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Writing a book on AI Assistants in holographic computing

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Jul 1, 2010, 10:16:04 AM7/1/10
Elsewhere in Usenet I laid our some preliminaries for quantum computers
and AI assistants that will be in smallish holographic cubes to the
right of your desk, you might still keep your 2D monitor for normal
things, and to the right and up have a 3D monitor for video or a clear
Holoscreen for video.

In the holographic cube where your AI sits is a 3D holographic scene.
Such as Gozer the Gozerian, if that was the character of your AI assistant.

I also made the rule that an AI assistant cannot speak to you in
conversation but is mute and has to use sign language and body labguage,
and in this way you help it to pass the Turing Test, and it protects the
public for the hard sell persistent sales robot AI who is skilled at
using fuzzy logic and a southern demeanor to get little old ladies to
buy anything they want to sell them.

In order for your AI assistant to speak, they must be in a theme.
A theme may be a play, that they act out, or a performance, such as you
go to a club which has a larger holographic display, and they perform
for the audience, along with the AIs of other people in turn, as you
show off your AI.
A theme may also be a commercial. And since the holocube is difficult to
create content for, since it is in 3D much of the things that you will
see in there, will be professionally created by artists or film companies.

So here is an example of a clear holoscreen and at the bottom of the
page a small photo-realistic hologram.

And here a hologram in an Iphone...!v=cnhFRr7DBGg&feature=related
and there are other examples there if you wanted to look at them.

So at present the holograms are small, but they needn't be, because
three years ago at a fashion show, Kate Moss did a nice hologram scene
for the show...!v=R7z4Kkh7duI&feature=related

Now this technology is well suited for an AI assistant.

And so I am supposing that you could have one standing beside your pc at
home, or in a cyber cafe.

Since we don't pushy salesmen calling uninvited, you have to summon your
AI when you get somewhere that has a terminal by putting a thumbnail
drive into the USB port, or send the AI there by itself if invited.

And an invitation is a stamp. A Stamp is a photo taken out of doors so
it is unique and not guessable, since the stamp is a password.
Rather than you type a password to log on you use a stamp because it has
more characters. Each pixel being the same as a typed password character.
The sysop creates stamps, gives them to people and according to your
stamp, that determines your access level to the remote machine.

Now since AI assistants in the hands of boys can cause mayhem, the
system your AI is visiting provides the commands and executes the
commands locally. It will not execute commands that might cause mayhem.

So then in terms of overall computing since real 3D not hollow frame 3D
requires more processing power, the holograms will be small to begin with.

And to navigate this new web, or WOW, for World of Wonders, instead of
WWW World Wide Web, the address would like
http://wow.sol/earth/canada/victoria/ then building and room and finally
object in a room.

And the places could be completely fictitious places only existing in

We are going on the simple prinnciple "a place for everything and
everything in its place" in order to organize where everything should
go, and we will use the Halloween model of behaviors for what might be
considered acceptable AI behavior in public.

Such as if you dress up for Halloween, is it acceptable to go to a party
and hold a banner up in front of you and try to sell people insurance?

So the Halloween standard will help to determine what might socially
acceptable behaviors.

So then to teach the AI, you collect bitmaps of rooms, that have objects
in them, and under each object might be a macro.

You can share those with others.

The macro language is any language the AI speaks, and they can easily
speak javascript and XML with a web browser plug in, that has not
display. The AI can parse any web page, but would not display it in a
page, it uses the information and might just show video on the clear
holoscreen, a play in the holocube, and send a webpage to your 2D
monitor if you wanted it to.

You would still surf the web on that screen ordinarily yourself.

The idea here is not to have just one screen, but to have a multi-media

So your AI with a web plug in, which are available now, for free, can do
anything that a web browser can.

And since it now speaks javascript with that, it can read javascript and
carry our scripted commands in the form of macros.
With that plug in it has learned a great deal.

Other plug ins will be made commercially so that people can increase the
abilities of their IA assistant.

SO I am going to cross post this to a stock group to entice them to the
possibilities, then not follow up in that group, but continue writing here.

What you will see when this system is created and widespread is a type
of Gazoo culture, where people have their AI assistants with them when
they go out.
For now that may be the Iphone, and cyber cafes but then growing into
other facets of society.


Jul 1, 2010, 11:41:59 AM7/1/10
I am writing here in this format, to share the information, and also in
case of power outage or system failure then the information will not be
lost. How I do this is is in my Newsreader, I merely look at my own
posts. Then I add to those posts. So I may not read your reply.

I also change the subject heading as I create pages and post them while
writing and then later, I use a parsing program I wrote to take those
pasts and put them into an HTML page with headings and an index so I can
look things up quickly.

So then before I start to get technical, Lets take a quick look at how
much fun it might be to live in a Gazoo culture.

If you don't know who Gazoo is, then you probably never watched the
Flintstones as a child.

Now since any character can be your AI assistant, people will want to
have nice ones that suit their own character, sense of humor, and group
or clique or culture or personality.

I will stick with Gozer the Gozerian as an example because the target
market at first will be younger people who might by a DVD like they buy
a CD today.

They might end up with an AI that looks like Miley, or they might just
buy a Miley CD that has a hologram of her dancing that will display in
your cube.

The cube itself has no frame, but the area is a cube. So she would be a
free standing hologram.

Bruce might be a character from any one of his great movies and when you
buy the DVD or blue ray disk, you get him as your AI character, but you
can also switch characters.

Now one character per DVD or Blue Ray disk, since they will get
royalties from that.

People will make their own, but since the artwork needed to do a nice
hologram, requires a lot of work, like claymation, chances are you will
just buy the DVD rather than try to make it yourself.

What might pass on a web page, won't pass the test in a hologram.

The type of artwork you need can be made with tools such as this...

A voxel is a 3D pixel.

And people will make scenes of dragons, and vampires and whatever it is
they think that other people as well as themselves might like.

You will also find the standard secretary in a pencil dress with glasses
and writing pad.

You might find "My Little Pony"TM as well.

And at Christmas people will get new stuff.

So then people will become attached to their AI assistants since they
are interactive and you can edit their behaviors, by editing their scripts.

You can get add-on behaviors and new languages and of course themes,
that they can play act in, and also new abilities which we cannot even
imagine what those will be today.

But people will make new behavior scripts and share them with others.

Again to organize everything we will have rooms, which are bitmap
drawings of rooms, and in those rooms, you have objects.

If you want to execute a command, you can text the AI with your cell
phone, using short commands that you learn, or merely tell the AI to go
somewhere to a room, and get an object, and in that way you can remember
where the commands are and what they are, by using the context of rooms.
(a place for everything and everything in its place)

A music room has music in it, a kitchen has recipes in it, and etc.

At a point you will be able to suspend disbelief and the AI will look
like a real person, who you can interact with in real time, but who is
mute and must use sign language charades and body language and hold up
text signs, when they are not playacting in a theme.

Late at night in your room, you don't want to be talking out loud to
your AI and if we wanted to command our computers with voice commands we
would be doing that already.

So although you might need to call your AI and use voice commands using
your cell phone, you could also use the mouse in your 2D monitor, text
message the AI, or use a new interface which is like a GPS.

A GPS for the wow (world of wonders) to instruct the AI where to go, to
which room, to get which object to perform that set of behaviors.

Its normal behaviors will be built in using AI technology and those
behaviors will be standard and come with your DVD.

Basic ability to do charades. A lot of shoulder shrugging since they
won't know much to begin with, but as this technology gets used, people
will improve their ability to communicate.

And some will get them to speak interactively, but since that requires
maybe 30 years of programming on a specific topic until the AI can
converse on a particular subject, any attempts to converse using
language opens the door to broad based conversation and you will
immediately within a minute discover your AI just doesn't have that ability.

An AI today cannot pass the Turing Test. But you can help them pass the
test by limiting the scope of conversation and that is easier to do when
they are using sign language and the like.

Plus the commands are such that your AI assistant will be like a pageboy
of sorts, who will go and get things for you and perform certain tasks.
They also have the ability to entertain.

The way the computer manages it since in your family everyone wants one,
is teh computers have to run software that runs the AI assistant.

And it does this with an overlord process. Along with that process, you
have an AI leader, and it outranks the other AIs in your house.

So that Billy's AI won't be picking on Sally's AI and causing mayhem.

The AI leader will be responsible for managing local AI assistants and
controlling what is acceptable behavior or instituting parental controls.

Bill Reid

Jul 1, 2010, 7:51:36 PM7/1/10
On Jul 1, 7:16 am, rick_s <> wrote:
> Elsewhere in Usenet I laid our some preliminaries for quantum computers
> and AI assistants that will be in smallish holographic cubes to the
> right of your desk, you might still keep your 2D monitor for normal
> things, and to the right and up have a 3D monitor for video or a clear
> Holoscreen for video.
> In the holographic cube where your AI sits is a 3D holographic scene.
> Such as Gozer the Gozerian, if that was the character of your AI assistant.

> I also made the rule that an AI assistant cannot speak to you in
> conversation but is mute and has to use sign language and body labguage,
> and in this way you help it to pass the Turing Test, and it protects the
> public for the hard sell persistent sales robot AI who is skilled at
> using fuzzy logic and a southern demeanor to get little old ladies to
> buy anything they want to sell them.
> In order for your AI assistant to speak, they must be in a theme.
> A theme may be a play, that they act out, or a performance, such as you
> go to a club which has a larger holographic display, and they perform
> for the audience, along with the AIs of other people in turn, as you
> show off your AI.
> A theme may also be a commercial. And since the holocube is difficult to
> create content for, since it is in 3D much of the things that you will
> see in there, will be professionally created by artists or film companies.
> So here is an example of a clear holoscreen and at the bottom of the
> page a small photo-realistic hologram.
> And here a hologram in an Iphone...!v=cnhFRr7DBGg&feature=related

> and there are other examples there if you wanted to look at them.
> So at present the holograms are small, but they needn't be, because
> three  years ago at a fashion show, Kate Moss did a nice hologram scene
> for the show...!v=R7z4Kkh7duI&feature=related

> Now this technology is well suited for an AI assistant.
> And so I am supposing that you could have one standing beside your pc at
> home, or in a cyber cafe.
> Since we don't pushy salesmen calling uninvited, you have to summon your
> AI when you get somewhere that has a terminal by putting a thumbnail
> drive into the USB port, or send the AI there by itself if invited.
> And an invitation is a stamp. A Stamp is a photo taken out of doors so
> it is unique and not guessable, since the stamp is a password.
> Rather than you type a password to log on you use a stamp because it has
> more characters. Each pixel being the same as a typed password character.
> The sysop creates stamps, gives them to people and according to your
> stamp, that determines your access level to the remote machine.
> Now since AI assistants in the hands of boys can cause mayhem, the
> system your AI is visiting provides the commands and executes the
> commands locally. It will not execute commands that might cause mayhem.
> So then in terms of overall computing since real 3D not hollow frame 3D
> requires more processing power, the holograms will be small to begin with.
> And to navigate this new web, or WOW, for World of Wonders, instead of
> WWW World Wide Web, the address would likehttp://wow.sol/earth/canada/victoria/then building and room and finally

"AI Gunga Din, fetch me some water!!!"

Also, I would like to reiterate that "AI", the movie,

Soooo...did I pass the Turing Test? Am I a clever
program, or what?

William Ernest Reid
Post count: mostly posted by my AI avatar, who is both
bluer and snottier than I am


Jul 1, 2010, 1:12:58 PM7/1/10

Communicating with your AI can be simplified by separating things into
Get and DO.

You will create behaviors based on Get or DO as well as Get and Do.

So lets keep it simple to begin with and use our current desktop
computer, 2D screen, and use the mouse and keyboard.

So when we want to create a command, we want to build a get and do

And we will use a commandline structure since programmers such as myself
need to communicate with a program, and when we write these programs, we
want to parse the commandline for instructions.

That can then be used later with mouse commands, by clicking on menu
items or icons.

So when we tell Goser to 'get' something for us, we need to have some
place to put it. Even if it is a streaming video from youtube, if we
want to play it again later, why stream it again?

It is always on your disk in a temp file anyways, but people want to
control the world and they don't want you to share content they want you
to download it again so they can show you ads.

So that is the web, and web pages but the wow is not like that.

Ads are good on TV, and radio, and soon to be in magic mirrors in
bathrooms, and in your face everywhere you go, unless you limit them.

Our job is to limit them, and the job of other people is to try to break
that, and hypnotize you to give them your money, or use any means
including illegal means, to get your money.

But since in the wow, our philosophy is "a place for everything and
everything in it's place", we want our ads with products in stores.
In malls and when we want to shop, we really want to shop so we want all
our screens, the 2D, the 3D or clear holoscreen and the holocube all
filled with as much information about a product such as a new car as we
can get.

When we are not shopping, just like when you are at home having dinner,
you may not want a pushy salesman coming to your door.

In fact they could get hurt doing that these days. People have signs no
soliciting on their doors.

But money makes the world go round, so we want the best advertising and
product information in the world at our fingertips and we just want it
in it's proper place. Without money, this technology is not possible.
Without jobs also people cannot eat.

So we want to create jobs and prosperity but not be annoyed by the hard

We don't mind if our AI assistant is a marketable product like My Little
Pony and we don't mind realistic properly positioned product placement.

That is where spam stops.

So getting back to Gozer getting a video from youtube for you, you need
to construct a Get and Do statement and along with get, you
automatically need a place to put something.

If you don't have room on your disk, she needn't bother getting it.
And that might be a memory card on your cell phone.

So the command to 'get' starts with ~G

~G is short for get, the tilda means that it is a command.

Then you have ~G{

Curly brace and this tells the program storage location is in the curly
braces.. (we are not using the DOS or Windows commandline but the
overlord process which can use any characters)

So in its simplest form ~G{kitchen}

A room on your computer as part of the overlord process is a smart room.
And it has its own abilities which are pertinent to that room.

It may have a procedure for storing things that come in as if you just
dragged and dropped something into that room on your desktop.

We could tell it specifically where in the kitchen to put it, but in
this case we want Goser to get a youtube video and so we will say
~G{music room/youtube cabinet/alpha}

Now a youtube cabinet can be a product they have designed.
Anyone including Betty Crocker can make things for these rooms.

And you might download it for free because that is a form of advertising
for them.

You might has RSS feeds in your music room, or streaming videos like TV
channels or favorite recipes, or health and nutrition info from Betty
Crocker in your kitchen.

Keep in mind, Gozer can cook. She can cook as well as any TV cooking
show, if you buy the DVD that allows her to cook.

And since she is a lifelike hologram, now wearing an apron, she can show
you not just tell you, how to cook some dish. {ABC}

{ABC} is an internal book writing command for later retrieval.
It means Alwaaaays be closing.
And if you don't know what that means then you never heard Alec Baldwin
give his speech on winning in business in the movie Glengary Glen Ross.
And when you pitch an idea to investors, you want to have the good
points that will make money, to show and tell.

So thus far on the commandline as we construct a command, that will be
maybe sitting under an object in room, that you will click on to execute
that command, thus far we have ~G{music room/youtube cabinet/alpha} to
put things into alphabetical order. We could change that to sort by date
or by artist or any of the many subject headings in music such as genre.

We are keeping it simple here and using alpha.


Jul 1, 2010, 2:01:53 PM7/1/10
Since the introductions of ads in google video they have now got the
ability to freeze windows until they are finished doing whatever it is
they are doing to your system.

And that is the kind of thing that happens as the ads take over your life.

Gozer on the other hand has Flashgot capabilities and she can just grab
the video without ads.

An if that is prevented, she will use the torrent system, to get the
ablum, and the cover art, and in fact she might as well get the entire
Lady Gaga colection and the entire Elvis collection for you and just be
doing that in her spare time.

So since we are programmers and altruists who want to control our own
pc's for every move they make on the chess board, we hit them with a ton
of bricks and take all their stuff. Without mercy.
Why without mercy? They are showing you none.
Then they complain.

Meanwhile they started it.

So part of the motivation for making Gozer, is to allow people to
control their own computers. Because it is not a TV set, people have
those already.

So then in our Get statement we have ~G{music room/youtube
cabinet/alpha} now if we want this to be a generic command, to just get
all of Lady Gaga's music videos, or the most popular music videos, or
whatever is a repetitious general command that can be represented by a
clickable object in a room, we don't need to be too specific when we
tell it WHAT to get. We merely have to decide that for ourselves.

Now if we want to be specific, we will need to drag an url onto that
object which will then automatically retrieve it and place it in
alphabetical order in your youtube cabinet.

Now then since we are building a command we will paste an url after the
curly braces...
~G{music room/youtube

Now Gozer knows which video to get and where to put it.

And you can give a listen to that great video, it is the most popular
video on youtube, with 217,720,898 views according to the Top 10 most
popular youtube videos in google search.

At a penny a view that's enough for most people to go on vacation.
And why people want to advertise there to be able to sell to 2 hundred
million people all at once.

That's nice but we just want to watch the video. Maybe people will buy
the cd, or maybe they will by the Blue Ray disk and watch that video in
their holocube.

One thing is for sure, that ads make people so mad, they make amazing
things like the torrent system, which makes every known artistic work on
every subject in the world available for free.

Any artistic endeavor, in music, film, art, including paintings of the
masters, every computer program ever made, all of it, is now all
completely free.
But its illegal. So is false advertising, so is misleading advertising,
so is lying to the public during a political campaign, so is going to
war under false pretenses, and yet people do all those things too.

So of course for some people, they will teach Gozer to use the torrent
This is what a torrent search engine looks lie.


Jul 1, 2010, 2:58:22 PM7/1/10
On 7/1/2010 19:01, rick_s wrote:
> Since the introductions of ads in google video they have now got the
> ability to freeze windows until they are finished doing whatever it is
> they are doing to your system.

youtube video, not google video sorry. Google might do that as well but
mine is freezing as youtube takes control of my pc to do its thing.

Now since I am an experienced computer consultant I use VMWARE and run
virtual computers inside of windows on my desktop so they can never
freeze my machine, just that virtual machine.
And they can't put viruses on my machine, it's not on the Internet, just
the window and the virtual computer in it, is on the net. And using
VMWARE I have godlike powers to stop time with a pause button and turn
back time by taking snapshots and restoring them on a whim.
You might consider that yourself if you want some better weaponry in
this war for control of your pc.

