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The Envy of the World

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May 18, 2017, 5:33:55 PM5/18/17

T. anomalum

May 18, 2017, 9:00:41 PM5/18/17
Just a reflux by Byker:

> Jealousy, pure and simple...

Thanks Putin for making the retards in septic Yankland run for the bunker!
Trump, the golden showered billionaire POTUS is a total embarrassment, as

The "Great American Dream" has been shown to be nothing but delusional
idol daydreaming pastime!

*7 Facts That Show the American Dream Is Dead*
"The key elements of the American dream are unreachable for all but the


"A recent poll showed that more than half of all people in this country
don’t believe that the American dream is real. Fifty-nine percent of
those polled in June agreed that “the American dream has become
impossible for most people to achieve." More and more Americans believe
there is “not much opportunity” to get ahead.

The public has reached this conclusion for a very simple reason: It’s
true. The key elements of the American dream—a living wage, retirement
security, the opportunity for one's children to get ahead in life—are now
unreachable for all but the wealthiest among us. And it’s getting worse.
As inequality increases, the fundamental elements of the American dream
are becoming increasingly unaffordable for the majority.

Here are seven ways the American dream is dying.

1. Most people can’t get ahead financially.

If the American dream means a reasonable rate of income growth for
working people, most people can’t expect to achieve it.

As Ben Casselman observes at, the middle class hasn’t
seen its wage rise in 15 years. In fact, the percentage of middle-class
households in this nation is actually falling. Median household income
has fallen since the financial crisis of 2008, while income for the
wealthiest of Americans has actually risen.

Thomas Edsall wrote in the New York Timesthat “Not only has the wealth of
the very rich doubled since 2000, but corporate revenues are at record
levels.” Edsall also observed that, “In 2013, according to Goldman Sachs,
corporate profits rose five times faster than wages.”

2. The stay-at-home parent is a thing of the past.

There was a time when middle-class families could lead a comfortable
lifestyle on one person’s earnings. One parent could work while the other
stayed home with the kids.

Those days are gone. As Elizabeth Warren and co-author Amelia Warren
documented in their 2003 book, The Two-Income Trap, the increasing number
of two-earner families was matched by rising costs in a number of areas
such as education, home costs and transportation.

These cost increases, combined with wage stagnation, mean that families
are struggling to make ends meet—and that neither parent has the luxury
of staying home any longer. In fact, parenthood has become a financial
risk. Warren and Tyagi write that “Having a child is now the single best
predictor that a woman will end up in financial collapse.” This book was
written over a decade ago; things are even worse today.

3. The rich are more debt-free. Others have no choice.

Most Americans are falling behind anyway, as their salary fails to keep
up with their expenses. No wonder debt is on the rise. As Joshua Freedman
and Sherle R. Schwenninger observe in a paper for the New America
Foundation, “American households… have become dependent on debt to
maintain their standard of living in the face of stagnant wages.”

This “debt-dependent economy,” as Freedman and Schwenninger call it, has
negative implications for the nation as a whole. But individual families
are suffering too.

Rani Molla of the Wall Street Journal notes that “Over the past 20 years
the average increase in spending on some items has exceeded the growth of
incomes. The gap is especially poignant for those under 25 years old.”

There are increasingly two classes of Americans: Those who are taking on
additional debt, and the rich.

4. Student debt is crushing a generation of non-wealthy Americans.

Education for every American who wants to get ahead? Forget about it.
Nowadays you have to be rich to get a college education; that is, unless
you want to begin your career with a mountain of debt. Once you get out
of college, you’ll quickly discover that the gap between spending and
income is greatest for people under 25 years of age.

Education, as Forbescolumnist Steve Odland put it in 2012, is “the great
equalizer… the facilitator of the American dream.” But at that point
college costs had risen 500 percent since 1985, while the overall
consumer price index rose by 115 percent. As of 2013, tuition at a
private university was projected to cost nearly $130,000 on average over
four years, and that’s not counting food, lodging, books, or other

Public colleges and universities have long been viewed as the get-ahead
option for all Americans, including the poorest among us. Not anymore.
The University of California was once considered a national model for
free, high-quality public education, but today tuition at UC Berkeley is
$12,972 per year. (It was tuition-free until Ronald Reagan became
governor.) Room and board is $14,414. The total cost of on-campus
attendance at Berkeley, including books and other items, is estimated to
be $32,168.

The California story has been repeated across the country, as state
cutbacks in the wake of the financial crisis caused the cost of public
higher education to soar by 15 percent in a two-year period. With a
median national household income of $51,000, even public colleges are
quickly becoming unaffordable

Sure, there are still some scholarships and grants available. But even as
college costs rise, the availability of those programs is falling,
leaving middle-class and lower-income students further in debt as out-of-
pocket costs rise.

5. Vacations aren’t for the likes of you anymore.

Think you’d like to have a nice vacation? Think again. According to a
2012 American Express survey, Americans who were planning vacations
expected to spend an average of $1,180 per person. That’s $4,720 for a
family of four. But then, why worry about paying for that vacation? If
you’re unemployed, you can’t afford it. And even if you have a job,
there’s a good chance you won’t get the time off anyway.

As the Center for Economic and Policy Research found in 2013, the United
States is the only advanced economy in the world that does not require
employers to offer paid vacations to their workers. The number of paid
holidays and vacation days received by the average worker in this country
(16) would not meet the statutory minimum requirements in 19 other
developed countries, according to the CEPR. Thirty-one percent of workers
in smaller businesses had no paid vacation days at all.

The CEPR also found that 14 percent of employees at larger corporations
also received no paid vacation days. Overall, roughly one in four working
Americans gets no vacation time at all.

Rep. Alan Grayson, who has introduced the Paid Vacation Act, correctly
notes that the average working American now spends 176 hours more per
year on the job than was the case in 1976.

Between the pressure to work more hours and the cost of vacation, even
people who do get vacation time—at least on paper—are hard-pressed to
take any time off. That’s why 175 million vacation days go unclaimed each

6. Even with health insurance, medical care is increasingly unaffordable
for most people.

Medical care when you need it? That’s for the wealthy.

The Affordable Care Act was designed to increase the number of Americans
who are covered by health insurance. But health coverage in this country
is the worst of any highly developed nation—and that’s for people who
have health insurance.

Every year the Milliman actuarial firm analyzes the average costs of
medical care, including the household’s share of insurance premiums and
out-of-pocket costs, for a family of four with the kind of insurance that
is considered higher quality coverage in this country: a PPO plan which
allows them to use a wider range of healthcare providers.

