any), can help move the technical ball forward.

When you act like an adult, Wolf K., I treat you as an adult.
It's just that you never seem to act like an adult, Wolf K.

To wit:
a. Your post wasted everyone's time.
b. My post is intended to alienate you (and all worthless vermin).
c. As such, both our posts simply waste everyone's time.

*The _less_ you worthless vermin post, the more we'll move forward.*

Arlen Holder

Oct 12, 2018, 7:17:07 PM10/12/18
On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 23:15:16 +0200, R.Wieser wrote:

> It sure isn't your first rodeo.

*Do I need to be more clear with you Rudy Wieser?*

If it's not obvious to you worthless vermin yet, I want to _alienate_ you.

I want you worthless chitchat vermin to just go away.
Why do you worthless vermin insist on infesting a technical thread?

You worthless vermin have _zero_ adult value to add.

Are you so stupid as to not comprehend you can't ever add any value?

*Do I need to be more clear with you Rudy Wieser?*

Arlen Holder

Oct 12, 2018, 7:26:19 PM10/12/18
On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 19:23:28 -0000 (UTC), Sam Hill wrote:

> That would be everyone else...

We're never going to solve any technical problem with this thread infested
by you worthless vermin, Sam Hill (From: Sam Hill <>).

*You worthless vermin ruin any technical thread you can find.*
You _hate_ technical threads because you have no value to add.

It's like someone called a potluck technical picnic that is Usenet.
And you, Sam Hill, can only bring a pile of shit to share.

When you, Sam Hill, cowardly bully a technical thread, I mirror your post.
a. If you act like an adult, Sam Hill, I treat you as an adult.
b. When you act like a child, Sam Hill, I mirror your childish posts.

If it's not clear yet, you worthless vermin can only prove what you are.
o Rudy Wieser is worthless vermin
o "joe" thinks he's a genius by suggesting "google"
o I'm sure "Good Guy" is posting, but he's in my killfile long ago
o Char Jackson proves he flunked his GED test _every_ time he posts
o Ken Blake also is a worthless vermin who _sometimes_ acts like an adult

We will _never_ move an inch forward when threads are filled with vermin.

All you worthless vermin ever prove, is that you _can't_ add any value.
It takes _intelligence_ to add technical value to this topic.

None of you, "Joe", "Sam Hill", "Ken Blake", "Char Jackson", "Good Guy",
"Rene Lamantagne", and quite a few other worthless vermin, have the
necessary intelligence and expertise to ever add technical value.

There are only a handful of people on this newsgroup who have the necessary
expertise and intelligence to, together, move this technical ball forward.

As any google will show, this is an age-old problem ever since MTP came out
- which we _will_ solve - but not if you worthless vermin continue to
infest every technical thread.

I'm attempting to _alienate_ you worthless vermin, if that's not clear yet.
Am I clear yet?

Or do I need to be more explicit?

Arlen Holder

Oct 12, 2018, 7:31:11 PM10/12/18
On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 15:15:28 -0700, Ken Blake wrote:

> Killfiling him solves that problem.


The _less_ you post, Ken Blake, the more we'll move forward technically.

*Do I need to be more clear with you worthless vermin, Ken Blake?*
Sometimes, Ken Blake, you don't act like a child - but not this time.

You, of all the other worthless vermin who posted their drivel, are the
only one in the group that has _any_ technical skills whatsoever.

And you just proved that you have none in this arena.
So why did you post, Ken Blake?

Just to prove that you can't add any technical value ot the topic?

HINT: *This is an age-old problem which I intend on solving.*

Having to waste my time alienating you worthless vermin helps nobody.

*Do I need to be more clear with you worthless vermin, Ken Blake?*

Wolf K

Oct 12, 2018, 7:40:20 PM10/12/18
On 2018-10-12 19:13, Arlen Holder wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 15:14:52 -0400, Wolf K wrote:
>> Jesus Christ, Arlen Holder. Put a sock in it. Your repeated rants
>> against people who "don't add technical knowledge" are getting more than
>> tiresome.
> Hi Wolf K,
> *The_less_ you worthless vermin post, the more we'll move forward.*

The less of your crappy cut'n'paste rants you post, the better. For
everybody, but especially you.

Arlen Holder

Oct 12, 2018, 8:40:24 PM10/12/18
On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 19:40:20 -0400, Wolf K wrote:

> The less of your crappy cut'n'paste rants you post, the better. For
> everybody, but especially you.

Wolf K,

This isn't my first rodeo with you vermin worthless trolls.
I'm going to _try_ to treat you like an adult, using facts.

*Is it even possible, for you, Wolf K, to _comprehend_ facts?*

1. I asked a technical question, which is a _hard_ question to answer.
2. Almost _nobody_ has the technical skills, to answer my question.
3. Certainly _you_ don't have those skills - that is a given.

Hence, _everything_ you post, Wolf K, is worthless drive.
You just don't have the intelligence to move the technical ball forward.

Am I clear yet Wolf K?
Do you comprehend what I'm trying to get into your thick skull yet?

I will eventually solve this problem - but not from anything from you.

*You, Wolf K, do not have the synapses necessary to solve this problem.*

Please let me know if I need to be more explicit so that you understand.

Arlen Holder

Oct 12, 2018, 8:47:34 PM10/12/18
On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 15:50:21 -0500, Char Jackson wrote:

> All of that was very well said. I've simply given up on him, as I
> suspect most have.

Hi Char Jackson,

This isn't my first rodeo with you Char Jackson.

1. I asked a technical question, which is a _hard_ question to answer.
2. Almost _nobody_ has the technical skills to answer my question.
3. Certainly _you_ don't have those skills - that is a given.

Hence, _everything_ you post, Char Jackson, is worthless drivel.
You just don't have the intelligence to move the technical ball forward.

Am I clear yet Char Jackson?
Do you comprehend what I'm trying to get into your thick skull yet?

I will eventually solve this problem - but not from anything from you.

*You, Char Jackson, never even passed your GED for Christs' sake.
Hence, you prove you're an utter moron _every_ time you post your drivel.

I'm trying to alienate you, Char Jackson, because you're worthless.
We'll never solve a difficult problem if you continue to post your drivel.

To my knowledge, _nobody_ has solved this problem yet.
I intend on solving it.

But you're not ever going to be a part of the solution.
You just don't have the intelligence required to solve a difficult issue.

Danny DeVito

Oct 12, 2018, 9:01:37 PM10/12/18
On 13/10/2018 01:47, Arlen Holder wrote:
> 2. Almost _nobody_ has the technical skills to answer my question.

And yet you continue to waste not only your time but of those
unintelligent people on these newsgroups. Does this say something about
your level of intelligence? Wolf can answer this.

Arlen Holder

Oct 12, 2018, 9:58:12 PM10/12/18
On 12 Oct 2018 10:28:58 GMT, Frank Slootweg wrote:

> The only solution I know, is to use the FTPUSE [1] command on the
> Windows system, to 'map'. the Android filesystem to a Network Drive.
> An alternative is to use a SMB-*server* on the Android side, but as
> you know, that requires a rooted Android device (because the SMB port
> number can not be changed on the Windows side).
> [1] At the time, you posted about FTPUSE, so I'm sure you know what it
> is and where to find it. :-)

Hi Frank Slootweg,

You're the only one who posted to this Windows thread who stands a chance
of helping us come to a working technically competent solution on Windows,
since this is admittedly a _hard_ question, which has brought out the
chitchat trolls like you can't believe.

Paul, on another forum, also suggested MTPFuse, where I'll repost my
response to his suggestions below so that you can know where I am
proceeding to solve this problem.

Since the vermin-like worthless trolls (Rudy Wieser, Char Jackson, Wolf K,
Ken Blake, Danny DiVito, etc.) have _already_ infested this Windows thread,
it's dead since that is their intent, where those worthless trolls will
_always_ ruin the potluck picnic that is Usenet.

Those vermin are like a swarm of brainless gnats infesting a picnic.
Once they arrive, the thread is ruined for everyone.

See below for my response to Paul elsewhere.
==== ==== ==== ==== ===
Hi Paul,

Thanks for those useful pointers for how MTP works on Ubuntu 18.04.

As you know, the technical solution I see is a very _hard_ question to
answer, which is why the many worthless Windows trolls will have a field
day (since all they _can_ do, is troll).

I'm trying to move the technical ball forward, which isn't easy.

To be clear, I read what was written prior, where the "magic" is supposed
to be that Linux treats the Android file system as a "file"; but I don't
comprehend that answer well enough to turn it into a solution on Windows.

Do you?
Without a solution, this will be just a worthless chit-chat thread.

This description of the difference between libmtp & libgphoto2 says the
same thing, which is that "the unix way" is that "everything is a file".

But that doesn't, yet, help me implement a _solution_ to the problem.

Looking at your 1st URL to see where we can come up with a solution...
That seems to make use of the libmtp package which is used by:
o MTPfs FUSE filesystem <>
o Android libmtp client <>
o MTP support on KDE <>
o MTPdude file transfer utility <>
o The GNOME Virtual file system <>
o XNJB Mac OS X GUI <>
o GTK+ music manager <>
o Amarok KDE music player <>
o Rhythmbox Gnome music player <>
o MTPSync file synchronizer <>
o JMTP FS <>

This is good information, Paul, because it tells us that "libmtp" is key.
It also tells us that MTPFS uses "libtmp", so again, "libtmp" seems key.

Looking at your second URL:
We find there are a few Android related "FUSE" filesystems for Linux:
o fb-adb Android Linux shell <>
o gphotofs Camera Linux mount <>

But mostly, if we want an actual solution (rather than just idle chitchat),
I need to focus on one of these three:
o libmtp library MTP implementation <>
o AFT MTP client <>
o go-mtpfs MTP FUSE filesystem <>

Given that information above, I think I'll first approach trying to get one
of those three solutions to work on Windows, if that's even possible.

Thanks for your insight in this difficult problem that, to my knowledge,
has not yet been solved universally on Windows over USB (but which does
have proprietary solutions so we _know_ it's possible).

Also, it has always been possible to map Android as a drive using a
*server* on Android (such as an FTP server, WebDav server, HTTP server, and
even, but only if you're rooted, an SMB server):
How to Map or Mount Android as a Drive on Windows

The goal was never to add a server to the Android system; so these
solutions, while they work, are out of scope. The solution you pointed to,
if it works on Windows, is the correct scope, namely:
o libmtp
o aftmtp
o go-mtp fs

Arlen Holder

Oct 12, 2018, 10:08:55 PM10/12/18
On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 20:59:59 -0400, Danny DeVito wrote:

> And yet you continue to waste not only your time but of those
> unintelligent people on these newsgroups. Does this say something about
> your level of intelligence? Wolf can answer this.

*You cowardly bullying vermin prove you insist on your _right to troll_*
o Ken Blake [From: Ken Blake <>]
o Wolf K From: [Wolf K <>]
o Danny DeVito [From: Danny DeVito <inv...@invalid.invalid>]
o Char Jackson [From: Char Jackson <no...@none.invalid>]
o Rudy Wieser [From: "R.Wieser" <add...@not.available>]
o Sam Hill [From: Sam Hill <>]

Usenet is a potluck picnic, where someone asks a technical question, and
those who have value to share add technical value to that potluck picnic.

I asked a difficult technical question, which, to anyone's knowledge, has
never been solved on Windows - but which has long ago been solved on Linux.

I asked for experienced users who have intelligence, to bring value to the
potluck picnic that is Usenet.

Other than Frank Slootweg, who did bring technical value to the potluck
picnic that is Usenet, the rest of the worthless trolls like you came out
in droves to ruin the potluck picnic that is Usenet.

You trolls _always_ win.
Every time you trolls infest a technical thread, you ruin that thread.

There's nothing any intelligent person _can_ do, to get rid of you vermin.

You vermin are like a hoard of brainless gnats, intent on staking out your
territory to prove you have a *right to troll*.

I understand that - hence - this thread is already ruined since it was
ruined the moment you infested it.

*We won't learn anything on this thread - simply because you vermin exist.*

*You cowardly bullying vermin prove you insist on your _right to troll_*
o Ken Blake [From: Ken Blake <>]
o Wolf K From: [Wolf K <>]
o Danny DeVito [From: Danny DeVito <inv...@invalid.invalid>]
o Char Jackson [From: Char Jackson <no...@none.invalid>]
o Rudy Wieser [From: "R.Wieser" <add...@not.available>]
o Sam Hill [From: Sam Hill <>]

I can't be more clear that alienating you, benefits everyone.
I hope you can _comprehend_ the message that you're worthless vermin.

You prove in every post, that you are worthless cowardly vermin.
You ruin every Usenet thread you infest, just as if you shit on the table.

Danny DeVito

Oct 12, 2018, 10:28:02 PM10/12/18
On 13/10/2018 03:08, Arlen Holder wrote:
> There's nothing any intelligent person _can_ do, to get rid of you
> vermin.

You are completely wrong. An intelligent person can disappear from these
newsgroups, vermin can't be gotten rid of but you are very intelligent
so why don't you go away forever?. Surely, you don't want vermin to
infest your wonderful tutorials on which you have spent 40 years to
cultivate them.

As you know, this is a technical solution which you may find it very
hard to understand, which is why worthless Windows trolls like you will
have a field day (since that is all you can do - troll here).

Arlen Holder

Oct 12, 2018, 10:38:25 PM10/12/18
On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 22:30:00 -0400, Danny DeVito wrote:

> You are completely wrong.