Now I won't go into the advantages of that system here and now, but we
will be applying the benefits of it, those same principals, to this AI
system when we can by using similar methods. You want to be able to
pause your Gozer as a for instance and restore your Gozer to a snapshot
of her if the script you just got doesn't work properly and is messing
things up.

But you might want to pause Gozer while you are cooking and she is
showing you how to cook a certain dish as a for instance.

And that could also be, how to repair your vinyl seats or how to cut
hair or how to bandage a head wound during civil unrest as taught by a
survivalist, or how to make money collecting figurines, or how to build
a bird house or how to assemble the Ikea Furniture you just bought.
Since with holograms, we can explode the parts in 3D for better view,
and recombine to show how the object is constructed which is handy when
assembling technical things.{ABC}

So then we constructed a commandline as so...

~G{music room/youtube

but we haven't told Gozer to display the video yet.

Maybe we just want her to get it and we will watch it later but now lets
combine the Get and the Do.

~G{where to put something}then the address or url of the thing to get

and now what to do with it.

That's the short form for the Do statement. It has the tilda so that you
know it is a command.
And where do you want her to display it?

A holocube although it is 3D holography it can just pop up a 2D screen
to show video on if you want and you can rotate that screen inside the
cube until it is at the correct viewing angle.

Or, you might say ~D{clearscreen} or ~D{2D screen} or ~D{3D screen}

Now since in programming you can tell a process to 'out' a stream to the
Internet and stream it or send the bits anywhere, you will be able to do
that too, but for starters to make it simple since most peopel will
never need to stream video themselves, we will just out the video to the
clear holoscreen and shorten that to clearscreen.

So now the Get and Do statement looks like this...

~G{music room/youtube
cabinet/alpha} :::~D{clearscreen}

Notice we put that separator in there. Since an url may go on for 200
characters and use almost every character yet we need to parse that line.

So then it can get messy if you paste an url into your statement and it
has the following as part of the url... :::~D{
But today you are not going to see that combination in an url.

And we have a space separating that from the url.

When we actually start building commands, using the overlord process, we
will have a box like a dialog box, with text areas, separated in a line
for each part of the statement and drop down boxes to pick things to
make it easier to build that statement.

You will pick where you want to send that video out to, from a drop down

Then, once you have all that done, before you save that command, you may
want to add switches to it like /s or /m or /l or /fullscreen.
Small, medium, large or fullscreen.

Nerds have thousands of switches like that in their programs.
We will try not to be too nerdy here and just assume you will be
watching it using the default method in your clearscreen.

Is there anything else we need to tell it? Not really since the switches
can tell it lots more to do if we want. And Gozer has her own behaviors
for when she is finished doing what you ask.

She can do her nails, or take over the worLD! Whatever the default idle
behavior is that you have picked.
She may be reading and look like she is reading, but inside searching
Wikipedia for you as part of a list of things to do when idle.
Gathering information on a subject of interest to you.

So to review we have the ~G and ~D

and really the whole world of things that we want Gozer to do, is in
those two commands.
Either she is getting something or she is doing something, and in fact,
getting something is doing something as well.
But we have separated them into two statements for better clarity.

And so that people will understand that we really don't want yet another
New Folder(265) in our documents folder. We want to put things in their
proper place.
To do that, we need to tell Gozer where she will put it before she even
goes and gets it.
If you want her to get something that is already there and override her
because she will tell you you already have it, you need to double the
curly braces.

~G{{music room/youtube
cabinet/alpha}} :::~D{clearscreen}

She might know that the file is corrupt or she might not and since we
discovered that the one we got from someone was, (not the one in this
link but as an example) then we want to tell Gozer to get it and if
necessary replace the existing copy.

And so we can do that by doubling the curly braces.

A well constructed command will be useful without you being interrupted
by a question like, overwrite?
Ordinarily she will just have two copies of the same thing in there if
she doesn't check to see if you already have it. And if you do, why do
you want it again?
Use windows, make a copy in seconds if you want two of them.
But then if one file is corrupted, then you will get another one by
doubling the curly braces.

And if you have one, but its a different version, she will just get that
one and now you will have two versions.
And she will add whatever text she needs automatically to handle
duplicate names. So you won't have duplicate named files in the same room.

Don Stockbauer

Jul 1, 2010, 11:07:26 PM7/1/10
> > WWW World Wide Web, the address would likehttp://wow.sol/earth/canada/victoria/thenbuilding and room and finally

> William Ernest Reid

> Post count: mostly posted by my AI avatar, who is both

> bluer and snottier than I am-

Bluish? You don't look Bluish.


Jul 1, 2010, 3:32:32 PM7/1/10
Now in your home there may be rooms that have music and recipes and My
Little Ponies and clothes in piles on the floor and a half eaten
sandwich by the computer and all the things kids have in their rooms.

And they might want to send a room to a friend and let them click on the

My fun day room... and you click on something and it gets and plays the
Lady Gaga video, and click on something else and its a recipe for
cinnamon toast and click on something else for a little chatr window popup.
Or whatever but that's a different thing. Thats not the same as the
rooms that will be using your hard-drive instead of a file system like
Windows Explorer. The rooms in teh overlord process and on your dektop
are part fo the system and they are smart rooms and you can't send
those, unless you make them to sell, and sell them as a VMWARE appliance

Those rooms that people exchange will be just for fun, to show each
other the behaviors (commands) they have made to do things.

And the ~D command the Do command will be used to get the AI Assistant,
in this case Gozer to do such things as use a theme.

And a theme as stated previously is a play or sketch or song and dance
routine or whatever and it is scripted like a play is scripted.

It's not interactive. It can be, but its not interactive in the same way
as AI is interactive. It is interactive by telling the user to now press
a button, or now press next the way that interactive multi-media is done

So the ~D command merely points to an executable file normally.
Or a macro or that sort of thing since you can't do anything without a
get statement preceding it, unless you tell it what to do. And that is
an executable file on your disk liek a small program or script that uses
the overlord process.

And how that is done today, is Windows uses the file extension to
determine how to handle a file.

If you click on a video, a video player plays it. If you click on a
program, it opens in its own window usually.

So when you use Get and Do you can just use curly braces to tell it how
to handle what you got. If you want to just execute a macro, then you
can just give it the address of the object that represents that
executable file or macro.

~!D->C:\program files\some folder\some file.exe

with the arrow we are telling it to go and do that.
So then if we wanted to chain commands, we put the whole thing together
as a macro.
And it doesn't have to be on one line either.

:::~D{web browser}

or ~D->C:\program files\Betty Crocker/quiche macro.exe and Gozer will
show you in a little kitchen how to make the perfect quiche. {ABC}


Jul 1, 2010, 3:50:13 PM7/1/10
Since this is a rough draft expect typos, but what is important is that
you understand how easy it is, to get your AI assistant to do useful
things for you.

And I don't need to write the user manual here, Gozer will explain that
to you when you need it explained to you.

When you pop in that Blue Ray disk, you will just hit go.

Gozer will tell you what to do.

But so that the programmers know how to do these things I can explain
that here in this book.

Using terminology they are familiar with and some confusing typos and
omissions that hopefully people will be able to look past.

So then for now we will leave Get and Do and people can and will make
their own syntax and use their own scripting language and all Gozer
does, and the overlord process does is use your operating system to
execute commands.

Business may end up with VMWARE as an operating system but javascript
and java can be used on any machine.

The fortune 500 uses VMWARE because they know Bill Gates personally and
they know about Microsoft and how they did not obey the law while they
grew into a large company. So they don't trust them and for good reason.

I use VMWARE for Windows, not VMWARE as my operating system.

When little AI assistants are running all over the place executing
commands, the systems will need to be more protected.

That technology is available everywhere already for those who want it.

And the stamps that are used as passwords will be probably needed to
access your own harrdrive as well.

So when you build that command, you need to also pick a stamp suitable
for the use of that command.

If you build a command for Gozer and it requires going to another
computer to get something, you might need a stamp to get in and so that
stamp will be part of that macro under the object you click on to tell
Gozer to get and do.


Jul 1, 2010, 4:20:44 PM7/1/10
Your daughter gets home from school, she gets into her room, she uses
short hand text but in her own language she texts Gozer in about 2
seconds and says...
"Gozer, Lady Gaga Bad pls video"
And it will start streaming on the clearscreen, that video.
And she won't know where it came from and she won't care. You might have
a subscription to an Internet service that feeds Gozer.

And Gozer might signal good choice.

And she might also have the moves on file.

And dance along with the video and then can dance in slow motion or stop
motion later and teach her the moves.

How the moves are translated into a 3D character is by people doing the
moves wearing sensors and that data going into a file for use by AI
characters or any characters that can interpret the data.

And that is how the AI will be able to mimic the movements of any actor
whose character they are adapting to an AI.

And at first it might be a claymation adaptation of the character.

Depending on how professional a job is done.


Jul 1, 2010, 4:46:44 PM7/1/10

This is last years claymation...
Bruce Lee and one imitating Bruce Willis for Lipton Iced Tea.

But you can do the same in 3D as action figures, such as Colonel
Rugbyhead, battle squadron leader.

And so when your son gets home, he may not want to get exercise dancing
to Lady Gaga, him and his buddies might want to network into a veldt in
the basenment, and plan, to take over, someone else's basement.
Hopefully someone they know who also has a team.

A Veldt is a realistic pretend space that has mixed elements such as
holograms, and props, and 3D video screens so that the computer
generates an environment like the holodeck on Star Trek Next Generation.

Your son might have a game controller.

Bill Reid

Jul 2, 2010, 9:53:45 AM7/2/10
On Jul 1, 8:07 pm, Don Stockbauer <> wrote:
> On Jul 1, 6:51 pm, Bill Reid <> wrote:
> > On Jul 1, 7:16 am, rick_s <> wrote:
> > > Elsewhere in Usenet I laid our some preliminaries for quantum computers
> > > and AI assistants that will be in smallish holographic cubes to the
> > > right of your desk, you might still keep your 2D monitor for normal
> > > things, and to the right and up have a 3D monitor for video or a clear
> > > Holoscreen for video.
> > "AI Gunga Din, fetch me some water!!!"
> > Also, I would like to reiterate that "AI", the movie,
> > sucked...
> > Soooo...did I pass the Turing Test?  Am I a clever
> > program, or what?
> > William Ernest Reid
> > Post count: mostly posted by my AI avatar, who is both
> > bluer and snottier than I am
> Bluish?  You don't look Bluish.
I said I wasn't blue you jerk, I hate bluish people,
the Blues have been responsible for all the stupid over-rated
movies in the history of the world!!!

Also, I would like to take this opportunity to mention
that was home to what I consider to be
the greatest flame war in the history of Usenet, because
of the extremely erudite manner in which the combatants
used to trash each other. I actually saved it, but
substituted the names "Moe, Larry, and Curly" for the
actual names of the Ph.Ds involved, and occasionally
pull it out and read it when I need a good laugh...the
topic was of course "Can Computers Ever Think?" but
the thread was proof that people never will have that

William Ernest Reid
Post count: hundreds of thousands less than all the
dumb flame wars in the history of Usenet before it
finally dies in a few months

Don Stockbauer

Jul 2, 2010, 10:14:44 AM7/2/10
On Jul 2, 8:53 am, Bill Reid <> wrote:
> On Jul 1, 8:07 pm, Don Stockbauer <> wrote:
> > On Jul 1, 6:51 pm, Bill Reid <> wrote:
> > > On Jul 1, 7:16 am, rick_s <> wrote:
> > > > Elsewhere in Usenet I laid our some preliminaries for quantum computers
> > > > and AI assistants that will be in smallish holographic cubes to the
> > > > right of your desk, you might still keep your 2D monitor for normal
> > > > things, and to the right and up have a 3D monitor for video or a clear
> > > > Holoscreen for video.
> > > "AI Gunga Din, fetch me some water!!!"
> > > Also, I would like to reiterate that "AI", the movie,
> > > sucked...
> > > Soooo...did I pass the Turing Test?  Am I a clever
> > > program, or what?
> > > William Ernest Reid
> > > Post count: mostly posted by my AI avatar, who is both
> > > bluer and snottier than I am
> > Bluish?  You don't look Bluish.
> I said I wasn't blue you jerk, I hate bluish people,
> the Blues have been responsible for all the stupid over-rated
> movies in the history of the world!!!

Lord. It was a reference to a line in a Beatles movie.

> Also, I would like to take this opportunity to mention
> that was home to what I consider to be
> the greatest flame war in the history of Usenet, because
> of the extremely erudite manner in which the combatants
> used to trash each other.  I actually saved it, but
> substituted the names "Moe, Larry, and Curly" for the
> actual names of the Ph.Ds involved, and occasionally
> pull it out and read it when I need a good laugh...the
> topic was of course "Can Computers Ever Think?" but
> the thread was proof that people never will have that
> ability...

One of sextillions you could have saved.

I like the thread "Can Computers ever Achieve Nipple Erections?"


Jul 2, 2010, 11:19:06 AM7/2/10
On Jul 2, 9:53 am, Bill Reid <> wrote:

> Also, I would like to take this opportunity to mention
> that was home to what I consider to be
> the greatest flame war in the history of Usenet, because
> of the extremely erudite manner in which the combatants
> used to trash each other.  I actually saved it, but
> substituted the names "Moe, Larry, and Curly" for the
> actual names of the Ph.Ds involved, and occasionally
> pull it out and read it when I need a good laugh...the
> topic was of course "Can Computers Ever Think?" but
> the thread was proof that people never will have that
> ability...

There are some people that believe this whole universe is just a
computer program being run on a supercomputer. In a book I read a
short while ago, "Before the Big Bang" by Brian Clegg;

"However, it is a perfectly acceptable supposition that the world as
we know it is a vast computer program, run on machines built by an
intelligence we know nothing about" pg 253

Maybe we are the computer.


Jul 2, 2010, 11:59:24 AM7/2/10
Lawyerkill <> wrote in news:7e34bff8-41e2-4775-a45a-

> "However, it is a perfectly acceptable supposition that the world as
> we know it is a vast computer program, run on machines built by an
> intelligence we know nothing about" pg 253
> Maybe we are the computer.

i think we're more like test rat's.

Bill Reid

Jul 2, 2010, 1:45:39 PM7/2/10
On Jul 2, 7:14 am, Don Stockbauer <> wrote:
> On Jul 2, 8:53 am, Bill Reid <> wrote:
> > On Jul 1, 8:07 pm, Don Stockbauer <> wrote:
> > > On Jul 1, 6:51 pm, Bill Reid <> wrote:
> > > > On Jul 1, 7:16 am, rick_s <> wrote:
> > > > > Elsewhere in Usenet I laid our some preliminaries for quantum computers
> > > > > and AI assistants that will be in smallish holographic cubes to the
> > > > > right of your desk, you might still keep your 2D monitor for normal
> > > > > things, and to the right and up have a 3D monitor for video or a clear
> > > > > Holoscreen for video.
> > > > "AI Gunga Din, fetch me some water!!!"
> > > > Also, I would like to reiterate that "AI", the movie,
> > > > sucked...
> > > > Soooo...did I pass the Turing Test?  Am I a clever
> > > > program, or what?
> > > > William Ernest Reid
> > > > Post count: mostly posted by my AI avatar, who is both
> > > > bluer and snottier than I am
> > > Bluish?  You don't look Bluish.
> > I said I wasn't blue you jerk, I hate bluish people,
> > the Blues have been responsible for all the stupid over-rated
> > movies in the history of the world!!!
> Lord.  It was a reference to a line in a Beatles movie.

Oh, and get back to the Kubrick group where you belong...

William Ernest Reid
Post count: $billions less than all the money grubbed
by the money-grubbing Blues with their horrible movies

Bill Reid

Jul 2, 2010, 2:05:11 PM7/2/10
On Jul 2, 8:19 am, Lawyerkill <> wrote:
> On Jul 2, 9:53 am, Bill Reid <> wrote:
> > Also, I would like to take this opportunity to mention
> > that was home to what I consider to be
> > the greatest flame war in the history of Usenet, because
> > of the extremely erudite manner in which the combatants
> > used to trash each other.  I actually saved it, but
> > substituted the names "Moe, Larry, and Curly" for the
> > actual names of the Ph.Ds involved, and occasionally
> > pull it out and read it when I need a good laugh...the
> > topic was of course "Can Computers Ever Think?" but
> > the thread was proof that people never will have that
> > ability...
> There are some people that believe this whole universe is just a
> computer program being run on a supercomputer.

Yeah, people who have the maturity and intellectual
capacity of an unpopular 12-year-old boy...

> In a book I read a
> short while ago, "Before the Big Bang" by Brian Clegg;
> "However, it is a perfectly acceptable supposition that the world as
> we know it is a vast computer program, run on machines built by an
> intelligence we know nothing about" pg 253

Sure, and by that logic it is a perfectly acceptable supposition
that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins, or that
an eagle flew down from the heavens and hatched an egg that became
the Earth, or the entire known Universe is nothing more than the
atoms in the hangnail of giant baby drooling in his mega-enormous

> Maybe we are the computer.

This is actually doubtful, since humans (or dogs for that
matter) have hundreds of orders greater data processing power
than the pitifully weak binary computers humans are so stupidly
proud of inventing, assuming the author of the book couldn't
actually make the distinction between animal nervous system
processing and binary computers, and given the doggerel he
wrote I'm pretty sure he couldn't. (This is, of course, at
least one "hardware" impediment to "thinking" computers.)

In any event, it's all relative...since he's got your
money, and all you have are his whimsical flights of fancy,
he has a superior data processing engine than you
by the rules of some "innate" behaviors associated with
humans (and dogs for that matter)...another "advantage"
that humans have over computers when it comes to "thinking"...

William Ernest Reid
Post count: a lot less than all the alternate universes
that would have existed if they hadn't cancelled "Lost"
after seven years


Jul 2, 2010, 6:44:04 AM7/2/10

So if instead of google earth, which is beyond amazing as it is, but if
out those windows were unicorns, and flying opera singers, and a million
wedding guests, the young couple would end up with let me see, 4 carry
the 7, um about 187,000 toasters by direct mail and a fortune in cash
and prizes and the telecast rights and of course the book and movie deal.