Even as overall wealth in this country has shifted upward, away from
middle-class families, the cost of medical care is increasingly being
borne by the families themselves. As the Milliman study shows, the
employer-funded portion of healthcare costs has risen 52 percent since
2007, the first year of the recession. But household costs have risen by
a staggering 73 percent, or 8 percent per year, and now average $9,144.
In the same time period, Census Bureau figures show that median household
income has fallen 8 percent.

That means that household healthcare costs are skyrocketing even as
income falls dramatically.

The recent claims of “lowered healthcare costs” are misleading. While the
rate of increase is slowing down, healthcare costs are continuing to
increase. And the actual cost to working Americans is increasing even
faster, as corporations continue to maximize their record profits by
shifting healthcare costs onto consumers. This shift is expected to
accelerate as the result of a misguided provision in the Affordable Care
Act which will tax higher-cost plans.

According to an OECD survey, the number of Americans who report going
without needed healthcare in the past year because of cost was higher
than in 10 comparable countries. This was true for both lower-income and
higher-income Americans, suggesting that insured Americans are also
feeling the pinch when it comes to getting medical treatment.

As inequality worsens, wages continue to stagnate, and more healthcare
costs are placed on the backs of working families, more and more
Americans will find medical care unaffordable.

7. Americans can no longer look forward to a secure retirement.

Want to retire when you get older, as earlier generations did, and enjoy
a secure life after a lifetime of hard work? You’ll get to… if you’re

There was a time when most middle-class Americans could work until they
were 65 and then look forward to a financially secure retirement.
Corporate pensions guaranteed a minimum income for the remainder of their
life. Those pensions, coupled with Social Security income and a
lifetime’s savings, assured that these ordinary Americans could spend
their senior years in modest comfort.

No longer. As we have already seen, rising expenses means most Americans
are buried in debt rather than able to accumulate modest savings. That’s
the main reason why 20 percent of Americans who are nearing retirement
age haven’t saved for their post-working years.

Meanwhile, corporations are gutting these pension plans in favor of far
less general programs. The financial crisis of 2008, driven by the greed
of Wall Street one percenters, robbed most American household of their
primary assets. And right-wing “centrists” of both parties, not satisfied
with the rising retirement age which has already cut the program’s
benefits, continue to press for even deeper cuts to the program.

One group, Natixis Global Asset Management, ranks the United States 19th
among developed countries when it comes to retirement security. The
principal reasons the US ranks so poorly are 1) the weakness of our
pension programs; and 2) the stinginess of our healthcare system, which
even with Medicare for the elderly, is far weaker than that of nations
such as Austria.

Economists used to speak of retirement security as a three-legged stool.
Pensions were one leg of the stool, savings were another and Social
Security was the third. Today two legs of the stool have been shattered,
and anti-Social Security advocates are sawing away at the third.


Vacations; an education; staying home to raise your kids; a life without
crushing debt; seeing the doctor when you don’t feel well; a chance to
retire: one by one, these mainstays of middle-class life are disappearing
for most Americans. Until we demand political leadership that will do
something about it, they’re not coming back.

Can the American dream be restored? Yes, but it will take concerted
effort to address two underlying problems. First, we must end the
domination of our electoral process by wealthy and powerful elites. At
the same time, we must begin to address the problem of growing economic
inequality. Without a national movement to call for change, change simply
isn’t going to happen."

incinerating your arrogant ignorace

Gordon Levi

May 19, 2017, 2:58:04 AM5/19/17
So why do U.S. citizens keep needing to tell the world how great their
country is? It could be a sign of falling confidence typified by the
need to make "America great _again_". However, as I remember it,
Americans have always trumpeted their country. It seems that they need
to keep telling themselves because they are not confident.

I have noticed a similar, fairly recent, trend in Australia which
makes me cringe.

Rudy Canoza

May 19, 2017, 3:02:11 AM5/19/17
America is indeed a great country, but there's some truth to your point
- most Americans who have a pathological need to believe in the
greatness of the place are trying to convince themselves - trying, and
for the most part failing.


May 19, 2017, 4:34:41 AM5/19/17
On Fri, 19 May 2017 00:02:11 -0700, Rudy Canoza <c...@philhendrie.con>
So listen to President Trump he will make America great again!

Trump: America 'worships God, not government'

America's only legally defined God is the Christian God whose compound
redemptive name is Lord Jesus Christ,
Only one turnout that matters and that was on election day and Trump won.
So all you lefties sucking on your sour grapes. all the snowflakes cry babies,
a lot of them in the media who have been sent insane by Trumps mere presence in Washington.
Well they can just sit back and lap it up ,

Because the Donald has won,

And why because he's going to drain the swamp,
he's going to get rid of all the self serving semi-corrupt mob in Washington
and give the American people a new direction on border protection,
on job creation, on foreign policy,

Trump stands for a non-interventionist foreign policy,
something the left have been calling for since Vietnam.
The truth is they can't see that because Trump has offended the cult of identity politics,
judging everyone by their race gender and sexuality.

Trump judges people on their character, their work ethic
and has a very good chance to make America great again.

Ned Latham

May 19, 2017, 10:30:55 AM5/19/17
Gordon Levi, 93$ Moron, wrote:
> Byker wrote:
> >
> > Why do they hate us? Jealousy, pure and simple...

Don't forget that ugly little habit of raping other nation's exonomies.
Or that ugly little habit of installing puppet governments in "allied"

> So why do U.S. citizens keep needing to tell the world how great their
> country is?
> I have noticed a similar, fairly recent, trend in Australia which
> makes me cringe.

Nothing recent about it. The establishment and their have been tools
and flunkies spouting that shit since the Menzies era at least.


May 19, 2017, 10:53:35 AM5/19/17
"T. anomalum" wrote in message
> The "Great American Dream" has been shown to be nothing but delusional
> idol daydreaming pastime!

Explain to us the "Russian Dream"...


May 19, 2017, 11:30:47 AM5/19/17
On 5/19/2017 1:02 AM, Rudy Canoza wrote:
> America is indeed a great country, but there's some truth to your point
> - most Americans who have a pathological need to believe in the
> greatness of the place are trying to convince themselves - trying, and
> for the most part failing.

