Cesium in 2015 - KML

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Matthew Amato

Jan 8, 2015, 9:41:20 PM1/8/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com

The 2015 kickoff thread has made it pretty clear that KML support is a #1 priority for many of you. I imagine it's become an even higher priority with the deprecation of the Google Earth API.  The good news is it's a high priority for us as well.


The Cesium team has been working on KML since André Nunes got the ball rolling during Google Summer of Code in June of 2013. A large part of our KML efforts since then had more to do with adding core Cesium features needed to support such a large and diverse specification rather than dealing with the intricacies of the spec itself. 

Thankfully, our work will soon start to pay off, as "Phase 1" of our KML support will be released with Cesium 1.7 on March 2nd <fingers crossed>. I say "Phase 1" because this is just the beginning. I've personally been disappointed with every web-mapping application that claims to support KML. Every one I have tried barely scratches the surface of its capabilities, I know the Cesium community can do better and our goal is to be fully compatibility with Google Earth. This includes the official OGC specification as well as support for Google's own gx extension namespace, not to mention the implementation quirks in Google Earth itself. Since that is obviously a lot of work, we decided it would be better to release features as they are ready (with phase 1 being the core architecture we need going forward).


I know there have been many people building (or trying to build) the Cesium kml branch in the hopes of playing with it before the release. Because of such high demand, I decided to start making beta releases available so it's easier to get started. You can grab the first one from Google Drive: Cesium-kml-2015-01-08.zip.


Even better, if you want to start playing with KML right now, you can drag and drop your KMZ or KML files to this beta version of Cesium Viewer that I've hosted on GitHub (or append the "?source=<url>" parameter to load a url). This version will be updated on a regular basis and it's configured to proxy everything for maximum compatibility (more on that later).


Loading KML programmatically is just as easy as loading CZML or GeoJSON. I also added a SandCastle example.


What (mostly) works

  • Both KML and KMZ formats are supported.
  • All geometry types except for models.
  • Time dynamic geometry and intervals.
  • Ground Overlays
  • Local, remote, and shared styles (not all style options are supported)
  • Basic balloon support (via InfoBox).
  • Rudimentary "one and done" NetworkLink support. (No refreshes, no view parameters, etc..)

What doesn't work

  • Vector data does not currently conform to terrain and altitude mode is ignored.
  • The visibility tag is ignored, everything is loaded as if were visible.
  • Other than the exception noted above, Network Links are unsupported.
  • Screen Overlays
  • Photo Overlays
  • Super Overlays
  • Hover styles
  • drawOrder
  • Tours and related functionality
  • Your favorite KML feature that I've probably forgot to mention, sorry! :)

Since KML is a large specification, we would love to hear what parts of it are most important to you in order to help shape the roadmap. We're also looking for some kickass offline free-to-distribute KML examples that we can include for our Sandcastle demo. If you would like to contribute one, or know of one that could do the job, let us know. (Maybe we can even make a little contest out of it and send out some free t-shirts).


I'll also reply to this post whenever there are new builds to play with or other significant updates to KML support (even after phase 1). For example, just yesterday I added the rudimentary NetworkLink support as well as polygons with holes. If you don't subscribe to forum updates, feel free to follow me on Twitter (@matt_amato); I'll post updates on there as well.


Now about that proxy.


If you are familiar with Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) and the problems it presents, you can skip to the last paragraph. For everyone else, it's really important to understand the role it plays in whether a particular KML file will work in Cesium or not; so keep reading!


KML is not very web friendly. It allows for local file system references (which can't be generally supported by web apps). It includes Collada files which allow for all kinds of stuff that aren't supported on the web (which is why glTF now exists). Descriptions can have embedded HTML which has to be sanitized to avoid security issues, the list goes on and on. Many of these issues we can work around one way or another, but the worst problem is likely not going away anytime soon.


Many existing KML files make use of NetworkLinks or linked image URLs that reference data on external servers. For example, take the National Weather Services KML generator. In theory, it should be easy to load the URL (which returns a KMZ) into Cesium.




Unfortunately if you run this code and you'll get something similar to this error in the console:


XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://radar.weather.gov/ridge/warningzipmaker.php. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8080' is therefore not allowed access.


For those of you not familiar with 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin', it's a header that allows JavaScript to retrieve files from domains other than the one hosting the site. I won't go into details, but this roadblock exists to prevent certain types of security attacks. Google Earth doesn't have this problem because it's a desktop application and not running in a browser sandbox. If the external server enabled CORS, it would have loaded fine (and securely). Unfortunately most servers never enable this functionality


Now you may think to yourself, that's okay, I'll just download the file to my own server or computer and use it from there. Unfortunately, you'll get the same error as above. Why? It's because like many KML files, it's just a stub that include a NetworkLink that points back to (you guessed it) http://radar.weather.gov, which we've already learned does not enable CORS.