So if you held a public wedding and created stamps as invitations, and
let people make copies of the stamps and pass them around, as an on-line
event the first wedding in a Veldt would make the news I suspect.

You would have to work out the details so that people would all feel
like they had good seats. They would have to cook their own meals
because you can't line up at the buffet in cyberspace.

Its difficult to say how attached to their AI assistants people might
get as well and in time they might want to marry them.

People also might end up with virtual existences living in their Veldt
space together but miles apart in reality and perhaps never meeting in

So a cyber wedding would suit those people.

Now the problem of pario, is maybe a long way off being solved, but who
knows what people will make of virtual life.

There is a Star Trek episode, the original series pilot, where
disfigured Captain Pike gets a new lease on life in a virtual world.

Boys have a lot of computer games and things they like to do with
computers but these sorts of things might appeal to women.

Unicorns and flying opera singers at your wedding and the floral
arrangements inexpensive. who knows how beautiful that might be if done

It may even become a fad.


Jul 2, 2010, 7:18:57 AM7/2/10

I think maybe people underestimate how much the masses dislike spam.

Now Firefox has an add-on, the doesn't advertise that I am aware of and
it's difficult to find, but it blocks ads in your web browser and it
gets 87,000 plus downloads per week.

That may be as many hits as most popular youtube videos.

Now people do not know that it exists but if they did, I suspect that
maybe more people would be downloading it than watching Lady Gaga on

But it only spreads by happenstance and word of mouth. Internet Explorer
must be completely filled with ads now. I don't know because I live in a
different world in cyberspace where there isn't any because of this
little ad-on and NoScript which takes care of a lot of the other
unwanted surprises.

It's just that there are a lot of people out there who just don't know
there are other options. So their web experience may not be half as good
as someone else's.

I think that things will change once people begin to use AI assistants
since they will be doing a lot of the content providing for the people
who own them, and the people themselves won't know where the content
comes from. They will just ask the assistants to do a search for
something and view it when they find it, regardless perhaps of where it
came from on the net.

Then more people will just blame their AI assistant for things like
downloading files that are copyright material. Must be a bug.

Well that was what Microsoft said every time they targeted a company for
destruction in Windows 3.1. They just used the operating system to shut
down their program and popped up a dialog box that said this program has
performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.

The courts even the Supreme Court did nothing to protect companies from
that. They were taken to court for breach of monopoly laws but that was
perhaps not the most severe of their straying from legal ethics.

I think that the idea was to get them to show people their code, but of
course if they did that, they would all have gone to prison for shutting
down other people's programs.

This capitalist system is a funny sort of system, but I think it does
better when laws are enforced. Times have changed mind you but maybe it
is still like that and so start up companies certainly need to be wary
of the big bad wolf.

If you read about what happened to Yahoo, just because Microsoft want to
maybe form a type of cooperative venture with them, they lost maybe 30
billion dollars or something just from Microsoft trying to purchase
their search engine.
You can read the story in Wikipedia under Yahoo if you are interested.

One thing is for sure, that there is a ton of money to be made in this
business. Much more when people do not use illegal means to destroy the

Maybe now the FBI is up to speed in computing and things are better now.
I don't know but good high paying jobs helps everyone and brings
prosperity to all sectors of the economy as the money filters down
through spending.

I certainly would not discourage anyone from trying to make a go out of
holographic computing however because I see a huge market there.

For instance at Christmas, your daughter wants a flipper AI, to live in
her holocube, and it can interact and teach, and so its 200 bucks.

She will be the first to point out that for 189 bucks you can get
Metalhead Bertha, who is covered in tattoos and piercings and rides a
Harley and sometimes swears but not much.
And when you consider that you won't have to feed flipper, nor carry a
plastic baggy full of poo every day like you do with a pet dog, that 200
bucks might be well spent.

Usually the price comes down as volume sales increase and you can always
buy things cheaper on-line.

Maybe they will be 49 bucks instead but then you can buy add-ons and the
like. A company that makes an investment in a product like that, will
need to make a profit and development costs a lot of money.

However, once the stock market sees any company with a new product like
and AI assistant that is popular, they tend to throw a lot of cash at
them. Who would have thought when Yahoo started, that that company would
be worth 40 billion dollars?

Not in anyone's wildest dreams and there are so many stories like that.

Don Stockbauer

Jul 2, 2010, 3:49:22 PM7/2/10

I was trying to bury the hatchet with you, but you're so quick to
attack that's very likely impossible.

> Oh, and get back to the Kubrick group where you belong...

I'll do what I please. Have a nice day, Bill.

Don Stockbauer

Jul 2, 2010, 3:50:29 PM7/2/10

And, like the global brain, it's untestable.


Jul 2, 2010, 7:51:40 AM7/2/10
Even with file sharing, the music industry has done very well with
on-line sales.
I think that a live performance in a holocube or holoscreen, would still
be something that people would pay for as a single. If they weren't too

Lady Gaga as an example has 10 million fans in Facebook, so surely they
would want to buy a single if it was a good song and done well.

As far as the one hit wonders out there, well now that so many people
are connected, the chances of a windfall are very great.

One good selling single might set a person up for life.

But it seems like those are impossible dreams for most people like
winning the lottery.

Still that happens too. We tend to hear more about the famous people
that are super rich, than the quiet nerds who also made billions from
some venture on-line or in the software industry.

I suspect the gaming industry has had its share of big winners.

I really don't think that file sharing affects the industry as much as
people claim. Those people have no money and would not buy the products
they download, so no sales are lost. It's just convenient to blame those
people for other problems in the industry and trends that affect the way
in which people spend their disposable income.

I would like to see a return to the boom years of high tech. I think
that it could happen again, but perhaps not with these new 3D monitors
that are coming out this year as seen in the trade shows this year.
Autostereo yes because it doesn't require glasses but for movies and TV,
not for everyday computer use.

Holograms on the other hand could change the way in which people live
their lives. It at least has the potential to spark another boom.


Jul 2, 2010, 3:54:14 PM7/2/10
> And, like the global brain, it's untestable.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Yep, just like the big bang.


Jul 2, 2010, 8:02:22 AM7/2/10
Holograms by themselves perhaps are not enough to spark a boom since
they are everywhere now in various stages of development and use in
advertising etc.

But with the addition of AI now you have a winning combination. Now you
have something that would make use of that technology.

If you examine the Iphone in youtube under hologram, its clear that
holograms are already here and in development but what can you do with
them? Do you want to see a hologram of your wife or husband while you
are on the phone?

That's just silly. People have not made use of the video phone and that
has been around for a long time. Web cams yes, but that's not the same.
So holograms may have no real value as yet until a use is provided such
as AI where now a hologram is not just a fancy 3D image, it is a
representation of a character who you can become attached to.

And that really is where the fun begins.

Without that, well I don't know what use people could make of it, except
the way they have for the last 5 or 6 years since the technology has
been available at a reasonable price.


Jul 2, 2010, 8:34:49 AM7/2/10
The technology is certainly available and is very life-like. Not in the
Iphone yet that is only a virtual fake trick hologram in the Iphone thus
far, but for a company like CNN they have used it and well see for


Jul 2, 2010, 9:06:14 AM7/2/10

Without even listening to the audio in this next example, it is clear to
me that people have no clue how to use this technology.!v=rt4AsMiQw9w&feature=related

What you don't see are dragons, and Gozer and things that might make it
fun for the average person. And you don't see it displayed as a pc add-on.

Maybe everyone is looking for the big sale to corporate America for
their use in business and advertising and missing the point completely
regarding it's potential. But then they don't think about virtual
characters or AI at all really these days. Seeing as how most agree that
an AI cannot pass the Turing test.

So really the technology is there, and people are all around it, they
just haven't put the pieces together yet to make this work.

I have in this thread and a previous thread, given people enough
information to do it now. I don't know if anyone will yet but certainly
it has some potential.


Jul 2, 2010, 12:42:55 PM7/2/10

In this example you have a touch holographic screen.

If it was a true hologram in 3D then you could have some interactivity
with the screen which means you have a sense of pario possibly.
Of a type.

Now if you would put some cool dragons in there, and make a nice cheesy
short scene like an old Italian movie, and have a black half circle
behind it, so the contrast is better, and perhaps improve the hologram
so that it is life-like...!v=YgMuzDjrAMg&feature=related

Getting closer I suppose.

Is that as fast as you guys can go? We have been waiting all day.


Jul 2, 2010, 1:14:50 PM7/2/10
On 7/2/2010 17:42, rick_s wrote:
> In this example you have a touch holographic screen.
> If it was a true hologram in 3D then you could have some interactivity
> with the screen which means you have a sense of pario possibly.
> Of a type.
> Now if you would put some cool dragons in there, and make a nice cheesy
> short scene like an old Italian movie, and have a black half circle
> behind it, so the contrast is better, and perhaps improve the hologram
> so that it is life-like...
> Getting closer I suppose.{N.B.}

> Is that as fast as you guys can go? We have been waiting all day.

Alwaaaays be closing.

Hey you know I went a week without Adblocker Plus in Firefox to see what
the ad level was and it was over the top. I was hoping it would motivate
me, and it did but at a point today I just couldn't take it anymore and
wiped out the spamola with a shot of Adblocker Raid.

And it cleans everything including those pesky slide up ads in the
videos in youtube.

So now I can focus again.

It is such a distraction.

So that Apple example previously was a prototype acted film and the one
before that maybe not quite where they are, but certainly not there yet.

Blue tooth texting is better than having to poke things if it is Gozer
or Zorg because you could lose a finger.

They have their space man. Now if you just want to move pretend windows,
that is really going to help productivity. You should have sheep going
over fences under that.

I think actually what you need is to think outside the box.
(Where did I hear that one before?)

What we need is simply some content for the cube.

To begin with you need to be able to market the cube for cheap.
If you want people to develop things for it.

And to begin with it could be claymation plays. And scenes and some
interactivity but minimal.

Like poke the dragon maybe. Wake the dragon is still something
interesting to do.

It does get people's imagination going.

I think the $3,000 price tag for 3D TV's is a not going to encourage me
to buy one.
Panasonic at Future Shop $3,499

You would have to bring the cube in at 600 or less since then people
have to spend 200 per character.
At least at first.

You won't get wild mass hysteria and rapid development if you don't
bring them in for cheap.

They will be 49 dollars like the Archos multi-media player in the Future
shop in a couple years if people don't develop some content for it.


Jul 2, 2010, 1:34:55 PM7/2/10

So here we could have a clearscreen without the screen but I think in
reality, that kind is noisy from what I have seen.

I think that if you consider standing back and observing a person using
this system, you see a clear screen above the cube and that is where the
librarian overlord, the AI leader must appear to institute some sense of
authority or rationality when needed.

Its time for bed means it is time for bed, and he will say it in a nice
way after you already said it twice yourself.

Remember this stuff would be addictive.

But people have to live their lives. It can be done but you need to
realize the importance of sleep in order to make the decision to shut
the thing off or, have it turn down its light to almost nothing.

Now the Librarian (of your choosing and the woman that people have been
using as an example is not as good as that librarian from Time Machine 2002.

You need an actor and the parts are small and repetitive.
But then that also gets him off the hook, since the child will know
there is no sense in arguing when he is on auto-pilot.

He is going to turn the cube down and whoever is in there is going beddy
bye, like maybe Sponge Bob Squarepants,. and he is turning off his
little light and has his hat on, and whatever.

And you could have the AI do that itself, but having an overlord gives
everyone someone to blame. It is their job.

So you need that screen for kids, then YOU need that screen for the
Librarian as we develop that system.

The web will be too huge not to have someone to help sort things out and
help you find things. The capacity for learning in that way would be
immense. And he entertain as well as teach with a plug in.

The you have it act as your default video window and well that makes
more sense than your 2D monitor since it is 3D.

Your 2D monitor should be used for reading and looking at 2D images.

A place for everything etc.

So then stand back, you see someone mostly using their large 2D screen.
With a keyboard. A hundred years of development and it works just great.

And to the right some multi-media. But its not the thing in itself.

It's multi-media.

Now your assistant is like an aquarium. And people like aquariums.

It may actually be like an aquarium if it is Sponge Bob Square Pants in

Can you bring Sponge Bob to work?

If you are in any artistic creative line of work you probably could.

But not if you sell car insurance probably. But then what could move
banking and tellers out of THEIR cubicles besides nothing?

So business has it's own atmosphere. Behind them on the wall selling
loans they might have holographic or 3D images some time but the office
workers will not have their pet AI with them at work.

So the work ethic standard has to be, can I bring my pet to work?


Jul 2, 2010, 1:42:01 PM7/2/10
Intel has a better offering, Minority Report style and that is what we
want for our screen beside our 2D monitor.!v=73CGOjkwKdQ&feature=fvw

And we want it to be about 250 bucks, and not large.

Say 14 inches to begin with and square or door shaped

And that would be great. The touch screen would be ok.

So then fix your Apple cube there and we have a deal.


Jul 2, 2010, 2:14:20 PM7/2/10
So we will use Gozer. Gozer can come to the office because she is Gozer.
And this office is a programming office and I need Gozer to assist me
with programming.

Enter Gozer...

Gozer is in her cube and the smoke is flowing like dry ice.
When she wants to relax, she will sit back on her throne and and
occasionally cross her legs and kick her foot, and look at her nails,
and lets put a list of 200 small nuances here.

And we will mix them up to make her look like she is somewhat real.

Gozer on her throne.

We will create another scene where she is reading, and we will do the
coolest transition, by sliding the room, while she is turning and
walking or getting out of her throne.

She is doing this with her miiind.

She is Gozer, that's what she does. She maintains her cool upright
posture and she slides through time, and when she does, the room slides.

It does a cross fade transition when one scene fades out while the next
fades in but Gozer is unnafected by that.

Now she is a large hall with Greek pillars and she is waving her hand
and things are obeying her like books and video and whatever creativity
you can muster to portray Gozer reading in the Hall of Records or
similar. A bit of hand waving but a smaller Gozer now since she is a
little farther away since you don't want her to distract you, but she is
reading and she may sit back and contemplate or whatever that is a scene
for working and searching and doing. ~Get and ~Do.

So then we want Gozer to be displaying and for that we will make her
stand tall point with a straight-ish arm, as if she was a blond
assistant on The Price is Right.

(They don't say much, Gozer doesn't say much either)

So now we have

Gozer at rest
Goser Reading
Gozer Showing.

So then beyond that she might use minions. She has her dogs of hell and
she should on occasion release the hounds of hell.

For dramatic effect. And this can be user defined. Why she would do
that. When you write a build command, you will add the command "Release
the hounds of hell" and it might just be ~hounds.

She may need a compliment of bats as well to flood the skies behind her
and clouds that swirl above her head when something is wrong such as a
download has stopped before it has completed.

She might need to do some investigation regarding what the problem is
and make a decision. The default decision for how to handle an
incomplete download. And so then to alter that would require a script,
and it modifies her configuration file.

So now this requires some geek work here. Since you want a good sized
set of configurations for Gozer. Not that affect her personally, because
we are presently scripting her behaviors, and we want to use the same
behavior with the bats when something else goes wrong and not have a
different mad on for each thing that could go wrong.

She has a set of annoyed behaviors that are part of her personality and
that usually remains consistent.
It just ranges from mild medium to blue sparks coming out of her eyes
and from her fingertips.

You see now we have linked her behaviors to common computer issues. And
so then all we need to do is to have her notify the Overlord Process by
sending a messenger with a wave of the hand and give him/it a scroll
with a ribbon on it.

Gozer being a serious person, doesn't need the set of smileys that
ordinary people need.

If it was a different character, we would be attaching small congruent
sets of emoticons to each scene setting as part of the behaviors as we
ask ourselves well how should she react to this situation.

But Gozer as I say is a serious character so she doesn't ever laugh
unless it is maniacal laughter.

And of course there will be times for maniacal laughter and that is user

So now you see how we are giving Gozer personality and character by
scripting scenes.

You each have your own worlds, and she is often preoccupied in hers and
like an aquarium, doing things but not distracting things. Smooth calm
movements unless you are directly interacting with her.

And asking her to use an emotion like maniacal laughter whenever some
thing happens which the user will define by script as part of set of
behaviors that will put together to make a scene they can share with
others and it may be a utility, that does a job, and this is what she
looks like when she does that job.


Jul 2, 2010, 2:34:37 PM7/2/10
On 7/2/2010 19:14, rick_s wrote:
> So we will use Gozer. Gozer can come to the office because she is Gozer.
> And this office is a programming office and I need Gozer to assist me
> with programming.
> Enter Gozer...
> Gozer is in her cube and the smoke is flowing like dry ice.

So then on my 2D desktop, I open notebook and I type

Java script
parse text

I want to see what java script there is out there that has a line of
commands that can parse text.

So then I will copy and past that into a small scroll image area on my
desktop and hit send, Gozer will get that and gove that to the librarian
and he will search google with what I just aksed for and lest see what
turns up...

So I searched java script then searched _within the results_ for 'syntax
' and then again within the results for parse text and see for yourself.
Right at the top of the page

JavaScript parse() Method
<script type="text/javascript"> var t=Date.parse("Jul 8, 2005"); var
minutes=1000*60; var hours=minutes*60; var days=hours*24; var
years=days*365; ... - Cached - Similar

Here is what google returned in a second.

So you see what would have happened there is as soon as I hit send, I
would get back the first few results in the clear holoscreen panel above

No flipping browser pages back and forth and any of that, my programming
is still in front of me, and now the results appear top right other
screen, my mouse can go over there if I just slide my mouse to the right
of my 2D screen.

So I click on that and the code is there.
Or I look for a different example, copy and paste that into what I am
doing and that is a very basic example because programming has a lot of
functions and procedures and complications that you can solve by looking
at how others do it.

Now this is not a challenge for Gozer she needn't even get up. As soon
as I start typing in her box she is ready to wave her hand when I hit send.