11 years ago, while posting under this current nym, Rudy Canoza, we had a
discussion about a revised marketing claim concerning grass-fed beef from
USDA. You claimed that you had written to and received a reply from
William T.
Sessions, Associate Deputy Administrator, Livestock and Seed Program. Here
below is the post you wrote using the nym Rudy Canoza containing your
correspondence with William Sessions.

[start- Jon to me]
Eat shit and bark at the moon, Dreck - the proposed
standard has NOT been adopted. I wrote to William
Sessions, the associate deputy administrator (how's
that for a title) at the Livestock and Seed Program at
USDA that is in charge of writing the standard for the
"meat marketing claims"; his name, title and e-mail
address are at a web page whose URL I gave yesterday,

Here's his reply:

From: "Sessions, William" <>
To: <jonball@[...]>
Mr. Ball: Thanks for your message. The marketing claim
standards are still under review by USDA. Accordingly, the
standards have not been published in a final form for use. I
hope this information is helpful.
Please let me know if further information is needed.
William T. Sessions
Associate Deputy Administrator
Livestock and Seed Program

-----Original Message-----
From: jonball@[...]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 11:38 AM
To: Sessions, William
Subject: 2003 proposed standards for meat marketing claims

I have read about the proposed standards, and I've seen
many of the public comments sent to USDA. I cannot find
anything to indicate if the standards were adopted.
Were the standards as proposed in 2003 adopted?

Thanks in advance.
Jonathan Ball
Pasadena, CA
Jonathan Ball aka Rudy Canoza 08 Sep 2005

Jonathan Ball. Pasadena, CA. Priceless! That email, posted from Jonathan
you, and the return email sent to Jonathan Ball proves beyond all doubt that
you are Jonathan Ball. Of course, you don't live in Pasadena since moving to
5327 Shepard Ave Sacramento, CA 95819-1731

Here's the proof Jonathan D Ball

> and I won't die soon.

Yeah you will. You're an old man who hasn't looked after himself. I wouldn't
go around goading people if I was as small and as puny as you are, liar Jon.
You ought to be very careful.

> You certainly have no means to hasten my death.

Are you really serious, weed? you're just over 5 feet tall and 64 years old.
You'll be 65 on December 2nd. You've got to stop threatening people and
goading them to come after you. You're pathetic.

andy memory

May 19, 2017, 11:32:53 AM5/19/17
On 5/19/2017 2:34 AM, Petzl wrote:
> So listen to President Trump he will make America great again!
> Trump: America 'worships God, not government'

So very true.

> America's only legally defined God is the Christian God whose compound
> redemptive name is Lord Jesus Christ,
> --

The plan is perfect, yes.

andy memory

May 19, 2017, 12:28:20 PM5/19/17
Or how loverly it is in Cuber...


May 19, 2017, 12:36:17 PM5/19/17
On 5/19/2017 12:57 AM, Gordon Levi wrote:
> "Byker" <> wrote:
>> Why do they hate us? Jealousy, pure and simple...
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> So why do U.S. citizens keep needing to tell the world how great their
> country is?

To remind them how much we have sacrificed to KEEP THEIRS FREE!

> It could be a sign of falling confidence typified by the
> need to make "America great _again_".

Of course.

> However, as I remember it,
> Americans have always trumpeted their country.

Comes with breaking from an oppressive Crown.

> It seems that they need
> to keep telling themselves because they are not confident.

It seems to me you're casting stones because you know your own nation is
a piddling coal-dust diaper load.

> I have noticed a similar, fairly recent, trend in Australia which
> makes me cringe.

Right, when you have no pride at all it discomfits you when others do.

Fuck off and die.


May 19, 2017, 12:37:40 PM5/19/17
On 5/19/2017 1:02 AM, Rudy Canoza wrote:
> America is indeed a great country, but

andy memory

May 19, 2017, 12:46:34 PM5/19/17
On 5/19/2017 8:30 AM, Ned Latham wrote:
> Gordon Levi, 93$ Moron, wrote:
>> Byker wrote:
>>> Why do they hate us? Jealousy, pure and simple...
> Don't forget that ugly little habit of raping other nation's exonomies.
> Or that ugly little habit of installing puppet governments in "allied"
> countries.

Like we did in E. Germany?


Pull that Merkel Muzzie Train!

Gordon Levi

May 20, 2017, 1:09:17 AM5/20/17
That's not the way I remember it. Menzies certainly didn't surround
himself with Australian flags like Abbott
<>. Yobbo[e]s did not march in the streets
wearing Australian flags and cars were not decorated with Australian

Ned Latham

May 20, 2017, 10:04:39 AM5/20/17
Gordon Levi wrote in <>:
> Ned Latham <nedl...@woden.valhalla.oz> wrote:
> >Gordon Levi, 93$ Moron, wrote:
> > > So why do U.S. citizens keep needing to tell the world how great their
> > > country is?
> > ----
> > > I have noticed a similar, fairly recent, trend in Australia which
> > > makes me cringe.
> >
> > Nothing recent about it. The establishment and their tools and
> > flunkies have been spouting that shit since the Menzies era at
> > least.
> That's not the way I remember it.

You've yet to show memory other than selective.

> Menzies certainly didn't surround
> himself with Australian flags like Abbott>.
> Yobboes did not march in the streets wearing Australian flags and
> cars were not decorated with Australian flags.

BFD. Jingoism isn't limited to the flashy displays that are all the
present-day dumbed-down couch potato understands.


May 20, 2017, 10:44:22 AM5/20/17
On Sat, 20 May 2017 06:51:57 +0000 (UTC), Ted
<> wrote:
>Luke 21:23, Matthew 24:19, Mark 13:17
>"Woe to them that give suck in those days!"

"The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times"
Malcolm Turnbull, Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin all die and go to hell.
While there, they spy a red phone and ask what the phone is for.
The devil tells them it is for calling back to Earth.
Putin calls Russia and talks for 5 minutes.
When he was finished the devil informs him that the cost is a million dollars, so Putin writes him a cheque..
Next Donald Trump calls the U.S. and talks for 30 minutes.
When he's finished the devil informs him that the cost is 6 million dollars, so Trump writes him a cheque.
Finally Malcolm Turnbull gets his turn and calls Australia for 4 hours.
When he's finished, the devil informed him that there would be no charge and feel free to call Australia anytime.
Putin and Trump go ballistic and ask the devil why Malcolm Turnbull got to call Australia free.
The devil replied, “Since Malcolm Turnbull became Prime Minister of Australia, the Country has gone to hell, so it's a local call."