If you worthless vermin, Danny DeVito, had a solution, you'd have said it.
o Ken Blake [From: Ken Blake <>]
o Wolf K From: [Wolf K <>]
o Danny DeVito [From: Danny DeVito <inv...@invalid.invalid>]
o Char Jackson [From: Char Jackson <no...@none.invalid>]
o Rudy Wieser [From: "R.Wieser" <add...@not.available>]
o Sam Hill [From: Sam Hill <>]

*You prove all you worthless vermin _can_ do, Danny DeVito, is troll.*

Arlen Holder

Oct 12, 2018, 11:27:46 PM10/12/18
On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 01:58:11 -0000 (UTC), Arlen Holder wrote:

> The goal was never to add a server to the Android system; so these
> solutions, while they work, are out of scope. The solution you pointed to,
> if it works on Windows, is the correct scope, namely:
> o libmtp
> o aftmtp
> o go-mtp fs

Hi Frank Slootweg,

Here's a technical update...

While this question is a _hard_ technical question to answer, the good
news is that there are _proprietary_ solutions that allow Windows to map
the sdcard of the Android file system to a drive letter, which means we
can then run DOS commands on that mounted file system. e.g., MTPDrive,
which means an overall general-use non-proprietary solution should also
be possible.

I tested out a crippleware v2.10 trial version of MTPDrive on Windows.
Where this is what I entered into my log file just now by way of testing.
1. Install MTP Drive version 2.10 crippleware on Windows
2. Create a shortcut to C:\app\network\mtpdrive\MTPdrive.exe
3. Connect the Android device over USB & run that MTPdrive.exe shortcut
4. Press the MTPDrive GUI "Map" button to map the phone to a named drive
5. This mounts the Android external sdcard as a named drive, e.g., (M:)
6. Right click to "Open Command Window Here" to run a DOS command
7. Run the desired DOS command on that now-mounted Android filesystem
dir /s/a/l/on/b *.apk


For another inventory of _every_ file on the external sdcard:
A. Connect the Android device to the USB port of the Windows PC
B. Run the MTPDrive GUI at C:\app\network\mtpdrive\MTPdrive.exe
C. Press the MTPDrive "Settings" button & then go to the "Settings" tab
D. Press the "Dump device data to a file" button > C:\tmp\WPD.log

The bottom portion of that log file will contain a list of every file found.
\SD card\1data\software\apk\lgapps\ (213680574).apk
\SD card\1data\software\apk\lgapps\
\SD card\1data\software\apk\lgapps\Cloud
\SD card\1data\software\apk\lgapps\
\SD card\1data\software\apk\lgapps\
\SD card\1data\software\apk\lgapps\
\SD card\1data\software\apk\lgapps\Facebook App Manager-com.facebook.appmanager-46985667-v18.4.apk
\SD card\1data\software\apk\lgapps\Facebook-com.facebook.katana-1-vstub.apk
\SD card\1data\software\apk\lgapps\

The good news:
o This crippleware allows us to map the external sdcard to a Windows drive letter.
The bad news:
o It only seems to work for the _external_ sdcard (not the internal sdcard!)

Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 12:44:08 AM10/13/18
On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 03:27:45 -0000 (UTC), Arlen Holder wrote:

> The good news:
> o This crippleware allows us to map the external sdcard to a Windows drive letter.
> The bad news:
> o It only seems to work for the _external_ sdcard (not the internal sdcard!)

By way of further update, the good news is that this test _proved_ that
it's possible to mount the Android file system as a drive letter on
Windows (which is exactly what worked automatically on Linux):

The bad news is that, while a DOS "dir" command works fine with the
tested crippleware, a DOS "copy" is artificially limited by the
crippleware to 30 files per session.

Obviously I'll continue to seek a general solution; but
this is at least proof of concept that mounting the Android
file system on Windows as a drive letter is clearly possible
without running a (SMB, HTTP, FTP, WebDav, etc.) server on Android,
such that DOS commands can run on that mounted Android filesystem.

We just have to figure out how, which takes brains, not trolls.

Char Jackson

Oct 13, 2018, 1:10:48 AM10/13/18
Please elaborate.

Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 2:44:58 AM10/13/18
On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 00:12:00 -0500, Char Jackson wrote:

> Please elaborate.

I guess I should have realized ahead of time that adding a WebDav server to
Android wasn't going to change anything, where the results would have been
essentially the same with _any_ server running on Android, whether they be
FTP, HTTP, SMB (if rooted), or WebDav.

Nonetheless, I ran that test just now, which had predictable results in
that it worked fine to mount the entire Android filesystem as a drive
letter so that DOS commands would work - but - it only works over WiFi
(and not over USB, which is the goal).

Here's my log file in case others wish to improve upon the process.
How to mount Android filesystem as a drive letter on Windows
over WiFi using a free WebDav server on Android

Download and install any desired WebDav server on Android:

Read basic documentation:

You can run a WebDAV, FTP, HTTP (or even SMB if you're rooted)
server on Android, which you can then mount on Windows as a drive letter.

0. Make sure your Android device is on the local WiFi network
1. Download a WebDav server on Android
2. Start that WebDav Server on Android
3. A message says: "WebDAV server available on"
Home directory: /storage/emulated/0, password disabled
4. Change WebDav Server: Settings > Home Directory = Root (/)
5. On Windows, open a r/w network share using the address:
6. Or, on Windows, right click on "ThisPC" & select "Map Network Drive"
(Y:) = \\\DavWWWRoot\
7. Or, on Windows, in the command line, type:
net use X: \\\DavWWWRoot\

Any of those commands will mount the root of the Android file system
as a drive letter on Windows, over WiFI so that you can run DOS
commands on that Android file system over WiFi.

But this won't work with USB, which is the desired goal.


Oct 13, 2018, 4:02:48 AM10/13/18

> Hi Frank Slootweg,
> You're the only one who posted to this Windows thread who stands a chance
> of helping us come to a working technically competent solution on Windows,

Lol ! You think you are some kind of royalty ? If not, do you maybe have
a split personality that you are actually aware of ? If not, who the heck
is that "us" you are talking about ? You and who else ?

Just a warning: He will pump you for all knowledge about he subject you
have, and than some. Please do take notice of (the lack of) his
contribution toward the actual solution. Make sure you *help* him, and are
not just playing an unpayed employee (gofering for the boss).


> Once they arrive, the thread is ruined for everyone.

Its already ruined for most of us the moment you start it. I just serve to
"poison the well" for newcomers.

But hey, You *could* try to make your threads less attractive to us
"vermin". You already know how. You only have to do it.

Heck, you might even discover that you will get (much) more help that way,
enabeling you to enjoy the feeling of success having solved, with just a few
minor hints and suggestions, your own problem(s) ...

And I tell you a secret: I *still* enjoy being able to successfully finish a
(self imposed) problem. even after all those years. Nonwithstanding, or
maybe because of, that I often spend hours, if not days googeling my ass
off, finding tidbits of info that I than have to piece together.

> I'm trying to move the technical ball forward, which isn't easy.

That is most likely because you have a singular "only when my specific
requirements are met its acceptable" focus, but no will to actually put
effort into researching possibilities towards it.

In other words: You sit back and expect/demand others to present such
solutions - matching your exact specifications - to you on a silver platter.
And yes, as long as you lean back in your chair waiting for others to come
up with your answers you won't be moving forward *at all*. Duh! But to
say that that laying-back waiting "isn't easy" is a bit overdone, don't you
think ? :-)

Ofcourse, seeing that you have had *FOUR* possible solutions and see you
cast them aside doesn't make anyone think that a fifth will not go the same
way - wasting all their hard work (always *their* hard work, not yours).
Take a wild guess why most people here shun you, kid.

> but which does have proprietary solutions so we _know_ it's possible

*Everything* is possible. Its just a question of how much resources
(energy, time, money, etc) you are willing to spend on it. In your case
starting with an USB "packet sniffer" and than *lots* of time trying to
reverse-engeneer the used protocols. (if that ain't technical info I don't
know what is)

But do you even know what "proprietary" means ? And if you do, are you
really unaware that anyone providing you with a solution which would mimic
that proprietary method could well fall on the wrong side of the Law ?

... which "possibly" is also why you won't find any third-party commercial
or GitHub solutions to it floating around.

Did you ever think of that, Arlen ?

Rudy Wieser


Oct 13, 2018, 4:02:48 AM10/13/18

> If it's not obvious to you worthless vermin yet, I want to _alienate_ you.

Hey! Thats funny, I want you to be an alien to. Preferrably *far* away.

> I want you worthless chitchat vermin to just go away.

Yeah, you already made that clear. You're really trying to bully me for all
you are worth, aren't you ? But for some reason it still doesn't seem to
register with you that that method doesn't work with me. How come ?

> Why do you worthless vermin insist on infesting a technical
> thread?

Why do you keep insisting on spamming multiple newsgroups with your
contrived "I'm a noob, give me *everything*" questions - only to than wrap
that leeched info into some ill-contrived "tutorial" sprinkles and post it
with your, and *only* your name above it ?

And why do you keep doing that while clearly refusing to put any efort into
finding the answers to such questions yourself ?

> *Do I need to be more clear with you Rudy Wieser?*

Yes please. Explain to me why your questions do not show you having done
your "what could the solution be?" homework yourself. And no, I do not
expect you to find the full answer/solution. But I *do* expect you to come
up with a bit more than nothing.

*Especially* when I had the (dis)pleasure to find out that some of the
answers to your questions only cost me 30 seconds if googleing^wsearching
for them. The fact that you did not find them really speaks volumes.

And, other that your ass-pullery fantasy accusations and claims, the above
*is* verifiable. Or 'facts' as you regulary claim you only speak.

As for worthless ? What do you call a beggar knocking at doors claiming to
be hungry and asking for fish, but refusing to learn how to fish for himself

Worse yet: You attack the fishermen who got wise to you and are telling you
you are not getting any anymore (and are warning other fishermen about it).

So, by al means just keep on posting your ad-hominem rants. As mentioned,
they serve my goals much more than they ever will do yours. :-)

Rudy Wieser

Posts of several people who do not agree with your method of contributing to
these newsgroups, and you attack them all.

There is an old joke:
News announcer: "motorists on {important road} are adviced to keep to the
right, as a ghostrider is signalled there"
Ghostrider: "Just one ? All of them !"

You're that ghostrider, kid. Going the wrong way and refusing/unable to see
it. :-(

I see you are pretty-much templating your answers^wrants. I see the phrase
"This isn't my first rodeo " pop up in several other of your posts (like to
Char and Wolf). Smart move. :-)


Oct 13, 2018, 4:18:52 AM10/13/18

> *You cowardly bullying vermin prove you insist on your _right to troll_*
> o Ken Blake [From: Ken Blake <>]
> o Wolf K From: [Wolf K <>]
> o Danny DeVito [From: Danny DeVito <inv...@invalid.invalid>]
> o Char Jackson [From: Char Jackson <no...@none.invalid>]
> o Rudy Wieser [From: "R.Wieser" <add...@not.available>]
> o Sam Hill [From: Sam Hill <>]

You have a growing list of people who all, in your mind, are against you
(and currently only a single one you seem to like)

How many more does it take to realize that *you* might be the problem, and
not all those others ? (which is what I tried to convey with my ghostrider

Thats psychology 101 for you, kid. You do not need to have a 120 IQ to
figure that out.

> Other than Frank Slootweg, who did bring technical value to the
> potluck picnic that is Usenet,

I see you already fully forgot about the contributions Paul and others made
to your previous thread. Are you really *that* short of memory (my guess:
yes. They are only usefull - and remembering worthy - as long as they have
something you want).

And by the way, you are throwing that "technical value" blurb around. Care
to describe what it means (to you) ? Or is it just one of those "bullshit
bingo" words with which you try to exclude everything you do not want to
hear ? (my guess: yes, its indeed exactly that).

Rudy Wieser

Frank Slootweg

Oct 13, 2018, 5:37:54 AM10/13/18
FredW <fr...@ninmule.invalid> wrote:
> On 12 Oct 2018 10:28:58 GMT, Frank Slootweg <>
> wrote:
> >Arlen Holder <> wrote:
> >[...]
> >
> >> *But how,
> > The only solution I know,
> Please don't feed the troll.
> Did you notice how many non-related newsgroups were included.

Don't worry, I know very well who/what 'Arlen' is.

Frank Slootweg

Oct 13, 2018, 6:01:59 AM10/13/18
R.Wieser <add...@not.available> wrote:
> Arlen,
> > Hi Frank Slootweg,
> >
> > You're the only one who posted to this Windows thread who stands a chance
> > of helping us come to a working technically competent solution on Windows,
> Lol ! You think you are some kind of royalty ? If not, do you maybe have
> a split personality that you are actually aware of ? If not, who the heck
> is that "us" you are talking about ? You and who else ?
> @Frank:
> Just a warning: He will pump you for all knowledge about he subject you
> have, and than some. Please do take notice of (the lack of) his
> contribution toward the actual solution. Make sure you *help* him, and are
> not just playing an unpayed employee (gofering for the boss).

Don't worry! I know very well who/what 'Arlen' is and what his MO is.

Like you, if I see one of his 'new' 'problems', I might give a -
technical - response. After that, it's up to him. As long as he somewhat
behaves, I might continue, but as soon as he does his usual first-blood
drawing spiel, that's the end of me being nice.

Most times, it only takes one response to get to the first-blood
drawing stage. This time is an exception. Well, you can't 'win' them
all! :-)

Take care.

Frank Slootweg

Oct 13, 2018, 6:07:25 AM10/13/18
Arlen Holder <> wrote:

> While this question is a _hard_ technical question to answer, the good
> news is that there are _proprietary_ solutions that allow Windows to map
> the sdcard of the Android file system to a drive letter, which means we
> can then run DOS commands on that mounted file system. e.g., MTPDrive,
> which means an overall general-use non-proprietary solution should also
> be possible.

Yes, I am aware of solutions such as MTPdrive, but since these - as
least the ones I saw - are payware and you don't like/want payware, I
didn't mention them.


Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 9:27:26 AM10/13/18
On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 10:18:04 +0200, R.Wieser wrote:

> How many more does it take to realize that *you* might be the problem, and
> not all those others ? (which is what I tried to convey with my ghostrider
> "joke")

Rudy Wieser,
I'm going to _try_ to communicate with you as adults do, honestly.
o Adults speak facts.
o Adults comprehend facts.
Adults are funny that way.

You acted like a child, Rudy Wieser, in _every_ post in this thread.
o That's a fact, Rudy.

*If you don't comprehend that fact, it doesn't change that it's a fact.*

What you're doing Rudy, is blaming me, for _you_ acting like a child.
o When you act like a child, Rudy, I simply point it out.
o The fact you _hate_ that I point out that you act like a child doesn't
change the fact that you act like a child, Rudy Wieser.
When you act like an adult (if it's possible), I'll treat you as an adult.

It's children like you, Rudy Wieser, who ruin Usenet for everyone.
You bring _nothing_ of value to the potluck picnic that is Usenet, Rudy.
o All you bring to the potluck picnic is your worthless shit

So far, _every_ post from you was indistinguishable from that of a child.
That's a fact - Rudy - whether you ever comprehend it or not; it's a fact.

Alienating you, Rudy Wieser, will bring huge advantages to this newsgroup
in terms of actually solving difficult technical problems.

I _intend_ on alienating you - Rudy Wieser, because you're utterly
worthless, so it benefits everyone if you would just go shit somewhere
else, Rudy Wieser, and worse, every time you post to Usenet, Rudy Wieser,
you always bring your childish shit, which ruins the potluck picnic that is
Usenet for the adults on Usenet.

If I'm being too clear for you Rudy Wieser, just let me know.

Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 9:27:53 AM10/13/18
On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 10:02:39 +0200, R.Wieser wrote:

> Lol ! You think you are some kind of royalty ?

Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 9:36:37 AM10/13/18
On 13 Oct 2018 10:01:57 GMT, Frank Slootweg wrote:

> Most times, it only takes one response to get to the first-blood
> drawing stage. This time is an exception. Well, you can't 'win' them
> all! :-)

Frank Slootweg,
Let me tell you a secret, since you acted like an adult in this thread.
o When you act like an adult, I treat you as an adult
o When you act like a child, I point it out & treat you as a child
Do you see Frank? It's really a very simple dynamic.

Sometimes you act like an adult, Frank.
Most of the time you don't - but - on this thread - you acted like one.
o So I treated you as an adult.

This isn't my first rodeo with people like you on Usenet, Frank.
For example, that moron Rudy Wieser acted like a child in _every_ post.
o So far, Rudy Wieser has proven he can only act like a child.

What Rudy Wieser does is blame me for pointing out his childish behavior.
o I simply asked a techhnical question that Rudy apparently hates
o So, what does Rudy Wieser bring to the potluck picnic that is Usenet?
He brings his childish behavior.

You, Frank, on the other hand, did not bring childish behavior.
On this thread, you acted like an adult, Frank Slootweg.
o So I treated you as an adult.

I'm really easy to figure out, Frank Slootweg, because I'm consistent:
o When you act like an adult, Frank, I treat you as an adult.
o When you act like a child, Frank, I mirror your intent.

Easy peasy.

As I said, I've been on Usenet for decades, where my methods are honed.
My goal is to alienate children - so that they pollute some other thread.

Back on topic, I've partially solved the difficult age-old problem of
mounting an MTP device as a drive letter on Windows (it was solved on Linux
by default).

There are only two or three people on these combined newsgroups that _can_
help solve this difficult problem, Frank.

I'll bring up the technical issues separately as this is getting long.

Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 9:43:25 AM10/13/18
On 13 Oct 2018 09:37:52 GMT, Frank Slootweg wrote:

> Don't worry, I know very well who/what 'Arlen' is.

On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 13:36:36 -0000 (UTC), Arlen Holder wrote:

> Let me tell you a secret, since you acted like an adult in this thread.
> o When you act like an adult, I treat you as an adult
> o When you act like a child, I point it out & treat you as a child
> Do you see Frank? It's really a very simple dynamic.

To reiterate what _you_ said, and what I said...

1. You erroneously "think", that "it only takes one response"
"to get to first blood" ... which is how a child thinks.

2. I have proved many times that my strategy is to funnel you
into acting like an adult - where - I do that the adult way.
o When you act like an adult, I treat you as an adult.
o When you act like a child, I treat you as a child.

What's funny, is that when _you_ act like a child, and hence, when
I appropriately treat you as a child, you do NOT see that dynamic
(even though I've been doing it for _years_ with you Frank Slootweg).

I've _explained_ this _many_ times to you, Frank Slootweg.

Yet, you _still_ think like a child, Frank Slootweg. A mere child.
You _think_ it's all about "first blood"; yet you don't _see_ anything.

You can't seem to _comprehend_ this very simple dynamic, Frank:
o When _you_ act like a child - I treat you like a child.
o When _you_ act like an adult - I treat you like an adult.

Your comment above about 'first blood' shows you didn't comprehend
even a dynamic _that_ simple.

That's sad, Frank.
Because it shows you own the mind of a child; not that of an adult.

You can't even comprehend that it's _you_ that I respond to.
o You only see the response - but you can't comprehend your actions.

That's how a child thinks, Frank.
The child doesn't see "cause and then effect".
The child only sees "effect".

When _you_ comprehend I'm a *mirror*, Frank, then you'll comprehend.
You'll comprehend that I respond to _your_ posts.
o If you act like a child - you will see "second blood"
o If you act like an adult - you won't see any of that

When you _comprehend_ that simple dynamic - you'll be an adult, Frank.

Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 9:53:38 AM10/13/18
On 13 Oct 2018 10:07:25 GMT, Frank Slootweg wrote:

> Yes, I am aware of solutions such as MTPdrive, but since these - as
> least the ones I saw - are payware and you don't like/want payware, I
> didn't mention them.

Hi Frank Slootweg,
Thank you for comprehending that I am always seeking *universal* solutions.

By that, I mean solutions that benefit _everyone_, not just one person.
As such, any payware tests are mere examples, to prove the concept.

The MTPDrive crippleware had two advantages in that regard:
o MTPDrive _proved_ it's possible to map Android to a drive over USB
o MTPDrive actually worked, for free, for "some" DOS commands
Since adults comprehend detail, this last point above is critical!

What it means is that MTPDrive actually is a universal solution, of sorts.
By that, I mean it runs the "dir /s/a/l/on/b" command to inventory files!

There were two limitations of MTPDrive crippleware that I saw yesterday:
o It doesn't seem to see the internal sdcard (only the external sdcard)
o It limits a DOS "copy" to 30 files per session (but it allows a "dir")

I realize, Frank Slootweg, that you are adult enough to comprehend that we
could _always_ have mapped the Android file system to a drive letter over
the Wi-Fi network (i.e., not using USB), so I appreciate that you
understood that from the start (e.g., you noted SMB servers on Android have
inherent port limitations in non-root applications).

As a test though, I did run the "ftpfuse" command, since I was hoping to
find a hidden trick that allows me to use ftpuse over USB (if possible).

For some reason, ftpuse v2.2 failed to map the network drive.
Have you ever seen such a thing? (The FTP server works fine otherwise.)
Here is my log file when I tested FTP Use version 2.2 this morning.
0. Download to: C:\software\network\ftp\ftpuse\FtpUseInst.exe (485 KB)
Wants to go into: C:\Program Files\Ferro Software\FtpUse
Install into: C:\app\network\ftp\ftpuse
Uncheck the box: run ftpuse /?
1. Install & set up & run any free FTP server on Android, e.g.,
Defaults username=ftp password=ftp port=2121 folder=/storage/emulated/0
2. On Windows, open an Administrator command prompt & then run:
(For the FTP user "ftpuser" with password "ftppass")
ftpuse T: ftppass /USER:ftpuser /PORT:2121 /debug

For some reason, this isn't working even though a browser works fine:
And a ping works fine.
3. To unmount
ftpuse T: /delete

Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 9:54:41 AM10/13/18
On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 09:04:44 +0200, R.Wieser wrote:

> So, by al means just keep on posting your ad-hominem rants. As mentioned,
> they serve my goals much more than they ever will do yours. :-)

Hi Rudy Wieser,
I have an _adult_ on-topic technical question for you.

For some reason, ftpuse v2.2 failed to map the Android network drive.
Have you ever seen such a thing? (The FTP server works fine otherwise.)

Here is my log file when I tested FTP Use version 2.2 this morning.
0. Download to: C:\software\network\ftp\ftpuse\FtpUseInst.exe (485 KB)
Wants to go into: C:\Program Files\Ferro Software\FtpUse
Install into: C:\app\network\ftp\ftpuse
Uncheck the box: run ftpuse /?
1. Install & set up & run any free FTP server on Android, e.g.,
Defaults username=ftp password=ftp port=2121 folder=/storage/emulated/0
2. On Windows, open an Administrator command prompt & then run:
(For the FTP user "ftpuser" with password "ftppass")
ftpuse T: ftppass /USER:ftpuser /PORT:2121 /debug

For some reason, this isn't working even though a browser works fine:

Wolf K

Oct 13, 2018, 10:16:31 AM10/13/18
On 2018-10-12 20:40, Arlen Holder wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 19:40:20 -0400, Wolf K wrote:
>> The less of your crappy cut'n'paste rants you post, the better. For
>> everybody, but especially you.
> Wolf K,
> This isn't my first rodeo with you vermin worthless trolls.
> I'm going to_try_ to treat you like an adult, using facts.

[snip usual cut'n'paste rant]

I repeat:

The less of your crappy cut'n'paste rants you post, the better. For
everybody, but especially you.

Best wishes (really!)

Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 10:20:30 AM10/13/18
On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 13:53:38 -0000 (UTC), Arlen Holder wrote:

> 2. On Windows, open an Administrator command prompt & then run:
> (For the FTP user "ftpuser" with password "ftppass")
> ftpuse T: ftppass /USER:ftpuser /PORT:2121 /debug
> For some reason, this isn't working even though a browser works fine:
> <>

What's odd, Frank, is that _everything_ else works, _except_ ftpuse.

I picked up the latest version of ftpuse v2.2 from the canonical site:

I'm perplexed since it's clear the Android FTP server is working fine
otherwise with Windows, but I'll move on as running FTPUSE was just a test
to see if I could trick it into mounting the Android file system as a drive
over USB (not over WiFi, which we could always have done easily with any
FTP/HTTP/WebDav/etc. server other than SMB - which needs root as you know).

If there's someone else out there who wants to test how to get FTPUse to
mount their Android device as a drive letter, over WiFi, maybe they can let
me know if it worked for them. TIA.

Meanwhile, I'll move on to trying to solve the _difficult_ question posed
in this thread, where only one adult here (and one elsewhere) has added any
on-topic value (the rest were trolls from worthless little children).

Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 10:24:48 AM10/13/18
On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 10:16:30 -0400, Wolf K wrote:

> The less of your crappy cut'n'paste rants you post, the better. For
> everybody, but especially you.

Wolf K,

Let's all see if you _can_ act like an adult, Wolf K.
Shall we?

Here is an on-topic technical question, for you, Wolf K:

What's odd, Wolf K, is that _everything_ else works, _except_ ftpuse.

I picked up the latest version of ftpuse v2.2 from the canonical site:

I'm perplexed since it's clear the Android FTP server is working fine
otherwise with Windows. The reason I'm running ftpfuse is that I'm trying
to see if there is a trick that will allow ftpuse to mount the Android
filesystem over USB, which is the holy grail for Android/Windows
connectivity that nobody yet, has been able to accomplish (to my knowledge)
sans proprietary software.

Since you, Wolf K, repeatedly post to this _technical_ thread, I ask:
*What happened when _you_ tested FTPUSE on your system, Wolf K?*

Frank Slootweg

Oct 13, 2018, 10:32:47 AM10/13/18
Arlen Holder <> wrote:

> 1. Install & set up & run any free FTP server on Android, e.g.,
> Defaults username=ftp password=ftp port=2121 folder=/storage/emulated/0
> 2. On Windows, open an Administrator command prompt & then run:
> (For the FTP user "ftpuser" with password "ftppass")
> ftpuse T: ftppass /USER:ftpuser /PORT:2121 /debug

At the time, you used the 'Primitive FTPd' FTP server and:

FTPUSE Z: /PORT:12345 /USER:anonymous

I.e. user 'anonymous' and no password.

See <news:ob2bio$9m4$> (from 'Jonas Schneider').

I've successfully used that command (of course with different IP and
port) with the FTP server if ES File Explorer.


Frank Slootweg

Oct 13, 2018, 10:32:47 AM10/13/18
Arlen Holder <> wrote:
> On 13 Oct 2018 09:37:52 GMT, Frank Slootweg wrote:
> > Don't worry, I know very well who/what 'Arlen' is.
> On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 13:36:36 -0000 (UTC), Arlen Holder wrote:
> > Let me tell you a secret, since you acted like an adult in this thread.
> > o When you act like an adult, I treat you as an adult
> > o When you act like a child, I point it out & treat you as a child
> > Do you see Frank? It's really a very simple dynamic.
> Frank,
> To reiterate what _you_ said, and what I said...
> 1. You erroneously "think", that "it only takes one response"
> "to get to first blood" ... which is how a child thinks.

Nope. A child - i.e. you in this case - thinks that if it denies
unpleasant - for it/you - *facts*, that these facts will magically go
away. Most childs grow out of it. You apparently never have.

[Umpteen more lines from 'Arlen' denying the *fact* that *he* always
draws first blood.]