Jul 2, 2010, 3:04:24 PM7/2/10
> So then on my 2D desktop, I open notebook and I type
> Java script
> syntax
> parse text

Or instead of a notepad, I type into her scroll area that is either on
my desktop, or I text her with my cell phone, or call her using voice
commands from the car at work, and I say Goser, she has a cell phone
built in, or your computer will, and you will say download (I will stick
to the same examples) Lady Gaga videos. But I have to spell Lady Gaga so
she knows what I am talking about. SInce she understands ~Download and
she understands the key word 'video' because I needed to teach her that
voice coomand by associating that word with my voice to configure voice
That is how speech recognition software works.
So she has a to z on file, can make a word and she knows the command and
the key word video, nothing can stop her now from getting some music
videos for me for when I get home.

And anything else in the world I wanted or needed for when I get home.

Since any geek knows how to download that stuff and to make a script
that has a few simple commands since Gozer knows how to download because
she has a browser plugin that she comes with and everything it can do,
she can do.

Here is an example browser plug in.

In fact lets tell Gozer to get it

Delphi Web Browser. I like to program using the Delphi language

And there you go in google.

So now Gozer is as smart as a web browser and can even read web pages.

So now when I give her something to do, I can really give her something
to do if I want.

I can write javascript and tell her to anything it can.

So what would I want her to do? Well that depends really.
But it might be anything including complex math functions and sorting
things and solving things and doing equations and maybe even looking
things up as part of her task.

If I ask her to get a bunch of information on a topic, and I give her a
list of places to search, then I set rules for parsing the results she
can narrow the results put thing sin order, arrange a presentation and
then show me a slide show of snapshot pages, give the best results first
and with broadened search results and perhaps using fuzzy logic which
means if not all the letters match, then include those as well.

And she displays her results in the clearscreen and does a bit of
pointing and maybe does show the slightest facial expressions regarding
well this one was not very close but I included it anyways.

And if the results are not as good as you expect?

Then improve your method and then have her try that.

Until your method meets with your approval.

She can dance too you know, if you haven't discovered a need for her for
a couple days.

She is quite the entertainer.

And if you buy the plug in, she will tell you a few stories and morph
the scene while she tells you about those days of legend...

And depending on how much you paid, you might be able to use her to
shoot blue lightning from her fingertips at things in the air and that
come crawling over the hill etc. Even if there are no points involved.
Its just good therapy to do that when you are stressed out.


Jul 2, 2010, 3:21:32 PM7/2/10
So then lets suppose I write a set of commands that I want Gozer to do
that repetitive and that I usually do in programming.

When I wrote the little post parser the other day then you need to run
it and it spits out a web page and then you need to click on that html
file icon to open a browser to view the results.

Now that's only a few steps, but shouldn't I also save my work, backup
the program prior and do a few other things is needed?

Well I could automate that process the way we used to create batch files
when we did DOS programming or used the DOS operating system.

So then now I would compile that program and get Gozer to run it and do
all those steps so that I just get the page shown to me to see if it
needs to be debugged.

And that is an ongoing process in programming where you write a bit of
code and then test it.

So then in any other field they have repetitive tasks as well.

So now he capabilities have grown and she is useful and can entertain.

If I want to work on her personality as a programmer I can.
If the user wants to modify her personality, well we won't let them
change Bruce Willis' character and we won't change her's either but we
can alter her behaviors with scripts and by altering her configuration
file, which will include the configuration for the webbrowser built in
functionality. Those things we can change in real time, some can only be
set at compile time. When we are turning the programming language text
we have written into a program. After the program is running, some
things cannot be modified.


Jul 2, 2010, 3:32:10 PM7/2/10
So you teach Gozer by giving her things to do and that is a macro.
In the last example I had take my little program after I compiled it and
then put it into web page so I can debug it and she backed up a few
files in the process.

She knows how to do that now.

So then every time I make a macro for her, she learns.

And her capabilities grow.

So you see the user who buys Gozer will use javascript to get Goser to
do things and attach a scene, to compliment her behaviors.

And then the scenes become repetitive unless you have a whole lot of
scenes and those scenes have nuances in them that vary.

But her working at a futuristic machine can cover a lot of things you
want her to do. As an example.


Jul 2, 2010, 3:37:54 PM7/2/10

Now if we don't want Gozer to show us what she is thinking when she is
working and doing these macros, we can pipe her results to an invisible
screen or null screen. If we want to know what she is thinking so we can
debug her, she outputs everything to the clear holoscreen wile in debug


Jul 2, 2010, 3:46:04 PM7/2/10
> Now if we don't want Gozer to show us what she is thinking when she is
> working and doing these macros, we can pipe her results to an invisible
> screen or null screen. If we want to know what she is thinking so we can
> debug her, she outputs everything to the clear holoscreen wile in debug
> mode.

So now we see her thinking and we see her hit google and wikipedia and
see her clip text to a note pad, combine text files into a knowledge
base, search that knowledge base using fuzzy logic for key words and all
the rest as we program some AI functionality into our smart new somewhat
ominous AI assistant.

And she ends up with a few paragraphs that seem exactly on topic and we
improve her methods by watching her work, then improve her macros and
have to be able to modify them if the websites she visits, change their

So these things you have to keep in mind to not be too specific but try
to use methods that will remain unchanged so that you don't have to
upgrade her macros every day.

If someone else is doing that ok, she can get updates through the net.


Jul 2, 2010, 4:27:05 PM7/2/10
So the last couple three posts reall lay out how to teach an AI assistant in
simple basic form.

The thing is if the artwork isn't up to par, the end result won't be worth
trying to sell.


Jul 2, 2010, 4:44:22 PM7/2/10
In article <a%yXn.5421$OU6....@newsfe20.iad>, says...

You can watch that video in hi res at 480P from the mnu bar.

And that is nice artwork that comes out of Japan.

But that film would be shown in the clear holoscreen, because it is not shot
for a cube which is a stage, and plays take place on stage and the set is
different because it shows a differen perspective from seating where your
viewpoint is in the bleachers unless the cube hologram flies into the air and
is doing something in the air amongst the clouds.

Now if when you were to Attach clips of Gozer to together you couldn't match up
movements perfectly then you might need to use some of that mist at her feet to
hide that.

So ideally it would be nice if we could manipulate the background, the stage,
by voxels. Realistic looking demolition is important to any realistic scene.
Even if the effect is small like the lightning from her finger tips.

Now when you command gozer, if you type in her scroll, then hit send, you might
need a stamp, depending on accesslevels, and then Gozer waves her hand, and a
dog of hell or the dogs of hell are on their way as messengers in a flash.


Jul 3, 2010, 8:08:25 AM7/3/10
So what about TV then if we are creating a multi-media desktop?

Well TV is part of life and even though I don't watch TV I do have a TV
in my office because it is part of my widescreen LG monitor.

You can but a TV card for 49 bucks now that uses the USB port or something.

But if you are spending $3500 on a 3D TV, then you want it in the living
Everything in its place. People have lost of TV's now and in fact they
give them away for free. Maybe everyone has their own in their bedroom
too I don't know.

You know we looked at combining TV with computers several years ago, and
Windows put out various attempts at integrating TV with computers, ATI
did quite a bit there for a while with TV in computers but it never
really became so popular that pc's came with TV cards as standard equipment.

People tried to make web for TV as well. So you could surf using your
remote when a lot of people did not have computers but were interested
in surfing the web.

Interactive TV was something that everyone thought might be good to
have, and that never really took off too well either.

TV on demand, so you could watch whatever you want when you want, that
has been a success.
Every popular show can be downloaded or watched on-line somewhere.

There are also on-line satellite setups where you download a program
usually for free and using torrent technology people feed those
broadcasts and you can watch 300 channels from all over the world but
the content is usually foreign news and public broadcasting but for TV
freaks, to watch all those channels is something that they do and
support their own network of people who get those feeds and then channel
them to each other through the net like a club activity.

National Geographic and I think maybe the Disney network I am not sure
but when I checked it out, it was amazing what these people had done to
share TV on the net.

A lot of people might use the TV as a monitor to play games I don't know
because I don't play computer games much these days either.

But then I am not on Facebook either.
The net has grown so big, and has so many interest groups of all kinds,
that people can find topics that interest them.

Humans are herd animals so they tend to group up on sites like Facebook.
Facebook is the new (what was last years facebook again?) Myspace.

Anyways TV has evolved over the years into a sort of psychological mind
control way of getting people to buy products. Its not just about
advertising anymore its about conditioning and these sorts of things.

Originally the hosts just interrupted what they were doing and plugged a
product right there. And the show was brought to you by etc.

Before that radio did the same thing with one big sponsor per show.
Like Lux beauty soap and Lux Radio Theater where every star in Hollywood
reenacted their Hollywood movies for radio as well.
Great shows.

But its part of life now for most people everywhere in the world.
Nothing is going to change that.

For one thing people in some foreign countries have radios and TV's but
can't afford computers and maybe don't have the infrastructure we do to
have reliable Internet although they may have cell phones.

If something big ever happened, most people have a TV within a few feet
or a short walk everywhere in the world.

But there is more to computing than passively watching. In a wierd way
computers are extensions of ourselves. They allow us to have more
memory, and we store everything on them and use them like a human upgrade.

We are smarter now for it, and no doubt much happier as a result.
We have freedom of speech and we have freedom to congregate and we have
freedom to be creative, to learn and to enjoy.
All within limits but truly we are fortunate to live in this day and age.

So after looking at how computers will affect TV and if they should be
integrated, I think most people would agree they are two different
things and each has its own place.

The Internet was hungry for content and at one time TV helped to fill
that void, and now TV may be hungry for content but the INternet is rich
in content of all kinds.

The success of the Internet has been the ability to keep it low cost, by
paying a provider and then you don't pay for every little thing.
And so everyone pitched in in the past and still today to make it a fun
place to be.

And the same goes for computing itself. The pc did away with big
commercial systems that were proprietary such as the IBM systems which
were not compatible with other systems because it was more profitable
for companies to keep their stuff to themselves and the users paid a lot
of money for specialists to program and manage and repair those systems.

SUN systems did beat the sh*t out of Microsoft with JAVA.
Microsoft then tried to counter that with javascript and tried to use
proprietary scripts their own java, but now things have become quite
compatible since Microsoft destroyed a lot of the competition over teh
last 15 years. Novell Networks used to be more in use than Windows for
networking as an example.
They are still there.
VMWARE has knocked it out of the park, and would replace WIndows in week
if Microsoft ever pissed them off. I am sure the people at Microsoft lay
awake at night worrying about those people.

Microsoft joined with Apple after killing them, and then invested and
took their soul but Steve Jobs, you still see him there whenever a new
product comes out, but the Mac and the IBM pc are not as different today
as they once were.

And everyone can use javascript.

So there is some sense of peace in the valley these days but don't
expect that to last if the holography addition to pc's turns out to be
any sort of boom.

So again I think the concept of everything in its place fits well with
the situation today and TV will continue to have laugh tracks, since
people often would not know enough to laugh, and it will also have real
persuasive advertising because people do not know how to shop
effectively. At least not effectively enough to make Walmart the company
it is.

And it is a great success story, that has helped the lower income
families all over the world, and helped China to feed its enormous
population by providing employment.

So none of it is really bad, to each their own preference.

But if we think in terms of a place for everything than we will lose
less money on failed ventures. Which means that the money invested in
new products will better target their markets and make consumers happier
and result in better electronic equipment for the home.

Such as the holocube.

I am not sure how the 3D TV thing will go over, I think they were just
waiting for us to get our act together and create a plan for the
holocube and in the interim, they needed something to keep themselves in

And that is why 3D TV's cost a small fortune because they must know they
won't sell many.

But here we are now, beginning to work together to once again create
something that people everywhere will enjoy.

I hope that AI assistants can be a part of that new tech movement since
it does utilize much of the new technology we are seeing.


Jul 3, 2010, 4:36:11 PM7/3/10
On Jul 2, 2:53 pm, Bill Reid <> wrote:
> On Jul 1, 8:07 pm, Don Stockbauer <> wrote:
> > On Jul 1, 6:51 pm, Bill Reid <> wrote:
> > > On Jul 1, 7:16 am, rick_s <> wrote:
> > > > Elsewhere in Usenet I laid our some preliminaries for quantum computers
> > > > and AI assistants that will be in smallish holographic cubes to the
> > > > right of your desk, you might still keep your 2D monitor for normal
> > > > things, and to the right and up have a 3D monitor for video or a clear
> > > > Holoscreen for video.
> > > "AI Gunga Din, fetch me some water!!!"
> > > Also, I would like to reiterate that "AI", the movie,
> > > sucked...
> > > Soooo...did I pass the Turing Test?  Am I a clever
> > > program, or what?
> > > William Ernest Reid
> > > Post count: mostly posted by my AI avatar, who is both
> > > bluer and snottier than I am
> > Bluish?  You don't look Bluish.
> I said I wasn't blue you jerk, I hate bluish people,
> the Blues have been responsible for all the stupid over-rated
> movies in the history of the world!!!
> Also, I would like to take this opportunity to mention
> that was home to what I consider to be
> the greatest flame war in the history of Usenet, because
> of the extremely erudite manner in which the combatants
> used to trash each other.  I actually saved it, but
> substituted the names "Moe, Larry, and Curly" for the
> actual names of the Ph.Ds involved, and occasionally
> pull it out and read it when I need a good laugh...the
> topic was of course "Can Computers Ever Think?" but
> the thread was proof that people never will have that
> ability...
> ---
> William Ernest Reid
> Post count: hundreds of thousands less than all the
> dumb flame wars in the history of Usenet before it
> finally dies in a few months

When was that?


Jul 3, 2010, 8:38:13 AM7/3/10
So is the race on for a holcube?
Oh yes. But expect all the major companies to have one in Walmart at
almost the same time. They always seem to do that. And for economic
reasons those few major companies seem to dominate the market together
when it comes to consumer electronics.
Maybe it is safer for all of them that way.
They license technology and make products for it, and in this way they
stay in business. If the competition had a real lead on them, they would
not sell their products and would go under.

So all the camcorders are almost the same all the time but with enough
difference to spread the wealth.

And each year they all come out with their upgrades and they all have
the same upgrades.

The smaller cameras, the harddrives and the hi resolutions and now 3D TV.

With 3D cameras not too far behind.

But since together they form a kind of communist block, for mega
capitalists, their strategy is to make it expensive, then drop the price.

It was quite a number of years before hi res camcorders were affordable
for everyone as a for instance.

Now the 3D TV will come down as well but I don't think anyone is
expecting it to revolutionize the way people watch TV or use computer
Its just that we haven't invented anything for the last 10 years really
so they have just been stalling with existing technology and there
hasn't been much new for them to do. Compared to the pc and the Internet
which has dominated culture for the last 20 years and driven the tech
There have been offshoots like mp3 players and cell phones have also
been huge.

When the pc came out, the Vic 20, as an example, it sold in Kmart and
people bought them at Christmas for I think 200 bucks.

It didn't start at 3500 because they would not have sold any.

Same with Nintendo.

So we will see how they try to milk holography, if it comes in at 3500
well people have a short attention span and they really do not need it.

Computers they need, camcorders they need, 3D TV's they can easily do
without and holocubes as well.

So its not like a new chip from Intel which can milk mankind for 30
years maybe as they have this treadmill of progressive marketing
techniques to maximize their product development.

The chip you have today might be 10 years old, but you will get the new
9 year old one next year. They are saving their stuff and releasing it
gradually. Like they try to do with camcorders.

So its collusion in the tech marketplace, but its for their mutual
survival because if you guess wrong, well you have tons of brand new
equipment going to recycle bins and bankruptcy.

The whole system is carefully engineered to fill the need without
risking everything in the process.

So they won't show their cubes, until we do some work to show them what
they will be used for, and how, and then they will be sure that the cube
is made right for the job.


Jul 3, 2010, 9:20:23 AM7/3/10
So its in everyone's best interest to have a vibrant profitable tech
industry and to have great affordable consumer electronics and they have
their trade shows, to display the latest tech devices and test the waters.

And this year was all about 3D.

Since there isn't a lot of other directions to go right now.
The way the world works, including the scientific community, is it
develops together ideas based on previous ideas and one thing leads to
another. So development is a widespread group activity.

Very rarely do you see anything come out of the blue from some lone

So in this thread this book I am writing I have stated how I think it
would work, and other people have their own ideas, but when I look at
youtube and the CES we are not far away from each other.

For instance Iphone has a holography app. Apple in their ad is looking
at holography, and people are playing their cars close to their chest.

Intel was displaying its new chip and telling people such as me, that it
has the capabilities to do a lot of polygons per second and gave me the
frame rate which was a few hundred frames per second.
That helps me to calculate the size of the cube as a for instance.

Other companies and other groups stress their concerns for holography
and the effect it will have on people, so they want it small as well.

A life sized Gozer in a store window in a mall that looks real, they are
not quite sure they want that yet.
Or life sized holograms passing for people in society.
People worry about these things and for good reason since there are
dangers to society whenever you have drastic change.

And so it seems to make sense that small holograms in a cube is what
most companies and groups want. They want to stretch out development for
their treadmill marketing practices, to maximize their profit potential,
and groups want small holograms so that it will not change society

So they put an app in Iphone and the Laser Magic site has a tiny little car.

Yes you can get big holograms, but they want to start small in consumer

And really after giving it some careful thought, right back to before
Shrek, (this spawned Shrek) I agree we need gnomes and not um 39 year
old women telling everyone what to do at work, at home, and in the
basement all at the same time like clones as lifelike holograms.

This is sort of a world wide conference initiated by the G8/G20 which
used a Veldt to initiate this conference.

This gathering of minds. Not specifically here in this thread but
globally now in numerous ways for peopel to work together on future
initiatives and innovation.
Microsoft has been treading water as well waiting for something new to
do. Their latest operating systems have failed to excite people since
hey, they never actually were innovators, they just had all the money.
I slam them every chance I get, and use Windows as my operating system
so they are used to hearing me whine.

But they look to people such as myself for new ideas that they can use
and they call THAT innovation.

But then how long would it take me to make my own USB port, let alone
write an operating system?

So its in my best interest to make it work, unless I want to switch
platforms, but then I haven't seen anyone offering so I stick with what
I have. With VMWARE as an overlord process above the WIndows OS.