Checkmate, DoW #1

May 20, 2017, 10:55:14 AM5/20/17
Warning! Always wear ANSI approved safety goggles when reading posts by
Checkmate! In article <>, says...
Have you any others?

Another hand-crafted post from...
Usenet author, poet, comedian, and philosopher.
Copyright © 2017
all rights reserved

Please visit me at alt.checkmate, the new
go-to group for the discerning troll...

In loving memory of The Battle Kitten
May 2010-February 12, 2017


May 20, 2017, 12:12:15 PM5/20/17
On 5/20/2017 1:07 AM, Ted wrote:
> Australia has a flag?? Hmm ... lessee .... the Canadian flag is a maple
> leaf ... so the Australian flag must be a jar of vegemite, right?
It's labeled POMMY BASTIDS.


May 20, 2017, 12:43:38 PM5/20/17
"SBRadioactive" wrote in message
> One day "sheeple" shall awake

"I know what I am talking about when I am talking about the revolutions. The
people who read the books go to the people who can't read the books, the
poor people, and say, "We have to have a change." So, the poor people make
the change, ah? And then, the people who read the books, they all sit around
the big polished tables, and they talk and talk and talk and eat and eat and
eat, eh? But what has happened to the poor people? They're dead! That's your
revolution! Shhh... So, please, don't tell me about revolutions! And what
happens afterwards? The same fucking thing starts all over again!"

-- Rod Steiger in "A Fistful of Dynamite"

Colonel Edmund J. Burke

May 20, 2017, 12:49:26 PM5/20/17
On 5/19/2017 11:51 PM, Ted wrote:
> Who is the envy of this world? Please step forward and be recognized.

Why, thank you Ted. I believe you are referring to me, Your Colonel.
And if I may, I would like to remind y'all it's Armed Forces Day, a day
to honor men who have served with valor their God and Country.
And to remember our fallen comrades. May they rest in peace eternal. Amen.

andy memory

May 20, 2017, 1:03:32 PM5/20/17
On 5/20/2017 12:51 AM, Ted wrote:
>> America's only legally defined God is the Christian God whose compound
>> redemptive name is Lord Jesus Christ,
> Luke 21:23, Matthew 24:19, Mark 13:17
> "Woe to them that give suck in those days!"

Try again:

"But woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in
those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath on
this people."

"And woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in
those days!"

"But woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in
those days!"

Women in this condition would be specially objects of pity, for they
would be more exposed to danger. The words, "Woe to them (οὐαι)!" are an
exclamation of pity, as, though it was said, "Alas! for them." Josephus
(7:8) mentions that some mothers, constrained by hunger during the
siege, devoured their own infants!


May 20, 2017, 1:37:59 PM5/20/17
On 5/20/2017 9:17 AM, Ted wrote:
>> "The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times"
> Yep. Thanks Petzl.
> --

Coming soon to a world near ours:

Revelation 8:11New International Version (NIV)

11 the name of the star is Wormwood.[a] A third of the waters turned
bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.


May 20, 2017, 1:40:45 PM5/20/17
Amen Colonel!

The Doctor

May 20, 2017, 1:46:02 PM5/20/17

11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
Member - Liberal International This is Ici
Yahweh, Queen & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
UK Stop Theresa MAy MT V2 and Impotent Corbyn, Vote Farron and LDEm!!


May 20, 2017, 2:57:33 PM5/20/17
On 5/20/2017 11:46 AM, The Doctor wrote:
> In article <ofputm$rjd$>, Schuman <> wrote:
>> On 5/20/2017 9:17 AM, Ted wrote:
>>>> "The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times"
>>> Yep. Thanks Petzl.
>>> --
>> Coming soon to a world near ours:
>> Revelation 8:11New International Version (NIV)
>> 11 the name of the star is Wormwood.[a] A third of the waters turned
>> bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.
> 11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

I will start off by saying that I personally believe that Planet X,
Nibiru (a brown dwarf), and Wormwood are three separate objects, which,
while related, are not the same, and I will back up my claims with

Let’s start with Planet X, which has hypothesized to exist since at
least the 1950s,and recently made mainstream news when it was announced
that astronomers had discovered evidence that this planet exists; they
even made mention of the planet’s irregular orbit. Where it is right now
is anybody’s guess, but if I had to venture a guess myself, I’d say it’s
close, for a few reasons that I will make clear shortly.

Now, bear with me, in Revelation 6, the verse is as follows: “12 And I
beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great
earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon
became as blood;” This is describing two things happening
simultaneously: one is a solar eclipse, and the other is a lunar
eclipse. This should be impossible, according to the following logic: in
order to have a lunar eclipse, the earth needs to be placed between the
moon and the sun, and in order to have a solar eclipse, you need to have
the moon placed between the sun and the earth. It is therefore
impossible for these two things to happen simultaneously unless there is
a 3rd object that comes into play that moves between the earth and the sun.

Revelation 6 continues: “13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth,
even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a
mighty wind. 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled
together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.”
This first verse is describing a meteor shower of sorts, with many
meteorites falling to earth, and the second is describing a pole shift;
because the northern and southern poles change, the sky would appear to
recede, as our maps as we know them would suddenly have an entirely
different orientation, as the north and south poles themselves will
change. This is further supported in Isaiah, which, speaking of the same
event (Isaiah was a prophet of the old testament, and he prophesized
events that are supposed to transpire in step with Revelation) said the
following in Isaiah 24: 20The earth shall reel to and fro like a
drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; which is describing a
scene where the earth is attempting to align its new poles with the way
the earth rotates on its axis. A pole shift also explains why there was
a great earthquake that happens when the 6th scroll is open.

(After the sixth seal is opened, John, who wrote Revelation on the
Island of Patmos, expresses surprise at a great number of gentiles of
many languages and nations suddenly appearing in heaven, following
144,000 of certain people of the 12 tribes of Israel getting the seal of
God on their foreheads; these two groups are separate, as indicated by
one group being gentiles, and the others being specified as Jews
descendant of certain Israeli tribes. This suggests that the rapture
happens shortly after the sixth seal is open.)

Fast forward a bit to Revelation 12; I learned something very
interesting a while ago. Revelation 12 opens with the following scene:
1And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the
sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve
stars: 2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained
to be delivered. As it just so happens, we have a literal interpretation
of this scene happening throughout 2017, beginning in January, and
coming to a head on September 23rd, 2017.

