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Peter Forth

Mar 6, 2020, 5:17:08 PM3/6/20
It seems Juergen Pintaske destruction on Forth groups, and
Forums, will never stop.
He is the worst troll, and imbecil person I ever met on the forth
groups, and tries hard to destroy all forums he is active.

He has destroyed lots of places, but his mental disorder makes him not
give up.

He did the worst publicity to Forth and to MPE, also to other
people that triyed to approach, all ended with him in the mud under
tons of insults, robbing private information and then exposing on
open forums (which is at all lights a crime), and all kind of
missbehaviour trolling and pishing on public forums, Pintaske is there.

The scandal of publishing a private letter of Testra the employeer of
H. Aguilar, regards his employee on this open forum, shows Pintaske
is a complete mental ill person, and a dangerous liar.

Nice reading :

A Start With Forth says:
February 23, 2018 at 12:04 am
Forth is great. Close to the Hardware. If you want to read about the basiscs – see A Start With Forth at or my current Forth Bookshelf at you can build your own CDP1802 there and the EP32 and for 1802 see as well the Core at

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really? says:
February 23, 2018 at 8:12 am
Do you have any links to free PDFs?

Forth is an old language, most of those books should be free already, why pay anything to tax-avoiding low-wage exploiter Amazon?

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jackcrenshaw says:
February 23, 2018 at 11:28 am
Most of them ARE free. But looks like a lot of them have been rewritten by Juergen Pintaske.
Did he add new stuff? Search me.

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Peter says:
February 25, 2018 at 4:26 pm
It’s been so long since I read the originals it’s difficult to tell. What I did notice was the original copyright info seems to have gone missing in some cases.

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TheRegnirps. says:
February 24, 2018 at 12:43 pm
Some kind of responses you give on Facebook until you invite people to leave the group. Very helpful and constructive.

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a Start with Forth says:
February 24, 2018 at 12:50 pm
Thank you very much for your support

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Mar 6, 2020, 10:38:49 PM3/6/20
On Friday, March 6, 2020 at 3:17:08 PM UTC-7, Peter Forth wrote:
> It seems Juergen Pintaske destruction on Forth groups, and
> Forums, will never stop.
> He is the worst troll, and imbecil person I ever met on the forth
> groups, and tries hard to destroy all forums he is active.
> He has destroyed lots of places, but his mental disorder makes him not
> give up.
> He did the worst publicity to Forth and to MPE, also to other
> people that triyed to approach, all ended with him in the mud under
> tons of insults, robbing private information and then exposing on
> open forums (which is at all lights a crime), and all kind of
> missbehaviour trolling and pishing on public forums, Pintaske is there.

I wouldn't say that he "detonated" over there.
He didn't do his typical vulgar and incoherent spew like he does here.
He was just being annoying by pretending to be an unbiased Forth programmer
while he is obviously a salesman for MPE. That is called: "spamming."

> The scandal of publishing a private letter of Testra the employeer of
> H. Aguilar, regards his employee on this open forum, shows Pintaske
> is a complete mental ill person, and a dangerous liar.

That wasn't a private letter from Tom Hart. It was an open letter
that Tom Hart said he wanted posted on comp.lang.forth.!topic/comp.lang.forth/wydQr643gX0

The scandal was that he lied to Tom Hart by saying that I had claimed
to have designed the Testra processor when I never said any such
thing, and I told him so clearly prior to him telling Tom Hart this lie.
He was taking advantage of Tom Hart who is very old and has
mental-health issues typical of old fools: paranoia, gullibility,
arrogance, and can't remember the difference between CNC gcode and HPGL.

I don't want you to be my champion and decry this "scandal."
For one thing, you are getting your facts wrong (such as saying
that it was a private letter posted publicly).
For another thing, it isn't really any of your business.
Why don't you just stop worrying about Juergen Pintaske?
Juergen Pintaske is a pig, but why is that your concern?

BTW, I considered joining that forum and talking up the MiniForth/RACE
and my MFX. I didn't do so mostly because I saw this note:
"By using our website and services, you expressly agree to the placement
of our performance, functionality and advertising cookies."
Besides that, I would appear to be a salesman for Testra, and I'm not.
Also, the OP said:
"For anyone who has dealt with the programming language Forth,
odds are good that you picked it up back in the 80s."
Why would I want to talk to boring old men in their 50s or 60s? I don't.