The only real solution is to use a proxy. What is a proxy? In this use case it's a simple web-service that runs on your own server that downloads the file for you and passes it through to the app. This works around the CORS issue because the web-service is not running in the local browser sandbox. Cesium ships with a proxy as part of the development server. It's easy to use and the below will work great in the beta.


var proxy = new Cesium.DefaultProxy('/proxy/');

viewer.dataSources.add(Cesium.KmlDataSource.fromUrl('http://radar.weather.gov/ridge/warningzipmaker.php', proxy));


Of course the problem is that if you're trying to write a general KML viewer, you have no way to tell what servers support CORS and which don't, which means you have to proxy everything (which can be a load-time performance bottleneck and a strain on the server). What's worse is that if you're app is on the internet, you really don't want to run an open proxy for another set of security reasons that I won't go into. That being said, the simplistic Cesium Viewer app that I linked to at the beginning of this post does use http://www.corsproxy.com. Here's how I set it up in Cesium so that I could host my demo on GitHub pages.


var proxy = {

    getURL : function(url) {

        var tmp = new Cesium.Uri(url));

        url = 'http://www.corsproxy.com/' + tmp.authority + tmp.path;



            url += '?' + tmp.query;



        return url;




var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer');

viewer.dataSources.add(Cesium.KmlDataSource.fromUrl('http://radar.weather.gov/ridge/warningzipmaker.php', proxy));


Keep in mind that by using a third-party proxy, we are sending all KML server requests through the proxy first which means it can see/manipulate the results on the way to the client. This is obviously a security issue for production applications but is not a problem for the demo.  You'll want to use your own proxy and whitelist for any production Cesium application that needs to load KML files you don’t manage yourself.


Of course the good news is that if all of the KML files and related images/NetworkLinks are on your own servers, there is no reason to use a proxy and everything will work great (as long as you enable CORS).

This email was long overdue and turned out a lot longer than I expected; but hopefully it gets everyone interested in KML on the same page and provides insight into our 2015 plans. I plan on making this the "official" KML thread until we release and I'll probably turn this post into a full featured blog post at that time.  For now, test it out and let us know what you think.






Jan 8, 2015, 10:21:09 PM1/8/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
CORS in network links was something that looked like an issue since I first tried out the early kml builds, so its good to see that it is being acknowledged now.

KML may not be very web friendly, but it has a lot of inertia at this point, and people are fairly familiar with it.

KML has a little bit of everything. I am excited to see a new client that works towards doing the full spec justice.

On Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 8:41:20 PM UTC-6, Matthew Amato wrote:
> The 2015 kickoff thread has made it pretty clear that KML support is a #1 priority for many of you. I imagine it's become an even higher priority with the deprecation of the Google Earth API.  The good news is it's a high priority for us as well.
> The Cesium team has been working on KML since André Nunes got the ball rolling during Google Summer of Code in June of 2013. A large part of our KML efforts since then had more to do with adding core Cesium features needed to support such a large and diverse specification rather than dealing with the intricacies of the spec itself. 
> Thankfully, our work will soon start to pay off, as "Phase 1" of our KML support will be released with Cesium 1.7 on March 2nd <fingers crossed>. I say "Phase 1" because this is just the beginning. I've personally been disappointed with every web-mapping application that claims to support KML. Every one I have tried barely scratches the surface of its capabilities, I know the Cesium community can do better and our goal is to be fully compatibility with Google Earth. This includes the official OGC specification as well as support for Google's own gx extension namespace, not to mention the implementation quirks in Google Earth itself. Since that is obviously a lot of work, we decided it would be better to release features as they are ready (with phase 1 being the core architecture we need going forward).
> I know there have been many people building (or trying to build) the Cesium kml branch in the hopes of playing with it before the release. Because of such high demand, I decided to start making beta releases available so it's easier to get started. You can grab the first one from Google Drive: Cesium-kml-2015-01-08.zip.
> Even better, if you want to start playing with KML right now, you can drag and drop your KMZ or KML files to this beta version of Cesium Viewer that I've hosted on GitHub (or append the "?source=<url>" parameter to load a url). This version will be updated on a regular basis and it's configured to proxy everything for maximum compatibility (more on that later).
> Loading KML programmatically is just as easy as loading CZML or GeoJSON. I also added a SandCastle example.
> viewer.dataSources.add(Cesium.KmlDataSource.fromUrl('path/to/kmlOrkmz'));
> What (mostly) works
> Both KML and KMZ formats are supported.
> All geometry types except for models.
> Time dynamic geometry and intervals.
> Ground Overlays
> Local, remote, and shared styles (not all style options are supported)Basic balloon support (via InfoBox).

TJ Moore

Jan 9, 2015, 7:29:55 PM1/9/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
The following would be great for me:

-handling of visibility
-screen overlays
-handling of altitude mode

It's great to see support for KML on the priority list. Inertia is an issue....it's ubiquitous. KML support will help during a transition to CZML, GeoJSON, etc., and loss of NPAPI support.



On Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 6:41:20 PM UTC-8, Matthew Amato wrote:
> The 2015 kickoff thread has made it pretty clear that KML support is a #1 priority for many of you. I imagine it's become an even higher priority with the deprecation of the Google Earth API.  The good news is it's a high priority for us as well.
> The Cesium team has been working on KML since André Nunes got the ball rolling during Google Summer of Code in June of 2013. A large part of our KML efforts since then had more to do with adding core Cesium features needed to support such a large and diverse specification rather than dealing with the intricacies of the spec itself. 
> Thankfully, our work will soon start to pay off, as "Phase 1" of our KML support will be released with Cesium 1.7 on March 2nd <fingers crossed>. I say "Phase 1" because this is just the beginning. I've personally been disappointed with every web-mapping application that claims to support KML. Every one I have tried barely scratches the surface of its capabilities, I know the Cesium community can do better and our goal is to be fully compatibility with Google Earth. This includes the official OGC specification as well as support for Google's own gx extension namespace, not to mention the implementation quirks in Google Earth itself. Since that is obviously a lot of work, we decided it would be better to release features as they are ready (with phase 1 being the core architecture we need going forward).
> I know there have been many people building (or trying to build) the Cesium kml branch in the hopes of playing with it before the release. Because of such high demand, I decided to start making beta releases available so it's easier to get started. You can grab the first one from Google Drive: Cesium-kml-2015-01-08.zip.
> Even better, if you want to start playing with KML right now, you can drag and drop your KMZ or KML files to this beta version of Cesium Viewer that I've hosted on GitHub (or append the "?source=<url>" parameter to load a url). This version will be updated on a regular basis and it's configured to proxy everything for maximum compatibility (more on that later).
> Loading KML programmatically is just as easy as loading CZML or GeoJSON. I also added a SandCastle example.
> viewer.dataSources.add(Cesium.KmlDataSource.fromUrl('path/to/kmlOrkmz'));
> What (mostly) works
> Both KML and KMZ formats are supported.
> All geometry types except for models.
> Time dynamic geometry and intervals.
> Ground Overlays
> Local, remote, and shared styles (not all style options are supported)Basic balloon support (via InfoBox).
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Jan 11, 2015, 3:12:42 AM1/11/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
Vector data considering altitude and terrain
Photo Overlay

I think those are important features to implement for full KML support.

Екатерина Устюжанина

Jan 12, 2015, 11:39:18 AM1/12/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
It will be good to see <gx:LatLOnQuad> tag in groundoverlay

пятница, 9 января 2015 г., 5:41:20 UTC+3 пользователь Matthew Amato написал:

Elias Couppe

Jan 13, 2015, 4:50:08 AM1/13/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com

for us, the most important kml support features we would like to see available :
- altitude mode
- visibility tag to show or hide vector data
- to handle photo overlays

Anyway, great project, keep going !


IGN, French mapping agency

Gilles Cébélieu

Jan 14, 2015, 2:26:34 AM1/14/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com

<lod> and  <region> tags allow to provide KML data in a tiled way based on user position.

This way vector data (and also 3D models referenced in KML via the <model> tag) may be streamed.

The support of these tags is thus important.



Jan 19, 2015, 8:01:35 AM1/19/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
the most important features I would like to have are:
- Vector data conforming to terrain and altitude mode
- Photo overlays
- Support for balloon styling
- Support for balloon <iframe>,<img>,etc..

maty zisserman

Jan 20, 2015, 12:19:52 AM1/20/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
what about <region> feature and the ability to load layers with  large amount of polygons. 
do you have any estimation about when this feature should be available ?



Jan 20, 2015, 8:39:01 AM1/20/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
Hi, there is an interesting YouTube Video for you


Matthew Amato

Feb 3, 2015, 2:52:12 PM2/3/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
I've updated the KML demo at http://mramato.github.io/CesiumViewerKML/ to use the latest Cesium 1.6, (released yesterday in case you missed it).

The new version also disables infobox sanitization so HTML will work inside of balloons.

To answer some recent comments and questions:

Luca: balloon images and related HTML are already supported, Cesium is just "secure by default" so external HTML is sanitized before being displayed.  You can configure Cesium to allow it and we're in the process of making it easier (hopefully for next release).  I actually cover this some in the InfoBox/description section of the new tutorial posted yesterday: http://cesiumjs.org/2015/02/02/Visualizing-Spatial-Data/

BalloonStyle will hopefully be March 2nd

Clamping to terrain will be either March 2nd or April 1st.

Region should be implemented as part of full NetworkLink support, and will probably be the first significant feature we add after the initial release. (No time frame though).

Photo overlays are a much more popular request than I thought they would be.  We have to do more research before we could figure out how hard they are to implement, but I don't think it will be near term.

LatLongQuad is also not near term

Hopefully didn't miss anything and thank you everyone for the continued feedback.  With 1.6 released, I'm not dedicating the majority of my time to KML for the March 2nd release, so expect new builds with better support to be posted soon!

On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 8:39 AM, <hanshen...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, there is an interesting YouTube Video for you


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Feb 9, 2015, 6:41:29 AM2/9/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
Thank you Matt for your answer


Feb 12, 2015, 12:36:39 PM2/12/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
Hi Matt,
Michael Ross here at DataBC. Looks like you're making great progress toward full KML support. We use KML as a declarative application definition language. Here is an example:


Here are the KML elements that make it work:

1. <NetworkLink> including unlimited nesting and <viewFormat> support. The network links in the physical address viewer link to our WMS services, our geocoder, and our geographical names service.

2. Support for javascript and HTML links and forms in CDATA element of <BalloonText> and <Description>



5. <Placemark> including <LookAt>

6. <Snippet>

7. <Style> and <StyleUrl>. We keep our styles in a separate <Document>

8. <gx:balloonVisibility>

Feel free to use our KML file in your torture testing. Keep up the good work.

Berwyn McKilligan

Feb 17, 2015, 3:16:26 AM2/17/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
In another post there was some discussion about orthometric vs ellipsoid elevation and Geoids.

