ANN: ClojureScript 1.9.76

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David Nolen

Jun 17, 2016, 4:33:10 PM6/17/16
to clojure,
ClojureScript, the Clojure compiler that emits JavaScript source code.

Leiningen dependency information:

    [org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.76"]

This release brings cljs.spec to parity with Clojure 1.9.0-alpha7. It
addresses an issue with Transit analysis caching, includes fixes for
cljs.spec support under bootstrapped, bumps the Closure library
dependency, and includes other minor fixes and enhancements.

As always feedback welcome!

## 1.9.76

### Enhancements
* CLJS-1648: Getting Source Info into ex-info data for Analysis Errors
* cljs.spec updated to Clojure 1.9.0-alpha7 changes

### Changes
* bump Google Closure Library dep
* AOT cljs.spec nses

### Fixes
* CLJS-1679: Self-host: Incorporate spec tests
* CLJS-1680: Self-host: Don't require items no longer provided by Closure
* CLJS-1654: cljs.spec: var name in s/fdef non-conformance
* CLJS-1655: cljs.spec: conformer docstring indicates :clojure.spec/invalid
* CLJS-1656: Self-host: cljs.spec: speced-vars* fn not resolving
* CLJS-1661: cljs.spec: non-spec'ed fn var printing
* compute read/write opts for transit if possible, handle JSValue
* CLJS-1660: cljs.spec: Always return var from instrument / unstrument
* CLJS-1671: Bad cljs.spec interactive instrumentation session 
* CLJS-1664: The filename aux.cljs is a problem on windows.
* CLJS-1667: bad describe* for and-spec-impl
* CLJS-1699: Self-host: s/fdef ns-qualify *ns* name field access

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