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how to detect the character encoding in a web page ?

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не прочитано,
23 дек. 2012 г., 19:34:4723.12.2012
how to detect the character encoding in a web page ?
such as this page

Chris Angelico

не прочитано,
23 дек. 2012 г., 20:23:3123.12.2012
You read part-way into the page, where you find this:

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

That tells you that the character set is UTF-8.


Hans Mulder

не прочитано,
23 дек. 2012 г., 20:30:4723.12.2012
On 24/12/12 01:34:47, iMath wrote:
> how to detect the character encoding in a web page ?

That depends on the site: different sites indicate
their encoding differently.

> such as this page:

If you download that page and look at the HTML code, you'll find a line:

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

So it's encoded as utf-8.

Other sites declare their charset in the Content-Type HTTP header line.
And then there are sites relying on the default. And sites that get
it wrong, and send data in a different encoding from what they declare.

Welcome to the real world,

-- HansM
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не прочитано,
23 дек. 2012 г., 22:03:3123.12.2012
在 2012年12月24日星期一UTC+8上午8时34分47秒,iMath写道:
> how to detect the character encoding in a web page ?
> such as this page

but how to let python do it for you ?

such as these 2 pages

how to detect the character encoding in these 2 pages by python ?
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Kurt Mueller

не прочитано,
24 дек. 2012 г., 03:34:1624.12.2012
Am 24.12.2012 um 04:03 schrieb iMath:
> but how to let python do it for you ?
> such as these 2 pages
> how to detect the character encoding in these 2 pages by python ?

If you have the html code, let
do an educated guess for you.

$ wget -q -O - |
stdin: ISO-8859-2 with confidence 0.803579722043

$ wget -q -O - '' |
stdin: utf-8 with confidence 0.87625



не прочитано,
24 дек. 2012 г., 07:16:1624.12.2012
On Mon, Dec 24, 2012 at 9:34 AM, Kurt Mueller
<> wrote:
> $ wget -q -O - |
> stdin: ISO-8859-2 with confidence 0.803579722043
> $

And it sucks, because it uses magic, and not reading the HTML tags.
The RIGHT thing to do for websites is detect the meta charset
definition, which is

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">


<meta charset="utf-8">

The second one for HTML5 websites, and both may require case
conversion and the useless ` /` at the end. But if somebody is using
HTML5, you are pretty much guaranteed to get UTF-8.

In today’s world, the proper assumption to make is “UTF-8 or GTFO”.
Because nobody in the right mind would use something else today.

Kwpolska <>
stop html mail | always bottom-post |

Steven D'Aprano

не прочитано,
24 дек. 2012 г., 08:50:3924.12.2012
On Mon, 24 Dec 2012 13:16:16 +0100, Kwpolska wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 24, 2012 at 9:34 AM, Kurt Mueller
> <> wrote:
>> $ wget -q -O - | stdin: ISO-8859-2
>> with confidence 0.803579722043 $
> And it sucks, because it uses magic, and not reading the HTML tags. The
> RIGHT thing to do for websites is detect the meta charset definition,
> which is
> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
> or
> <meta charset="utf-8">
> The second one for HTML5 websites, and both may require case conversion
> and the useless ` /` at the end. But if somebody is using HTML5, you
> are pretty much guaranteed to get UTF-8.
> In today’s world, the proper assumption to make is “UTF-8 or GTFO”.
> Because nobody in the right mind would use something else today.

Alas, there are many, many, many, MANY websites that are created by
people who are *not* in their right mind. To say nothing of 15 year old
websites that use a legacy encoding. And to support those, you may need
to guess the encoding, and for that, is the solution.



не прочитано,
24 дек. 2012 г., 11:27:0324.12.2012
Indeed due to the poor quality of most websites it is not possible to be
100% accurate for all sites.

personally I would start by checking the doc type & then the meta data as
these should be quick & correct, I then use chardectect only if these
fail to provide any result.