The KML spec was mentioned with reference to section 6.2 and altitude being defined as the orthometric elevation using the  EGM96 Geoid.

KML encoding of every kml:Location and coordinate tuple uses geodetic longitude, geodetic latitude, and altitude as defined in Annex A by the GML Coordinate Reference System (CRS) with identifier LonLat84_5773. Note that altitude is measured from the vertical datum, which is the WGS84 EGM96 Geoid. The altitude measurement (orthometric H) is illustrated in Figure 1.

Is this going to be included in the first kml implementation? 

And will there be (or is there currently) a way to hit test the terrain to include the egm96 geoid undulation.

Hyper Sonic

Feb 17, 2015, 9:28:32 AM2/17/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
Perhaps the MSL gravity geoid surface could be represented identically to how terrain is represented (LOD tiles each with their own triangle mesh.) Use the same pick function even. Terrain tile L4X5Y4 would coincide with MSL tile L4X5Y4. Cross 2 sides of a triangle to get the direction of gravity in the middle of the triangle. You could then render lines to show the gravity vectors. Maybe have an option to render MSL & terrain & reference ellipsoid surfaces all at the same time, all being translucent, for educational purposes.

Matthew Amato

Feb 17, 2015, 7:01:42 PM2/17/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
I've just posted a new KML pre-release: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwC7x518HAffdzY5UVI1a1NzeTA/view?usp=sharing

I've also updated the live demo at: http://mramato.github.io/CesiumViewerKML/

Unfortunately, the open proxy we were using seems to no longer exist (or is incredibly unreliable) so I had to stop using it.  This means that the above demo page can't load data from non-CORS server (this problem is specific to the above demo).

Here are the most significant changes (in addition to the usually bug fixes and cleanup)
  1. Support Icon heading and hotspot, as well as gx extensions x, y, w, h
  2. Initial support for ExtendedData, only the <Data> type is currently supported, the two other types will be added eventually.  Extended data is also exposed as `entity.kml.extendedData`.
  3. Added extrude support to Point and Line geometry
  4. BalloonStyle is now supported, including entity replacement for text templates that reference ExtendedData.
  5. We now pre-process the entity.description to automatically generate links the way Google Earth does.  All links open in a new window.
  6. gx:Track and gx:MultiTrack now work much better.
  7. Fixed a problem where entity availability was not being set, causing time-dynamic KMLs to not expose the right interval. Dragging and dropping a time-dynamic KML in Viewer should now work in all cases.
Remember to set `InfoBoxViewModel.defaultSanitizer = undefined` at the beginning of your app to ensure the InfoBox can actually handle the HTML in KML descriptions.  I still hope to improve this before the next release.

And some eye-candy to close things out:

Inline image 1

On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 9:28 AM, Hyper Sonic <gman...@gmail.com> wrote:
Perhaps the MSL gravity geoid surface could be represented identically to how terrain is represented (LOD tiles each with their own triangle mesh.) Use the same pick function even. Terrain tile L4X5Y4 would coincide with MSL tile L4X5Y4. Cross 2 sides of a triangle to get the direction of gravity in the middle of the triangle. You could then render lines to show the gravity vectors. Maybe have an option to render MSL & terrain & reference ellipsoid surfaces all at the same time, all being translucent, for educational purposes.


Matthew Amato

Feb 17, 2015, 7:20:08 PM2/17/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
Berwyn, the KML code uses the same exact coordinate conversions as the rest of Cesium, so it will use the WGS84 ellipsoid for conversion from cartographic to earth fixed.  All of the data readers share the same underlying Cesium code for any coordinate handling. Support for altitudeMode will be incomplete for the initial release (neither height above MSL or clampedToGround will be fully supported), but I expect them to be added soon after, perhaps in 1.8.

I'm not sure what you mean by "include the egm96 geoid undulation". The terrain is the definitive authority for elevation and any affect on it by the ellipsoid or MSL should already be baked in.  Of course this isn't my area of expertise so you are better off asking for clarification from Kevin or Alex in the other thread.

Berwyn McKilligan

Feb 18, 2015, 1:00:35 PM2/18/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
Matthew, thanks for the reply.

From what I can tell so far, the terrain provided in cesium is ellipsoid elevations, so shorelines that meet the ocean have elevations that vary by location, In Vancouver where I am it is  -19.96 meters, San Francisco -32.25, On the east coast, say Miami, it is -28 meters

The  egm96 geoid undulation is an estimation of the delta between sea level and the ellipsoid, 

Hyper Sonic

Feb 18, 2015, 2:00:02 PM2/18/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
The coastline of the southern tip of India is -90 meters below the WGS84 ellipsoid. Since the interior Earth isn't of uniform density oceans can get pulled into funny shapes. KML absolute altitude mode is distance from egm96 geoid which takes into account these variations. I suppose at first Cesium will only use relativeToGround == relativeToSeaFloor. If absolute is treated as height from ellipsoid it can be off, such as 90 meters off at the tip of India.

To complicate matters it seems that the distance from egm96 geoid is along the normal of the geoid, not along the normal of the ellipsoid at that lon/lat. This could potentially allow 2 different lat/lon/alt tuples to describe the same position in space if the geoid curved in a concave manner. Although the ellipsoid and geoid normals shouldn't be that far off from eachother.