Jupiter enters a retrograde motion, which makes it appear (from our
perspective here on earth) as if Jupiter were entering the womb of Virgo
(the virgin), where it travails back and forth for a total of around 41
weeks (moving around like a child would with a woman in labor), which is
well within the timeframe for a healthy pregnancy to come to full term.
Even more astounding is what Revelation 12:5 has to say regarding the
birth: 5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations
with a rod of iron; Jupiter has a core made of iron and nickel, which
fits the verse both literally and poetically with what will be happening
in our sky.

Note: I would encourage anyone reading this to not take my word that the
above will happen in that timeline; there are 3d models of the solar
system that you can find on the web that you can move forwards or
backwards in time to see where things will be at a given time according
to what we know about the planetary orbits; please check the above so
you’ll see that this sign is going to take place in our skies from
January to late September of 2017.

What happens next is most interesting: Revelation 12:3 And there
appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having
seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. Let’s put
this into context with what Nibiru has been hypothesized to be: a brown
dwarf star, with several planets, moons, and smaller satellites orbiting
around it. This imagery even fits with what is supposedly a leaked image
of Nibiru, which is shown to have at least several objects in orbit
around the thing.

So there’s a literal interpretation of Revelation 12:3; Nibiru (the
brown dwarf) appearing as a red dragon, with seven planets (heads) and
10 horns (moons) and 7 crowns (satellites) upon its heads. Revelation
12:4 continues: And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven,
and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman
which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it
was born. So what we’ll likely experience with the stars falling from
heaven is earth moving through its debris field, and we’ll see Nibiru
appear to stand in front of Jupiter, as if to devour it. Immediately
following this, Revelation 12:7 states: And there was war in heaven:
Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought
and his angels, 8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any
more in heaven. 9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent,
called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was
cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. This is
when Satan is cast down to the earth, to take the helm as the
anti-christ, but that’s a whole other can of worms that I won’t get into.

Wormwood is mentioned in Revelation 8:10-11, and is one of the trumpet
judgements: 10And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star
from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part
of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; 11and the name of the
star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became
wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made
bitter. The following is just personal conjecture, because I don’t know
where it’s going to come from, but I believe that wormwood is an
asteroid that will be disturbed by Nibiru’s entrance into our solar
system, and is “pushed” to earth, where it lands in one of our oceans
and makes the waters “bitter”. However, it has been said in the
mainstream news outlets that a “mystery object” is heading for earth and
scheduled to make a “flyby” in early 2017. If this object is wormwood,
it would certainly fit the timeline by virtue of the fact that it is
supposed to occur in early 2017, whereas the Revelation 12 sign doesn’t
fully come to fruition until September 23rd.

I would encourage any Christians reading this to think on what I’ve said
here, and go to the lord in prayer to get a feeling for the information
I’ve brought to your attention. I’m not guaranteeing that everything
I’ve stated in the above will be 100% correct, but what little I have
said with certainty is something I’m basing off of models of our solar
system, and scripture alone. I do not have any dates for when Planet X
is supposed to make a flyby, and the same goes for wormwood; all I know
for sure is that the sign of Revelation 12 is going to be literally
fulfilled on September 23rd, 2017.

One more interesting fun fact I found that may interest some of you who
are aware of Zachariah Sitchin’s work on the Sumerian cuneiform tablets
regarding Nibiru is a correlation I’ve found between the kolbrin bible
and Jeremiah 48:8, of all places; The destroyer will come against every
town, and not a town will escape;’ “The destroyer” is what the Sumerians
called Nibiru in their kolbrin bible.

In any case, I hope that God and the Lord Jesus Christ blesses each and
every one of you on the other side of this screen.

Checkmate, DoW #1

May 20, 2017, 3:16:23 PM5/20/17
Warning! Always wear ANSI approved safety goggles when reading posts by
Checkmate! In article <ofputm$rjd$>,
That sounds like a real bummer.


May 20, 2017, 3:33:01 PM5/20/17
On 5/20/2017 1:16 PM, Checkmate, DoW #1 wrote:
> Warning! Always wear ANSI approved safety goggles when reading posts by
> Checkmate! In article <ofputm$rjd$>,
> says...
>> On 5/20/2017 9:17 AM, Ted wrote:
>>>> "The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times"
>>> Yep. Thanks Petzl.
>>> --
>> Coming soon to a world near ours:
>> Revelation 8:11New International Version (NIV)
>> 11 the name of the star is Wormwood.[a] A third of the waters turned
>> bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.
> That sounds like a real bummer.
Unless you hang with the Hopi and know how to ride it out:

An ancient clan known as the Hopi tribe – which is still 18,327 strong
as of 2010 – has described how the apocalypse will arrive.

After a string of their predictions proved true, many are now fearing
the worse.

The tribe claim that we now live in the Fourth World after the previous
three were destroyed by fire and ice.

A previous nine predictions were passed onto US minister David Young in
1958 after he encountered a Hopi elder named White Feather.

He said “You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things
dying because of it”, which could refer to the 2010 Gulf oil spill and
“you will see many youth, who wear their hair long like my people, come
and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom” which many
have linked to the counter culture of the 60s and 70s.

Finally, in the prediction many are beginning to fear, he said: “You
will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the Earth, that
shall fall with a great crash.

“It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of
my people will cease.”

While White Feather’s prediction remains open to interpretation, there
are several strong theories.

Many believe the predictions were past onto the tribe by aliens, as
ancient cave drawings by the Hopi people depict humans accompanied by
“ant people” – which strongly resemble many people’s idea of what ETs
might look like.

The Hopi people believe the ant people guided their ancestors into the
New World.

Siri Cruise

May 20, 2017, 6:15:00 PM5/20/17
In article <ofputm$rjd$>, Schuman <> wrote:

> On 5/20/2017 9:17 AM, Ted wrote:
> >> "The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times"
> > Yep. Thanks Petzl.
> >
> > --
> Coming soon to a world near ours:

Welcome home, goofball.

:-<> Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. Deleted. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
Free the Amos Yee one. This post / \
Yeah, too bad about your so-called life. Ha-ha. insults Islam. Mohammed

andy memory

May 20, 2017, 6:19:31 PM5/20/17
On 5/20/2017 4:14 PM, Siri Cruise wrote:
> In article <ofputm$rjd$>, Schuman <> wrote:
>> On 5/20/2017 9:17 AM, Ted wrote:
>>>> "The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times"
>>> Yep. Thanks Petzl.
>>> --
>> Coming soon to a world near ours:
> Welcome home, goofball.
Howdy meth face:


May 20, 2017, 6:20:12 PM5/20/17
On Sat, 20 May 2017 07:07:37 +0000, Ted wrote:

> Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
> Australia has a flag?? Hmm ... lessee .... the Canadian flag is a maple
> leaf ... so the Australian flag must be a jar of vegemite, right?

