Cliff Swallows and Broad-tail Hummer in Boulder County

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Kat Bradley-Bennett

Apr 29, 2013, 6:40:52 PM4/29/13
Cliff Swallows have returned to their nesting area just south and west of Blue Mountain Elementary School in west Longmont. The birds were majorly disturbed last year just as the young had fledged when the city decided to destroy 5 cattail areas, including both sides of the bridge where the birds were nesting. I am happy to see them return! A couple of scouts arrived five days ago, but the colony showed up in force yesterday (4/28). It's the Return of the Jedi!

One Broad-tail Hummingbird showed up in my yard just west of the elementary school yesterday. I've put out one nectar feeder, but haven't seen any activity yet.

Kat Bradley-Bennett
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