It's rather easy: Next time I do not respond in a normal (what you
call 'adult') way, it's because you've drawn first blood. So go back to
that earlier response of yours and try to prove that you were *not*
drawing first blood. In the meantime, the rest of us will wait for pigs
to fly and for some hot place to freeze over.

Wolf K

Oct 13, 2018, 11:08:39 AM10/13/18
On 2018-10-13 10:24, Arlen Holder wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 10:16:30 -0400, Wolf K wrote:
>> The less of your crappy cut'n'paste rants you post, the better. For
>> everybody, but especially you.
> Wolf K,
> Let's all see if you_can_ act like an adult, Wolf K.
> Shall we?

[snip usual tantrum]

I am acting like an adult. You're not.

I hope you can begin to understand why yoour tantrums don't work, and
never will. That's why I keep advising you to stop posting them.

Best wishes (really),

Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 11:25:04 AM10/13/18
On 13 Oct 2018 14:32:46 GMT, Frank Slootweg wrote:

> At the time, you used the 'Primitive FTPd' FTP server and:

Hi Frank Slootweg,

You bring up a good point that it could be a bad FTP server on Android.
But it's not that. <>

As you know Frank Slootweg, I long ago proved that I've used _every_ single
free FTP server available for Android from both F-Droid and Google Play,
since I was debugging why Windows was "flaky" with all three client
o winscp
o filezilla
o network location

I wrote detailed reviews, as you're aware, where I've concluded that
Windows is flaky with FTP no matter which FTP server is on Android.

To your point, as a test, just now, I killed the "FTP Server (Free)" & ran
"Primitive FTPd" using the same settings, but the same thing happened.

My tentative conclusion is that FTPUse no longer works (on Windows 10).

So I'm giving up on the test of FTPUse since the hope was to find a trick
that will allow us to map Android to a drive letter on Windows over USB.

To the point of the reason for running any server, the hope is that there
may be a trick we can make use of to mount the Android device as a drive
letter on Windows over USB (not over WiFi).

*To that end, these (new?) SAF settings in Primitive FTPd may be useful:*
Storage Type
o Plain old filesystem
o Super user (device must be rooted)
o Android Storage Access Framework (SAF) (e.g., for sd card)
o Read only SAF (faster !)

Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 11:28:00 AM10/13/18
On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 11:08:38 -0400, Wolf K wrote:

> I am acting like an adult. You're not.

Hi Wolf K,

What can you tell us about this new "SAF" setting for Android?
Storage Type
o Plain old filesystem
o Super user (device must be rooted)
o Android Storage Access Framework (SAF) (e.g., for sd card)
o Read only SAF (faster !)

How would you, Wolf K, suggest we use SAF to mount the Android filesystem
on Windows over USB?

Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 11:35:00 AM10/13/18
On 13 Oct 2018 14:32:46 GMT, Frank Slootweg wrote:

> Nope. A child - i.e. you in this case - thinks that if it denies
> unpleasant - for it/you - *facts*, that these facts will magically go
> away. Most childs grow out of it. You apparently never have.

Hi Frank Slootweg,

I realize that this thread asks _hard_ technical questions.
I also realize there are only a handful of intelligent people on this ng.

Nobody has a working solution (AFAIK), so I'm testing out alternatives, in
the hopes of finding a "trick" that nobody knows about yet, that will allow
us to freely map the entire Android filesystem as a drive letter onto
Windows over USB.

To that end, what can you tell us about this SAF setting for Android?
Storage Type
o Plain old filesystem
o Super user (device must be rooted)
o Android Storage Access Framework (SAF) (e.g., for sd card)
o Read only SAF (faster !)

How would you suggest, Frank Slootweg, we use SAF to mount the Android
filesystem as a drive letter on Windows over USB?

Wolf K

Oct 13, 2018, 11:46:09 AM10/13/18
What's your problem?

The data on my Android phone (8GB base + 64GB SD card) is completely
accessible via USB on this W8.1 box as soon as it's connected. Always
has been.

If your "problem" is ultimately about messing with the phone's operating
system, I'm not interested. In fact, I think that's a dangerous thing to
want to do.

Wolf K

Oct 13, 2018, 11:52:00 AM10/13/18
On 2018-10-13 11:35, Arlen Holder wrote:
> On 13 Oct 2018 14:32:46 GMT, Frank Slootweg wrote:
>> Nope. A child - i.e. you in this case - thinks that if it denies
>> unpleasant - for it/you -*facts*, that these facts will magically go
>> away. Most childs grow out of it. You apparently never have.
> Hi Frank Slootweg,
> I realize that this thread asks_hard_ technical questions.
> I also realize there are only a handful of intelligent people on this ng.
> Nobody has a working solution (AFAIK), so I'm testing out alternatives, in
> the hopes of finding a "trick" that nobody knows about yet, that will allow
> us to freely map the entire Android filesystem as a drive letter onto
> Windows over USB.

I fail to see your problem. When I connect my phone via USB to this
Win8.1 box, I see the phone as an external drive. I can access all the
data. I see no reason to go below that into the OS. Why do you want to
do that?

Frank Slootweg

Oct 13, 2018, 11:54:18 AM10/13/18
Holder <> wrote:
> On 13 Oct 2018 14:32:46 GMT, Frank Slootweg wrote:
> > At the time, you used the 'Primitive FTPd' FTP server and:
> Hi Frank Slootweg,
> You bring up a good point that it could be a bad FTP server on Android.
> But it's not that. <>

I actually mentioned *two* points. You addressed/checked only one of


> My tentative conclusion is that FTPUse no longer works (on Windows 10).

Could be, but because you didn't test in the same way as your old -
working - setup [1], you have no proof.

[1] See my earlier - silently snipped - pointer to your old posting.

Frank Slootweg

Oct 13, 2018, 12:08:01 PM10/13/18
Wolf K <> wrote:

> I fail to see your problem. When I connect my phone via USB to this
> Win8.1 box, I see the phone as an external drive. I can access all the
> data. I see no reason to go below that into the OS. Why do you want to
> do that?

Unless you have a rather old phone [1], you don't see your phone as a
*drive*, i.e. a thing which has a drive letter. You probably see your
phone in File Explorer and *only* in File Explorer.

If your phone is a Windows *drive* (or a Network Share), you could -
for example - open a file on your phone with a Windows program - for
example Notepad, *without* first copying the file to your Windows

I.e. you can not open a file which resides on your phone. You can only
copy it to your Windows system and *then* open it.

This difference might seem semantics, but it is a big difference in
functionality. Without it, programs on the Windows system do not have
direct access to the files on your phone. For example you can't make
backup (backup, not just copy) of the files on the phone, by using a
(generic) backup program on your Windows system.

[1] Old Android devices might still have (USB) 'Mass Storage Mode',
which *does* give a Windows drive (letter).

Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 12:09:44 PM10/13/18
On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 11:46:07 -0400, Wolf K wrote:

> What's your problem?

Hi Wolf K,

*You just posted the best proof that you own the mind of a child.*

You realize you just _proved_ you don't even comprehend the _simplest_ of
technical questions, Wolf K, don't you?

HINT: Read the subject line of this thread, Wolf K.
Yes. Read it.
Comprehend it.

Yes, Wolf K.
Even though you've posted multiple times to this thread, Wolf K, you proved
in each post that you _still_ don't even comprehend even the _simplest_ of
technical *question* (which are clearly outlined in the original post).

Read the subject line, Wolf K.
Read it again.
Think. Think. Think. Wolf K.

Think. If you can. About that subject line.

I don't need to prove you own the mind of a child, Wolf K.
You proved it yourself.

I _know_ full well, Wolf K, you can't ever add on topic technical value.
You never even once comprehended even the *subject* line, for God's sake.

You're _really_ that stupid, Wolf K.
You proved it yourself, thank you.


Oct 13, 2018, 12:11:22 PM10/13/18

> I'm going to _try_ to communicate with you as adults do, honestly.
> o Adults speak facts.

And tell lies as easily. Heck, even easier than young kids.

But that means that, as you pull all kinds of fantasy accusations outof your
ass (about personal stuff you simply cannot have any knowledge about) you
are, by your own rules, not an adult.

> o Adults comprehend facts.

As you continuously fail in that department you're, by your, again by your
own rules, own rules, not an adult.

> You acted like a child, Rudy Wieser, in _every_ post in this thread.

Prove it. Just your say-so doesn't cut it I'm afraid.

And than compare it to you your persistent ad-hominem attacks towards
*anyone* not agreeing with you. A child Arlen ? I think I can safely
call you one. If not in body, than certainly in mind.

> *If you don't comprehend that fact, it doesn't change that it's a fact.*

Claiming that something is a fact does not magically make it so. I can
claim that you being a seagull is a fact, but that certainly doesn't turn
you into one, does it ? Adults know that, why don't you ?

> Alienating you, Rudy Wieser, will bring huge advantages to this
> newsgroup in terms of actually solving difficult technical problems.

Fat chance, seeing the ammount of support you have in these newsgroups.

As for your "difficult" problems ? All I needed for one of them was 30
seconds of googeling. Difficult my ass.

For the rest its most always your "but it must (also) do exactly
{specifications}, otherwise I do not accept it as a solution" that actually
makes it difficult. Just take a look at your current project: You've
already refused four solutions because you did not like them -
nonwithstanding that they could do what you initially posted. In short,
its mostly not the problem thats (being) difficult, but you. :-)

> I _intend_ on alienating you - Rudy Wieser

As I already said, good luck with that.

> If I'm being too clear for you Rudy Wieser, just let me know.

No. Just repetetive.

Rudy Wieser

Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 12:20:03 PM10/13/18
On 13 Oct 2018 16:08:00 GMT, Frank Slootweg wrote:

> Unless you have a rather old phone [1], you don't see your phone as a
> *drive*, i.e. a thing which has a drive letter. You probably see your
> phone in File Explorer and *only* in File Explorer.

Hi Frank Slootweg (cc, Wolf K),

Thank you Frank, for being only one of two adults on this entire newsgroup
who _understood_ the topic (Paul included, having posted elsewhere).

Even though this thread has tons of posts from the child-like:
o *Ken Blake* [From: Ken Blake <>]
o *Wolf K* [From: Wolf K <>]
o *Danny DeVito* [From: Danny DeVito <inv...@invalid.invalid>]
o *Char Jackson* [From: Char Jackson <no...@none.invalid>]
o *Rudy Wieser* [From: "R.Wieser" <add...@not.available>]
o *Sam Hill* [From: Sam Hill <>]
* etc.

Not _one_ of those child-like trolls appears to have _understood_ even the
_simplest_ of technical problems posed in this thread.

*All the ignorant children like Wolf K & Rudy Wieser _can_ do, is troll.*

Only you and I are intelligent enough, not that it takes a lot of
intelligence to comprehend the subject line - but only you and I seem to
have comprehended what the problem set is. (And Paul, elsewhere.)

> [1] Old Android devices might still have (USB) 'Mass Storage Mode',
> which *does* give a Windows drive (letter).

This is a good point, which you and I both know, where, oh, somewhere
around Android 4.4 or so, things changed such that what we _want_ to do is
no longer easy to do.

The best any of us can come up with, so far, is to use the proprietary
solution I outlined elsewhere in this thread, which allows "some" Windows
DOS commands to work unrestricted (but not all DOS commands).

In summary, only you and I (and Paul) have shown that we comprehend the
technical issue here; the rest are simply proving they're children who
don't have the capacity to understand even the _slightest_ of technical

Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 12:28:03 PM10/13/18
On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 18:11:16 +0200, R.Wieser wrote:

>> I _intend_ on alienating you - Rudy Wieser
> As I already said, good luck with that.

You have clearly proven, Rudy Wieser, that...
(a) You (& the other children) don't even _comprehend_ the topic, & yet,
(b) Even so, you insist on proving your God-given *right to troll*

*You vermin, Rudy Wieser, will _always_ ruin the potluck Usenet picnic.*


Oct 13, 2018, 12:56:29 PM10/13/18

> You have clearly proven, Rudy Wieser, that...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You claim stuff like there is no tomorrow. Yet as
always you fail to put your money where your (big) mouth is.

In short, your claims are not even worth the paper they are written on (and
as you didn't even *use* paper ... :-) )

> *You vermin, Rudy Wieser, will _always_ ruin the potluck Usenet picnic.*

Well, I will, at least for a while, ruin *yours*.

'Cause the only *one* who seems to get lucky in those picnics is you. Not
bringing any food with you, but always end up having eaten your belly full.
And I don't think that is either fair, nor nice towards the victims^wother
people involved.

Than again, you do not really seem to draw a crowd for such picnics ...
Maybe you're not doing enough to attract people ? What about some
sweepstakes ? And maybe a merry-go-round and a clown. And one of those
balloon-animal creators. Those always do good with kids among the picnicing
folk you know.

(Now you've got a *reason* to call me a troll. :-D )

Rudy Wieser

Wolf K

Oct 13, 2018, 1:47:13 PM10/13/18
On 2018-10-13 12:08, Frank Slootweg wrote:
> Wolf K <> wrote:
> [...]
>> I fail to see your problem. When I connect my phone via USB to this
>> Win8.1 box, I see the phone as an external drive. I can access all the
>> data. I see no reason to go below that into the OS. Why do you want to
>> do that?
> Unless you have a rather old phone [1], you don't see your phone as a
> *drive*, i.e. a thing which has a drive letter. You probably see your
> phone in File Explorer and *only* in File Explorer. [...]

You're right, the drive letter is an alias. Should've sussed that, since
it doesn't have Eject as a menu item.

But I still don't see a problem. I can open the files from Explorer, one
at a time only of course, but since I don't see any point in messing
with the files directly _on the phone_, I don't see that as a serious
problem. If I do mess with the photo, and then Save the altered photo,
it's saved on my HDD, which from my POV is where it belongs.