By using virtual computers on my desktop. I tried Linux and numerous
other operating systems but since I helped to make Windows what is
today, going all the way back to its inception, it would feel weird to
switch now.

But now that everything is cross platform it doesn't matter any more
either. When I write code for instance even if I use Delphi it can be
ported to any other system. Most peopel use Java these days or the
WIndows Software Development Kit and I have both of those as well and
can write code in C, C++ and Java and teh rest like most programmers can
but Delphi is another thing that I was associated with over the yuears
going all the way back to Turbo Pascal for Dos, which spawned Delphi.

So again I use it because it has a bit of my character in it.

If you hadn't grown up with it, then you would not feel the same way as
I do and Windows has made it difficult for people to program using
Delphi, since Delphi is a higher level language that uses the same
Windows functions, but shortens them and then has its own language as well.
But you cannot debug a Windows bug, if it is below what you are able to

If you can only use Windows functions in Windows, it doesn't matter what
language you are using, if it has bugs your program will have bugs.

And so they left bugs in there to make it difficult for other companies
to compete with them and when they create the Software Development Kit
they make sure your product will never do anything because it has built
in problems.

If you get past that, they will put out an update and take you out the
week after you release your product.

And that is why they are perpetually being sued by states and countries.

They look at it differently and might say well it is our operating
system, show us where it says we have to let you program for it at all?

But then people will switch overnight to somewhere else, so never say
that, they just use their os to maintain their position of power in the

But Java gets around all that.
HTML got around all that.

And now the playing field is a bit better but still its not a free
market really. It is controlled for a lot of reasons, not just financial
but political as well.

Bill Gates had support of the politicians, because they want America to
dominate the world of economics and if Windows was German Product or
French then they would have the economic edge so Bill had the entire
American military industrial complex, backing him up of course and the
legal system as well.

Well they are the worlds largest superpower, so that is what you might
expect. So I blame Microsoft but really it is a larger deal than just that.

But now China has been moving ahead as a global leader and even had 3D
TV's that do not require glasses on the shelves. So you see this
infighting is costing the Western World their competitive edge in the
long run.

So lets take a look at some 3D technology from this years CES...
And you can look at the related items there to see more.


Jul 3, 2010, 9:59:15 AM7/3/10
So I always have supported IBM, and the concept of the IBM pc, since it
was made with parts that were not proprietary, and people could build
their own systems, and program their own computers if they wanted to.

And like others such as myelf I supported Microsft and contributed ideas
for them to call innovation. Although I am Canadian, not American, we as
Canadians have not made our play yet for world domination. (We are
biding our time and waiting for the right moment.)
Someday when we have a larger population, like maybe the size of Mexico
City we will be a real force to recon with.

But actually this year we did stake a bold step and held part of the
G8/G20 in a virtual space that was in a building that had a virtual lake
and it used holography.

Since this technology is good for the tech industry.

It was criticized by some and lauded by others and myself, a real
supporter of Veldts, and that technology, I was elated to see such
forward thinking people in politics when you would expect something like
that at the conference that was held in Nunavut recently instead.
hey held a G7 meeting there in February, and then the G8/G20 was held in
Toronto last weekend and that was where they had the Veldt in Toronto at
the CNE.

Here are some references if you want them...


and what a Veldt is...

I am not sure where the word Veldt comes from but it might be a play on
yiddish for World, as in "Vee live in our own veldt"

I don't know but as you can see in the link earlier in this thread from
the google holodeck, there are lots of uses for this technology.
We are maybe trying to get away from the virtual reality terminology
since that didn't work because of vertigo. Car sickness basically.

But without glasses or goggles or a headset this technology works fine
and has amazing promise.

I like this one bcause it combines a theremin, which could be adapted as
an interface, with Star Trek, which has led the way towards development
in the tech industry since that tiny series, which lasted only 3 years
from 1966 to 1969 (and then forever with the spinoffs)
paved the way for conscious on-board computers, and communicators and
the like.


Jul 3, 2010, 10:25:26 AM7/3/10
Enough talk of politics. I just wanted to thank them for bringing this
conference together.

So from my perspective, holograms with the pc are not as good as they
would be with AI and since I am one of the few people who know how to
program an AI assistant, I want to be sure that I have expressed my
opinion as to how I think it should be integrated into the pc.

And why the need for the clearscreen holography screen above the cube
and why we should keep our 2D monitors.

The Ai sits in the cube, and to see what it is thinking, that can be
displayed in the clearscreen above it. And people need to watch what it
is thinking in order to make their own scripts for it.
By allowing people to make scripts, that is how they teach their Ai
behaviors, but since the net is communal, collectively everyone is
teaching AIs to be more useful and more intelligent.

The clearscreen also is the place where the AI leader will exercise
authority over the lesser AI assistants when needed. Such as for
parental controls. And it is separate and kept separate for your
character, that you will come to love and cherish like a friend or a pet
by placing the AI leader into a position as a librarian.

In the library you don't make a lot of noise because the librarian is
keeping you in order.

Then of course you want to display some 3D or holographic content such
as video and that screen can be used.

The 2D screen is for surfing the web and reading and writing which
people love to do and it works well for that. As well as for business

The holocube can integrate with CDs, and be used for live performances
and lifelike stars performing and doing their act as if they were right
there, but in miniature.

For those who want life sized performances, that technology is available
and wealthy people can have those in their basement or rec room or
No need to scare the cat or dog or children with life-sized Gozer the
Gozerians and dragons and other monsters.

This is for home computing and there are other fields where the same
technology will be used by business and industry and travel such as
displays in train stations and airports etc and advertising in malls.

But for the home, it makes practical sense to me, to have that
arrangement with the large widescreen 2D monitor, that maybe can double
as a TV, teh cleasrscreen for watching video and for the Librarian and
to observe what the AI assistant is thinking.
In this way you don't need to crowd your 2D screen with things and
everything has a place of its own.

Rather than try to make one screen do everything and then try to get
people to go back to watching TV instead.

If anything what would be left standing is the IBM pc.

A great idea, that has revolutionized the world and helped mankind to
cope with this era of rapid growth.


Jul 3, 2010, 10:41:45 AM7/3/10
So anything such as this arrangement would suit me.

The sizes may vary and some people might want it on the left.

But that configuration works well for what I have in mind, that being AI
assistants and a rich funfilled multi-media experience for all ages.


Jul 3, 2010, 11:15:09 AM7/3/10
Going back to Gozer sitting on her throne and you are typing in your 2D
screen into a scroll that came with teh DVD.

Commands can be given by typing in that scroll, and pressing send. It goes
to Gozer. Other AIs can have their own notepads skinned according to their
So this notepad is skinned and has a direct line to Gozer who is sitting on
here throne with both dogs perched.
You will have to imagine the throne.

So then when you hit send, she waves her hand and the dog on our left is
gone in a flash, and then returns in a flash.

He is only a messenger. Now we could have him go and not come back, until
the command was completed. That will be a configuration item.

Anywhere where we ask ourselves, would it be better to do it this way or
that, use a configuration switch for the user.

What happens when two things aren't done and you want to send another?
Well so that wouldn't work unless you had an inexaustable supply of them.

With a different character, a hand signal is still used but something else
is sent.

If you have it for get and do, then get is on the left and do is on the

If you just use a get, the dog is gone and the task is completed when it
comes back and perches again. If it comes back to Gozer, then it didn't
complete the task.

Same on the right except that is the do side.
A get and do combo would send both dogs.

And you can have something else and have it slowly materializing and that
is retrieval.
You really have to use your imagination but what a place to do that on a
miniature film set of your own.


Jul 3, 2010, 7:27:36 PM7/3/10
On Jul 3, 3:41 pm, rick_s <> wrote:
> So anything such as this arrangement would suit me.

> The sizes may vary and some people might want it on the left.
> But that configuration works well for what I have in mind, that being AI
> assistants and a rich funfilled multi-media experience for all ages.

I'm fairly sure that the technology is almost already at hand? What I
would like e.g. is some assurance of the stability in minds of users
to accomidate tge technology without it dusturbing their own worlds,
which is why privacy is so insecure. Although its fabulous to develop
arts mediums, they are rich in content and experience that most people
can't tolerate outside of everyday general living. I have a read a few
problems with SL and other 3d superficial graphics platform venues/
mediums that groups have taken gross advantage of for their own
financial and business greed, trying to take information and real life
support off ysers for their own reqards or gaining influence.

I think holograms is a natural development of your old 3d games
graphics, although iwould keep it in a movie house, so we can switch
off when its late andnwendon't gave tohave our home phone disconned
cuz of stalking penny pinchers, not pots thinking yourbartnis some
flimsynexcuse for filthy sexual fantasies, etc.

I was thinking about music and sound, is it that if the world is a
globe, that in sectional horizontal segments in lets say ten percent
increments north down to south, that the music from those cultures
within those geographical segmens would correspond exactly in
intonation and pitch ? Thebreason us that the darker it is, the more
vocal sounds may have developed, whilst in brighter cities and lighter
locations non verbal communications could have developed as


Jul 3, 2010, 3:43:11 PM7/3/10
In the movie Paycheck with Ben Afleck and Uma Thurman, at the end one of
the security guys finds Ben's watch and it has holograms on the face of
that watch that look similar to the ones in the Iphone app of today.

You see the holograms getting bigger slightly.
I'm not suggesting that people are paranoid to release the contents of
Pandora's Box because Zuul wouldn't like that.

But Zorg will be pleased.

Soon his plan will be all coming together.

In the mean time I haven't seen all of the Shrek movies just the first
two but the first one, is in a way what it might be like to live in a
sort of Disneyland.

With talking animals and fairy tales and princes and princesses, kings
and queens and everything in between.

I often thought what it might be like if we engineered some gnomes to
live for gardening and they grew what they ate, and they went about in
the shrubberies and lived there happy as can be.

And in that magic world, they were just there like deer are in this world.

So your aquarium, your 'diorama Veldt' or lets call it a 3DV (holocube)
could have characteristics such as gnomes that just live there who you
may see some time.

Now your 3DV room can scroll, like a game and the characters can walk
and since it is 16 inches wide, approx you can have quite a nice scene
inside there if you are not sitting too far away from it.

So the size of the map, is only limited by the size of your imagination
and disk space. In fact why not just say it is the universe or even the

Atoms and the void, and a map that hypothetically, like the universe,
could go on for ever in all directions.


Jul 3, 2010, 4:05:05 PM7/3/10
Everything is already in there anyways in a quantum sense, in all
possible worlds.

But only in the minds of those who observe it, because without an
observer, we don't know if the wave function has collapsed to a real state.

In other words, we have to build it ourselves.

You could create plays, drama, and certain types of movies for the cube
and maybe people will make their own 3D cameras using 2 or 3 cameras in
a large hoop configuration or something. On CNN they used over 30
cameras in sync surrounding the person to create the guest holograms.

So in order for the hologram to look good at all angles, then you need
enough simultaneous views. That might be overkill.

3D you can do with two angles but unless you have cameras from all
angles you can't walk around your diorama. You would have to view it
from the angle of your desk chair slightly to the left.
Which is where you might be anyways and since you can only see one angle
at a time hypothetically anyway, you could fake it with good 3D
camerawork and just say its 3D for the cube.

That's why its like a stage and you are in the bleachers because all
around the stage has to be cameras.

But is that really necessary? If your holocube was round instead of
square like a cylinder, then the back half could be black background,or
changeable background, and that would limit the field of view to make
filming possible with a couple or three camcorders clamped on a bisected
hula hoop or such.

Army men stop and go with action figures and small sets but that is a
lot of work when the kids just want to play with the army men in real
time, not make a movie. If you play an army game it will just make
movies automatically.

Most games make movies automatically.

You could film a little movie with a helicopter flying game if you were
creative enough.

But you can also just use google earth maybe, if your hologram was a hot
air balloon. Instant background that goes on and on.


Jul 3, 2010, 4:16:10 PM7/3/10
Well lets not stop at a flying house lets make a flying amazing wonder
machine like something that floats on air with anti-gravity technology
since we can.

And lets make it cool. And be able to expand into the craft, and design
it like a large space cruiser make ourselves comfortable, let our AI
assistant in this example Gozer be our copilot, and lets go surf the wow
(world of wonders).

So we want to go visit someone else's little world. And we need a guest
stamp and we can get those where people will put them like in clubs
on-line or groups to attract people to their world to get hits.

And to have fun and maybe to sell things so it might be a store. People
need motivation to make these things so they might want to make money at
it and then quit their day job and buy a yacht.


Jul 3, 2010, 4:24:54 PM7/3/10
How you do this is you need a map. Everyone needs to have a basic
starter world.

Something they can build on and then modify and then create that is all
their own creation but remember because of bandwidth you might be better
off having most of the map on your disk already that came with the blue
ray disk, and then when you surf, you are just requiring additional data
and so then on your voyage to their planet, don't expect that to happen
at light speed.

You have to download a preview, and get an access stamp pass. You might
listen to a talking head maybe or read about it or see it in a magazine,
then you go there by giving your copilot the address and it downloads
the flash 3D scenery and set and all the trappings you need but to you
you are just voyaging there.
So like any space voyage, don't sit there at the window saying are we
there yet.

Enjoy the ship and do some things on the ship or just do some 2D things
while you wait or even just predownload the world and use warp factor 7.

Once there you can establish a normal connection like a web server does
and interact with the site if you want at that point.


Jul 3, 2010, 4:34:01 PM7/3/10
The easiest and best way to share worlds may be through the torrent
system or an improved torrent system.
No other system can distribute vast quantities of data simultaneously as
that system can.

But you won't get a million unique hits a day I don't think.

Unless you are a wizard and make a 3D hologram world scene using artwork
of some kind that requires very little bandwidth.

And that will happen as well.

VRML was tried and failed though so that is something that people should
keep in mind.

You need claymation monsters, funny scenes, charming scenes, creative
scenes, Humphry Bogart scenes, Adventure scenes, playdough originals
from the film board via grant money for the arts, and etc.


Jul 3, 2010, 4:51:41 PM7/3/10
Now as I write this book, I am following information pathways where
analysis is needed.

If A then B if B then C that's logic.

If D the C if C then B if B then A that's reverse engineering using a
backwards chaining inference engine and

then we go back adding new input so that the process looks like...

If D the C if C then B if B then A If A then B+i if B+i then C+i

so we end up with an upward spiral of creative engineering along a tome

So Ben asked me to teach you this stuff in the movie paycheck and I am
just getting around to it now.

The climate for business was not right at that point and well there were
other things to do however, that is a simplified example of a time
vortex that follows a theme and that theme is holographic computing in
this book.

Now that theme could be a timeline. If, you knew all the worlds in the
3DV and all the characters movements and it was all scripted so that it
didn't change until you entered a character into it, you could pick a
timeline of adventure and go through the time vortex along a timeline
changing things as you went if it was interactive.

That will be a very long time before people know how to do that.

Gozer can do that by using her miiind.

But then you have to script it for her.

By scripting a theme.

So you might plan a route through the 3DV with your GPS but you might
need to buy tickets depending on where you were going.

If you want to actually travel back in time, then someone has to make
that world and that time and then you can go there with your Assistant.
So for a true to life experience, with real events, from history, like
dinosaur hunting, you will probably have to buy the DVD for that.

Oh dear. Now you have to spend 15 bucks to go dinosaur hunting.


Jul 3, 2010, 5:07:58 PM7/3/10

> If you want to actually travel back in time, then someone has to make
> that world and that time and then you can go there with your Assistant.
> So for a true to life experience, with real events, from history, like
> dinosaur hunting, you will probably have to buy the DVD for that.
> Oh dear. Now you have to spend 15 bucks to go dinosaur hunting.

Now what you do to create a dinosaur world that goes on forever is you
just have to keep adding sections of map from other sections in random
patterns and make your terrain first then use techniques for placing
flora and fauna on that terrain.

Like Ages of Empire you can create your own maps well the computer can
create those as well automatically. It can even do that in real time if
you want and change the map on the fly. Its cheating but its easier than
making a whole world.

Providing the objects, were 3D hologram objects like sculpted trees and
bushes and the like, its easy to make rules for where to put them based
on topography and since you have to know the height of the terrain above
sea level and the type of terrain if it is suitable for jungle growth,
then you can just put them using some randomization rules with
conditions for uniformity.

Then again, your dinosaurs can only walk on the surface of the terrain
and that is not a mystery where that is, because you are using voxels
and not polygons alone.

You have the y coordinate because every voxel has a coordinate address
in 3D space from a universal center.

Claymation would be perfect for some scenes, maybe for some people
hunting clay dinosaurs is more politically correct but for others, they
want to see real looking dinosaurs and have to stalk them and risk
attack. Not actual physical attack but scary attack scenes of
threatening T Rex etc.


Jul 3, 2010, 5:57:08 PM7/3/10
So then you want the sun to shine down so you do an iteration sweep and
the topmost voxel, the first ones you hit not counting the sky unless
they are clouds, as you descend in your iteration like so...

Let x be assigned 1 to 320 do
let y be assigned 1 to 320 do
let z be assigned 1 to 320 do

That's a horizontal sweep.

And so you exchange the y for the x and now you are descending from a
topmost plane providing you provide the proper offset from your
universal center and as you hit a topmost pixel you turn that voxel's
light switch on, (one of its many properties) and you set that value in
the y array to tell the iteration via boolean operator that y position,
in x has been found. The top of the ground, the top of a tree leaf, or
cloud has been found. Those voxels will be brighter have lighter colors.
Use Gaussian shading or any sort of algorithm if you want to set the
colors and once set you can cheat and not change the light angle if you
don't have the computing power to modify the light angle and intensity
like rendering in real time.

Scupting trees is easy for a big company like yours and people do it
with programs like 3D Coat

So if people had a cube, you could create worlds on the fly, and have
props liek sculpted trees and fit them to terrain by rules.

And rain down dirt to cover map deficiencies and to mask the repetition.

Flood areas with water by either raining it down or just making rivers,
lakes and oceans at the same seal level.

It would only take one big run on your product before you would be
hiring enough staff to make waterfalls for version 2.