Nah, Mate! It's a 'tube of Fosters'.

The godless one. a.a.# 2279
All gods are tailored to order. They're made to
exactly fit the prejudices of their believers.

de chucka

May 20, 2017, 6:25:09 PM5/20/17
On 21/05/2017 8:20 AM, Smiler wrote:
> On Sat, 20 May 2017 07:07:37 +0000, Ted wrote:
>> Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
>>> Ned Latham <nedl...@woden.valhalla.oz> wrote:
>>>> Gordon Levi, 93$ Moron, wrote:
>>>>> So why do U.S. citizens keep needing to tell the world how great
>>>>> their country is?
>>>> ----
>>>>> I have noticed a similar, fairly recent, trend in Australia which
>>>>> makes me cringe.
>>>> Nothing recent about it. The establishment and their have been tools
>>>> and flunkies spouting that shit since the Menzies era at least.
>>> That's not the way I remember it. Menzies certainly didn't surround
>>> himself with Australian flags like Abbott <>.
>>> Yobbo[e]s did not march in the streets wearing Australian flags and
>>> cars were not decorated with Australian flags.
>> Australia has a flag?? Hmm ... lessee .... the Canadian flag is a maple
>> leaf ... so the Australian flag must be a jar of vegemite, right?
> Nah, Mate! It's a 'tube of Fosters'.

Wrong again, shit septics are ignorant it is the Southern cross with the
federation star and the butchers apron in the corner

de chucka

May 20, 2017, 6:26:41 PM5/20/17
On 20/05/2017 5:07 PM, Ted wrote:
> Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
> Australia has a flag?? Hmm ... lessee .... the Canadian flag is a maple
> leaf ... so the Australian flag must be a jar of vegemite, right?

Halal Vegemite at that

Siri Cruise

May 20, 2017, 7:08:10 PM5/20/17
Tell me the tales of the annukaki and how they created humans.

Siri Cruise

May 20, 2017, 7:15:01 PM5/20/17
In article <>,
We here at the Machivelli School of Evil Plots are training kangaroos to hold
flashlights while hopping across the countryside maintaining the formation of
the Southern Cross. Since airplanes are already upside down by the time they
arrive down under, we hope to confuse them where the sky is and lure them to fly
into the ground. MWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Toss another wingnut on the barby!

de chucka

May 20, 2017, 7:18:12 PM5/20/17
You bastard and I thought we were allies. Well till Trump got in. :-)

de chucka

May 20, 2017, 7:47:55 PM5/20/17
On 21/05/2017 9:35 AM, Ted wrote:
> Smiler <smi...@jo.king> wrote:
>> On Sat, 20 May 2017 07:07:37 +0000, Ted wrote:
>>> Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
>>>> Ned Latham <nedl...@woden.valhalla.oz> wrote:
>>>>> Gordon Levi, 93$ Moron, wrote:
>>>>>> So why do U.S. citizens keep needing to tell the world how great
>>>>>> their country is?
>>>>> ----
>>>>>> I have noticed a similar, fairly recent, trend in Australia which
>>>>>> makes me cringe.
>>>>> Nothing recent about it. The establishment and their have been tools
>>>>> and flunkies spouting that shit since the Menzies era at least.
>>>> That's not the way I remember it. Menzies certainly didn't surround
>>>> himself with Australian flags like Abbott <>.
>>>> Yobbo[e]s did not march in the streets wearing Australian flags and
>>>> cars were not decorated with Australian flags.
>>> Australia has a flag?? Hmm ... lessee .... the Canadian flag is a maple
>>> leaf ... so the Australian flag must be a jar of vegemite, right?
>> Nah, Mate! It's a 'tube of Fosters'.
> LOL. I was thinking of that too. But a good friend of mine, who's
> Australian, told me that Fosters is no more popular there than some of the
> other brands.

Fosters is not very popular in Aus it's a bit like the Budweiser of here

andy memory

May 20, 2017, 8:05:50 PM5/20/17
On 5/20/2017 5:18 PM, de chucka wrote:
> I thought we were allies.

All you are is China's coal whores.

andy memory

May 20, 2017, 8:06:51 PM5/20/17
On 5/20/2017 5:47 PM, de chucka wrote:
> Fosters is not very popular in Aus it's a bit like the Budweiser of here

Tooth's KB.



de chucka

May 20, 2017, 8:16:48 PM5/20/17
On 21/05/2017 9:35 AM, Ted wrote:
> That went over my head, sorry. Are you saying there are a lot of Muslims in
> Australia?

You're on aus.politics where there has been a great debate if Vegemite
can be halal as it is made from left over brewer's yeast


May 20, 2017, 8:23:28 PM5/20/17
Oic. :)

It always ceases to amaze me how many people could care less.

andy memory

May 20, 2017, 8:25:43 PM5/20/17
On 5/20/2017 6:23 PM, Ted wrote:
>> You're on aus.politics where there has been a great debate if Vegemite
>> can be halal as it is made from left over brewer's yeast
> Oic.:)

Shut up Ted, you insipd fop.


May 20, 2017, 8:50:05 PM5/20/17
Ever tasted it?
It seems to be an acquired taste for everyone except Australians.
And I've met a few Aussies that didn't like it either.

But then everyone has at least one culturally unique food that other
folks wonder how the hell they manage to eat it.

Alex W.

May 20, 2017, 8:59:13 PM5/20/17
I like to call it "Britain By Night".

Alex W.

May 20, 2017, 9:02:10 PM5/20/17
That always comes as a bit of a surprise to visitors who have been
indoctrinated by generations of global advertising to regard Fosters as
the quintessential Aussie brew. Any Australian bar anywhere in Europe,
and you'll be lucky if they serve anything else.

Which is a shame, as there is plenty of excellent craft beer to be had.
I love the current fashion for IPA....

Siri Cruise

May 20, 2017, 10:01:53 PM5/20/17
In article <>,
It's not fit for human consumption. That would make it halal.