Anyhow, if I really want to alter the picture on the phone, the photo
viewer has that facility built in. I've never used it. My photos are
good enough to share without tweaking. :-) BTW, the photo viewer has a
slew of other capabilities, the only one I use regularly is Share via email.

So while I see there's a functional issue here, I don't see a problem.
Maybe a puzzle, to solve just for the hell of it.

Best wishes,

Frank Slootweg

Oct 13, 2018, 1:48:56 PM10/13/18
Arlen Holder <> wrote:
> On 13 Oct 2018 16:08:00 GMT, Frank Slootweg wrote:
> > Unless you have a rather old phone [1], you don't see your phone as a
> > *drive*, i.e. a thing which has a drive letter. You probably see your
> > phone in File Explorer and *only* in File Explorer.
> Hi Frank Slootweg (cc, Wolf K),
> Thank you Frank, for being only one of two adults on this entire newsgroup
> who _understood_ the topic (Paul included, having posted elsewhere).

Don't flatter yourself!

In this case, for totally random (non-)reasons, you haven't drawn
first blood.

But in another thread, you fsck-ed up again and instead of *reading*
and *trying* to *learn* from what people post, your threw yet another
tantrum and uttered yet another slew of misdirected and inappropriate
insults (fool, childish, you have no concept of advanced use, you'll
never graduate above, you won't grow mentally, rigid mindset, Classic
fifth-grade drivel, etc., etc.).

So you - and *only* you - switch at random between - somewhat - adult
behaviour and acting like a total jerk/creep.

Which shows the need to re-issue the challenge, which no doubt you
will dodge *again*:

[Rewind, repeat dodged challenge:]

'Arlen', name *one*, just *one* person in these groups who agrees with
*any* viewpoint which you raise in one of the zillions of threads you
(think you) 'author' (and *prove* that with a verifiable cite).

[Sounds of audience not holding their breath.]

Frank Slootweg

Oct 13, 2018, 2:09:24 PM10/13/18
Consider the backup example (note *example*, not the only scenario) I
mentioned (but you snipped).

Say you have a phone with 80GB of storage (16 internal, 64 SD-card).

If you want to backup that phone, you'll need to copy upto 80GB to
your Windows system, even if perhaps only 10% (8GB) has been changed.

You also need upto 80GB of temporary space on your Windows system.

Only *after* that upto 80GB copy, a (real) backup program can - try to
- figure out what has changed and backup only the 8GB to the backup
device (incremental backup).

If OTOH, your phone was presented as a (real) Windows drive (or
Network Share), you could have made a backup of your Android
filesystems, the same way you do for any Windows file system.

There are many, many other examples where *direct* file access is
desired or even needed/mandatory.

FWIW, because all methods to get a (real) Windows drive or Network
Share to access an Android file system suck in major ways, I've given up
on this and have only solved *my* major issue - backup - by doing things
in the opposite direction, i.e. the Android system does the incremental
backup to a Network Share.

Wolf K

Oct 13, 2018, 2:32:38 PM10/13/18
I don't see a "need" to back up the whole phone, since I copy
photos/videos ASAP after taking them, often within an hour or so. The
email merely duplicates what arrives on the PC. If I mail from the
phone, I may send a copy to myself, but very few of emails are that

> You also need upto 80GB of temporary space on your Windows system.

I have 2TB internal and 6TB external (only 2TB connected at any one
time.) Storage is cheap.

> Only *after* that upto 80GB copy, a (real) backup program can - try to
> - figure out what has changed and backup only the 8GB to the backup
> device (incremental backup).
> If OTOH, your phone was presented as a (real) Windows drive (or
> Network Share), you could have made a backup of your Android
> filesystems, the same way you do for any Windows file system.
> There are many, many other examples where *direct* file access is
> desired or even needed/mandatory.

Sure, the back-up issue is a plausible scenario, except that I don't use
the phone for anything other than calls and photography, plus news and a
handful of neat apps [1]. No music or movies or games etc. And as I
said, I copy (backup) all new stuff to my PC box at least once a week,
and usually within an hour or so after taking the photos. So I don't see
a need to back up the phone. In fact, now that I've lived with 64GB SD
storage, I feel that's more than I want. But smaller SD cards are
getting almost impossible to find, so...

As for backups of our PCs, that's handled automatically while we sleep.

> FWIW, because all methods to get a (real) Windows drive or Network
> Share to access an Android file system suck in major ways, I've given up
> on this and have only solved *my* major issue - backup - by doing things
> in the opposite direction, i.e. the Android system does the incremental
> backup to a Network Share.

That's may turn out to be a useful tip, FFFR.

Best wishes,

[1]: If you like astronomy, you may like APOD (Astronomy Photo Of the
Day). If you like birds, look for Cornell U's Merlin, a bird-ID app.

Frank Slootweg

Oct 13, 2018, 2:49:35 PM10/13/18
Wolf K <> wrote:
> I don't see a "need" to back up the whole phone, since I copy
> photos/videos ASAP after taking them, often within an hour or so. The
> email merely duplicates what arrives on the PC. If I mail from the
> phone, I may send a copy to myself, but very few of emails are that
> important.
> Sure, the back-up issue is a plausible scenario, except that I don't use
> the phone for anything other than calls and photography, plus news and a
> handful of neat apps [1]. No music or movies or games etc. And as I
> said, I copy (backup) all new stuff to my PC box at least once a week,
> and usually within an hour or so after taking the photos. So I don't see
> a need to back up the phone. In fact, now that I've lived with 64GB SD
> storage, I feel that's more than I want. But smaller SD cards are
> getting almost impossible to find, so...

For your use, backup indeed isn't an issue, provided you don't mind
the 'risk' of 'losing' your "handful of neat apps" (i.e. knowing which
ones you had and where/how you got them) or/and their settings/data.

However many people *do* care about losing their apps, their app
settings, their app data, etc.. "The Real Bev to the Central Desk,
please!" :-)

> As for backups of our PCs, that's handled automatically while we sleep.

You *sleep*!? What an utter waste of time *that* is!

Wolf K

Oct 13, 2018, 4:20:09 PM10/13/18
On 2018-10-13 14:49, Frank Slootweg wrote:
> Wolf K <> wrote:
>> As for backups of our PCs, that's handled automatically while we sleep.
> You *sleep*!? What an utter waste of time *that* is!

Essential for brain health.

Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 5:06:35 PM10/13/18
On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 18:56:19 +0200, R.Wieser wrote:

> Yeah, yeah, yeah. You claim stuff like there is no tomorrow. Yet as
> always you fail to put your money where your (big) mouth is.

What's sad, is you actually _believe_ what you say.
o I've spoken clear, valid, verified facts, with cites & screenshots
o You've not even shown you comprehend even the _subject_ line

And then, you, Rudy Wieser, say I "claim stuff like there's no tomorrow".
Cat. Kettle. Black.

*What so sad, Rudy Wieser, is that you are _really_ that dumb.*

It's incomprehensible, actually, how _dumb_ you prove to be, Rudy.
*I would think that nobody, past elementary school, is _that_ dumb.*

But you prove me wrong every time you post, Rudy Wieser.
And the funny thing is that you don't even realize how _stupid_ you are.

You actually _believe_ what you wrote above.
Jesus Christ. Please, Rudy Wieser, please tell me that you do not vote!

I am dealing with fantastic morons who don't even realize they're morons.

Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 5:22:17 PM10/13/18
On 13 Oct 2018 17:48:55 GMT, Frank Slootweg wrote:

> So you - and *only* you - switch at random between - somewhat - adult
> behaviour and acting like a total jerk/creep.

Frank Slootweg,
What you fail to comprehend, is the simplest of facts.
I'm a mirror Frank. A mirror.
o When you post like a child, I treat you as a child.
o When you post like an adult, I treat you as an adult.

I do that tactically - every single time you post - Frank Slootweg.
I take _each_ post on its merit - since I'm trying to funnel you into
acting like an adult, Frank Slootweg.

There's a consistent strategy - and tactics that fit that strategy.

Frank - this isn't my first rodeo on Usenet.
o Worthless trolls like Rudy Wieser & Wolf K & Char Jackson abound
o They're cowardly bullies who haven't graduated past fifth grade

Most of you use what I call the 'chitchat' model of Usenet behavior.
By that I mean you post 99% to other people's thread.\

Most of what you post is sheer drivel, worthless in and of itself.
You have nothing whatsoever invested in any thread coming to an answer.
o I don't use the chitchat model.
o I use what can be called the Q&A model.

In the Q&A model, I ask a question and I work toward the answer.
I have everything invested in the fruitful outcome of that question.
o Trolls like Ken Black, Danny DeVito, GoodGuy have nothing invested
o Those childish trolls don't care one whit about the Q&A outcome

Those trolls are like vermin who show up at a potluck picnic.
o *Ken Blake* [From: Ken Blake <>]
o *Wolf K* [From: Wolf K <>]
o *Danny DeVito* [From: Danny DeVito <inv...@invalid.invalid>]
o *Char Jackson* [From: Char Jackson <no...@none.invalid>]
o *Rudy Wieser* [From: "R.Wieser" <add...@not.available>]
o *Sam Hill* [From: Sam Hill <>]
o *joe* [From: joe <no...@domain.invalid>]
o *Good Guy* [From: �� Good Guy �� <>]

In this thread, as in every thread, those worthless vermin trolls outnumber
the adults by 10 to 1 where they prove each time, as they did in this
thread, that they don't even _comprehend_ the subject of the thread.

The fact that they don't even comprehend the topic doesn't stop them.
They have _nothing_ invested in the technical outcome. Nothing.

They're just vermin trolls, all.
Once these vermin arrive at the potluck Usenet picnic, it's ruined.
o You can swat away the vermin, or,
o You can pack up and leave the picnic.

Those are your _only_ choices, Frank Slootweg, once the vermin arrive.

The vermin like Wolf K, Char Jackson, Ken Blake, Good Guy, and particularly
that vermin Wolf K feel that they must _prove_ their right to infest any
potluck picnic with their worthless posts.

Rudy Wieser just _proved_ what I say, since I only speak facts, Frank:
These vermin are who ruin Usenet for the adults that are still left.
o *Wolf K*, *Danny DeVito*, *Char Jackson*, *Ken Blake*,
o *Rudy Wieser*, *Sam Hill*, *joe*, *Good Guy*, etc.

But, mostly, the vile vermin who can't stop themselves from swarming, are:
o Rudy Wieser
o Wolf K
o Char Jackson

Every statement I make is valid & verified by their actions in this thread.


Oct 13, 2018, 6:13:48 PM10/13/18

> What's sad, is you actually _believe_ what you say.

The problem is, when you say stuff like that, that you lack any
self-reflection. I don't think it has crossed your mind that you might be
guilty of exactly that what you think the other is guilty of. I mentioned
it earlier as "projection".

Ofcourse the biggest problem, pretty-much doing away with the possibility
that you're actually honestly have no clue you're in the very pit you think
the other is in, is that you *refuse* to show any of your own effort in
finding anything in regard to a solution to your own problems.

In other words, I think you are doing what you do outof cold calculation,
instead of just not being aware of what you're doing. I mean, after all
the negative responses you got from several different directions, how could
you *not* be aware of it.

Than again, some people will close their eyes for what happens directly in
front of them and play a human ostrich. And yes, that can even be coupled
with an agressive attitude towards anyone saying something about that

> It's incomprehensible, actually, how _dumb_ you prove to be, Rudy.

And there you go again, claiming without underbuilding.

> And the funny thing is that you don't even realize how _stupid_ you are.

Underbuild it. Claims are a cheap. Underbuilding (let alone proving) them
is a lot harder.

I already told you several times that you would need to come with some kind
of underbuilding of your claims, but the standard response of people like
you is to just act if that never happened.

While that behaviour might be cute for a todler, when exhibited by someone
in his teens its rather questionable. I won't say "go see a shrink", but
do yourself a favour and find someone you can talk with.

> And then, you, Rudy Wieser, say I "claim stuff like there's no tomorrow".

Well, that part is easy to prove. Just take your your repeated claims about
my person. Do you wish to deny having made quite a number ? We can just
leaf back thru your posts toward me and count them. Thats what I call
*facts* kiddo.

> I am dealing with fantastic morons who don't even realize they're morons.

ghostrider: "*One* ghostrider ? Its bloody *all* of them!" :-)

Rudy Wieser

Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 7:29:45 PM10/13/18
On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 16:20:07 -0400, Wolf K wrote:

> Essential for brain health.

What's hilarious is that the vermin trolls posted scores of posts,
and not one of them ever even _comprehended_ the problem set.

These vermin trolls proved that they are really _that_ stupid!
o *Ken Blake* [From: Ken Blake <>]
o *Wolf K* [From: Wolf K <>]
o *Danny DeVito* [From: Danny DeVito <inv...@invalid.invalid>]
o *Char Jackson* [From: Char Jackson <no...@none.invalid>]
o *Rudy Wieser* [From: "R.Wieser" <add...@not.available>]
o *Sam Hill* [From: Sam Hill <>]
o *joe* [From: joe <no...@domain.invalid>]
o *Good Guy* [From: �� Good Guy �� <>]

*Not a _single_ one of these vermin ever _comprehended_ the topic!*

Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 7:43:32 PM10/13/18
On Sun, 14 Oct 2018 00:13:30 +0200, R.Wieser wrote:

> ghostrider: "*One* ghostrider ? Its bloody *all* of them!" :-)

Rudy Wieser,

*How do you _expect_ me to handle when you vermin infest the picnic?*

These are facts that any _adult_ would comprehend:
HINT: That's not you ...
o I asked a technical question in this Usenet potluck picnic.
o You act like childish vermin in _every_ single post.

Those are facts, Rudy.
You may not like that you are vermin - but you are vermin.

