Help test the new Clojars server

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Toby Crawley

Mar 15, 2020, 8:02:55 PM3/15/20
Howdy folks!

We have set up a new Clojars server, and we would love help testing
it. Interested? Read on for details!

## How to test it

The server is available at It shares the
same database and repository as the existing server. You can test it
by using it for anything you would use the existing server for -
searching for artifacts, getting data from the API, resetting your
password, or deploying artifacts. Since the two servers use the same
database and repo, anything deployed to the beta server will be
available in the same way deploys to the existing server are.

The only difference you should see between the two servers is a delay
of up to four hours in artifacts being available in the search index
of one of the servers if the artifact was deployed to the other

If you want to exercise deploying to the beta server, you just need to
update the configuration of your deploy tool.

For Leiningen, you need to override the clojars deploy repo by adding
the following to your project.clj:

:deploy-repositories [["clojars" ""]]

For Boot, you need to override the clojars deploy repo by adding the
following to your .boot file:

(set-env! :repositories [["clojars" {:url ""
:username "foo"
:password "bar"}]])

For Maven, change your distributionManagement block in your pom.xml

<name>Clojars repository</name>

For tools.deps.alpha:

I don't know what folks use to deploy with this tool. If you do, feel
free to reply to this email with instructions. Also please consider
updating the Clojars wiki[1] to guide others.

If testing goes well, we will switch to the new server next weekend
(on or around March 21st).

## What if I find issues?

If you find issues, feel free to file an issue at or mention it in
#clojars on the Clojurians Slack.

## Why a new server?

We're in the process of moving off of Rackspace and on to AWS. The
repository and database have already been moved to AWS, so moving the
server is the last step. Rackspace sponsored Clojars for several
years, and we are grateful for that. But they are no longer able to do
so. Around the first of the year, we were accepted in to the AWS Open
Source support program[2].


- The Clojars Team


Matching Socks

Mar 16, 2020, 11:49:08 AM3/16/20
to Clojure
I can tell by the beet-colored theme that is a wholesome replica.
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