I have found little that is good about human beings. In my experience
most of them are trash.
-- Sigmund Freud

Roy Smith

не прочитано,
24 дек. 2012 г., 11:46:0324.12.2012
In article <rn%Bs.693798$nB6.6...@fx21.am4>,
Alister <> wrote:

> Indeed due to the poor quality of most websites it is not possible to be
> 100% accurate for all sites.
> personally I would start by checking the doc type & then the meta data as
> these should be quick & correct, I then use chardectect only if these
> fail to provide any result.

I agree that checking the metadata is the right thing to do. But, I
wouldn't go so far as to assume it will always be correct. There's a
lot of crap out there with perfectly formed metadata which just happens
to be wrong.

Although it pains me greatly to quote Ronald Reagan as a source of
wisdom, I have to admit he got it right with "Trust, but verify". It's
the only way to survive in the unicode world. Write defensive code.
Wrap try blocks around calls that might raise exceptions if the external
data is borked w/r/t what the metadata claims it should be.


не прочитано,
28 дек. 2012 г., 09:30:4628.12.2012
在 2012年12月24日星期一UTC+8上午8时34分47秒,iMath写道:
> how to detect the character encoding in a web page ?
> such as this page

first setup chardet

import chardet
html_1 = urllib2.urlopen(line,timeout=120).read()
#print html_1
#print mychar
if bianma == 'utf-8' or bianma == 'UTF-8':
else :
html =html_1.decode('gb2312','ignore').encode('utf-8')
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Albert van der Horst

не прочитано,
14 янв. 2013 г., 07:50:2314.01.2013
In article <>,
Roy Smith <> wrote:
>In article <rn%Bs.693798$nB6.6...@fx21.am4>,
> Alister <> wrote:
>> Indeed due to the poor quality of most websites it is not possible to be
>> 100% accurate for all sites.
>> personally I would start by checking the doc type & then the meta data as
>> these should be quick & correct, I then use chardectect only if these
>> fail to provide any result.
>I agree that checking the metadata is the right thing to do. But, I
>wouldn't go so far as to assume it will always be correct. There's a
>lot of crap out there with perfectly formed metadata which just happens
>to be wrong.
>Although it pains me greatly to quote Ronald Reagan as a source of
>wisdom, I have to admit he got it right with "Trust, but verify". It's

Not surprisingly, as an actor, Reagan was as good as his script.
This one he got from Stalin.

>the only way to survive in the unicode world. Write defensive code.
>Wrap try blocks around calls that might raise exceptions if the external
>data is borked w/r/t what the metadata claims it should be.

The way to go, of course.

Groetjes Albert
Economic growth -- being exponential -- ultimately falters.
albert@spe&ar& &=n

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Chris Angelico

не прочитано,
5 июн. 2013 г., 13:55:1105.06.2013
On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 1:14 AM, iMath <> wrote:
> 在 2012年12月24日星期一UTC+8上午8时34分47秒,iMath写道:
>> how to detect the character encoding in a web page ?
>> such as this page
> by the way ,we cannot get character encoding programmatically from the mate data without knowing the character encoding ahead !

The rules for web pages are (massively oversimplified):

1) HTTP header
2) ASCII-compatible encoding and meta tag

The HTTP header is completely out of band. This is the best way to
transmit encoding information. Otherwise, you assume 7-bit ASCII and
start parsing. Once you find a meta tag, you stop parsing and go back
to the top, decoding in the new way. "ASCII-compatible" covers a huge
number of encodings, so it's not actually much of a problem to do



не прочитано,
6 июн. 2013 г., 02:22:3706.06.2013
On Thu, 06 Jun 2013 03:55:11 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:

> The HTTP header is completely out of band. This is the best way to
> transmit encoding information. Otherwise, you assume 7-bit ASCII and start
> parsing. Once you find a meta tag, you stop parsing and go back to the
> top, decoding in the new way.

Provided that the meta tag indicates an ASCII-compatible encoding, and you
haven't encountered any decode errors due to 8-bit characters, then
there's no need to go back to the top.

> "ASCII-compatible" covers a huge number of
> encodings, so it's not actually much of a problem to do this.

With slight modifications, you can also handle some
almost-ASCII-compatible encodings such as shift-JIS.