Siri Cruise

May 20, 2017, 10:02:22 PM5/20/17
Andy you ignorant slut.

de chucka

May 20, 2017, 11:30:53 PM5/20/17
Proving what peasants yanks are ;-)

andy memory

May 20, 2017, 11:54:01 PM5/20/17
On 5/20/2017 8:01 PM, Siri Cruise wrote:

> It's not fit for human consumption.

Neither are you, dear:

andy memory

May 20, 2017, 11:55:11 PM5/20/17
On 5/20/2017 8:02 PM, Siri Cruise wrote:
> In article <ofqmq6$e8s$>, andy memory <m...@sa.ns> wrote:
>> On 5/20/2017 6:23 PM, Ted wrote:
>>>> You're on aus.politics where there has been a great debate if Vegemite
>>>> can be halal as it is made from left over brewer's yeast
>>> Oic.:)
>> Shut up Ted, you insipd fop.
> Andy you ignorant slut.


Siri Cruise

May 21, 2017, 2:04:28 AM5/21/17
In article <>,
The peasants eat deepfried breaded oreos.


May 21, 2017, 5:49:11 AM5/21/17
That does seem to be the case, yes.

My Australian friend alerted me up front that it's an acquired tasted, but
when I noticed how much he liked it, I decided to acquire the taste myself.
Now I'm never without a jar of it in the cupboard.

andy memory

May 21, 2017, 11:08:19 AM5/21/17
On 5/21/2017 12:04 AM, Siri Cruise wrote:
>>> It's not fit for human consumption. That would make it halal.
>> Proving what peasants yanks are;-)
> The peasants eat deepfried breaded oreos.

Meth makes people eat odd stuff.

andy memory

May 21, 2017, 11:10:03 AM5/21/17
On 5/21/2017 3:49 AM, Ted wrote:
> My Australian friend alerted me up front that it's an acquired tasted, but
> when I noticed how much he liked it, I decided to acquire the taste myself.
> Now I'm never without a jar of it in the cupboard.
> --

Bullshit lie.

Alex W.

May 21, 2017, 7:07:49 PM5/21/17
Coming from a country that insists against all reason and logic that
Marmite is the far superior product, you might want to be careful with
the "peasants" comments....



May 21, 2017, 7:20:13 PM5/21/17
Siri Cruise <> wrote:

> Tell me the tales of the annukaki and how they created humans.

Those Sumerians knew a thing or two.
See also: David Icke.

^Ï^. My pet rock Gordon just is.


May 21, 2017, 7:23:52 PM5/21/17
Siri Cruise <> wrote:


> > >> You're on aus.politics where there has been a great debate if
> > >> Vegemite can be halal as it is made from left over brewer's yeast
> > >
> > > It's not fit for human consumption. That would make it halal.
> >
> > Proving what peasants yanks are ;-)
> The peasants eat deepfried breaded oreos.

The Scots (who of course are not peasants)
deep fry many things, not least Mars Bars.



de chucka

May 21, 2017, 7:33:41 PM5/21/17
On 22/05/2017 9:23 AM, Sn!pe wrote:
> Siri Cruise <> wrote:
> [...]
>>>>> You're on aus.politics where there has been a great debate if
>>>>> Vegemite can be halal as it is made from left over brewer's yeast
>>>> It's not fit for human consumption. That would make it halal.
>>> Proving what peasants yanks are ;-)
>> The peasants eat deepfried breaded oreos.
> The Scots (who of course are not peasants)
> deep fry many things, not least Mars Bars.

and those imo are revolting but each to their own

andy memory

May 21, 2017, 7:36:43 PM5/21/17
On 5/21/2017 5:20 PM, Sn!pe wrote:
> Siri Cruise <> wrote:
>> Tell me the tales of the annukaki and how they created humans.
> Those Sumerians knew a thing or two.
> See also: David Icke.

Reptile house?

Siri Cruise

May 21, 2017, 9:42:40 PM5/21/17
In article <>, (Sn!pe) wrote:

> Siri Cruise <> wrote:
> [...]
> > > >> You're on aus.politics where there has been a great debate if
> > > >> Vegemite can be halal as it is made from left over brewer's yeast
> > > >
> > > > It's not fit for human consumption. That would make it halal.
> > >
> > > Proving what peasants yanks are ;-)
> >
> > The peasants eat deepfried breaded oreos.
> The Scots (who of course are not peasants)
> deep fry many things, not least Mars Bars.

But _breaded_ deep fry?

Siri Cruise

May 21, 2017, 9:43:24 PM5/21/17
In article <>,

Siri Cruise

May 21, 2017, 9:44:28 PM5/21/17
In article <>, (Sn!pe) wrote:

> Siri Cruise <> wrote:
> > Tell me the tales of the annukaki and how they created humans.
> Those Sumerians knew a thing or two.
> See also: David Icke.

Icke's razor: given two different explanations, choose the insane one.

andy memory

May 21, 2017, 9:46:32 PM5/21/17
On 5/21/2017 7:42 PM, Siri Cruise wrote:
> In article <>,
> (Sn!pe) wrote:
>> Siri Cruise <> wrote:
>> [...]
>>>>>> You're on aus.politics where there has been a great debate if
>>>>>> Vegemite can be halal as it is made from left over brewer's yeast
>>>>> It's not fit for human consumption. That would make it halal.
>>>> Proving what peasants yanks are ;-)
>>> The peasants eat deepfried breaded oreos.
>> The Scots (who of course are not peasants)
>> deep fry many things, not least Mars Bars.
> But _breaded_ deep fry?

No dimmy, battered!

Siri Cruise

May 21, 2017, 9:46:52 PM5/21/17
In article <>, "Alex W." <>
Here at the Machiavelli Institute of Random Violence, we have replaced his
vegemite with rat poison. Let's see if he notices the difference.


May 21, 2017, 9:53:22 PM5/21/17
In article <chine.bleu-95F06...@news.eternal->
Liberals eat shit.


May 22, 2017, 1:03:50 AM5/22/17
On 20/05/2017 3:09 PM, Gordon Levi wrote:
> Ned Latham <nedl...@woden.valhalla.oz> wrote:
>> Gordon Levi, 93$ Moron, wrote:
>>> So why do U.S. citizens keep needing to tell the world how great their
>>> country is?
>> ----
>>> I have noticed a similar, fairly recent, trend in Australia which
>>> makes me cringe.
>> Nothing recent about it. The establishment and their have been tools
>> and flunkies spouting that shit since the Menzies era at least.
> That's not the way I remember it. Menzies certainly didn't surround
> himself with Australian flags like Abbott
> <>. Yobbo[e]s did not march in the streets
> wearing Australian flags and cars were not decorated with Australian
> flags.

