Custom operator not found, despite adding it to a plugin in the plugins folder

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Conrad Lee

Jun 19, 2018, 9:36:10 AM6/19/18
to cloud-composer-discuss
I'm having a hard time getting a custom operator to work.  The main issue is that the cloud composer plugins documentation doesn't include a working example.

I've attached the file in which I define my custom operator (which is a sensor) and add it to a plugin.  I then upload this to the plugins folder in my google cloud storage bucket using the command 

gcloud beta composer environments storage plugins import --environment dw --location us-central1

I import the operator in my dag using

from airflow.operators import BigQuerySensor

However, in the Airflow webserver UI I see that my DAG doesn't load, and I see an error which says:

Broken DAG: [/home/airflow/gcs/dags/] cannot import name BigQuerySensor 

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?  Is there something special I need to do to get airflow to pick up on the plugin?

Vikram Oberoi

Jun 19, 2018, 12:56:05 PM6/19/18
If your goal is import a custom operator into your own DAG, here's another way for you to do it (and how I discovered to do this yesterday):!topic/cloud-composer-discuss/wTI7Pbwc6ZY.

A general question for folks working on Airflow/Composer: if I want to import custom operators/sensors/hooks into my DAGs, why would I make a plugin for it vs. package the code alongside my DAGs?


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Conrad Lee

Jun 22, 2018, 3:22:47 AM6/22/18
to Vikram Oberoi,
I've found a solution that works using the plugins folder and command.  I defined a custom airflow operator MyCustomOperator in a normal python file called, but did not create a AirflowPlugin class or anything like that.  I then uploaded this file to the plugins folder with the command

gcloud beta composer environments storage plugins import --environment dw --location us-central1

In my dag I can now import the operator as follows: from my_custom_operator import MyCustomOperator.

On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 6:55 PM, Vikram Oberoi <> wrote:
If your goal is import a custom operator into your own DAG, here's another way for you to do it (and how I discovered to do this yesterday):!topic/cloud-composer-discuss/wTI7Pbwc6ZY.

A general question for folks working on Airflow/Composer: if I want to import custom operators/sensors/hooks into my DAGs, why would I make a plugin for it vs. package the code alongside my DAGs?

On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 6:36 AM Conrad Lee <> wrote:
I'm having a hard time getting a custom operator to work.  The main issue is that the cloud composer plugins documentation doesn't include a working example.

I've attached the file in which I define my custom operator (which is a sensor) and add it to a plugin.  I then upload this to the plugins folder in my google cloud storage bucket using the command 

gcloud beta composer environments storage plugins import --environment dw --location us-central1

I import the operator in my dag using

from airflow.operators import BigQuerySensor

However, in the Airflow webserver UI I see that my DAG doesn't load, and I see an error which says:

Broken DAG: [/home/airflow/gcs/dags/] cannot import name BigQuerySensor 

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?  Is there something special I need to do to get airflow to pick up on the plugin? 

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Jun 22, 2018, 8:58:47 AM6/22/18
to cloud-composer-discuss
you should do

from airflow.operators.parsely_plugin import BigQuerySensor

and it should work.

you may also have to define the plugin like:

class ParselyPlugin(AirflowPlugin):
    name = "parsely_plugin"
    operators = [BigQuerySensor]
    # A list of class(es) derived from BaseHook
    hooks = []
    # A list of class(es) derived from BaseExecutor
    executors = []
    # A list of references to inject into the macros namespace
    macros = []
    # A list of objects created from a class derived
    # from flask_admin.BaseView
    admin_views = []
    # A list of Blueprint object created from flask.Blueprint
    flask_blueprints = []
    # A list of menu links (flask_admin.base.MenuLink)
    menu_links = []


Jun 22, 2018, 9:01:49 AM6/22/18
to cloud-composer-discuss
also note you'll still get:

Broken DAG: [/home/airflow/gcs/dags/] cannot import name BigQuerySensor

if there is a syntax error in your plugin or not all the imports are there so it may be that it is actually finding the plugin but the import fails.
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