You have no value Rudy Wieser.

All you are is vermin to the potluck picnic that is Usenet.
That's a fact you prove in _every_ post, Rudy Wieser.

*How do you _expect_ me to handle when you vermin infest the picnic?*

Moving forward, after swatting away the infestation of vermin, like Rudy
Wieser, Wolf K, Char Jackson, Ken Blake, Good Guy, joe, Danny DeVito, etc.,
I tried this solution, but it failed:
o WinDirStat <>
o <>

Based on that blog above, WinDirStat perhaps _should_ have worked,
where it was difficult, at best, to glean information that is new from
their blog. <>

If there are intelligent people on this newsgroup, and if those intelligent
people can act like adults, and if they also have experience with
WinDirStat, then I ask them if they were successful, or if WinDirStat is a
dead end from the get go.


HINT: Rudy Wieser ... please do not respond - you only prove to be moron.

Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 9:00:11 PM10/13/18
On 13 Oct 2018 15:54:17 GMT, Frank Slootweg wrote:

> I actually mentioned *two* points. You addressed/checked only one of
> them.

Hi Frank Slootweg,

I have to give you (and Paul) credit for being the _only_ adults who
understood the problem set (despite this thread being replete with vermin).

I discounted the second point out of hand, simply because I needed "write"
permission (where, you must know, anonymous FTP doesn't provide that).

Still ... you are thinking ... which I appreciate.

Nonetheless, I tried, briefly, with anonymous FTP which failed & I didn't
try further as I have tentatively concluded FTUuse v2.2 no longer works on
Windows 10 (and nobody here has shown otherwise even though it would be
simple to do so).

I also gave up on WinDirStat <> for similar reasons.
I didn't report on it (because it failed), but I also gave up on wmsdk.

The only method that worked, to date, on Nougat, is MTP Drive 2.10
which, considering it's crippleware, worked surprisingly well.

What that proprietary solution tells us is that there likely is a universal
solution out there that isn't crippleware - but - that nobody here is aware
of it yet.

I'll just wait for the vermin below to *find* that answer for us, since
they're seemingly so prolific on this thread with their "sage" advice:

Arlen Holder

Oct 13, 2018, 9:30:23 PM10/13/18

The tribal knowledge of this ng has been improved with this thread:

Despite the vermin who infested this potluck Usenet picnic:
o *Ken Blake* [From: Ken Blake <>]
o *Wolf K* [From: Wolf K <>]
o *Danny DeVito* [From: Danny DeVito <inv...@invalid.invalid>]
o *Char Jackson* [From: Char Jackson <no...@none.invalid>]
o *Rudy Wieser* [From: "R.Wieser" <add...@not.available>]
o *Sam Hill* [From: Sam Hill <>]
o *joe* [From: joe <no...@domain.invalid>]
o *Good Guy* [From: �� Good Guy �� <>]

We have come to a conclusion, that there is only one solution out there, to
date, for Windows, that will map over USB the Android filesystem as a drive
letter so that all the power of Windows is available to the user:
0. Without MTPDrive, you must copy files from Android to Windows in order
to run DOS commands (like changes, copies & backups) on those Android

Without MTPDrive over USB, if you dual boot to Ubuntu 18.04, you _can_
commands directly on those Android files over USB:

With MTPDrive over USB, you can run "some" commands directly on those

However there are key limitations of the MTPDrive crippleware, so it's
yet a universal solution available to everyone at all times on Windows:

It was _always_ possible to read/write access the Android filesystem on
Windows (or Linux) over Wi-Fi by running a server on Android, e.g.,

And this generally worked also for FTP servers running on Android:

Where, for some reason in my tests, FTPuse v2.2 didn't work on Windows:

But everything else worked with FTP except, of course, mounting the
Android filesystem over USB so that commands could be directly run:

Running an SMB server on Android is out of the question simply because
you need to be root to use the ports that Windows requires, where
perhaps, in the future, we may make use of the "SAF" capabilities
(Android Storage Access Framework):

Meanwhile, the _only_ solution that worked on Windows to mount my
Android Nougat 7.0 filesystem as a drive letter over USB so that
commands could be directly run on the files, was MTP Drive crippleware.

1. Obtain & install MTP Drive version 2.10 crippleware on Windows
I saved to: C:\software\network\mtpdrive\MTPdrive210.exe (3,495 KB)
It wanted to install into: C:\Program Files\MTPdrive
I installed it into: C:\app\network\mtpdrive
2. I created a shortcut to C:\app\network\mtpdrive\MTPdrive.exe
3. I connected the Android device over USB & ran that MTPdrive.exe shortcut
4. I pressed the "Map" button to map the phone to a named drive
5. This mounted the Android external sdcard as a named drive, e.g., (M:)
6. I right clicked my desktop to "Open Command Window Here"
7. I ran the desired DOS command on that now-mounted Android filesystem
dir /s/a/l/on/b *.apk


For another inventory of _every_ file on the external sdcard:
A. I connected the Android device to the USB port of the Windows PC
B. I ran the MTPDrive GUI at C:\app\network\mtpdrive\MTPdrive.exe
C. I hit the MTPDrive "Settings" button & then I clicked the "Settings" tab
D. I hit the "Dump device data to a file" button > C:\tmp\WPD.log

The bottom portion of that log file containd a list of every file found.
\SD card\1data\software\apk\lgapps\ (213680574).apk
\SD card\1data\software\apk\lgapps\
\SD card\1data\software\apk\lgapps\Cloud
\SD card\1data\software\apk\lgapps\
\SD card\1data\software\apk\lgapps\
\SD card\1data\software\apk\lgapps\
\SD card\1data\software\apk\lgapps\Facebook App Manager-com.facebook.appmanager-46985667-v18.4.apk
\SD card\1data\software\apk\lgapps\Facebook-com.facebook.katana-1-vstub.apk
\SD card\1data\software\apk\lgapps\

The bad news:
o MTPDrive seems to work for the _external_ sdcard only (not internal)
o MTPDrive crippleware is limited to copying 30 files per sesssion

The good news:
o This is the only known solution that maps the Android filesystem
to a drive letter on Windows over USB.
o Since this solution exists, it's likely there are more universal
solutions out there (our job is to find them).
Bear in mind that. since this solution exists, it's almost certain that a
more universal solution also exists that the experienced may know about.

If you do know of a better solution, please do advise us so that your
knowledge increases the overall tribal knowledge of the group as a whole.

Char Jackson

Oct 13, 2018, 9:34:00 PM10/13/18
On 13 Oct 2018 17:48:55 GMT, Frank Slootweg <>
In case anyone is unaware, our friend "Arlen" has Asperger's Syndrome.
He said so in a previous post, but I didn't save the MID.

Asperger's Syndrome

People with this condition may be socially awkward and have an
all-absorbing interest in specific topics.
People may experience:
Behavioral: aggression, compulsive behavior, fidgeting, impulsivity,
repetitive movements, social isolation, or persistent repetition of
words or actions
Muscular: inability to combine muscle movements, poor coordination, or
Mood: anger, anxiety, or apprehension
Also common: depression, intense interest in a limited number of things,
learning disability, nightmares, or sensitivity to sound

It's a direct match.

Char Jackson

Oct 13, 2018, 9:40:50 PM10/13/18
On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 21:22:16 -0000 (UTC), Arlen Holder
<> wrote:

>Every statement I make is valid & verified by their actions in this thread.

That's possibly true in your world. Not so much out here where everyone
else lives.


Oct 14, 2018, 3:04:15 AM10/14/18

> *How do you _expect_ me to handle when you vermin infest the picnic?*

How do you expect me to handle you when you are holding "picnics" only to
eat for free ?

> o I asked a technical question in this Usenet potluck picnic.

Kiddo, if asking for a specific product somewhere is a "techincal" question
than mos t of the shop clerks are *way* underpayed. And that is all you've
done: Asking for a program that would do *exactly* what you want from it.

> o You act like childish vermin in _every_ single post.

Look who's talking :-)

But than again, its ofcourse *your* full right to lash out at anyone you
like, because you *obviously* have been wronged by them first, innit ?
Kiddo, my mother would, and has spanked my ass for that kind of reasoning,
and I can imagine yours did too. I learned from that.

> All you are is vermin to the potluck picnic that is Usenet.
> That's a fact you prove in _every_ post, Rudy Wieser.

Goodness, you really must have that above blurb under a quickkey! You're
using it pretty-much every message now.

> You have no value Rudy Wieser.

Arlen, in that case you certainly different from me. Where I do not have
any value to you, you do not seem to have any to quite a number of people

Which people ? Well, just look at that ever-growing list you have been
posting. And those are just the ones who where verbal about it.

> if they also have experience with WinDirStat, then I ask them if
> they were successful, or if WinDirStat is a dead end from the get
> go.

Kiddo, that even starts to look like a question I could agree with. You
show that you already have put work in finding a product - and testing it! -
, but now have a few questions about it.

Keep it up ! (We'll make a man outof you yet)

Ofcourse, thats a positive explanation of it. I *could* wager a "guess" to
a more negative one, but as the saying goes, "you catch more flies with
honey than with vinegar".

Rudy Wieser


Oct 14, 2018, 9:19:05 AM10/14/18
> o *Good Guy* [From: 😉 Good Guy 😉 <>]

Sir, having observed your numerous posts in this thread and similar
threads you have started I have advice for you.

Forget about seeking help on computing matters. Instead seek help from a

Frank Slootweg

Oct 14, 2018, 1:50:59 PM10/14/18
Wolf K <> wrote:
> On 2018-10-13 14:49, Frank Slootweg wrote:
> > Wolf K <> wrote:
> [...]
> >> As for backups of our PCs, that's handled automatically while we sleep.
> >
> > You *sleep*!? What an utter waste of time *that* is!
> Essential for brain health.

"brain health"!? "BRAIN HEALTH"!? What on earth makes you think we
need "brain health" for in these threads!? Sheesh, *some* people!

Arlen Holder

Oct 14, 2018, 2:01:22 PM10/14/18
On Sun, 14 Oct 2018 09:04:08 +0200, R.Wieser wrote:

> How do you expect me to handle you when you are holding "picnics"

Rudy, and all the other vermin,

This thread is finished, where I, almost unilaterally, have *solved* the
problem in a few days time (notwithstanding the intentionally helpful
advice from both Paul and Frank Slootweg, none of which panned out

As such, our combined tribal knowledge has been pushed forward, a bit.
Each thread has that goal to improve our combined technical capabilities.

Did you help, Rudy Wieser?
Did _any_ of the vermin who posted help?

The answer is a resounding no.
The answer is _always_ a resounding no.

*You think this is my first rodeo with you vermin, Rudy Wieser?*

You think I'm that ignorant of the fact you worthless vermin exist?
You are too _stupid_ Rudy Wieser - as are all the vermin - to help anyone.

You vermin don't have the skills, the intelligence, or the intent to help.
All you vermin _can_ do, Rudy Wieser, is troll.

None of you vermin ever stood a chance on solving this difficult problem.
In fact, it's clear that none of you vermin even _understood_ the question.

And yet, you vermin infested this potluck picnic that is Usenet.
You vermin literally _insisted_ on your God-given right to troll.

These vermin had a field day shitting on the potluck picnic that is Usenet:
o *Ken Blake* [From: Ken Blake <>]
o *Wolf K* [From: Wolf K <>]
o *Danny DeVito* [From: Danny DeVito <inv...@invalid.invalid>]
o *Char Jackson* [From: Char Jackson <no...@none.invalid>]
o *Rudy Wieser* [From: "R.Wieser" <add...@not.available>]
o *Sam Hill* [From: Sam Hill <>]
o *joe* [From: joe <no...@domain.invalid>]
o *Good Guy* [From: Good Guy¸‰ <>]
o *Fred W* [From: FredW <fr...@ninmule.invalid>]
o *MikeS* [From: MikeS <>]

Frank Slootweg

Oct 14, 2018, 2:01:47 PM10/14/18
Arlen Holder <> wrote:

And once again, 'Arlen' draws first blood, while stamping his feet
claiming that he doesn't and emitting yet another of his broken record


Oct 14, 2018, 3:56:46 PM10/14/18

> This thread is finished, where I, almost unilaterally, have *solved*
> the problem in a few days time

What in odd mix of past and present. You forgot "if nothing throws a
wrench in it" though.

But kiddo, congrats of having researched your options and showing it.

One thing though: why didn't you just pick one of them and see if you
actually could get it to work ?

I'm ofcourse not you, but seeing that "netsh" is part of a default Windows
(XP) installation and easy to configure I think I would try that one first.

> Did you help, Rudy Wieser?

*Ofcourse* I didn't. At least, not in a way you demanded from me.

There is no way I'm going to let someone (ab)use me as a gofer, only to be
cast aside and forgotten about as soon as I've come up with the
answer/solution. Would *you* find it acceptable to be used that way ?

> You are too _stupid_ Rudy Wieser - as are all the vermin - to help anyone.

:-) There you go again, talking about stuff you simply cannot have a clue
about. Very obvious and therefore not smart.

> You vermin don't have the skills, the intelligence, or the intent to help.


Remember that I said that I needed just 30 seconds to find the answer to two
questions you had ? I think that that shows skill (otherwise I would not
have found those answers) intelligence (to convert your question in a google
search blurb) and intent to help (why else would I have tried to find those

That I did not give them to you was simply because the speed with which I
found them was a rather big clue to you most likely not even having tried
yourself. And that I do not accept.

Also remember that I mentioned that I was researching geoPDF ? Yeah, I
really did *not* whant to help you there. No sirree. No way. I was just
doing that because .... Oh, look there, a fly on the wall. :-)

> None of you vermin ever stood a chance on solving this difficult problem.