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Matthew Amato

Feb 20, 2015, 1:32:30 PM2/20/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
I know it's only been a few days, but I've made a ton of progress on KML support.  Here's another pre-release build: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwC7x518HAffb0xmc1V0VGZnenM/view?usp=sharing

As always, I appreciate any feedback you guys have.

1. loadKmz is gone, you can now call load for both parsed documents or blobs.
2. Descriptions that reference images and other data inside of a KMZ file are now supported.
3. Descriptions now have plain text turned into links like Google Earth does
4. gx:Track and gx:MultiTrack now match Google Earth.
5. gx:LatLonQuad now has basic support, (texture is not reprojected and won't be for a while).
6. Fixed an issue where the load promise resolve before loading was complete.
7. Fixed an issue with resolving network links via a proxy.
8. Fixed issues with multi-geometry styling
9. Fixed extruded linestring outline and fill settings.
10. Fixed PolyStyle defaults to match GE
11. Start altitudeMode support for Point geometry (currently clampToGround clamps to ellipsoid)
12. Support for atom:author, atom:link, address, phoneNumber, and Snippet.

Just a reminder that you can follow overall KML progress at https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/issues/873

I've also opened a PR for 1.7 into Cesium master: https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/pull/2503


On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 3:11 PM, <bmcki...@conetec.com> wrote:
Yes, I bring it up here as it will effect the representation of kml files using AltitudeMode absolute

Berwyn McKilligan

Feb 20, 2015, 2:03:32 PM2/20/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
The issue with elevations that I mentioned earlier is going to affect kml <altitudeMode> absolute as terrain elevation is ellipsoidal.

Elements with altitudeMode absolute will be offset vertically by the amount of the egm96 geoid undulation using Ellipsoid.WGS84.cartographicToCartesian

Matthew Amato

Feb 20, 2015, 2:35:04 PM2/20/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
Yes, that will be the case for the initial release in 1.7.  We will definitely address it some time soon and most likely provide a way to arbitrarily query MSL as a core feature.

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 2:03 PM, Berwyn McKilligan <berwyn.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
The issue with elevations that I mentioned earlier is going to affect kml <altitudeMode> absolute as terrain elevation is ellipsoidal.

Elements with altitudeMode absolute will be offset vertically by the amount of the egm96 geoid undulation using Ellipsoid.WGS84.cartographicToCartesian

Denver Pierce

Feb 23, 2015, 11:51:36 AM2/23/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
Could processTimeSpan() be set to allow both ogc and gx namespaces?  Without <camera> or <lookat> available the result is the same for placemarks (at least in google earth gx:TimeSpan and TimeSpan on anything other than <camera> or <lookat> worked identically).

I can't really identify why one namespace has been used over another, but looking at some different KML's, I've seen some with one, some with another, and a few with both.

Matthew Amato

Feb 23, 2015, 2:42:27 PM2/23/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for the heads up Denver.  Even though the docs say gx:TimeSpan is only for specific elements, it looks like Google Earth does indeed let you specify a gx:TimeSpan anywhere you can also specify a TimeSpan.  I just submitted some code to handle this case.

Berwyn McKilligan

Feb 24, 2015, 1:16:53 AM2/24/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
I was looking at making a javascript implementation of the fortran code for calculating the egm96 undulation, 

googled to see if there was an implementation in a more modern language and came across

also came across this 

Hyper Sonic

Feb 24, 2015, 9:19:43 AM2/24/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
The normal of the geoid can be in a different direction from the normal of the ellipsoid at the same lon/lat. So lets say you have a bunch of absolute points all sharing the same lon/lat but with different alts. Well each of those points would be hovering over different lon/lat locations even though they are all defined with the same lon/lat.

Anyone know of an area where there is a large angle between the geoid normal and the ellipsoid normal? It would be a good place to test GE to see if height is really in the direction of the geoid normal, or the ellipsoid normal.

Matthew Amato

Feb 24, 2015, 9:25:31 AM2/24/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
Berwyn, while I appreciate the links, you should know that your second link to agi.com is actually the company that started Cesium (and is still its main source of funding).  Most of the core team works here and most of us worked on the product you linked to (STK Components), myself included. Trust me when I say that you have nothing to worry about when it comes to Cesium's planned support for MSL.  It's just a matter of carving out the time to do it and do it efficiently given a browser environment.


Berwyn McKilligan

Feb 24, 2015, 9:44:41 AM2/24/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com

When I saw the AGI class documentation the first thing I thought to myself "Oh here it is, it's probably on the long todo list"

Sorry,  I should have added a comment along the lines of

"with the EarthGravityModel96MeanSeaLevel  class in AGI's other libs I imagine its going to be in cesium one day"

Berwyn McKilligan

Feb 24, 2015, 10:11:15 AM2/24/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
from the kml spec

H≈ h - N

the larger discrepancy for terrain will be at terrain with higher elevations. Typically the angles involved are so small you wont see any practical difference.  The geoid model itself is more of an issue, hence the newer geoid models http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/GEOID/ 

Hyper Sonic

Feb 24, 2015, 10:31:31 AM2/24/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
Check out this diagram from that site you linked (found on page http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/GEOID/geoid_def.html )

So Orthometric Height H of terrain is actually along a curved plumb line from the Geoid? When you say an object is X meters above MSL at a certain lon/lat, does that mean X meters along a curved plumb line rising through the air from that lon/lat?