One poster Garth said this:
According to a couple of ads I kept from back then,
the RTX2000 ran more than one Forth instruction per cycle,
typically about 16MIPS @ 12MHz, and peaked out at 50MIPS."
That is quite an exaggeration! The MiniForth ran at 40 Mhz. and took
approximately 10 clock cycles per Forth word (that is a very loose
approximation as this varied quite a lot). That comes to 4 Forth MIPS.
There was also an 80 Mhz. version, which would be 8 Forth MIPS.
The RACE is several times faster, John Hart told me, but I haven't used it.
Getting 16 MIPS at 12 Mhz. is unrealistic, and 50 MIPS is way out there!
I think MIPS means: "Meaningless Information Provided by Salesmen."

Note that you can't just run arbitrary Forth words in parallel, because
most of them have to be run in sequence. There are severe limitations.
I have experience with parallelization, because I wrote MFX.
I'm not interested in discussing the subject with people who have
no experience and are informed primarily by magazine advertisements.

Rick C

Mar 6, 2020, 11:07:42 PM3/6/20
On Friday, March 6, 2020 at 10:38:49 PM UTC-5, wrote:
> One poster Garth said this:
> ----------------------------------------------------
> According to a couple of ads I kept from back then,
> the RTX2000 ran more than one Forth instruction per cycle,
> typically about 16MIPS @ 12MHz, and peaked out at 50MIPS."
> ----------------------------------------------------
> That is quite an exaggeration! The MiniForth ran at 40 Mhz. and took
> approximately 10 clock cycles per Forth word (that is a very loose
> approximation as this varied quite a lot). That comes to 4 Forth MIPS.
> There was also an 80 Mhz. version, which would be 8 Forth MIPS.
> The RACE is several times faster, John Hart told me, but I haven't used it.
> Getting 16 MIPS at 12 Mhz. is unrealistic, and 50 MIPS is way out there!
> I think MIPS means: "Meaningless Information Provided by Salesmen."
> Note that you can't just run arbitrary Forth words in parallel, because
> most of them have to be run in sequence. There are severe limitations.
> I have experience with parallelization, because I wrote MFX.
> I'm not interested in discussing the subject with people who have
> no experience and are informed primarily by magazine advertisements.

I just wanted to point out that the RTX2000 was indeed capable of faster than 1 "instruction" per clock cycle due to the instruction set allowing multiple operations being specified. At least "operations" that are typically Forth words. For example return is typically a separate instruction in processors as well as in Forth. This was the most commonly used instruction that could be paralleled with other instructions in the same opcode.

There are others such as being able to specify a literal as part of an opcode performing other operations.

There is a table of single instructions in the RTX2000 that equate to multiple Forth words.

Scroll down to "Table 4.3(b) RTX 2000 Instruction Set Summary -- Compound Forth Primitives"

I'm a bit surprised you would not be more aware of the RTX2000. It has been discussed here quite a bit.

Not sure why you would doubt what others can do in a CPU design simply because it is beyond what a company you worked for did.


Rick C.

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Mar 7, 2020, 4:22:17 AM3/7/20
On Saturday, March 7, 2020 at 2:38:49 PM UTC+11, wrote:
> ...
> Also, the OP said:
> "For anyone who has dealt with the programming language Forth,
> odds are good that you picked it up back in the 80s."
> Why would I want to talk to boring old men in their 50s or 60s? I don't.

The younger ones are sitting on committees wanting to be your leader (or
you theirs). It's the older one's who've heard it all before who don't care :)

Peter Forth

Mar 13, 2020, 12:48:04 AM3/13/20

Peter Forth

Mar 13, 2020, 1:24:57 AM3/13/20
On Friday, March 6, 2020 at 7:17:08 PM UTC-3, Peter Forth wrote:
for those who don´t know,the participants in this hackaday forum :

A START WITH FORTH is JUergen Pintaske

-"Peter" who answers about copyright is not me.
other Peters were insulted by Pintaske on the CLF forum also
with the excuse to chase after "forthkillers" he insulted
many times the wrong person. Last year he insulted a man that was
already dead, from a 1991 post in CLF...
(Many people have abandoned Forth because of Pintaske)

This Peter exposes Pintaske of having manipualted the Copyright
of the original authors of Forth papers, the once free PD forth
documents of the forth community, do not exist anymore, now
all the ex PD forth books and documents, are EXMARK of Pintaske.

