using reduce instead of loop recur

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iz bash

May 30, 2011, 6:15:18 PM5/30/11
to Clojure
so clojures like my first programming language. most of the time
now ,i use map /reduce/.. with lazy sequences but sometimes i just
cant seem to find a solution other than using loop-recur. then i read
somewhere almost all loop recur situations can be translated into
reduce. so ive posted a function'd you implement it using
only higher order functions?

(defn rem-dup [stri]
(loop [[x y & z] (seq stri) ,bui []]
(cond (nil? x) bui
(= x y \space) (recur (cons y z) bui)
:else (recur (cons y z) (conj bui x)))))

(rem-dup "aaaa bb cc") => [\a \a \a \a \space \b
\b \space \c \c]

also itd be great if you guys could give some pointers on using higher
order functions and lazy sequences in place of a loop recur.

and btw clojures totally awesome :)

Ken Wesson

May 30, 2011, 10:56:33 PM5/30/11
On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 6:15 PM, iz bash <> wrote:
> so clojures like my first programming language. most of the time
> now ,i use map /reduce/.. with lazy sequences  but sometimes i just
> cant seem to find a solution other than using loop-recur. then i read
> somewhere almost all loop recur situations can be translated into
> reduce. so ive posted a function'd you implement it using
> only higher order functions?
> (defn rem-dup [stri]
>        (loop [[x y & z] (seq stri) ,bui []]
>           (cond (nil? x)       bui
>                 (= x y \space) (recur (cons y z) bui)
>                 :else          (recur (cons y z) (conj bui x)))))

Any loop/recur can be trivially turned into a use of iterate:

(defn rem-dup-iter [stri]
(drop-while (comp nil? first)
(fn [[_ [x y & z] bui]]
(nil? x) [bui nil nil]
(= x y \space) [nil (cons y z) bui]
:else [nil (cons y z) (conj bui x)]))
[nil (seq stri) []])))))

but I'm guessing you want more. Loops that grow a collection and add
to it can generally be turned into map, for, or reduce expression.

Here's your loop as a map call:

(defn rem-dup-map [stri]
(let [stri (seq (concat stri [(char 0)]))]
(filter identity
(fn [x y]
(if-not (= x y \space) x))
(next stri)))))

It relies, in its use of "filter identity", on strings never
containing nil as a character. In other circumstances you might need
to use a dedicated sentinel value guaranteed to be unique, e.g. (let
[sentinel (Object.)] (remove #{sentinel} (map ... (if ... foo
sentinel)))). It also appends a NUL to the end of the string because
otherwise the map will stop one character short of the end.

As a for loop:

(defn rem-dup-for [stri]
(for [[x y] (partition 2 1 [] stri)
:when (not= x y \space)]

Short and sweet!

As a reduce:

(defn rem-dup-reduce [stri]
(fn [bui [x y]]
(if (= x y \space) bui (conj bui x)))
(partition 2 1 [] stri)))

Last, but not least, if none of the above seem to be workable and you
want it to be lazy (the iterate, map, and for versions above are lazy,
while the loop and reduce versions are not), you might resort to
direct use of the lazy-seq macro:

(defn rem-dup-lazy-seq [stri]
(let [[x y & z] stri]
(if x
(if (= x y \space)
(rem-dup-lazy-seq (cons y z))
(cons x (rem-dup-lazy-seq (cons y z))))))))

Protege: What is this seething mass of parentheses?!
Master: Your father's Lisp REPL. This is the language of a true
hacker. Not as clumsy or random as C++; a language for a more
civilized age.

Alan Malloy

May 30, 2011, 11:29:45 PM5/30/11
to Clojure
On May 30, 7:56 pm, Ken Wesson <> wrote:
(filter identity (map f xs)) is more clearly written as (keep f xs),
unless you're relying on the former to retain false (not nil) elements.

Ken Wesson

May 31, 2011, 12:00:47 AM5/31/11
On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 11:29 PM, Alan Malloy <> wrote:
> (filter identity (map f xs)) is more clearly written as (keep f xs),
> unless you're relying on the former to retain false (not nil) elements.

Eh -- filter identity doesn't retain false:

=> (filter identity [false nil 42 "foo" []])
(42 "foo" [])

On the other hand, keep does. So it looks like you got that backward.
When the elements are all characters extracted from a string, though,
it's moot since neither false nor nil will appear in the input seq.

Furthermore, the OP asked for implementation in terms of the basic
HOFs, of which map is a particularly common one. Additionally, in many
cases filtering on another object, such as an explicit sentinel, would
be necessary and keep would be useless; and in still more cases there
may be no filtering needed at all, if there's something in the output
for every input. Lastly, filter, identity, and map are all quite
familiar and common compared to keep.

One situation not discussed yet in this thread is the case where one
may wish to append a varying amount of material to a sequence on each
iteration, beyond just zero items or one to sometimes two or more. In
that case:

* The loop version needs (into bui [some elements])
* So do the reduce and iterate versions.
* The for version would need to produce seqable values
and be wrapped in (apply concat ...).
* The map version becomes mapcat and produces
seqable values.
* The explicit lazy-seq version can also use into,
but it looks a little strange because the recursive
call comes *before* the step-generated elements.