Matthew Amato

Mar 2, 2015, 9:26:43 PM3/2/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
With 1.7 now out, I encourage anyone using KML to switch to the official release of Cesium.  Please continue to provide feedback about any problems you encounter (I've actually already fixed 3 KML issues for 1.8 that should help compatibility out a lot, and expect plenty more to be found).

Thank you to everyone who provided test cases and feedback during the dev process, and a special thanks to André Nunes, who was our Google Summer of Code student who did the initial KML work way back in summer of 2013.  This was truly a team/community effort.

While this is just the beginning and there is still a lot to be done to completely support the KML spec, I feel like Cesium already has one of the best implementations available outside of Google Earth, and it will only get better.  In the coming days we'll have a blog post to help everyone get the most out of the current functionality and I'll follow that up with a new thread to let people voice their preferences as to where to go from here.

Thanks again,


Mar 3, 2015, 11:19:32 AM3/3/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
Hello, I'm thankful for your wonderful development!
I am a professor and developer of Google Earth contents. Google Earth API deprecation was very regrettable for me.

Thanks to you, We switched my Typhoon Realtime Watcher (a typhoon early warning system) to cesium.
We could use the previous KMZ file just as it is. But, groundOverlays with TimeSpan couldn't be indicated well. We used 'SingleTileImageryProvider'.

Our team made "digital archive of the Hiroshima atom bomb" using Google Earth API.
We will also switch it to cesium.

We are grateful to you for your help.

André Nunes

Mar 3, 2015, 4:12:55 PM3/3/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
Thank you Matt!

Well done to everyone involved, especially Matt who did most of the work, I know this was a huge undertaking and I'm glad to see it working out.

I'm really happy to see some of my code being used by so many people, please let me know if I can help out in any way. 

Dylan Tusler

Mar 11, 2015, 12:27:00 AM3/11/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
Still getting to grips with Cesium. I need to get a proxy going for my website, as I have two subdomains my kml files can be obtained from. Is there any documentation on building your own proxy?


On Friday, 9 January 2015 12:41:20 UTC+10, Matthew Amato wrote:

The 2015 kickoff thread has made it pretty clear that KML support is a #1 priority for many of you. I imagine it's become an even higher priority with the deprecation of the Google Earth API.  The good news is it's a high priority for us as well.


The Cesium team has been working on KML since André Nunes got the ball rolling during Google Summer of Code in June of 2013. A large part of our KML efforts since then had more to do with adding core Cesium features needed to support such a large and diverse specification rather than dealing with the intricacies of the spec itself. 

Thankfully, our work will soon start to pay off, as "Phase 1" of our KML support will be released with Cesium 1.7 on March 2nd <fingers crossed>. I say "Phase 1" because this is just the beginning. I've personally been disappointed with every web-mapping application that claims to support KML. Every one I have tried barely scratches the surface of its capabilities, I know the Cesium community can do better and our goal is to be fully compatibility with Google Earth. This includes the official OGC specification as well as support for Google's own gx extension namespace, not to mention the implementation quirks in Google Earth itself. Since that is obviously a lot of work, we decided it would be better to release features as they are ready (with phase 1 being the core architecture we need going forward).


I know there have been many people building (or trying to build) the Cesium kml branch in the hopes of playing with it before the release. Because of such high demand, I decided to start making beta releases available so it's easier to get started. You can grab the first one from Google Drive: Cesium-kml-2015-01-08.zip.


Even better, if you want to start playing with KML right now, you can drag and drop your KMZ or KML files to this beta version of Cesium Viewer that I've hosted on GitHub (or append the "?source=<url>" parameter to load a url). This version will be updated on a regular basis and it's configured to proxy everything for maximum compatibility (more on that later).


Loading KML programmatically is just as easy as loading CZML or GeoJSON. I also added a SandCastle example.


What (mostly) works

  • Both KML and KMZ formats are supported.
  • All geometry types except for models.
  • Time dynamic geometry and intervals.
  • Ground Overlays
  • Local, remote, and shared styles (not all style options are supported)
  • Basic balloon support (via InfoBox).
  • Rudimentary "one and done" NetworkLink support. (No refreshes, no view parameters, etc..)

What doesn't work

  • Vector data does not currently conform to terrain and altitude mode is ignored.
  • The visibility tag is ignored, everything is loaded as if were visible.
  • Other than the exception noted above, Network Links are unsupported.
  • Screen Overlays
  • Photo Overlays
  • Super Overlays
  • Hover styles
  • drawOrder
  • Tours and related functionality
  • Your favorite KML feature that I've probably forgot to mention, sorry! :)

Since KML is a large specification, we would love to hear what parts of it are most important to you in order to help shape the roadmap. We're also looking for some kickass offline free-to-distribute KML examples that we can include for our Sandcastle demo. If you would like to contribute one, or know of one that could do the job, let us know. (Maybe we can even make a little contest out of it and send out some free t-shirts).


I'll also reply to this post whenever there are new builds to play with or other significant updates to KML support (even after phase 1). For example, just yesterday I added the rudimentary NetworkLink support as well as polygons with holes. If you don't subscribe to forum updates, feel free to follow me on Twitter (@matt_amato); I'll post updates on there as well.