-"The regnerips" is somebody very seen on hackadays forums
he exposes Pintaske as having the habit to expulse
people from forth forums.

Others have abandoned Forth after discovering the Book they
were induced to buy with false publicity on Amazon of Pintaske
bookshelf is outdated or inconducent to learn Forth
"A START WITH FORTH" is a total failure ! a real disaster written
by a person that is not able to install Raspbian on a RPI or
program a robot for an 8 y. child. How can an ignorant
like him pretend to teach forth ?
If the author is a full technology illiterate,
how can Forth not be associated to technology ignorants ?
to failed persons ?

"A START WITH FORTH" is a missleading title Pintaske did to fake
forth, to put all forth bibliograpy under his control.
Another of his vulgar SCAMS , where adding an "A" in front of
STARTING FORTH of Leo Brodie(the forth bible)
would make novice candidates to forth, to buy the fake one
inspite the original best learning book ever of the forth language.

It does not surprise me how many users abondened forth since
Pintaske started destroying the credibility of the language with fake
copies, fake titles , and the worst content and quality possible.

Jurgen Pitaske

Mar 14, 2020, 9:13:54 AM3/14/20
It is mind boggeling what this idiot invents just to get attention.

They knew about the title and were happy to contribute.

Most of it you can read free of charge as I put it in the Forth WIKI:

Thanks go to Michael Kalus, who did all of the work of setting it up and making it look nice.

So even free availability is not good enough ...

So he is basically throwing Shit at all of them - what a personality.

A Start With Forth - eBook and print
Link to this description in German: Den Anfang machen mit Forth

This eBook had always been planned to be readable and distributed via amazon on PC Tablet and Mobile. Some people do not like to download Kindle – then the option of reading it in the Cloud is possible for – as I know – any screen/keyboard combination. See it at
You can LOOK INSIDE (above the picture) and see part of it or ask for a free sample on the right hand side.

But there is still the requirement for beginners to download and print. Most of the chapters of this eBook you can find here.

Chapter 4: Imagine, you Invent a Language ...
A different start here. Rather than explaining how it works, we start from nothing and just imagine the steps You just need 12 constructs here as a first step – in Forth these are Words – and these at then put together to run a small application – to switch the usual (here virtual) LED on and off. Imagine to Invent a Language

Chapter 5 - Now try it out on the Web - no Installation needed
Normally, you would now need to download and install a Forth of your choice to run this code. easyForth is on the web, written in Javascript. And, you can type the code directly into the window supplied and run Forth code – and there are very good explanations that Nick supplied. Here I made it into a PDF with Nick’s ok for download and print.

Easy Forth by Nick Morgan - type Forth code into your browser. Instant experience. Build up your initial Forth know-how. You can print this document as well: Easy Forth
One Word is different: The Word for ms delay is different, Nick calls it sleep.

Chapter 6 - Extend the 12 Words to 35 Words
This part of the new1) eBook A Start With Forth published by Juergen, here in printable form and with PDFs also printable, so you have lots of material for your exercises.

You can run this code in easyForth as well, but there is no sound compared to the next step, and ms = sleep compared to our next option VFXTESTAPP.exe .

Chapter 7 - Use the downloadable VFXTESTAPP.exe
Here you just download an .exe, which can execute most of the VFX Words. The VFX Manual you can find as part of the VFX download on the website or here as PDF. Run the code of chapter 4 and 6. Advantage: there is no installation needed. You can store it locally on your PC and the word SAVE adds your work for next time. ( sorry, no Linux or Mac yet )

Get VFXTESTAPP.exe here.