These can be demonstrated on the OP's problem, though, using empty or
one-element vectors in composing the result:

(defn rem-dup [stri]
(loop [[x y & z] (seq stri) ,bui []]

(if x
(cons y z)
(into bui (if (= x y \space) [] [x])))

(defn rem-dup-iter [stri]
(drop-while (comp nil? first)
(fn [[_ [x y & z] bui]]

(if x
[nil (cons y z) (into bui (if (= x y \space) [] [x]))]
[bui nil nil]))
[nil (seq stri) []])))))

(defn rem-dup-mapcat [stri]

(let [stri (seq (concat stri [(char 0)]))]

(fn [x y]
(if (= x y \space) [] [x]))
(next stri))))

(defn rem-dup-for [stri]
(apply concat
(for [[x y] (partition 2 1 [] stri)]
(if (= x y \space) [] [x]))))

(defn rem-dup-reduce [stri]
(fn [bui [x y]]

(into bui
(if (= x y \space) [] [x])))
(partition 2 1 [] stri)))

(defn rem-dup-lazy-seq [stri]
(let [[x y & z] stri]
(if x

(rem-dup-lazy-seq (cons y z))
(if (= x y \space) [] [x]))))))

All of the above versions can be generalized to add arbitrary subseqs
on each iteration, conditionally. Every one of them has an (if ... []
[x]) clause somewhere. If you change the [] in that clause to, say,
"XX", it will replace every space in a run of spaces except the last
with a pair of Xs:

(defn rem-dup-mapcat-xs [stri]

(let [stri (seq (concat stri [(char 0)]))]

(fn [x y]
(if (= x y \space) "XX" [x]))
(next stri))))

=> (rem-dup-mapcat-xs "aaaa bb cc")
(\a \a \a \a \X \X \X \X \X \X \X \X \X \X \X \X \X \X \X \X \X \X \X
\X \X \X \X \X \X \X \X \X \X \X \X \X \X \X \space \b \b \space \c
=> (count (filter #{\X} (rem-dup-mapcat-xs "aaaa bb cc")))

Note that there are 18 spaces between the "a"s and the "b"s in the
input, and the output has 34 \X characters followed by a space there
-- the 17 spaces before the last were each replaced with a pair of \X

George Bennett

May 31, 2011, 12:28:00 AM5/31/11
to Clojure
On May 30, 6:15 pm, iz bash <> wrote:
> how'd you implement it using only higher order functions?
> (rem-dup "aaaa                  bb cc")  =>    [\a \a \a \a \space \b \b \space \c \c]

(defn rem-dup [stri]
(->> stri
(partition-all 2 1)
(filter (partial apply not= \space))
(map first)

For a lazy version, remove vec to leave it as a lazy list.
Vectors are fully-realized, so no laziness.

> also itd be great if you guys could give some pointers on using higher
> order functions and lazy sequences in place of a loop recur.

I'm fond of the ->> macro - it encourages thinking in terms of
transformation of a data flow. When it is suitable, the result is
also often pleasingly terse.

Stuart Campbell

May 31, 2011, 3:16:42 AM5/31/11
For this particular case, you could also use regexps:

user> (require '[clojure.string :as s])
user> (s/replace "aaaa              bb cc" #" +" " ")
"aaaa bb cc"


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iz bash

May 31, 2011, 3:45:50 PM5/31/11
to Clojure

thanks everyone!! that was really great help.

Ken Wesson

May 31, 2011, 6:52:17 PM5/31/11
On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 3:45 PM, iz bash <> wrote:
> thanks everyone!! that was really great help.

You're welcome.

Hopefully, reading and understanding the code posted here (not just
mine) will both get you a better grasp of the various ways these kinds
of things can be tackled using HOFs like map and reduce, but also help
you spot occasions when you can use some of the less well known
functions and techniques. (I had (partition 2 1 [] ...) as well as
(map foo bar (rest bar)) to go over pairs of successive items from a
seq; later I had mapcat for building a seq out of larger pieces;
Malloy had keep to combine map and remove nil?; Bennett had
partition-all and ->>; and Campbell had regexps. I'm not sure I've
previously seen (defn foo [bar] (lazy-seq (if ... (into (foo (next
bar) [some items]))))) used to construct a general lazy seq in chunks

Jonathan Fischer Friberg

Jun 1, 2011, 5:32:47 PM6/1/11
Maybe not what you're looking for, but this is my take on this particular problem:

(defn rem-dup [str]
      (partition-by (partial = \space))
      (map #(if (= (first %) \space) \space %))

I find partition-by the 'weapon of choice' when a sequence contains values that needs to be distinguished from the rest (such as spaces). This makes the code pretty simple to understand. The partition-by statement clearly says that spaces should be in one group, and the rest should be in another group.


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