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Feb 27, 2013, 11:42:47 AM2/27/13
to cob...@googlegroups.com
There's a crab apple tree around the corner that's held it's apples all winter.  I've been watching it wondering if a flock of waxwings might find it.  The other day I saw some birds on the tree and sure enough it was a flock of cedar waxwings.  I ran back home to get my photo gear and got some shots.  You can see them here on my blog - http://birdsbybill.blogspot.com/

Haven't seen them since they about stripped the tree in two days.  Tree is on the south side of the pond as you enter the Lake Arbor neighborhood in Arvada. 

William Bond
Arvada, CO.

Peter Ruprecht

Feb 28, 2013, 9:59:43 AM2/28/13
to cob...@googlegroups.com

This morning about 7:20 I got a quick (5s, from about 75-100m with naked eyes) look at a very large gray falcon flying near US 36 along the E side of Davidson Mesa (Louisville.)  It gave the impression of being very bulky, barrel-chested, and broad-winged.  Its flapping motion was stiff, shallow, and seemed heavy-winged compared to a prairie or peregrine falcon.  I got no view of the underwing or head, unfortunately.

I'm quite familiar with PRFAs and PEFAs and this bird just didn't have the same look.  But based on just a quick and fairly unsatisfying view, I am not confident about reporting that there's a gyrfalcon in Boulder County.  Still, anyone who happens to be in the area might keep an eye out for the possibility.

Peter Ruprecht
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