The manual of the full VFX version explaining the Words in VFXTESTAPP.exe can be downloaded here: vfxman.pdf

Chapter 8 - Editor / File Handling – AIDE and VFX_LITE MSP430
Here the manual for MPE’s AIDE, the VFX Helper and editor. There is more you can do, but not planned in this context here. AIDE

Chapter 9 - Running Forth on a TI MSP430 using VFX LITE 430
MPE made this available as a free Starter version, and it was prepared for the MicroBox event for the Scouts Jamboree. Here you run the complete Forth ON a controller, the TI MSP430G2553. And AIDE helps. VFX LITE 430

( ARM will follow in a later version )

Chapter 11a - 4e4th Manual 1
Dirk Bruehl and Michael Kalus have spent a lot of their time to make 4e4th available for the TI Launchpad. As well written for the MSP430G2553. Without them and Paul, I would have never gotten to the MicroBox Project running. 4e4th-ide-startnotes

Chapter 11b - 4e4th Manual 2
And the next steps in 4e4th. 4e4th-ide-instructions_including_microbox

Chapter 11c - uMMT – Some small Example Code to try out
Have fun: uMMT v5

Chapter 12 - MicroBit – Running Mecrisp Forth on the MicroBit
The BBC micro:bit with its 25 LEDs and the many additional functions needed a Forth. 1,000,000 of them are supposedly now at UK schools and there is a lot of documentation. As I had access to one, Matthias Koch kindly ported his MECRISP to this board. Get: MECRISP for micro:bit. Follow the links for installation information. I tried mine using the same 35 Word Forth. Needed a few additions but no problem – help is always available in the Forth community.

Chapter 13 - Minimal Invasive Serial Link - 3 Word Forth Interface
I like Minimal Solutions. I got the ok to add this option of poking around inside a controller for this eBook.
3 Words: Read a byte, Write a byte, Start a subroutine. Interfaced via a serial link, a Forth can control the chip. 3 Instruction Forth

Chapter 14 - MPE - Mixed Language Design using Sockpuppet
One of the new developments for using Forth: The advantages of Interactive Programming/Testing and linked to other languages, here C and ARM. Get system design ready quicker. See as well Rob’s presentation from 22 July 2017 on youtube at 1h50mins. Sockpuppet article

As in December 2017:

There are infomations on github too:

And here as well:

Chapter 15 - v4th – An Approach using Forth Techniques
Vic uses the Forth structures but stays closer to assembler. v4th

Chapter 16 - Minimum Word Sets and Comparison
How many Forth Words do you really need? Either as SW or even implemented in FPGA.
A quick comparison of what we found on the web and Paul’s explanations. Minimum Wordset

Chapter 17 - Certifying your Code
Certification becomes more and more important, especially with IOT - and Forth is a very good candidate in this respect.
Certifying your Code, by Paul E. Bennett

We hope you find something useful here.
The eBook A Start With Forth is part of The Forth Bookshelf.

More Literatur:
Juergens Collection
Klaus' Collection

… and if you want to see which Forth eBooks people are interested in, see how the Bestseller List is doing today2) …

1) 2017
2) Today 24 July 2017, eForth and Zen 2017 is in place 2, A Start With Forth is in place 3, and Stephen Pelc’s Programming forth follows in place 19. And there are more, check yourself.

and the link to the WIKI:

Jurgen Pitaske

Mar 14, 2020, 10:40:21 AM3/14/20
The official answer from Tom Hart, their president,
who agreed to have his answer to me published on clf:


Hi Juergen,

Nice to hear from you. I was going to answer your prior Email, but got busy.

Some answers regarding your questions:

Is it possible for you to tell
For how long he was an employee of Testra if he was

I did not go back and look at the payroll records,
but to my recollection it was on the order of a year or so.

Or if he was just a contractor/consultant

Maybe at the beginning.

How long this working relationship lasted

As I stated, maybe a year or so.

Why your relationship ceased,

He was difficult to work with.
He did fine if it was something he could do by himself without supervision,
but if it was a team effort, forget it.

I let him go myself,
after I had given him a project to write a DXF converter to HPGL code.
He would not take any direction.
I scrapped the project.

and what he really achieved at TESTRA??

He wrote our Forth compiler for the processor
that we implemented in a Lattice PLD.

He did a good job on it,
we are still using it with a few bug fixes and minor modifications.

He had nothing to do with the processor itself,
that was all designed by John Hart and Steve Brault.

The PLD version was based upon our original Forth Engine done long before we ever ran across Hugh.

In summary,

Hugh is very intelligent, very knowledgeable about Forth,
but is not really a team player.

Sounds like the Forth community has some problems with non team players.

You can quote me, but it has to be all or none of the above!