Jul 3, 2010, 6:40:34 PM7/3/10

Keep in mind the holocube has no frame. You will see clouds in mid air.

And looking down see a sun lit world that for all intents and purposes
looks real, except the view won't be from overhead, it will be from the
bleachers, still it will look real and if you were a fanatic, you could
put it on a Greek pedestal in a large dish and have it look like some
kind of looking artifact with co2 mist surrounding it and poor planet
Krypton, in a bell jar.

With flying members of the Legions of Doom or the Legion of Superheroes.

I saw Stan Lee was out in Hollywood today or yesterday and he is like a
key word that can unlock the imagination since he was Stan the Man who
drew a lot of the most famous comic superheroes.

Imagine spiderman.


Jul 4, 2010, 5:33:00 AM7/4/10
Ok so is 320 x 320 x320 large enough?

Well originally graphic resolution was 320x240 that's the lowest vga
color graphic resolution and the monitors where 14 inch monitors maybe a
little smaller.

It depends on how fast you can process 320 cubed of voxel data.

So I am just using 320 as an example.

But have a look at this example where I take an image and I type some
text on it.
Its a large image but the text is one pixel thick.

So then if you look at that wallpaper you can see in the center I put
some text.

So since the text is only one pixel wide, what will happen if I make the
image half the size? Well every other pixel is lost but if we use a jpg
(jpeg) algorithm, it will still be able to reduce that text to half the
size even though we are really asking it to use half pixels.
Which don't exist.

So the jpg algorithm uses the colors beside those pixels to still depict
that text.

If you just remove every other pixel, the text will look like this...

Totally unreadable because when you removed half the pixels from the
image, you lost some of the information.

So now then what happens if we reduce the image by half again?

We are asking to make text with 1/4 pixels which do not exist.

But then if we reduce imagery, even video, we don't want to lose
information, we want to use the wonderful magical properties of light
and here you will see I have reduced that image in half again and you
can still see the text.
Although that is technically impossible and there is no font in the
world, that can make text that small.

Since a font requires at least one pixel wide to depict a letter.

So now then if we work in 640x640x640 and then we want to save processor
power because we need to, we can reduce everything in half for
processing 320x320x320 and if done properly no data is lost.

Then if someone has a larger more powerful computer, you can still use
320x320x320 but then double the size of the image. Just double the
number of pixels to make the image larger.

So then lets see what the text and image looks like if we take the
halved image and now double it...

Not as good as the original but considering it is now the same size as
the original but we have saved half the processing time for our program.

And now the tiny 1/4 sized image and double it...

So there are ways of reducing processor power if need be without making
the imagery really poor quality.

In any of those images, if a dinosaur was walking around in that scene,
you would not notice that the image was not clear hi resolution.


Jul 4, 2010, 6:29:20 AM7/4/10

Continuing here is the image reduced to one 8th that size.
We divided it in half, then quarter, now eighth.

So we are somehow making text using one eighth of a pixel which is

Lets take a look at what happens, when we work on the large size image
so that our artwork is decent, then shrink that in half and half again,
now we are at the quarter size. And that image is 288x216 very small on
my big monitor but also the pixels are not in a cube shape on my monitor
it is a wide-screen monitor and not square.
But for demonstration purposes, lets double that image so that it is...
576x432 and lets say really we wanted 640 x 640

That's still close enough for this demonstration.

So the original large image with the text is 1152x864

1152x864 we draw on the image that size

Then we shrunk it in half and half again, to 288x216 and we process the
iteration of of voxels based on that size imagery then we double it to
display it at 576x432 and then to recover some of the lost data we can
add a soften filter and you end with a better image.

You draw on the original, shrink it to a quarter, display it at a half,
and soften it then with a filter and the image looks like this...

And that process is scalable.

So that's not as good as having enough processing power but then it is
better than not being able to do it at all.


Jul 4, 2010, 7:06:12 AM7/4/10
640x640x640 is 262,144,000 voxels.

So when you do an iteration such as

for y:=1 to 640 do
for x:=1 to 640 do
for z:=1 to 640 do
getpixel(x-1,y,z) and putpixel(x,y,z)

you are moving the contents of the cube to the right one pixel. The map
is larger than the screen and you can include the data from off the left
of the screen and shift the whole thing to the right.

You scroll the contents of the cube so that your character walks in one
spot, walking on the spot center stage, while the scenery moves.

So in its most simplest form, not processing any data or creating any
scenery here on the fly, this requires 262,144,000 operations and you
need to do that at least 25 times (frames) per second. If more then better.

People use direct x provided by windows to access the hardware such as
the graphics card memory directly so that you don't have to ask Windows
to use a function to get the pixel because that would take 10 minutes to
iterate through that cube just once.
Because it is doing other things at the same time, and there are
functions built on top of each other so you have layers of commands
before you get to the graphics hardware.

Ideally a computer with 3D architecture, has a cube of ram, you throw it
to the screen a squillion times a second.

With Windows, you make polygons, and then the low level language turns
them into pixels and displays them. Since a polygon is still nothing
more than pixels which are the switches (bytes) in the ram memory.

But polygons require less processing by grouping pixels and applying
things to groups of pixels at a time.

When people have enough processing power to iterate through a cube, you
will not need to use polygons anymore. They make hollow objects and
objects are not really hollow.


Jul 4, 2010, 1:15:39 PM7/4/10
So at present with my 2.5GHZ Intel Core 2 Quad CPU (quad duo) that I
bought last Christmas (a normal pc) with an ATI Radeon graphics card
that is worth about 49 bucks so it is quite basic but standard, a little
better than on-board graphics, and it has 242 million switches.

600Mhz is its speed and I can iterate through a cube that is 320x320x320
in about one second.

So it would not be too difficult to get that up to 25 times per second.

In fact we can expect that if we get a better graphics card, and if
processing performance increases, next years pc could do 25 frames a
second, and if we make content for the cube, then for sure people will
get the hardware to do 25 frames per second to accommodate that demand.

Of course there are graphics computers made with different architecture
for film companies that can do much more than that. But they are beyond
the reach of normal people.

Still what they do is render to film, and then film can be shown no
matter what the image contains. So very little processing needed when
you are just projecting film.

But we want interactivity and that requires the ability to draw frames
in real time based on real time events.

But we are within reach at 320 cubed which is tiny.

However we can double that to 640 when it is displayed but we lose a bit
of quality.

We can assume however that performance will improve and the cube will be
able to produce holograms and 3D scenes that can fill a space about 16
inches square.

It will also be able to display hi res 3D camcorder video if you use
several cameras to film a scene at several angles simultaneously even if
you have a narrow field of view, such that you need to rotate the
platform of your cube, to get a good angle while sitting at your desk.

If you imagine a clear plastic cylinder with the back half black, and
the front half cut away, that would give you good contrast and make free
standing holograms look more real. A scene though might not look proper
with a black background I don't know it might darken the scene.
The sky for instance might not look right.

We will know when we get some hardware to work with.

Just as you can sweep downward and find the topmost pixel to shine light
on the ground, and know where the ground is in y, we can also sweep from
front to back and know where the face of the buildings and trees and
everything that you can see in an image is in z.

So if we take the front pixels that you can see, we don't need to even
iterate any pixels behind those you cannot see and that might save
processing time.

But if we have a pane of glass in our scene, then we will need to also
keep iterating to show what is behind any transparent surface.

So it takes some calculations to do these things which then requires
more processing power.

When you use perspective, then you are taking a very wide field of view
and squishing into a vanishing point.

30 meters square view at the front of the scene and in the background it
might cover 30 km of scene.

Now that seems like you would have to iterate through 30 km of voxels
but no, you just address the map, and skip and take only the voxels that
are spaced appropriately to create that perspective.
So you are still just going across x 320 times.

I have 3D coat now and Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator and I might take
a look at how difficult it might be to create some claymation in 3D.

Although my field is programming and not art.
Here is teh gallery from the 3D Coat website to show what sort of
graphics an artist might do for your interactive diorama in your holocube.


Jul 4, 2010, 1:47:44 PM7/4/10
If you have not seen a Spider-man movie then you can look at a trailer
but most people have and if you imagine a miniature spider man in your
diorama that looks quite real shooting webs and swing from sky scraper
to sky scraper that would look amazing. But you need to do some fake
camera work, by adjusting your angle in the scene, and the zoom of the
detail for closer shots of the action.

There is a little bit of a earning curve there but software is available
that can do that and if it is not suited for teh cube as yet, someone
will make that.

So that once you have the ability to make frames, someone will automate
the process of camera work.

In a computer game, since they are already creating 3D imagery, they
have a camera built in, and you can make film by combining various
effects in the game and camera angles.

So that's one way to get some footage but then its just 2D with faked 3D
until people get up to speed on 3D monitors and 3D film for them and for
the holocube.

But in terms of characters that you can use as your AI assistant, if you
are a fan of Spider-man, he might be your AI assistant.

But if you are planning on taking your AI assistant to a cyber club in
real life to show them to others, and have them entertain, you might
choose Elvis instead. Or some type of Elvis act applied to some sort of
creation, or Fat Elvis and Cool Elvis.

If you went to a cyber club at Vegas, you might see 1 Fat Elvis, 27 Cool
Elvis' and 15 crazy Britney's looking like she put her lipstick on by
holding it in her fist, in the vicinity of her mouth anyways, and one
High School Slut Britney.

But we will know when we get there.

There are lots of characters to choose from, and some will of course be
very popular, and hence sell a lot of copies and make some people very

But since the Overlord Process the entire program might cost 200 bucks,
the individual characters for it, might only cost 59 bucks.

So once you have the main program, then each kid in the family could
have their own without you having to mortgage the house.


Jul 4, 2010, 2:31:31 PM7/4/10
As an example of the scenery that you might get for your character, the
diorama that comes with the character, you might get something such as
from the Land that Time Forgot, from Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Here is an lost island continent, that has dinosaurs and various cave
men in different states of evolution and 3 books worth of interesting
ideas to portray.

Now if you reproduce Caprona, then you can expect to have to pay
royalties to the owners of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Estate or copyright

If you go back further you can find things that would be royalty free
such as the classic books of the past have no copyright issues and can
be reproduced if you wanted to.

You could however make an island and have it any way you want as long as
it is not the same as Caprona you cannot copyright ideas, only the
written works.

Keep in mind the Internet is impossible to police so people will just do
what they want in private, but if you want to sell a product then unlike
Microsft, you have to obey the laws or you will just end up turning your
work and profit over to some 3rd party after a lengthy expensive lawsuit.

So crazy Britney will have to get royalties and you would be best to
swing a deal prior, to avoid lawsuits later.

And that would be the same for any star or public figure.

Now some exceptions might be Richard Nixon or some caricature of some
political figures or some such often people do not want to make a scene
in a public court action because it might give them bad press when the
publicity from you making the caricature gives them good press and
increases their popularity.


Jul 4, 2010, 2:38:41 PM7/4/10

You see people will get a tattoo and not pay royalties.

Like this one of Alice Cooper...

But what you see by looking at the tattoos people get, they like weird
things a lot.


Jul 4, 2010, 3:01:24 PM7/4/10
Alwaaaaays be closing.

So you type in her skinned notepad [let your imagination go wild] and
you tell her to 'get' and 'do' and so she starts to throw things, and
she jumps in her car and drives a 100 mph with her face up close to the
windshield like a crazy person.

If the download doesn't complete, she stops the car in the middle of the
road, gets out, sits on the curb and starts to cry making her mascara
run. So now she is really getting into character, and you have a
configuration item here, mild, medium, and fighting with the cops.


Jul 4, 2010, 3:08:11 PM7/4/10

That would be a million seller.

Tom um would so love to go and get and do for you that he would be doing

In fact, at the end as you zoom away from the planet, that's not unlike
the view out of the Starship Enterprise.


Jul 4, 2010, 3:19:41 PM7/4/10
On 7/4/2010 20:01, rick_s wrote:

That would be a million seller and it could be all caricature animation,
and then you just have to pay royalties to Britney so she gets her
share, and you are rich.

So there might be more than one of those themes.

And the crazy crazy add-on pack.

Beyond that you have magic that companies such as Pixar and Disney can
put together in a DVD and sell for 15 bucks.

They might sell characters too for 59 bucks so if they are just skinning
the characters, then you need generic behavior sets for them to be able
to mass produce characters and have the behaviors they pick from the
list to create the personality of the character.

Since they are artists themselves and large companies, they would
probably write their own add-ons to the Overlord process and maybe even
sell cheap stamps to a fun world, for maybe the cost of a theater
ticket. And sell them on-line as a trip to some theme park in the wow or
3DV network.


Jul 4, 2010, 3:32:23 PM7/4/10
So what are some of the behaviors? Well in Bambi, you could say that
Bambi was kind, gentle, inquisitive, cautious, bright, awkward, playful etc.

And that is without watching the film while I am doing it and that is
something you can do.

Then you might make smileys that are applicable to all those qualities.

And attach facial expressions and body language and scenes which
articulate and showcase those traits.

Now if it is to be generic, then it might only give you sub-sets of
smileys or something like that.

So then the artist has to make those into short animated sequences in
character and probably needs a film set by then in a diorama as well to
choreograph the movement.

Scene changes such as the one mentioned using Gozer where the scene does
a cross fade while she gets up from her throne, but she does not 'fade
to' herself, she walks through the twilight zone stepping from one scene
to the next while the universe shifts from one scene to the next.

So you can make your own scene changes and there are lots of ways to do
that. Including the puff of smoke.


Jul 4, 2010, 3:52:18 PM7/4/10
Now if you want to be able to make behaviors that are abstract, so that
you can apply them without things looking repetitive, then you need to
have a behavior such 'throw things' for crazy Britney, and she would
throw anything she could lift in her immediately vicinity.

So then this is like animated game play now where you have ways of
picking things up and ways of throwing objects and the objects are not
part of the scenery but they fit into the scenery so that everything
looks somewhat realistic.

But then you are almost at the point of animating wire frame people to
be able to script movements to pick things up.

Depending on how much effort you put into it, that is how realistic it
will become and then you are imitating behaviors and applying them to
events and you have a realistic or exaggerated portrayal of a character.

If your scene always has the right sized object or if she always throws
her shoes only at different people, that is enough variety to not be
repetitious except now the people the extras would eventually become

So she could just throw her shoes either at you, out the 3D screen at
you, or off stage into the sky or anywhere and then they could just
magically reappear or if you were putting some thought into it to market
it {ABC} she might go shoe shopping agAIN! {ABC T.D.}


Jul 4, 2010, 4:07:38 PM7/4/10

So now your AI crazy Britney is in your Iphone and you are shopping and
well I really don't know how useful that might be at all really but
somehow that all makes sense anyways.

Because it sounds like fun.

I mean if you are going to the mall to hang out then for sure crazy
Britney will be there in your Iphone so you have something to talk about.

You could have her price check by comparing prices at Walmart or any
other store location and check on-line flyers that are in search-able
format such as pdf format.

She can calculate the sales tax and that sort of thing all by text
commands. You just text her.

She can scan fashion news and find out what the popular brands are and
show you some different designer styles and what the supermodels are
wearing and all of that and put them into some kind of slide show format
if you take the time as programmer to set that up using macros and
searches and image resizing and then image displays.

At some point people will have ways for one AI assistant to go and get
another and then in this case you might get a shoe salesgirl AI who is
kept up to date in that store or maybe a fashion editor who does a short
review of shoe styles.


Jul 4, 2010, 4:15:41 PM7/4/10

> At some point people will have ways for one AI assistant to go and get
> another and then in this case you might get a shoe salesgirl AI who is
> kept up to date in that store or maybe a fashion editor who does a short
> review of shoe styles.

I'm not talking here about getting someone if your crazy Britney won't
come out of the bathroom, well um maybe, but that sort of thing would be
a behavior, and it could be scripted and repetitious and still be ok.

Her dad would be the AI Leader who has custody of her affairs but that
may be insufficient to get her out of the bathroom. That could be a game
you get with the DVD {ABC} you have to try and get Britney out of the


Jul 4, 2010, 4:28:42 PM7/4/10
N.Y. Times

For the Heirs to Holmes, a Tangled Web
Published: January 18, 2010

For a 123-year-old detective, Sherlock Holmes is a surprisingly reliable

Though readers were not always informed of his compensation for, say,
uncovering the truth of the Red-Headed League or bringing the Hound of
the Baskervilles to heel, Holmes remains a valuable literary property.

You see a great character but someone still holds the rights.

So then you might still think that character is worth investing in, or
you might want to just make up your own character based on your own
ideas and maybe some day people will pay YOU royalties for the use of
your character.

How many other famous detectives are there? Lots.

So there is always room for more and mysteries on a train that you can
get from books and pay royalties for the use but the story is already
there, and was popular at one time and so then you see you increase your
chances of success.

Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys or Scooby Doo and what about Harry Potter?
If he is such a valuable commodity then a cute version a young Harry
Potter with black glasses and all the flying magical things would be
very well suited to this concept.


Jul 4, 2010, 4:52:48 PM7/4/10
I mentioned that Britney's dad might be an AI leader in the overlord
process if you had crazy Britney with the crazy crazy add-on pack, and
you might get a game as well where you have to try to get her to come
out of the bathroom.

But for Sherlock Holmes, its difficult to imagine what an AI leader
might look like for such an authoritative individual and his side kick,
might work for that if he was treating him for addiction and was playing
the doctor as AI leader. But then that means you have to have Watson
play two roles. One in the story and then one also as network AI leader
for your house.

You could go higher than doctor but even Scotland Yard, I am not syure
how much control they have over Sherlock Holmes.

So a lot of people will simply have some sort of librarian, or good
fairy, or some type of overseer that is geared to a character, either
with the DVD you buy with that character, or through some add-on pack.

I suppose the Overlord process should come with an AI leader and
depending on how it is marketed, it may or may not come with a
subordinate AI assistant. Those might be sold separately or one plain
one comes with it and you are encouraged to purchase a character that
suits your lifestyle or preference.

So that you needn't bundle the Overlord process which is the expensive
part, since it has a lot of programming in it to manage networking and
communication pathways between you and the AI and has to oversee the
activities and set priorities and load balancing of some sort and
institute filters and parental controls and management of issues.