You give yourself *way* too much credit.

All you did was looking for a program which could do (exactly) what you
wanted. And you (and I use that "you" advicedly here) found not one, but
(at least) *five* methods for it. If you could find that many it stands
to reason others could have too.

Heck, maybe many people already did, but are simply not present in these
newsgroups. Ever thought about that ?

> In fact, it's clear that none of you vermin even _understood_ the
> question.

A newsflash for you: People can hear and understand questions, but choose
not answer them.

There are many reasons for that. Dislike of the person asking them is one
of them. Or whatever reason you have for refusing to answer simple
questions about claims you have been making.

I for one don't think that you not answering them was a matter of you being
too dumb to understand them. Was I wrong in that ?

Rudy Wieser

Ken Blake

Oct 14, 2018, 7:49:16 PM10/14/18
On 14 Oct 2018 18:01:45 GMT, Frank Slootweg <>

>Arlen Holder <> wrote:
> And once again, 'Arlen' draws first blood, while stamping his feet
>claiming that he doesn't and emitting yet another of his broken record

I was hoping that sooner or later you and R. Wieser would both get
tired of complaining about and replying to Arlen Holder (who is
killfiled here) and replying to him, and either killfile him or just
ignore his messages.

Since it looks like it will never happen and I not only have to read
his messages that the two of you quote and your tirades against him,
I'm killfiling you both to end it. I was hoping I would never have to
do this and you would both get tired of replying, and either killfile
or ignore him. Since you don't, goodbye to you both.

Wolf K

Oct 14, 2018, 11:55:01 PM10/14/18
On 2018-10-14 13:50, Frank Slootweg wrote:
> Wolf K <> wrote:
>> On 2018-10-13 14:49, Frank Slootweg wrote:
>>> Wolf K <> wrote:
>> [...]
>>>> As for backups of our PCs, that's handled automatically while we sleep.
>>> You *sleep*!? What an utter waste of time *that* is!
>> Essential for brain health.
> "brain health"!? "BRAIN HEALTH"!? What on earth makes you think we
> need "brain health" for in these threads!? Sheesh, *some* people!

Good one. Point to you.


Oct 15, 2018, 2:35:00 AM10/15/18

> Since it looks like it will never happen and I not only have to
> read his messages that the two of you quote and your tirades
> against him, I'm killfiling you both to end it.

I do not know which newsgroup reader you are using, but a few weeks ago I
posted a question about how, in outlook express, to suppress a *thread*
instead of just a single person. And that works quite nicely.

I see a new thread being started, but once set to ignore I do not see any
message in it, regardles of who the poster is. It allows me to ignore a
conversation, while still being able to see some of the well meaning
responders to it in other threads.

Rudy Wieser

I do not blame you for killfiling though. I can imagine it must look like
nothing but a nuissance to anyone not involved.

Knarf Gewtools

Oct 15, 2018, 10:23:50 AM10/15/18
N.B. Intentional one-time morph, in case you've already killfiled me.
I understand your point and you're of course free to do as you see

Having said that, some comments:

1. In most (all?) newsreaders, one can mark a thread as read. If you do
that as soon as 'Arlen Holder' starts a new thread, you won't see
anything, i.e. not out quibbles.

2. You may want to check if Agent has a 'Ignore thread started by poster'
feature. If so you can do 1. automatically.

3. There are many, many others (than R. Wieser and me) who respond to
'Arlen Holder' (see his recent list(s) of 'vermin'). Do you want to
killfile all those posters?


Oct 15, 2018, 1:28:46 PM10/15/18
Knarf Gewtools wrote:

> as soon as 'Arlen Holder' starts a new thread

There is an "Ignore Thread" in the right-click menu,
up near the top.


Knarf Gewtools Slootweg

Oct 15, 2018, 3:50:40 PM10/15/18
N.B. Still morphing in order to - try to - help Ken Blake.

Earlier today. I wrote:

> N.B. Intentional one-time morph, in case you've already killfiled me.
> Ken Blake <> wrote:
> > On 14 Oct 2018 18:01:45 GMT, Frank Slootweg <>
> > wrote:
> >
> > >Arlen Holder <> wrote:
> > >
> > > And once again, 'Arlen' draws first blood, while stamping his feet
> > >claiming that he doesn't and emitting yet another of his broken record
> > >tantrums.
> >
> > I was hoping that sooner or later you and R. Wieser would both get
> > tired of complaining about and replying to Arlen Holder (who is
> > killfiled here) and replying to him, and either killfile him or just
> > ignore his messages.
> >
> > Since it looks like it will never happen and I not only have to read
> > his messages that the two of you quote and your tirades against him,
> > I'm killfiling you both to end it. I was hoping I would never have to
> > do this and you would both get tired of replying, and either killfile
> > or ignore him. Since you don't, goodbye to you both.
> I understand your point and you're of course free to do as you see
> fit.
> Having said that, some comments:
> 1. In most (all?) newsreaders, one can mark a thread as read. If you do
> that as soon as 'Arlen Holder' starts a new thread, you won't see
> anything, i.e. not out quibbles.

Paul already confirmed that Agent can do this ('Ignore thread').
Thanks, Paul.

> 2. You may want to check if Agent has a 'Ignore thread started by poster'
> feature. If so you can do 1. automatically.

I checked my old notes and Agent *does* seem to have a 'Ignore thread
started by poster' feature.

This is a partial quote from a 2011 posting in


In Agent 6.0, killfiling "JohnDoe" and choosing as Action "Ignore
Thread" means (after setting my View to 'not ignored') I see nothing of
his posts and nothing of those who respond to him.


So Ken, it seems that in Agent you can killfile 'Arlen''s threads
completely (i.e. also any and all responses), without killfiling us (R.
Wieser and me) in other threads.

> 3. There are many, many others (than R. Wieser and me) who respond to
> 'Arlen Holder' (see his recent list(s) of 'vermin'). Do you want to
> killfile all those posters?


From: Bart Dinnissen <>
Subject: Re: Looking for another newsreader
Date: Fri, 08 Jul 2011 23:18:20 +0200
Message-ID: <>

Arlen Holder

Oct 15, 2018, 8:19:53 PM10/15/18
On Sun, 14 Oct 2018 01:30:23 -0000 (UTC), Arlen Holder wrote:

> Bear in mind that. since MTPdrive exists, it's almost certain that a
> more universal solution also exists that the experienced may know about.
> If you do know of a better solution, please do advise us so that your
> knowledge increases the overall tribal knowledge of the group as a whole.

There _may_ be a freeware solution for Windows 10, if this pans out:

It's an "Online Guide for the Intel Joule Module" Submitted July 14, 2017
o Section: USB MTP File Transfer

While I don't think I have the Windows 10 knowledge to make use of that
brand-new Intel capability described above, there _may_ be a freeware
MTPdrive alternative available for Windows yet...
Alternatives to MTPdrive <>
Free alternatives to MTPdrive <>
But first inspection doesn't look promising yet on those suggestions.

Frank Slootweg

Oct 16, 2018, 8:26:03 AM10/16/18
Arlen Holder <> wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Oct 2018 01:30:23 -0000 (UTC), Arlen Holder wrote:
> > Bear in mind that. since MTPdrive exists, it's almost certain that a
> > more universal solution also exists that the experienced may know about.
> >
> > If you do know of a better solution, please do advise us so that your
> > knowledge increases the overall tribal knowledge of the group as a whole.
> There _may_ be a freeware solution for Windows 10, if this pans out:
> <>
> It's an "Online Guide for the Intel Joule Module" Submitted July 14, 2017
> o Section: USB MTP File Transfer

For your purpose, you're not looking for file *transfer*, but for file
*access* (open, read, write, close, etc.) or/and file-*system* access.

> While I don't think I have the Windows 10 knowledge to make use of that
> brand-new Intel capability described above, there _may_ be a freeware
> MTPdrive alternative available for Windows yet...
> Alternatives to MTPdrive <>
> Free alternatives to MTPdrive <>
> But first inspection doesn't look promising yet on those suggestions.

Those indeed do not look promising. They seem totally unrelated (to

Good luck on your quest.

Arlen Holder

Oct 16, 2018, 10:00:51 AM10/16/18
On 16 Oct 2018 12:26:01 GMT, Frank Slootweg wrote:

> For your purpose, you're not looking for file *transfer*, but for file
> *access* (open, read, write, close, etc.) or/and file-*system* access.

You, Frank Slootweg, and Paul, were the only ones who even _understood_ the
problem set.

That's interesting, in two ways:
1. Your posts were purposefully helpful (you and Paul),
2. While this thread is _filled_ with purposefully unhelpful posts.

The question is what quirk of personality makes those many trolls feel the
need to incessantly post to a thread that they clearly don't even

All they ever prove is that they don't comprehend even the simplest things.
o *Common Trolls*: Rudy Wieser, Wolf K, Char Jackson,
o *One-Shot Trolls*: Ken Blake, Danny DeVito, Sam Hill, Good Guy, joe

My theory is that these trolls hate that they're stupid.
So they attempt to respond to common keywords, such as "usb" & "mtp".

But all they ever prove, is that they're just stupid.

> Those indeed do not look promising. They seem totally unrelated (to
> MTPdrive).


The need for a more universal solution so that everyone can benefit has
been a "holy grail" of sorts, ever since around 4,3 when Android lost its
basic USB Mass Storage capability.

Those, with intelligence, see the power in the ability to run _any_ Windows
command on the device file system, just as Linux has always been able to

Knowing that only you and Paul even understood the problem set, but that
neither you nor Paul has a solution (yet), the tribal knowledge, at the
moment is going to have to be moved forward by me, where the only solution
that works over USB appears to be this MTPdrive payware.

> Good luck on your quest.

Even though only two people proved they even understood the problem posed
here, I suspect there are ten times that (i.e., about a score of people) on
these newsgroups who are intelligent enough to solve this problem.

Given that there are only about a score of people on these combined
newsgroups with the intelligence required to move the ball forward, it's
likely just too difficult of a task to solve at the moment, perhaps, using
Usenet mechanisms.

I asked a similar question of the freeware experts, who are of like mind:

Frank Slootweg

Oct 17, 2018, 1:58:48 PM10/17/18
N.B. Unmorphing, because there's no point anymore.

Two days ago, I wrote:
> N.B. Still morphing in order to - try to - help Ken Blake.
> Earlier today. I wrote:
> > N.B. Intentional one-time morph, in case you've already killfiled me.
> > I understand your point and you're of course free to do as you see
> > fit.
> >
> > Having said that, some comments:
> >
> > 1. In most (all?) newsreaders, one can mark a thread as read. If you do
> > that as soon as 'Arlen Holder' starts a new thread, you won't see
> > anything, i.e. not out quibbles.
> Paul already confirmed that Agent can do this ('Ignore thread').
> Thanks, Paul.
> > 2. You may want to check if Agent has a 'Ignore thread started by poster'
> > feature. If so you can do 1. automatically.
> I checked my old notes and Agent *does* seem to have a 'Ignore thread
> started by poster' feature.
> This is a partial quote from a 2011 posting in
> [1]:
> <quote>
> In Agent 6.0, killfiling "JohnDoe" and choosing as Action "Ignore
> Thread" means (after setting my View to 'not ignored') I see nothing of
> his posts and nothing of those who respond to him.
> </quote>
> So Ken, it seems that in Agent you can killfile 'Arlen''s threads
> completely (i.e. also any and all responses), without killfiling us (R.
> Wieser and me) in other threads.

Ken Blake did not respond (while he posted in several other threads).

I don't know why. Did the solution not work? Is his problem different
from what I (we?) think? Other?

Anyway, without feedback we can't help him. Pity.

But I hope this wasn't/isn't a case of a poster telling how others
should (not) behave.

Arlen Holder

Oct 19, 2018, 7:38:16 PM10/19/18
On Thu, 11 Oct 2018 19:43:38 -0000 (UTC), Arlen Holder wrote:

> From Windows, how can we run a DOS command on the Android filesystem?

Thanks to the purposefully helpful posters, here is a progress report,
where I apologize for the details, which are necessary to be successful,
and to comprehend the scope of the problem and solution sets.

Please note that I _already_ have a solution, both USB & Wifi, where the
goal was & is always a general solution for everyone - not just for me.
o There are many freeeware solutions over WiFi
o It's modern Android MTP over USB that has the lack of freeware solutions
Here's a summary of the status to date...
In the Windows ng, Frank Slootweg suggested "netdrive", located here:
<> (trialware, so it's not a general solution)
Just in case the old freeware existed, I downloaded the following versions:
o NetDrive 3.6.571 <>
o NetDrive 3.5.434 <>
o NetDrive 2.6.2 <>
o NetDrive 2.6.16 build 962 <>
o NetDrive 2.5.7 <>
o NetDrive 1.3.4 <>

I have one key question for anyone on this ng who knows Windows well, which
is whether my "assumption" is accurate that we need to "mount" the Android
filesystem as a "removable drive" (i.e., with a "drive letter") in order to
be able to run any Windows command on that Android filesystem?

I seem to be able to run DOS commands on both these types of connections:
o USB + "removable drive" (to get a drive letter)
o WiFi + "network location" + "removable drive" (to get a drive letter)
o WiFi + "network location" + "net use" (to get a drive letter)

Is that assumption of the intermediate "need" for a drive letter correct?
If so, here's a summary of where we stand based on that assumption...
(If not, please correct where I err.)

The "problem" is that when you connect over USB an Android 4.3+ device
(mine is a $130 64GB LG Stylo 3 Plus, running Nougat, Android 7.0) as MTP,
you can't run any Windows command on the Android file system, as evidenced
by this "dir" of APKs that had to be done after copying to Windows:

The best solution is to "mount" the Android filesystm as a "removable
drive" (i.e., it gets a drive letter) over USB, which I can easily do with
payware/crippleware, but which I'm trying to make into a general solution
that _everyone_ can do.