Personally, I'd start by assuming ISO-8859-1, keep track of which bytes
have actually been seen, and only re-start parsing from the top if the
encoding change actually affects the interpretation of any of those bytes.

And if the encoding isn't even remotely ASCII-compatible, you aren't going
to be able to recognise the meta tag in the first place. But I don't think
I've ever seen a web page encoded in UTF-16 or EBCDIC.

Tools like chardet are meant for the situation where either no encoding is
specified or the specified encoding can't be trusted (which is rather
common; why else would web browsers have a menu to allow the user to
select the encoding?).

Chris Angelico

не прочитано,
6 июн. 2013 г., 03:14:0606.06.2013
On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 4:22 PM, Nobody <> wrote:
> On Thu, 06 Jun 2013 03:55:11 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> The HTTP header is completely out of band. This is the best way to
>> transmit encoding information. Otherwise, you assume 7-bit ASCII and start
>> parsing. Once you find a meta tag, you stop parsing and go back to the
>> top, decoding in the new way.
> Provided that the meta tag indicates an ASCII-compatible encoding, and you
> haven't encountered any decode errors due to 8-bit characters, then
> there's no need to go back to the top.

Technically and conceptually, you go back to the start and re-parse.
Sure, you might optimize that if you can, but not every parser will,
hence it's advisable to put the content-type as early as possible.

>> "ASCII-compatible" covers a huge number of
>> encodings, so it's not actually much of a problem to do this.
> With slight modifications, you can also handle some
> almost-ASCII-compatible encodings such as shift-JIS.
> Personally, I'd start by assuming ISO-8859-1, keep track of which bytes
> have actually been seen, and only re-start parsing from the top if the
> encoding change actually affects the interpretation of any of those bytes.

Hrm, it'd be equally valid to guess UTF-8. But as long as you're
prepared to re-parse after finding the content-type, that's just a
choice of optimization and has no real impact.



не прочитано,
9 июн. 2013 г., 07:47:0209.06.2013
在 2012年12月24日星期一UTC+8上午8时34分47秒,iMath写道:
> how to detect the character encoding in a web page ?
> such as this page

Finally ,I found by using PyQt’s QtextStream , QTextCodec and chardet ,we can get a web page code more securely
even for this bad page

this script

and this page without chardet in its source code

from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
from PyQt4.QtNetwork import *
import sys
import chardet

def slotSourceDownloaded(reply):
redirctLocationUrl=reply.url() if not redirctLocation else redirctLocation

if (reply.error()!= QNetworkReply.NoError):
print('11111111', reply.errorString())


codec=QTextCodec.codecForHtml(pageCode,QTextCodec.codecForName(charCodecInfo['encoding'] ))

if content=='':
print('---------', 'cannot find any resource !')


if __name__ == '__main__':
app =QCoreApplication(sys.argv)
manager=QNetworkAccessManager ()
url =input('input url :')
request=QNetworkRequest (QUrl.fromEncoded(QUrl.fromUserInput(url).toEncoded()))
request.setRawHeader("User-Agent" ,'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.57 Safari/537.17 SE 2.X MetaSr 1.0')


не прочитано,
9 июн. 2013 г., 07:52:2009.06.2013
在 2012年12月24日星期一UTC+8上午8时34分47秒,iMath写道:
> how to detect the character encoding in a web page ?
> such as this page

here is one thread that can help me understanding my code

Carlos Nepomuceno

не прочитано,
9 июн. 2013 г., 17:35:5509.06.2013
Try this:

### ###
import re
import urllib2

def  get_charset(url):
    resp = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    #retrieve charset from header
    headers = ''.join(resp.headers.headers)
    charset_from_header_list = re.findall('charset=(.*)', headers)
    charset_from_header = charset_from_header_list[-1] if charset_from_header_list else ''

    #retrieve charset from html
    html =
    charset_from_html_list = re.findall('Content-Type.*charset=["\']?(.*)["\']', html)
    charset_from_html = charset_from_html_list[-1]  if charset_from_html_list else ''

    return charset_from_html if charset_from_html else charset_from_header

> Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2013 04:47:02 -0700
> Subject: Re: how to detect the character encoding in a web page ?
> From:
> To:
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