Thomas W. Hart, Jr.
Testra Corporation
1201 N Stadem Drive
Tempe AZ 85281
(480)560-6141 cell
(480)966-8428 office
(480)966-7215 fax

Mar 14, 2020, 9:25:14 PM3/14/20
What is your point, Juergen Pintaske? (or Jurgen Pitaske, or whatever)
Do you expect me to say that you're a Forth programmer and I'm not?
Do you expect me to get on my knees for the Forth-200x committee?

Do you hope to convince everybody that I'm incompetent and my MFX
doesn't work? This would discredit Testra so their processor would cease
to be competition for MPE's "clean-room implementation" of the RTX-2000.

Do you hope that your continued loyalty to MPE will convince
Stephen Pelc to give you your job back?

All that I've ever said regarding Testra is that I wrote MFX.
Tom Hart has never credited me with MFX, and he didn't in the above email.
I did write MFX though --- nobody can take this away from me.

Why do you continue to pester me? What is your goal?
You are just a sleazy salesman. You are not my peer. Piss off!

Jurgen Pitaske

Mar 15, 2020, 5:05:03 AM3/15/20
Bullshit number 1:
I never said I am a Forth programmer. I wrote a couple of examples in Forth in context with the Forth Bookshelf.
I do not give a monkeys if you can program. Others to judge.

I wanted to get the history from Testra and Tom was kind enough to do so.
Was posted here again.
If you want to get onto your knees in front of anybody to do whatever you like to do - I do not care.

Bullshit number 2:

As I stated the Standard is really a European project with one American officielly involved - and not you - what do you want there?
You dump shit anywhere.

If you want your own standard - do it and publish it - the community of people in the know will judge.

> Do you hope to convince everybody that I'm incompetent and my MFX
> doesn't work? This would discredit Testra so their processor would cease

Bullshit number 3:

Do not know do not care
Do not know and do not care
Testra is a great company as far as I know it.
The only thing I regret is that they did not take the approach VHDL in FORTH a few steps further.

> to be competition for MPE's "clean-room implementation" of the RTX-2000.

Bullshit number 4:
Up to Testra to decide which processor is better for their product.
Or even a standard microprocessor chip.

> Do you hope that your continued loyalty to MPE will convince
> Stephen Pelc to give you your job back?

Bullshit number 5:
Standard behaviour here is to support Forth.
There are 2 commercial suppliers and the rest.

Bullshit number 6:
If MPE decides for any of their reasons thay are interested in some project support - why not?
> All that I've ever said regarding Testra is that I wrote MFX.
> Tom Hart has never credited me with MFX, and he didn't in the above email.
> I did write MFX though --- nobody can take this away from me.

Not for me to comment on

> Why do you continue to pester me?

You throw shit in my direction and I do not like it so I throw it back.
What is your goal?

> You are just a sleazy salesman. You are not my peer. Piss off!

I do my job and you do yours - what is your problem?
And the people like the work - otherwise they would not pay.

Are you saying that all of the MDs in the world are idiots as they employ sales, marketing and PR people?

This would be a bit daring as you have no knowledge in any of these areas.

You cannot understand how companies work it seems.
There are quite a few companies around that had brilliant ideas - but no sales and marketing team to turn it into success.
The opposite examples are probably Microsoft and iPhone.

Mar 15, 2020, 9:56:32 AM3/15/20
On Sunday, March 15, 2020 at 2:05:03 AM UTC-7, Jurgen Pitaske wrote:
> I never said I am a Forth programmer.
> I wrote a couple of examples in Forth in context with the Forth Bookshelf.

You have nothing to offer the Forth community. You know nothing about Forth.
Piss off!

On Sunday, March 15, 2020 at 2:05:03 AM UTC-7, Jurgen Pitaske wrote:
> Testra is a great company as far as I know it.
> The only thing I regret is that they did not take the approach VHDL
> in FORTH a few steps further.

What steps are those?
I'm sure that John Hart will be interested to know.
Teach him! Give him the benefit of your awesome knowledge!

He wrote his own HDL in Forth for the MiniForth on the Lattice isp1048 PLD.
For the RACE processor he used VHDL on a Lattice FPGA
then switched to Verilog and is upgrading to a different FPGA
(Xilinx being a possibility, but he hasn't decided yet afaik).
So what does he know about the subject?
Educate him on what further steps he should take!