Now about that proxy.


If you are familiar with Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) and the problems it presents, you can skip to the last paragraph. For everyone else, it's really important to understand the role it plays in whether a particular KML file will work in Cesium or not; so keep reading!


KML is not very web friendly. It allows for local file system references (which can't be generally supported by web apps). It includes Collada files which allow for all kinds of stuff that aren't supported on the web (which is why glTF now exists). Descriptions can have embedded HTML which has to be sanitized to avoid security issues, the list goes on and on. Many of these issues we can work around one way or another, but the worst problem is likely not going away anytime soon.


Many existing KML files make use of NetworkLinks or linked image URLs that reference data on external servers. For example, take the National Weather Services KML generator. In theory, it should be easy to load the URL (which returns a KMZ) into Cesium.




Unfortunately if you run this code and you'll get something similar to this error in the console:


XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://radar.weather.gov/ridge/warningzipmaker.php. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8080' is therefore not allowed access.


For those of you not familiar with 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin', it's a header that allows JavaScript to retrieve files from domains other than the one hosting the site. I won't go into details, but this roadblock exists to prevent certain types of security attacks. Google Earth doesn't have this problem because it's a desktop application and not running in a browser sandbox. If the external server enabled CORS, it would have loaded fine (and securely). Unfortunately most servers never enable this functionality


Now you may think to yourself, that's okay, I'll just download the file to my own server or computer and use it from there. Unfortunately, you'll get the same error as above. Why? It's because like many KML files, it's just a stub that include a NetworkLink that points back to (you guessed it) http://radar.weather.gov, which we've already learned does not enable CORS.


The only real solution is to use a proxy. What is a proxy? In this use case it's a simple web-service that runs on your own server that downloads the file for you and passes it through to the app. This works around the CORS issue because the web-service is not running in the local browser sandbox. Cesium ships with a proxy as part of the development server. It's easy to use and the below will work great in the beta.


var proxy = new Cesium.DefaultProxy('/proxy/');

viewer.dataSources.add(Cesium.KmlDataSource.fromUrl('http://radar.weather.gov/ridge/warningzipmaker.php', proxy));


Of course the problem is that if you're trying to write a general KML viewer, you have no way to tell what servers support CORS and which don't, which means you have to proxy everything (which can be a load-time performance bottleneck and a strain on the server). What's worse is that if you're app is on the internet, you really don't want to run an open proxy for another set of security reasons that I won't go into. That being said, the simplistic Cesium Viewer app that I linked to at the beginning of this post does use http://www.corsproxy.com. Here's how I set it up in Cesium so that I could host my demo on GitHub pages.


var proxy = {

    getURL : function(url) {

        var tmp = new Cesium.Uri(url));

        url = 'http://www.corsproxy.com/' + tmp.authority + tmp.path;



            url += '?' + tmp.query;



        return url;




var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer');

viewer.dataSources.add(Cesium.KmlDataSource.fromUrl('http://radar.weather.gov/ridge/warningzipmaker.php', proxy));


Keep in mind that by using a third-party proxy, we are sending all KML server requests through the proxy first which means it can see/manipulate the results on the way to the client. This is obviously a security issue for production applications but is not a problem for the demo.  You'll want to use your own proxy and whitelist for any production Cesium application that needs to load KML files you don’t manage yourself.


Of course the good news is that if all of the KML files and related images/NetworkLinks are on your own servers, there is no reason to use a proxy and everything will work great (as long as you enable CORS).

This email was long overdue and turned out a lot longer than I expected; but hopefully it gets everyone interested in KML on the same page and provides insight into our 2015 plans. I plan on making this the "official" KML thread until we release and I'll probably turn this post into a full featured blog post at that time.  For now, test it out and let us know what you think.





Matthew Amato

Mar 17, 2015, 2:55:41 PM3/17/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
You only need a proxy if you are planning on loading data from servers you don't have control over.  If you do have control over them, it is recommended you enable CORS

That being said, if you do need to make a proxy, it's highly dependent on what server software you are using, node/apache/IIS/etc..



Mar 25, 2015, 10:45:47 AM3/25/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
I am a semi-programmer abandoned by Google Earth and grateful for the amazing effort here to support GE users. Matt & Team, you are awesome, thank you.

For me, I have tours in Google Earth I need to be able to run somewhere else. But I am certainly happy with whatever you choose to support!

Thanks again


Apr 1, 2015, 10:03:56 PM4/1/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com

Thanks for your efforts and contribution and make more convenience. Does Cesium supports export .kml or .kmz format now? Thanks a lot~

Matthew Amato於 2015年3月3日星期二 UTC+8上午10時26分43秒寫道:

Matthew Amato

Apr 1, 2015, 10:32:10 PM4/1/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
Export is not something we plan to do.  The main problem is that Cesium itself can do a lot more than what KML can, so you can easily have visualization in Cesium that is literally impossible to express in KML.  That being said, it would be pretty easy to write a plugin that handles the stuff that KML can do and I think that's a great idea, (it's just not something on the core Cesium roadmap).  We do eventually plan on supporting CZML export, but I have no solid timeline for that yet.