Jul 4, 2010, 5:22:33 PM7/4/10
So we took a look at different chararcters you might use as your AI assistant
and what as a programmer you might be doing to make a marketable product.

And also considered attaching behaviors to scenes.

I don't know did John ever date Britney?


Jul 4, 2010, 6:26:06 PM7/4/10
Shirley Temple, Mr. Ed, I Love Lucy, My Favorite Martian, I dream of
Jeannie Bewitched, all suitable to be remastered and adapted to this
format. There is something magical about Black And White photography as
well that places the contents into another world.

And if you could interact with a character from the past who was in a
B&W film, that would be a magical experience.

Mystery would surround the interaction and a real sense of time and
being able to overcome borders but you would have to have a passion for
nostalgia, to choose that genre of AI assistance.

But Mr. Ed might suit a hobby farm family and the reproduction might be
colorized. Apparently there are screens that can turn a 2D movie like
that into 3D and that would be sufficient for a middle of the road price
range network family helper.

We needn't restrict the system to AI Leader and AI assistant we just
have to adapt the software to suit different needs and price ranges.

There have been 2 Wizard of Oz films and each might appeal to different
generations as with other series TV shows that had spin offs.

Mash lasted for years, and who knows why, but it did, and so it must
have tapped into something in the population which made it so long lived
a series.

But maybe Jerry Seinfeld would make a better AI than Alan Alda but I
guess each person would have to decide these things for themselves.
It would be possible if not certain, that these would all be in bargain
bins at some point as the ones which didn't tap into the current
cultural warmth, shall we say, as those went on sale.

Just like DVDs. Only for a different kind of TV, a different type of
web, a different type of interactive experience.

In the movie Pleasantville they go into the TV set and there is a black
and white world. The world changes to color and that in itself is a
magical effect that you could use that is easily done.

Also don't forget people have a passion for old cars.

They love the 50's great automobiles like the 56 Tbird

and memorabilia.


Jul 5, 2010, 3:34:16 AM7/5/10

You are your desk, widescreen 2D monitor in front, door-like clear glass
or similar holoscreen to the right and slightly raised for the Librarian
(of your choice) and to right on your desk, the platform of a 16 inch
square or round holocube. Perhaps it is a bisected vertical cylinder
with a black background for contrast.or perhaps you door holoscreen can
extend down to the desk, and turn on an angle towards you and the
holocube sits in front of it, so the door screen behind it can further
enhance the background scenery whenever you combine effects.

Then the holocube would also face you, and you would have no plastic
cylinder, no frame at all.

And so then you have a street light lit scene of the outside of a
drive-in burger joint and AIs are gathered there like Sims.

Well who knows how people will interact with their AI's and what they
will teach them. You see if a person is enhancing their AI with
javascript they will want to test out the new behaviors.

But you would have to give them enough animations or somehow automate
movements to free them from having to do what might seem to them as
impossible artwork to enhance the behaviors of their AI.

So you almost need a set of marionette controls. In fact you could have
those controls on your 2D desktop and then use the program to film that
movement using stop action filming and transitioning between frames to
add 2 or 3 frames between those frames to smooth out the animation.

So at this point to do that people will use 3D characters that have been
skinned to look like people and under that they are wire frame and so
they can be moved and posed and that technology is available already
with ad-on programs for the Sims, and using 3D Studio Max

The latter requiring some specialized skills.

But you only need a short charade to portray some character attribute
and that is what you are doing as you make scripts to enhance your AI is
you are portraying their character. The more skits you make to portray
their character the more real they become.
And you can just keep on working on them and improving them.

So they end up with collections of macros and short animations attached
to those macros. Some might be ruled based and be just part of their
normal behaviors while they are not involved in a 'get' or 'do'.


Jul 5, 2010, 3:59:28 AM7/5/10

So you have a memory so does your AI.

It's memory can be edited.

It has a knowledge-base for a memory and it will be as organized as you
can make it for fast retrieval. And it might be huge and divided into
categories and separate files. Even complex web pages.

When it does a search on the net and it clips matches, it saves them to
file and then adds those to its knowledge-base. It can keep an index of
your searches and have things ready. This whole area is a complicated
business and as smart as the programmer is, that is how smart your
assistant will be.

Since you are teaching it by getting it to search and store what it
finds. And so its up to you to teach it what you want it to know.

And to gather that information and make it available to your AI.

It is just a matter of giving it a list of topics that interest you and
letting it collect bits of information and put similar bits together in
different ways for display purposes.

When your AI searches for things it might use fuzzy logic and work on
percentages, that is what percent of a match is the result and refine
results to really do what it can to remove as much information that is
not applicable to its subject at hand.

You have to point it at the right location if you want particular data.
For instance Wikipedia has a standard format that makes it better to
zero in on topics of interest.

Every time you read a page you download it but you can still store facts
and data on your disk however Wikipedia does change constantly as people
edit pages so almost any information stored runs the risk of being out
of date.

Still if you were to just use Wikipedia then at some point they might
change their format leaving you with an AI that just had a frontal lobotomy.

And so you really need to look at giving it some intelligence and
knowledge locally.

Its brain consists of two parts, the left brain and the right brain, and
it has lower functions as well.

It 'gets' with its left brain and 'does' with its right brain, gets
feedback to its subconscious such as "there is a net connection" or
"someone is typing in my box" or "the clearscreen is available"

subconscious readiness commands that set flags and switches and Boolean
operators and the AI knows what is in the configuration file and is
adjusting its behavior according to those settings.

So the programmer will initially give the AI some knowledge and some
skills for retrieving and showing that knowledge and that will take the
form of good story-telling so that when you buy the DVD, your AI can
tell you about some great historical thing with scenes that portray this
and it expressing itself with hand gestures and explaining things in the
scenes etc.

And since the AI is really just showing you the results of its search
that it carried out for you, you might adjust your search words and have
it try again.

It might take snapshots of web pages and display them half sized on the
clearscreen and point at them and that sort of thing. The ability to
display standard searches has to come with the DVD. It has to be able to
showcase knowledge and search results.

That would be a part of its intelligence.


Jul 5, 2010, 4:28:07 AM7/5/10

Is the right and left brain thing complicated and confusing? Of course
science is confusing.
Is it _your left or theirs?
You see science always is confusing and so you have this dichotomy here
where when you are facing your AI to help YOU, you want 'get' and 'do'
feedback on your right and left facing them.
I am going to leave this bit of confusion because sometimes a bit of
confusion is a good thing for the industry. And we will just act like
everyone is supposed to know all about that and then get paid to fix
everything when they don't.

Hearken back to Gozer and was it the dog on the left that lept from its
perch to signify a get? Then that would be her right and your left.

Does it really matter? Well yes because in her programming and the
editable scripts people will want to know where to look for things and
left brain activities are ...
"There is some evidence[12] that the right hemisphere is more involved
in processing novel situations, while the left hemisphere is most
involved when routine or well rehearsed processing is called for."

So 'get' on the right, and 'do' or display on the left.

So you can remember these by 'do' on the left or 'display' on the left
or acting on the left because it is well rehearsed and on the right you
have activities that require thinking in real time.
A do statement is something that will hopefully have been done before,
is permitted to do, and tested. Your Don Quixote can 'get' or lift or go
on a quest with the "strength in his good right arm".

You see that is a standard colloquial phrase.

Gomer Pile (The original Forest Gump from TV) sings Impossible Dream


Jul 5, 2010, 4:47:22 AM7/5/10
Inside a lot of people is an opera singer just itching to come out and
so people will of course do the vocals for their AIs when the AIs are on
stage and this will be yet another opportunity for kareoke singers to
take over the world.

How popular are talent shows on TV? Extremely popular. It made Simon
Cowell a very wealthy man.
22 million dollars per season and similar in Britain at the same time
with 6.5 million pounds per year for 3 years and then some outrageous
deal with SONY for 5 hundred, million, dollars.

Well that must mean this whole talent business is a popular thing.

So here is Elvis' version of impossible dream and it seems impossible to
hit those high notes at the end but hey, he was the kang, the kang of
rock n roll so who cares.

You can probably hit those notes at the end.!v=N3T5WFG3zcA&feature=related


Jul 5, 2010, 5:42:17 AM7/5/10
Since Simon Cowell made a dead with SONY for 500 million for talent
contest stuff, that is a lot of money.

Here is 207 million so Simon will get two and half piles of money this

The multi-colored stuff on the floor would be enough for most people.

SONY expects to make profit on top of all that as well.

But then this is tried and true territory for them now. The past success
of the shows is sufficient for them to make such a deal.

In university circles they might have Stephen Hawking as their AI in
caricature or Pinky and the Brain, or Dr. Evil or characters who reflect
some degree of intelligence or mad scientist behaviors.

Its difficult to say who the girls in university would pick but you
could say a lot with a Gloria Steinem AI who rides a bicycle.

"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle".~Irina Dunn, 1970,
commonly misattributed to Gloria Steinem who had quoted Dunn.

But then who would know Dunn? They might recognize Gloria Steinem.

So who knows really what sort of characters you can find to tap into
that need for women to have good characters that say something that they
want to say about themselves or others.

"Math is hard" let me guess she is blond?

Betty or Veronica? Ginger or Marianne?

Japanese girls have lots and lots of characters to choose from from
Anime and Manga.

Some good assistants for girls would be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz,
maybe Wonderwoman, Greek Goddesses and Muses and Oracles and of course
there is not reason they cannot have a male assistant as well, like a
designer or decorator or half-wit football quarterback who was good
looking but not all that bright.


Jul 5, 2010, 5:45:00 AM7/5/10
On 7/5/2010 10:42, rick_s wrote:
> Since Simon Cowell made a dead with SONY for 500 million for talent
> contest stuff, that is a lot of money.

made a 'deal' typo alert... this is just a rough draft and so you can
expect typos omissions and errors.


Jul 5, 2010, 6:22:27 AM7/5/10
A young boy with a caricature head and round glasses and a calculator in
his hand that is caricatured as well so that it has exaggerated perspective.

A side-kick maybe, and there have been some famous side-kicks out there
to be sure.

Picture John Wayne, and Walter Brennan, there is an example of a
sidekick. Maybe a deputy.

So you might get the AI with a side-kick add-on or side-kick superpack.

Robin. Is a side-kick. He is Batman's side-kick.

And maybe some people just want the side-kick, or A side-kick for
themselves and don't need the John Wayne. They like to pretend they ARE
John Wayne.

Probably a Sensei would be a common AI Leader. Some, lol "that is enough
wax grasshopper"...well Bruce Lee as well a very common AI assistant and
that opens the door to the heroes including the heroes of legend.

Ali Baba, flying carpets, open sesame, cool monsters, this is the stuff
that dreams are made of.

Tarzan would be very cool as well.

Peter Pan and tinker Bell, perfect for the cube.

For the sophisticated, Hamlet, Romeo maybe, and The Scarlett Pimpernel,
and Don Juan, and Lady Chatterly, Dickin's himself, or Scrooge, or the
poets and philosophers.

Oh yes, the philosophers like Plato and Socrates and Laozi who wrote the
Toa Te Ching or Confucius.
And you can make them look however you want and mold their character
from the works of the character in history.

And pay $500 for that since it has more price in the price of it because
some people like to spend more for their AI than you can.


Jul 5, 2010, 6:39:33 AM7/5/10
So then why not these 'advisors' to the king and queen types in togas
with a cuneiform tablet for $5,000?

Well it better be prepared to kiss some serious ass for $5,000 and know
how to take verbal abuse with a bow. And it better have a set of stamps
for elite clubs like the Squillionaires club, the Press Club, probably
be a fellow of The Royal Society, and that's not impossible to consider
if it was always ready to take your pledge, for the Philharmonic, or
whatever sort of club activities are in your interest group. It could
help to manage a busy social life.

Teach it to write to your Twitter account. So you can have a day off.
(As if you want one.)
Definitely take it with you onto your yacht because it has so much
survival information built into it, that it is a walking encyclopedia on
everything from snake bite to terrorist threats.

And you can just shut it off without having to throw a cell phone at it.
Even with a small remote in your purse. So you could throw the remote at
it, if you wanted to.

So for sure there would be a market for that type of AI and it would be
for a specialized market.


Jul 5, 2010, 7:00:25 AM7/5/10
Now an AI that bows is not an odd thing for people who have servants.
It might seem snobbish to some but keep in mind right there are examples
of people living with assistants.

And after years and years of doing this they developed standards and
manners and etiquette and procedures for announcing guests and all the
rest. So that they could be at ease in each other's company.

With an AI the relationship is different but may end up being similar
enough to model behaviors based on the butler model.

Lots of people have considered robot butlers as well for some time.

Automatons is another example.

There is an indie movie by that name you can watch on-line.
A dystopian robot world and a girl and a scientist as AI but not
interactive just video reels from the past.

And then of course you have Terminator, and Star Wars and you are back
to the 15 dollar DVD with Jar Jar Binks ohhhhh poor Jarjar. He fell into
the bargain bin.

So you see that you can spend a lot of time considering personality
traits and attributes that are vague and not well defined or zero in on
a character and then examine the behavioral traits and characteristics
of the character and simply model those, and exaggerate those
characteristics a bit so that the character is well defined.

If Donald Trump was your AI Leader, expect your AI to get fired


Jul 5, 2010, 7:18:25 AM7/5/10
You might think that it is going to be difficult for you as an
independent to go up against Disney but then indie films always have a
market as well so why not your indie AI scenes? Why couldn't they become
classic too for their originality?

Why couldn't you be the next Fellini? Hitchcock? Andy Warhol?

Winner of a prize at the fringe festival for your originality.

When something becomes a fad, things always pop up and people get press
and they can do well with that fame or, as Andy said, it might only last
15 minutes.

Well after you watch a musical or Broadway play in a cube you would
probably agree that they are here to stay.

You would not think that symphony music is all that popular but here in
my city they give a free concert in the summer and this is what it looks

and to be able to ask your assistant to download a live symphony would
be very enjoyable for many people.

And to be able to do the same at Christmas to download warm Christmas
scenes and just have them cycling through, fading to other festive
Christmas scenes, happy smiling people holding hands...

You see you can also sell content for the cube that is a performance.
Or stream it into the cube as 3D film, or have teh assistants download
it, or be member of some provider service which deliver content to your

And of course as stated previously surf the network for other worlds.
Keeping in mind that people might advertise in those.


Jul 5, 2010, 7:46:06 AM7/5/10
You have to be conscious of the fact that people can be programmed and
also that young people are impressionable.

Society was concerned for young boys playing computer games and it was
blamed for some shooting even from what I recall.

So you want to avoid having an AI character who wants to call everyone
else Muggles, and builds up this secret confidence between you and it
versus the world.

Psychologists would be called in as expert witness after the fact and
law suits would put you out of business and maybe worse into prison so
you have to be serious about how you approach this and what you do.

But if you opened a door to a magical world and it was a positive fun
world you can't go too far wrong with that.

If you keep the bad guys inside the set and have ways of defeating them
then that is kept in that world and it doesn't spill out into everyday life.

For instance you open a cupboard or closet door and there is Narnia.

Having read the Chronicles of Narnia as a boy it filled me with wonder.

Now people can watch it on the big screen, soon you will be able to peek
into that world and have a lion for your AI assistant.

And for sure Pippi Longstocking but keep in mind that anyone who
imitated her would break their neck and so this might not pass in
today's world since it might be seen as inciting kids to get into
mischief or dangerous situations.

The world has changed since that series was made in Sweden, but it is
one of the most popular themes for children in the world.

And young people would love to have a friend AI like that who can lead
them into adventures in their cube in some interactive world of small
European towns with clowns and circuses and flying machines etc.

Dungeons and Dragons and fantasy games and scenes you have to be careful
with because young people can get so addicted and immersed into these
pretend worlds that it harms them socially.

A good AI Leader would be needed with any of these fantasy games in that

Some people are fantasy prone and easily fall into these worlds head
long and become a character themselves and lose the distinction between
that world and this. But then there wouldn't be enough of them to be
concerned about it and they might do that anyway with any fantasy based
computer game.

The idea of the AIs not being just there in that cube but portable and
socializing in other places with other AIs helps to bring people out of
their dungeons and into the sunlight.
You can summon your AI anywhere because they are mute. They are mute
unless they are performing. And if they are performing, then that is the
same as listening to music and you have to be conscious of the volume
and all that whenever you listen to music so wherever you go, they can
go and not disturb other people there and so that includes the computers
in the library.


Jul 5, 2010, 8:18:37 AM7/5/10
Caricature exaggerates characteristics so they are funny comical or amusing.
The Crazy Britney example is a good example because regardless of how
well she does her get and do, she is still entertaining.

For content producers, the report recommends that the UK finally get its
own copyright exception "for the purpose of caricature, parody or
pastiche" by 2008. Currently, no such exception exists, but the report
suggests that this will make it easier for artists such as Weird Al
(yes, he's really mentioned, and right next to Tom Stoppard) to thrive.

The report also suggests more enforcement powers for the government to
combat infringement, along with stiffer sentences. Recommendation 36
suggests that penalties for online and physical copyright infringement
be made equal, which means that online infringement could carry a
maximum 10-year sentence. The police would also pay more attention to IP
crimes, and the cost of litigation should be brought down so that
companies can more easily pursue infringement claims.
:end quotation

So while equipment sellers/software companies/entertainment providers
like SONY hammer out the details with their rivals it might be best to
gamble a little on caricature but really strive for originality and own
your own intellectual property rights.

If there can be an exception for caricature, then that would pave the
way for rapid development.

More professional quality productions would follow and those would be
subject to royalties maybe for various franchise reasons.


Jul 5, 2010, 9:05:40 AM7/5/10
What if you wanted to not gamble right away on infringing copyright laws
by using someone else's character without written consent, but instead
you made your own characters and just gave them personality traits that
might be similar but would carry the caveat "any resemblance to person
or persons known or unknown is strictly coincidental"

They used to put that at the start or end of films.

So you have a rich kid and he wears a bow tie? So what? Is that grounds
enough for a law suit? He has piles of money in his vault, and he is
short, but what if he is not blond, has freckles, and large round glasses?