*For a general solution, we need bona-fide non-crippled Windows freeware.*
o The goal is a _universal_ solution (which necessitates _freeware_);
o which enables _any Windows command_ to run on the Android filesys;
o which means (I think) it has to be "mounted" as a _removable drive_;
o (or, in other words, it has to have a "drive letter" when on USB);
o (although a Windows "network location" can also work when on WiFi);
o which both MTPDrive (over USB) & NetDrive (over WiFi) payware seem to do

o USB solutions are faster & generally simpler (no Android software)
MTPDrive: <>
Linux: <>
o WiFi solutions (which generally require a "server" running on Android).
WebDav: <>
FTP: <>

For USB:
The best solution is a freeware equivalent to the MTPDrive functionality
o LibMTP freeware may work if we can figure out how to make it work, while
o MTPDrive crippleware works (crippled to 30 files per session), and,
o Dual booting to Linux works (which natively uses, apparently, LibMTP).

For WiFi:
If a server must be run on Android, Windows probably handles SMB best, but:
o SMB server (on Android) solutions are problematic for two reasons:
(a) No known Play/F-Droid SMB server works on TCP port 445 unrooted
(b) Port forwarding on Windows is required if a nonroot server is found.

Where these general-use servers don't require rooting or port forwarding,
& where Windows "network location" & "removable drive" features are used:
o WebDav
network location: <>

For WiFi FTP, these are possible universal free drive-mapping solutions:
o FTPuse (freeware which I was not successful with in my recent tests)
FTP Server (free): <>
The Olive Tree: <>
Anonymous: <>
o DirectNet (freeware which I was successful with in my tests today)
o SFTP Net Drive (free for personal use but I was not successful today)
<> (it took a bogus name & email)
o NetDrive (trialware, untested because it's not a general solution)
o Web Drive (trialware, untested because it's not a general solution)

And where Linux solutions may work under some circumstances:
o Dual-boot to Linux works perfectly (which uses LibMTP natively)
o Termux (contains a mini Linux command environment)

As always, this effort is for everyone - so please improve where you can!

Frank Slootweg

Oct 20, 2018, 10:37:20 AM10/20/18
Arlen Holder <> wrote:
> I have one key question for anyone on this ng who knows Windows well, which
> is whether my "assumption" is accurate that we need to "mount" the Android
> filesystem as a "removable drive" (i.e., with a "drive letter") in order to
> be able to run any Windows command on that Android filesystem?

You do not *need* a drive letter, because 'DOS' commands can also use
a Network Share (in contrast to a Network Drive). For example:


Where 'DISKSTATION' is my NAS.

The only limitation I'm aware of, is that you cannot 'cd' into a
Network Share, while you can 'cd' into anything which has a drive

C:\home\franks>cd \\DISKSTATION\Frank
CMD does not support UNC paths as current directories.

C:\home\franks>cd M:

That said, having a drive letter is a *nice* thing to have, as most of
the solutions you mention, need one anyway.


> o WiFi + "network location" + "net use" (to get a drive letter)
> <>

Hmmm! This seems to be a nice one! I can't remember seeing you use
'net use' by itself.

Does this setup mean you have:

- A WebDAV server - i.e. extra software - on your Android device.

- *No* *extra* software ('net use' is part of Windows) on your Windows


If so, I think this is the best WiFi solution sofar (till you get a
(non-root) SMB server on Android to work).

I have no experience with 'weird' UNC paths such as the one you're
using ('\\\DavWWWRoot\'), but it would be interesting to
see if you can use such UNC paths directly in a 'DOS' command, i.e.
*without* assigning a drive letter with 'net use'.

I.e. like I can use (see above)


perhaps you can use something like

dir \\\DavWWWRoot

Note: Something *like* that. I'm not saying that exact syntax is

My suggestion might seem silly: Using a drive letter (X:) is much
cleaner than the '\DavWWWRoot' mess, but as you can put
this 'mess' into an environment variable, it can be made clean, i.e.

dir %Android%\Mobi_Usage_AppBackup


Arlen Holder

Oct 21, 2018, 4:26:55 PM10/21/18
On 20 Oct 2018 14:37:20 GMT, Frank Slootweg wrote:

> You do not *need* a drive letter, because 'DOS' commands can also use
> a Network Share (in contrast to a Network Drive). For example:
> dir \\DISKSTATION\Frank
> Where 'DISKSTATION' is my NAS.

Hi Frank Slootweg,

Thanks for being purposefully helpful by answering that question about
whether the "network drive" (aka a "removable drive") versus a "network
share" (aka a "network location") is what we need to run any Windows
command on Android.

Here's my summary of which methods I've been able to do for each on Nougat:
o MTP over USB === removable drive
o WebDAV over WiFi === removable drive & network location
o FTP over WiFi === removable drive & network location

In the case of WebDAV, I can get "net use" syntax to work.
But I'm clueless about the "net use" syntax for FTP.
So the FTP "removable drive" success was with this third-party freeware.

> The only limitation I'm aware of, is that you cannot 'cd' into a
> Network Share, while you can 'cd' into anything which has a drive
> letter:

This is interesting, as that means we should be able to do almost
everything, then, with a "network location" even if we can't always get the
Android filesystem to mount as a "removable drive" on Windows.

> C:\home\franks>cd \\DISKSTATION\Frank
> CMD does not support UNC paths as current directories.
> C:\home\franks>cd M:
> M:\

The one syntax I can't yet figure out is how to do FTP doublebackslashes.

For example, this works just fine to mount the following "network location"
net use X: \\\DavWWWRoot\
Where the Android WebDAV server defaults are set to:
IP =
Port = 8080
Share = DavWWWRoot (this is a hard-coded WebDAV default)

That doublebackslash syntax works _great_ with WebDAV servers on Android:

But, I can't figure out the doublebackslash syntax for FTP servers!

This doubleslash syntax works just fine as a "network location"
Where the Android FTP server defaults are set to:
IP =
Port = 2221
Share = (I have no idea what the share is for the sdcard)
Login = francis
Password = francis

But I can't, for the life of me, figure out the doublebackslash syntax!
Since these syntax attempts fail every time for me:
dir \\francis:fra...@
net use \\\Root

I suspect DOS will work just fine, if we can just figure out the syntax.
Can you, or anyone, help us figure out the FTP doublebackslash syntax?

> That said, having a drive letter is a *nice* thing to have, as most of
> the solutions you mention, need one anyway.

The good news is that we can get a drive letter easily for Android.
o USB (setting Android to MTP + Windows MTPDrive crippleware works OK)
o WiFi (a WebDAV server on Android + native DOS "net use" works great!)

Two areas of improvement would be:
o USB (find freeware to mount Android over USB as a removable drive)
o WiFi (figure out FTP doublebackslash syntax to get "net use" to work)

>> o WiFi + "network location" + "net use" (to get a drive letter)
>> <>
> Hmmm! This seems to be a nice one! I can't remember seeing you use
> 'net use' by itself.

Thanks Frank for realizing that the _simplest_ solution is generally the
best, where the simplest solution I can find that works for everyone is:
o WebDAV server freeware on Android + Windows "net use" syntax over WiFi

Since "DavWWWRoot" is a hard-coded keyword, this command works for all!
net use X: \\\DavWWWRoot\

My dilemma is that I don't see any reason why FTP syntax shouldn't work the
same as WebDAV but I just don't know enough about that doublebackslash
syntax to make FTP "net use" work.
net use X: \\\sdcard0\

This fails for me every time.
Does _anyone_ here know the FTP doublebackslash syntax?
Can you tell us how to mount the Android sdcard as a "removable drive"?

> Does this setup mean you have:
> - A WebDAV server - i.e. extra software - on your Android device.
> - *No* *extra* software ('net use' is part of Windows) on your Windows
> device.

Yup. Thanks for noticing the inherent beauty & genius in that solution!
As you know, I'm _always_ seeking the solutions that are sheer brilliance.

Anything _that_ simple - and yet still very powerful - is sheer brilliance!

That WebDAV solution is sheer brilliance. I hit upon it while I was
searching for FTP solutions, where I _still_ think the idea should work as
well for FTP servers as it does for WebDAV servers.

I just can't get the syntax correct yet for the FTP servers to mount
Android as a removable drive over WiFi. Can you?

> If so, I think this is the best WiFi solution sofar (till you get a
> (non-root) SMB server on Android to work).

What I like about you, Frank Slootweg, is that you think like I do.
o We both see the sheer brilliance of this WebDAV + "net use" solution
o It's not obvious - but - once you see it working - it's brilliant!
o I just wish I could get the syntax to work with FTP UNCs too!

I also like that you agree, a priori, that SMB _should_ work best.
o For one, SMB is the native Windows method
o But you know better than I do that SMB on Android is problematic
What's the best way to forward SMB TCP port 445 to something higher than 1024 on Windows?
Non-root Android SMB/CIFs Samba server set to communicate on TCP ports higher than 1024

> I have no experience with 'weird' UNC paths such as the one you're
> using ('\\\DavWWWRoot\'), but it would be interesting to
> see if you can use such UNC paths directly in a 'DOS' command, i.e.
> *without* assigning a drive letter with 'net use'.
> I.e. like I can use (see above)
> dir \\DISKSTATION\Frank
> perhaps you can use something like
> dir \\\DavWWWRoot
> Note: Something *like* that. I'm not saying that exact syntax is correct.

I agree fully with the way you are thinking, Frank.
This UNC syntax should work across the board.

One of the problems I have with "UNC" syntax is figuring out how to
specifiy the root directory of Android to Windows.

When I started searching for the "net use" syntax for mounting WebDAV
servers, I found out that WebDAV has that hard-coded default keyword, named
"DavWWWRoot", which saves us the problem of having to figure out what
Windows thinks the Android top level directory is named.

> My suggestion might seem silly: Using a drive letter (X:) is much
> cleaner than the '\DavWWWRoot' mess, but as you can put
> this 'mess' into an environment variable, it can be made clean, i.e.
> dir %Android%\Mobi_Usage_AppBackup

Your suggestion is good where we need someone like Paul who has far more
knowledge in Windows than I ever will have to explain why the results below
are what they are in my tests just now:

C:\> dir \\\DavWWWRoot\
The network path was not found.

C:\> dir \\
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

C:\> dir \\\
The specified path is invalid.

C:\> dir \\\DavWWWRoot
The network path was not found.

C:\> net use X: \\\DavWWWRoot\
The command completed successfully.

C:\> dir X:\
Volume in drive X has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 0000-0000

Directory of X:\

10/19/2018 03:02 PM <DIR> .
10/19/2018 03:02 PM <DIR> ..
10/12/2018 08:42 PM <DIR> Download
10/11/2018 07:24 PM <DIR> Android
10/11/2018 07:24 PM <DIR> Music
10/11/2018 07:24 PM <DIR> Podcasts
10/11/2018 07:24 PM <DIR> Ringtones
10/11/2018 07:24 PM <DIR> Alarms
10/11/2018 07:24 PM <DIR> Notifications
10/11/2018 10:08 PM <DIR> Pictures
10/11/2018 07:24 PM <DIR> Movies
10/14/2018 07:02 AM <DIR> DCIM
10/18/2018 09:35 PM <DIR> .dwnld
10/11/2018 07:25 PM <DIR> LGBackup
10/19/2018 03:08 PM <DIR> Mobi_Usage_AppBackup
10/11/2018 10:20 PM <DIR> .estrongs
10/11/2018 10:20 PM <DIR> backups
10/11/2018 10:20 PM <DIR> dianxin
10/11/2018 10:21 PM 72 .userReturn
10/13/2018 11:24 AM 0 000storage-emulated-0
10/13/2018 12:12 AM <DIR> data0
10/13/2018 11:18 AM 1,041,153
10/19/2018 07:57 PM <DIR> .chat_temp
10/16/2018 07:28 PM <DIR> VoiceRecorder
3 File(s) 1,041,225 bytes
21 Dir(s) 743,829,987,328 bytes free

Arlen Holder

Oct 22, 2018, 3:54:11 PM10/22/18
On Sun, 21 Oct 2018 20:26:55 -0000 (UTC), Arlen Holder wrote:

> What I like about you, Frank Slootweg, is that you think like I do.
> o We both see the sheer brilliance of this WebDAV + "net use" solution
> o It's not obvious - but - once you see it working - it's brilliant!
> o I just wish I could get the syntax to work with FTP UNCs too!

I'm almost done with my experiments, where this is my tentative conclusion:
A. It's easy to mount MTP filesystems over USB as a "removable drive".
(Using MTPDrive crippleware.)
B. It's easy to connect WebDAV shares over WiFi as a "network location".
(Using native Windows.)
C: It's easy to connect WebDAV shares over WiFi as a "removable drive".
(Using native Windows - where the connection is "almost perfect".)
D. It's easy to connect FTP shares over WiFi as a "network location".
(Using native Windows - where the connection, inexplicably, is "less perfect".)
E. It's easy to mount FTP shares over WiFi as a "removable drive".
(Using DnD, ND, or, for some, FTPUse & SFTPNetDrive freeware).

Pretty much, this is the _simplest_ most _powerful_ solution I can find,
that uses (a) native Windows, or, if not, then (b) freeware, or, if not,
then (c) crippleware.

All I ask is for others to simplify the solution by (c) eliminating the
crippleware, or (b) eliminating the need for the additional freeware.

See also:

I understand that what I request is not easy.
Likely 999 out of 1,000 people can't improve this solution from where I
leave it.

If anyone else _can_ move the technical ball forward, please do as the goal
is to enable _everyone_ to do what we can do with the least amount of
software possible, and always, with freeware if possible.
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