Salesmen are humorous!
They know less than nothing about any subject, but they want to teach!

On Sunday, March 15, 2020 at 2:05:03 AM UTC-7, Jurgen Pitaske wrote:
> You cannot understand how companies work it seems.
> There are quite a few companies around that had brilliant ideas -
> but no sales and marketing team to turn it into success.
> The opposite examples are probably Microsoft and iPhone.

You are Tom Hart's BFF (best friend forever). He considers you to be his peer.
Now that you have been fired from MPE, you can apply for work at Testra.
I'm sure Tom Hart will hire you as a salesman to turn the Testra processor
into a success! They've only been selling motion-control boards
based on the MiniForth/RACE since 1995. They need your marketing genius!
You can make them into the Microsoft of motion-control, and make their
processor the iPhone of soft-core processors! You sell blue-sky unlimited!
You have so much to offer Testra --- they hope for you to join their team!
Tom Hart said:
"Sounds like the Forth community has some problems with non team players."
You are the team player that Testra needs! You can write your own ticket!

Jurgen Pitaske

Mar 15, 2020, 10:43:10 AM3/15/20
It seems you do not realize what a type of minibrain you are showing here
- but it fits the results.

Any salesman is better than you trying to sell yourself
or they would otherwise lose their job;
you cannot lose your job as you do not have one.

And you can only rather drive an occational tractor or do plumbing -
- it seems you can do this better than Forth - as nobody wants you in Forth work.

So you work in the field you seem to have a skill people pay for

- but no Forth. So what the hell are you doing in CLF?

Hobby-Forther like me?
No results required - just fun?

Probably No other friends to talk to and on CLF people cannot escape except with Killfiles.

I offer to the Forth community the Forth Bookshelf and this gets me a couple of beers every month - or even an extra meal.
And was fun to generate and publish.

Some people actually like them and buy them. Give very positive feedback.

They could all grab a free PDF on the Internet - but they prefer mine.

What have you ever contributed to the Forth community
that other people like, use and can benefit from?

Go back to your plumbing.

Peter Forth

Mar 15, 2020, 2:04:09 PM3/15/20
Pintaske has anything to give the forth community, I agree 100% with
-but he had much to take, and he took !
-He had much to destroy , and destroys !

Pintaske is a monkey with a machine gun...

He throw to the lions of Amazon all our free text books of forth, is
something only a misserable mind, that does not meassure consequences would
-#1forget of new PD free forth publications for the rest of the times!

Now he sells at ** 10 Euros** and probably makes 10000 Euros a month
(he calculated something like that for only Charles Moore POL on my site
16000 U$S of revenue)
so, if Amazon loses, it means they win,both Pintaske and Amazon
near 10000 Euros a month from careless newcomers to the language,
that without advise step into the bazaar-kiosk of Pintaske to be robbed
only by 40 years old inconducent books describing Forth that have any value!
except as relic.

Later when they discover they bought driven by Pintaskes scams and
false publicity a PUBLIC DOMAIN FREE document
either they will blame the forth language for beying aged, or stupid
or inconducent and having the worst scammers of all computing circles !
They will think all in the Forth community are of the same class
of Pintaske, and will never come back to forth.

-- The damage Pintaske is causing every day to Forth is monumental--

And I am not taking in consideration his rants with insults to all
the forth community on CLF FB and other he is also stained
on Hackaday...
He creates a retroffiting of insults+forth-authors-familynames+titles
on google ... he sent the name Forth to the hell of the
programming languages!

Pintaske is a monkey with a machine gun.

Aug 19, 2020, 11:42:33 PM8/19/20
Well I was seeking e-copy of Haydon's 'All About Forth' when between
the book titles I saw the name of this full troll Juergen Pintaske, and
reading the hackaday forum clf and others, his speciality seems to be harrasing
people "chasing after a forthkiller".
IMO , he recreates the worst times of hitler´s regime. I also saw some
strong supremacist insults on another forum I can´t remember if it was hackaday.
Apparently his hobby is to denigrate people inside the forth community.
What I could not believe all the support he receives from german fig...
Somebody can explain that ?


Oct 7, 2020, 3:12:25 PM10/7/20
Juergen Pintaske = Stasi snitcher is back to clf
0 new messages