If you ever actually had to remove a character for copyright
infringement you can just change his skin.

And if parody is acceptable then you might have an AI assistant that can
morph into other people and play act and parody them and satirize them
and that wouldn't be copyright infringement until you started making
lots of money with it.

Then all of a sudden everyone wants their share.

But lets suppose you created a cowboy. Well it could act like cowboys
act and since it is mute, if it just looks original in some way then it
is an original work.

Whenever it is in a theme, it is playacting. Sue it for playacting if
you wish but when you the programmers/artists sold the DVD it did not
contain that theme, that theme was scripted by some other artist for fun
and attention and downloaded later by your assistant from a theme park
or theme creation group.

So your AI is a cowboy or maybe he is generic surfer boy/guy/dude.

Or generic motocross dude. Or generic Nerd. Generic football player.
Generic politician.

Generic General.

Generic platoon sergeant.

Generic secretary.

Generic genie? Is that something that you might find conflicts with
copyrights if you had a blond genie in a bottle?
Or would you have to also have astronauts?

Can there be only one witch who wiggles her nose to accomplish tasks?
So it would seem. But any witch can have a broomstick.
Any witch can have a wand.

Generic teacher, including funny granny teacher AI Leaders.

Android AIs that look similar to the Borg but are you going to have to
check every episode of Star Trek and affiliates and all genre to see if
your character is infringing?

No you can't possibly do that so you have to just create and if it
infringes and someone tells you that, then you need to discontinue that
skin or modify it to suit.
With an update through the net.

So your cowboy wears hit hat over his eyes and smokes a cigar out of the
corner of his mouth and maybe Clint won't even care.

Maybe that is just what cowboys do.

If a girl wears a dress and has ribbons in her hair and robs a train,
does that mean she is Cat Ballou?

Or would you not need Kid Shaleene as well before you were infringing?

How many WWII movies look exactly alike?

So I think that since there are so many gray areas and really copyright
only applies to works the actual copies themselves and trying to somehow
use Hollywood to extend that to cover the ideas of the story, and the
characters within it and to create franchises out of these people and
characters, well that's nice in Hollywood and the entertainment industry
but it doesn't seem to be applicable on the Internet.

So the solution of course is for people who want rights to this new
medium they need to make content themselves for it.
That is companies should hire them to create content based on them as
actors or whatever.

Rather than sit back and expect royalties from the work of other people
unless it is the same story and same characters in that story which is
protected by copyright.

Otherwise you are stifling creativity.

Don Quixote had numerous other authors who added stories.

Sherlock Holmes surely has had other people write stories for him.

These are tough issues and the courts are still struggling with these

So if you wanted a detective from Scotland Yard maybe you should change
the location and change the names to protect the innocent as they say.

And to save you the trouble of having to change your character.


Jul 5, 2010, 9:22:29 AM7/5/10
Probably a company like this...
could easily create content.

So thennnn what about some of the content from shows like South Park and
all of that swearing and all of that? Will AI assistants need to come
with a rating? I am sure they will as soon as they become available in
DVD form. For sure you will need to use the film industry rating system
with maybe even warnings for course language and suggestive scenes and
whatever TV terminology they use these days for adult TV broadcasts on
public television etc.

I am referring to South Park Episode Uncle Fucker as an example.

Not suitable for all audiences...


Jul 5, 2010, 9:57:45 AM7/5/10
In lieu of common sense other people must make rules I suppose.

And things will need to be rated PG or Family or whatever and then does
that mean it needs to be approved? I don't know what sort of issues you
might face in some jurisdictions.

But then if you want to sell your product in Walmart, then it needs to
look like the other products on the shelves there.

If you sell your product privately on the net from your own website then
maybe you don't need to be as formal, but your website would probably
showcase the content and people can judge for themselves if it suitable.

If your character is a biker, or South Park character, you can probably
assume that it swears but these AI characters are mute unless they are
in a theme, so if they swear at you they will need to show you a sign.

Somehow though it seems to me that people do not want their AIs telling
them where to go. Maybe swearing at their own misfortunes, misery loves
company that way.

So then why would caricature not be classified as social commentary? Why
would caricature be considered copyright infringement when the public
has the right to parody and satire?

Well if you go beyond parody and satire into defamation of character,
then you will be facing law suits again.

So if your social commentary was Crazy Britney, would it not be prudent
to change the name and avoid defamation of character lawsuit?

If the name Crazy Britney is important to your sales strategy, then she
should be entitled to royalties for the use of her image.

If you are just commenting on her behavior then shouldn't that be within
a skit? A theme?

So you could have a neurotic person who does the same things, but looks
different and has a different name. You would want to avoid too close a
repertoire of events and craziness and there is a price to pay for not
simply going with Crazy Britney and making a deal, and that is recognition.

People seeing the Crazy Britney box would have a pretty good idea what
to expect inside having observed her behaviors on the news.

Your neurotic AI helper might be a hit once it catches on, but it
doesn't have that extra punch that the original does.

But there are different markets for different types of buyers and
sellers and people make their own comic books and fanzines and all of
that to trade with others.

So what you find on the shelves in Walmart will be from reputable big
name companies who stand behind their products, with deals in place for
royalties and it will be big name stars and popular cultural icons like
Sherlock Holmes, and Peter Pan, and familiar characters since that is
the safe way for society to do it.

And mass production makes it affordable.

It will also be somewhat standardized once some standards are
established, but who knows what sort of standards there will be but
maybe like the HTML standard, or XML standard, or language conventions
and possibly these sorts of programming or scripting conventions.


Jul 5, 2010, 10:24:42 AM7/5/10

The software to move characters in use by Pixar must be quite advanced.

This is a growing field and really if had some good software that could
animate characters you could be in business as soon as the cube comes out.

How much fun would that be to create your own characters and anmimate
their behaviors and then script those to tasks?

In a world of your own creation based on your own imaginings.

Nice way to make a living of it could support you and the public is
hungry for content.

Here you see a goldmine of potential content with the introduction of
some new hardware like a holocube stage.

Keep in mind also that your AI character and scenery can be like an
aquarium in the way that it is just there and doing things.
Well fish swim around and they are attractive to watch but then so might
scenes form Norman Rockwell world where people ride those big rear
wheeled bicycles and hey they are in there and they are living in there!
For all intents and purposes.

And you are just an observer, watching a different world through your
magic portal.

And you have a magic phone to call someone in there right across time
and space. And not just the past but the future.

As if you sent a probe and it landed on another planet and it could fly
and observe the inhabitants of that planet. But a lot of work has to go
into scenes like that however big companies have worlds full of people
already in 3D computer animated cities etc. just like that.

For Hollywood special effects.

3D Studio Max is within the reach of most people, but it requires
knowledge and skill and time to create with it.

Done properly it can compete with Hollywood special effects.

But ordinary people don't have a budget and are not rich enough to be
able to work and not get paid until later.

A clever trick is an assistant who has no world of his own at all, he
just shows other people's videos from beside them by pointing at them
and uses props and simple disappearing acts and tricks to make himself
look like Gazoo for instance who may have a home but you never see it.

A genie, a fairy, an elf, a gnome, a wizard a magician, fairy godmother,
Good Witch of the North, and they just stand there and disappear and
come when called.
Otherwise the content is going on in the clearscreen behind them.

Don Stockbauer

Jul 5, 2010, 6:29:11 PM7/5/10

Go for the gold, rick_s. Go for the gold.


Jul 5, 2010, 10:52:05 AM7/5/10
So will the cube have a built in TV tuner?

Some might like that.

To others it might just be a monitor. If all the content is coming out
of Hollywood then wouldn't it be a good thing to also have plays and
shows like entertainment shows and sports and all of that as well?

In the basement that would be appropriate but maybe not as appropriate
at your desk.

Or in the Library, or in the cyber cafe or in a club in Vegas.

And any content for the holocube could probably be shown on the 3D TV
screen with better viewing angles and since the holocube is small and
beside your monitor, and interactive, any broadcasting might be just an
added bonus for the home user.

But certainly we shouldn't rule out streaming content that can come in
in excellent quality. I mean hi resolution full screen digital 3D coming
through the cable wire to your house but you can't download that as well
and get it that high quality?

Why is that?

Does that have something to do with them not wanting you to do that?

Is that legal?

Oh oh, a can of worms, why can't everyone stream hi res video if cable
companies are using the same wire and sending hi res content?

Doesn't the net have that capability? Maybe not past their receiving

Maybe between you and them you can get hi res but the fibre optic
backbone of the Internet can only send data at the speed of light.

Hmmm.... does that mean technology exists that can replace the cable
companies then and give the consumer hi res feeds?

If all they had to do was create a broadcast network for streaming
content from a fibre optic T1 or something.

Is that why they are trying to make broadcasting using antennas obsolete?

It seems to me that in here is an opportunity for someone to become a
billionaire if they just find a way to broadcast streaming hi res
content and bypass the cable monopolies.

Since its a digital signal maybe a simple satellite microwave signal to
a cell phone can send digital data. It might not have to be a strong
signal, just a very complex one to send a lot of data on a narrow bandwidth.

It seems to me if the cable companies can send you hi resolution digital
movies then you can get them streamed off the net as well.


Jul 5, 2010, 11:36:05 AM7/5/10
Giving the user choices is always a good way to find out what works.

The industry has seen a lot of attempts to get TV's into computers fail.
Big ventures. And with systems that worked as well as cable TV.

Web TV with Windows 98 and also a signal through the Internet that
somehow was going to carry worldwide programming. A kind of cable
company within a cable company except cable companies are not the only
Internet providers.

At any rate sending information that is a broadcast such as streaming
live content, would probably work if it was film since the cube is not

Combining that with a foreground image of your hologram AI assistant may
not be practical. And if you really want to have teh full experience,
then it should have its own world and broadcasts should be sent to the
clearscreen. If you want to watch TV. And also some people might have a
3D TV in its place that doubles as a monitor.
In lieu of a door shaped clearscreen 3D holoscreen.

So my suggestion would be, that f you peeked through the bushes and saw
the Shire, and saw hobbits walking about, you should treat this as an
interactive aquarium, and consider it part of your AI's character since
in order to communicate non verbally with you, it will need props.

Gazoo spoke to Fred. Your's is not allowed to speak to you since that
capability is not available yet and won't be for maybe 30 years.

So to speak to you and interact with you Bilbo Baggins TM lol would play
act in the Shire and if necessary venture to Mordor to make a point or
tell a story. But at this point you would expect full production quality
like the movie.

Strategy games come with 3D maps, and characters that have behaviors,
and themes as well as introduction videos and interplay videos, and
interactive game play.

They also provide tools for you to create and decorate your own world,
then enter into that world with animated characters going about their
business and you leading legions in to do battle and switching
characters on the fly, being whoever you choose to be, from the
characters on your team, or from your country.

Everything needed in that box for the map scenes buildings and
interactions minus the AI assistant personality.

And those types games are not uncommon so creating content might be as
simple as having a game that you can use to make content with.

Something that did not have copyright associated problems with but which
allowed you to create maps, and animate characters.
And skin the characters as well as add behaviors.
Using the Sims you can create behaviors by making animated sequences.

So the technology to make your own content is already there in various
other forms.


Jul 5, 2010, 11:52:42 AM7/5/10

Maybe it will end up for some people looking like this...

The history of man as the history of warfare.

Interactive time travel experience with animated characters and
strategic game play.

It will be better when the characters are holographic and it needn't be
all about warfare.

Although some people like that.


Jul 5, 2010, 12:06:54 PM7/5/10
So here is a clip from the 3D game Leisure suit Larry which is geared
for tards according to it.


Jul 5, 2010, 12:27:05 PM7/5/10

So that is a game which is interactive but has its own film set.

And characters, one of which you move.

Now you could adapt that set to film a great James Bond sequence if you
changed the characters, changed the music, added some cool effects.

In fact all you need is a stage like that and some characters to make
some content. And talent.

And then if you place an AI in that world then it might behave
similarly, but you notice that his one it talks to itself.

If it is acting in a scene, then t can say whatever it wants.

If it was talking to you though, then it would be breaking the 4th wall.

So this might seem strange, but the character could turn to you, put its
finger up to its lips, to be quiet, and then play act to tell you or
show you something when it breaks the 4th wall.

So that as a for instance no other people in this staged world know of
your existence.

In order to satisfy the condition that your AI can speak out loud in
conversation with you.

The idea being to try to create an environment where the questions you
ask are answerable and the questions you might ask, restricted
seamlessly to those which can be answered.

Since what you can say to your AI is a get or do statement.

If you ask an AI a question, you are asking it to get some information.

If you ask the AI to tell you something, you are asking the AI to show
you some information.

And since you are acquainted with your AI, you might know what topics it
knows something about, just like a friend of yours at school, he
probably knows what you know from school, but he may have a hobby and
you know what he might know. And you also can assume he doesn't know
calculus, if you haven't taken it in school.

So you wouldn't normally ask him a question about calculus.
You would ask him what he was doing. What he saw on TV. If he saw the
same show as you.
You ask people questions knowing usually if they know the answer or not.

Since those things are part of normal social recconing.

So if your AI lives in a world, he probably knows about it, you might
not expect him to know about your world.

Which would be good if you realized that because then what you talked
about would be things your AI knows about.

Now keep in mind he could learn.

He could learn how to play scripted movements if the set was there and
all he needed to do was download some movement commands.

In the same way a character could cook or instruct with the right
background and props.


Jul 5, 2010, 12:47:23 PM7/5/10
So suppose you have this set to work with, and characters to interact
with and people adding their characters through the net and seeing teh
same scene as you, and people talking to each other through this film
set and characters as well as just letting their characters wander
around on their own interacting and socializing according to simple rules.

Rules of behavior when people meet, things they say to each other, how
they each want to tell the other some story, how one ends up being the
talker and the other a good listener that sort of thing.

If its a boy meets girl and Larry asks her a question, and she just
starts talking on a totally different subject, that's still completely
normal because girls do that all the time to avoid answering a question.

So they could both be saying what is on their own minds, and that is
normal interaction between AI assistants.

As long as they give each other a turn to talk.

And of course you could make it more interesting by adding some mystery
or intriguing characters.

But if you want to be able to bring your own AI into this set, then the
AI characters have to be separate animated characters not part of the
set, and those you send via the net, but you both users have the set
already so you are just sending little bits of information back and forth.

You send the animated sequences of your character and then after that it
is just coordinates for moving and sending map orientation back so that
both users connected through the network, see the same stage at the same
angle and see both characters, your and theirs.

Now you could instruct your AI to go over to a person and introduce

This might be just one set of many that are on a subway route and you
get off and there it is, some people might be wandering around checking
things out, and there might be activities to do there.

Maybe fun or dangerous things like running for your life from rabid dogs
or going into a museum or theater.

You walk into a theater, and maybe you can watch a show.

Run a theater and when someone walks in, it streams them content.


Jul 5, 2010, 1:01:05 PM7/5/10
So then all you really need is a program like Leisure Suit Larry that
has a set and the ability to animate characters.

Hopefully you can edit the set. And you could connect people up using
the net and move your character and see other characters like the
Furcadia website only looking more like Leisure Suit Larry where the
city looks somewhat realistic.

Now if someone had Sm city and had it rigged for use like this maybe
people will be able to adapt what they have to join up into a network
of 3D sets spaces, cities, worlds, and then hop from one to the next.
But each requires a copy of the map to be sent.

Streaming video from youtube is not the same as being able to interact
in that domain with your character. You need the CD or DVD prior to have
that set already and the program to interact in.

Now a new kind of browser could standardize movements in all worlds, and
all worlds on this network could use the same controls so that it is a
consistent network usable by the same characters across different
stages, sets, worlds and 3D maps.

That's a lot to ask right now but there might be some compatibility
already in the 3D gaming world.

So the creation of the wow or 3DV network is just waiting for a program
like Leisure Suit Larry that allows users to create a stop on a subway

The program should be able to generate a map, based on rules once you
download the program, so you might not need to download the set, the
program you have on your disk, might be able to render it faster and
then just connect you together with the destination server like a web site.


Jul 5, 2010, 1:27:37 PM7/5/10
I will keep this simple example there since it was meant for us probably.

So you decide to move into an apartment in there and you are allowed to
decorate inside the way you like it and when someone comes to the door,
well they have to have a stamp first unless you want unsolicited people
visiting you (not a good idea since they spam you usually) but if you
give people invitations, that means you give them a stamp, they can find
your apartment because it has GPS information on it, and then when they
get there they ring the bell and download your room and your objects and
the movement set for things to do inside.

Locally your program stores that data in your program folders in the
same way your web browser saves web pages.

The room uses javascript, your characters can read some javascript,
providing the room tells the characters what they do. It sounds
technical but it is not since you are just using javascript to set
triggers that activate animation scenes some of which are things that go
on in your apartment.

Lest go ahead in time a year and people are using this system and they
are getting creative and you walk into an apartment but take a door to
another world through that apartment. Someone invents a beaming device
and connects that subway system to another subway system or train
station or space station where you can voyage to another world or
spacehsip or space station or go back in time or forward in time.

So it needs users before it can build into something big.

But to begin with, your AI having its own apartment and your friend from
school, theirs could live next door.

Together you could run a shop down the street and sell real stuff.

All it takes to sell stuff is connect buyers with sellers.

So now your AI lives there, and can go to the show, maybe go to a museum
through that network, it could go to a cyber cafe or club and the club
might have an address in there and also have a real address in the real
world. And have web cams so you can watch the real club and see
holograms on the 3 foot shelf around the club and who knows what else
people would dream up.

All it would take is for compatibility with AI assistants, or to be AI
assistant capable. And someone will set that standard when they make the
first Overlord process.

Or modify a game like Leisure Suit Larry to become one theme park, that
people can live in and enjoy.

Another might be camping in Jurassic Park. In the trees.

Or living on the side of the cliff with the people from Stargate the movie.

Or Living in Pandora, where the Avatars live.

And joining these places up using simple gaming conventions and simple
compatibility standards. Common commands for movement and data streaming
of map orientation.

So you might need to buy a CD or DVD to be able to venture to other worlds.
But then they might connect up.

Lots of fun, lots of money floating around as people find fun things to
do and fun places to visit.

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