Sep 14, 2015, 10:24:46 PM9/14/15
to cesium-dev
http://mramato.github.io/CesiumViewerKML/ link not working

On Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 4:01:42 PM UTC-8, Matthew Amato wrote:
> I've just posted a new KML pre-release: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwC7x518HAffdzY5UVI1a1NzeTA/view?usp=sharing
> I've also updated the live demo at: http://mramato.github.io/CesiumViewerKML/
> Unfortunately, the open proxy we were using seems to no longer exist (or is incredibly unreliable) so I had to stop using it.  This means that the above demo page can't load data from non-CORS server (this problem is specific to the above demo).
> Here are the most significant changes (in addition to the usually bug fixes and cleanup)
> Support Icon heading and hotspot, as well as gx extensions x, y, w, h
> Initial support for ExtendedData, only the <Data> type is currently supported, the two other types will be added eventually.  Extended data is also exposed as `entity.kml.extendedData`.
> Added extrude support to Point and Line geometry
> BalloonStyle is now supported, including entity replacement for text templates that reference ExtendedData.
> We now pre-process the entity.description to automatically generate links the way Google Earth does.  All links open in a new window.
> gx:Track and gx:MultiTrack now work much better.
> Fixed a problem where entity availability was not being set, causing time-dynamic KMLs to not expose the right interval. Dragging and dropping a time-dynamic KML in Viewer should now work in all cases.
> Remember to set `InfoBoxViewModel.defaultSanitizer = undefined` at the beginning of your app to ensure the InfoBox can actually handle the HTML in KML descriptions.  I still hope to improve this before the next release.
> And some eye-candy to close things out:

Matthew Amato

Sep 14, 2015, 10:50:45 PM9/14/15
to cesiu...@googlegroups.com
That's because KML support is now officially part Cesium.  You can see it in action via the Sandcastle Example: http://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html?src=KML.html&label=Showcases or you can drag and drop your own files on the Cesium Viewer: http://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Build/Apps/CesiumViewer/index.html

None of the links/files posted here should be used any longer and you should just download the latest Cesium release instead: http://cesiumjs.org/downloads.html


May 4, 2016, 11:54:32 AM5/4/16
to cesium-dev

> Since KML is a large specification, we would love to hear what parts of it are most important to you in order to help shape the roadmap. We're also looking for some kickass offline free-to-distribute KML examples that we can include for our Sandcastle demo.

Loading https://bitbucket.org/sbarbot/sceq/raw/default/sceq.kml results in multiple errors and eventually a crash. It would be good test case.

The sample code is

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer');
camera: viewer.scene.camera,
canvas: viewer.scene.canvas

Hannah Pinkos

May 5, 2016, 10:29:02 AM5/5/16
to cesium-dev, sylbar....@gmail.com

It looks like this is a CORS issue.  If you look in the console, it says "XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://bitbucket.org/sbarbot/sceq/raw/default/sceq.kml. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource."
I'm guessing bitbucket doesn't allow CORS (cross-origin resource sharing)
Are you able to serve the data from your own server?  If it is being retrieved by an app running on the same domain, you shouldn't have this same CORS problem.



Sylvain Barbot

May 5, 2016, 11:31:28 PM5/5/16
to Hannah Pinkos, cesium-dev
Hi Hannah,

Some of the elements of the kml file are being loaded. I conclude that not all types of kml objects are supported. But it's only a guess. It could be a CORS problem, but I don't think bitbucket is the problem because the file can be read from Google Earth. 


Hannah Pinkos

May 6, 2016, 11:28:45 AM5/6/16
to cesium-dev, pinkos...@gmail.com, sylbar....@gmail.com
Hi Sylvain,

I don't think Google Earth has the same CORS restrictions that you see when trying to load a file from a web application.  Do you see any error messages in the console when you try to load the file?  It could be objects we don't yet support, but I didn't see anything like that when I quick took a look at the file.



Sylvain Barbot

May 6, 2016, 11:35:10 AM5/6/16
to Hannah Pinkos, cesium-dev
Hi Hannah,

I don't see an error message, but the application crashes. Before
that, I do see some features in the Network Link (some simple icons),
but most of the other stuff is out. You can find the material I'm
trying to display here


Or simply by

hg clone ssh://h...@bitbucket.org/sbarbot/sceq



Feb 24, 2017, 12:24:39 PM2/24/17
to cesium-dev, pinkos...@gmail.com, sylbar....@gmail.com
Hey Cesium team! Is KML development still pushing forward? What's next on the list to address? Thanks!

Hannah Pinkos

Feb 24, 2017, 1:04:28 PM2/24/17
to cesium-dev, pinkos...@gmail.com, sylbar....@gmail.com

Cesium does have KML support now.  You can see an example here: http://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html?src=KML.html&label=DataSources
We have an issue listing features that are still on our to-do list here: https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/issues/873



Sylvain Barbot

Feb 25, 2017, 10:18:54 AM2/25/17
to Hannah Pinkos, cesium-dev
Hi Hannah,

The code

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer');
camera: viewer.scene.camera,
canvas: viewer.scene.canvas

still does not seem to work.

I get

KML - Unsupported feature: ScreenOverlay KML - Unsupported StyleMap
key: highlight KML - Unsupported StyleMap key: highlight Request has
failed. Status Code: 404

Perhaps there is still an issue with network links.

Thank you,
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