I agree with that memory of yours. The display of flags and the mawkish
pariotism that goes along with it is a very bogan thing and only come
into being in recent decades.


May 22, 2017, 1:05:36 AM5/22/17
On 21/05/2017 8:20 AM, Smiler wrote:
> On Sat, 20 May 2017 07:07:37 +0000, Ted wrote:
>> Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
>>> Ned Latham <nedl...@woden.valhalla.oz> wrote:
>>>> Gordon Levi, 93$ Moron, wrote:
>>>>> So why do U.S. citizens keep needing to tell the world how great
>>>>> their country is?
>>>> ----
>>>>> I have noticed a similar, fairly recent, trend in Australia which
>>>>> makes me cringe.
>>>> Nothing recent about it. The establishment and their have been tools
>>>> and flunkies spouting that shit since the Menzies era at least.
>>> That's not the way I remember it. Menzies certainly didn't surround
>>> himself with Australian flags like Abbott <>.
>>> Yobbo[e]s did not march in the streets wearing Australian flags and
>>> cars were not decorated with Australian flags.
>> Australia has a flag?? Hmm ... lessee .... the Canadian flag is a maple
>> leaf ... so the Australian flag must be a jar of vegemite, right?
> Nah, Mate! It's a 'tube of Fosters'.

No Australian drinks that stuff!

Gary Chamberlain

May 22, 2017, 1:05:47 AM5/22/17
You stupid twat. It has been around for centuries.


May 22, 2017, 1:09:02 AM5/22/17
On 21/05/2017 12:01 PM, Siri Cruise wrote:
I agree. And Marmite is as bad. Promite however, is wonderful.


May 22, 2017, 1:12:15 AM5/22/17
That would improve Oreos. They're ghastly and should only be crushed
and used as road base.

Fakey's Puppy Whistle Holder Emeritus 🐶笛

May 22, 2017, 1:36:41 AM5/22/17
On Mon, 22 May 2017 15:12:14 +1000, LO AND BEHOLD; "Fran
<>" determined that the following
was of great importance and subsequently decided to freely share it with
us in <oftrp1$4f0$>:
uber-conservative dumbshits like Trump have half of our country convinced that universal health care would ruin their obese diabetic lives.

people who:

hate bicycles
hate muslims
hate gays
hate catholics
hate jews
hate LGBT folks
hate themselves



"You just made puppy whistle's sig line longer." - Janithor


"If I have a complaint about the (Southern Poverty) Law Center's description (of the alt-right movement), it is the phrase "heavy use of social media," which implies the alt-right is a real-world movement which uses a lot of social media. This is backwards: it is an online movement which occasionally appears in the real world. Where it gets punched." - Jason Rhode


"I think we should destroy every last fucking mosque in America." - "Checkmate, DoW #1" <Lunatic...@The.Edge> proves for us that white males are violent in Message-ID: <>


Golden Killfile, June 2005
KOTM, November 2006
Bob Allisat Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker, November 2006
Special Ops Cody Memorial Purple Heart, November 2006
Special Ops Cody Memorial Purple Heart, September 2007
Tony Sidaway Memorial "Drama Queen" Award, November 2006
Busted Urinal Award, April 2007
Order of the Holey Sockpuppet, September 2007
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle, September 2006
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle, April 2008
Tinfoil Sombrero, February 2007
AUK Mascot, September 2007
Putting the Awards Out of Order to Screw With the OCD Fuckheads, March 2016


May 22, 2017, 1:59:14 AM5/22/17
You're a liar as well as a moron.

Our flag was adopted in 1903. You're also innumerate.

de chucka

May 22, 2017, 2:15:20 AM5/22/17
OK to be picky it was 1908, the original had a 6 pointed Federation star
and it was only post WW2 it became the Australian Official flag

Gordon Levi

May 22, 2017, 2:35:37 AM5/22/17
The peasants/yobbos/rednecks could not afford flags centuries ago.
Centuries ago carrying the flag, usually a personal crest, was a
symbol of wealth and power. A person flying, let alone carrying,
anything but a miniature national flag must be fairly recent.


May 22, 2017, 3:22:45 PM5/22/17
Siri Cruise <> wrote:

> In article <>,
> (Sn!pe) wrote:
> > Siri Cruise <> wrote:
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > > > >> You're on aus.politics where there has been a great debate if
> > > > >> Vegemite can be halal as it is made from left over brewer's yeast
> > > > >
> > > > > It's not fit for human consumption. That would make it halal.
> > > >
> > > > Proving what peasants yanks are ;-)
> > >
> > > The peasants eat deepfried breaded oreos.
> >
> > The Scots (who of course are not peasants)
> > deep fry many things, not least Mars Bars.
> But _breaded_ deep fry?

Assaulted and battered.

andy memory

May 22, 2017, 3:35:29 PM5/22/17
On 5/22/2017 1:22 PM, Sn!pe wrote:
> Siri Cruise <> wrote:
>> In article <>,
>> (Sn!pe) wrote:
>>> Siri Cruise <> wrote:
>>> [...]
>>>>>>> You're on aus.politics where there has been a great debate if
>>>>>>> Vegemite can be halal as it is made from left over brewer's yeast
>>>>>> It's not fit for human consumption. That would make it halal.
>>>>> Proving what peasants yanks are ;-)
>>>> The peasants eat deepfried breaded oreos.
>>> The Scots (who of course are not peasants)
>>> deep fry many things, not least Mars Bars.
>> But _breaded_ deep fry?
> Assaulted and battered.

andy memory

May 22, 2017, 4:20:03 PM5/22/17
On 5/21/2017 11:12 PM, Fran wrote:
> They're ghastly and should only be crushed and used as road base.

We feel that way about Auztards.

andy memory

May 22, 2017, 4:23:55 PM5/22/17
On 5/21/2017 11:36 PM, Fakey's Puppy Whistle Holder Emeritus 🐶笛 wrote:
> uber-conservative dumbshits like Trump have

Dumb fuck!

he's not even close to "uber conservative".

Grow a damned brain asshole!

Fakey's Puppy Whistle Holder Emeritus 🐶笛

May 22, 2017, 4:43:06 PM5/22/17
On Mon, 22 May 2017 14:23:54 -0600, LO AND BEHOLD; "andy memory
<m...@sa.ns>" determined that the following was of great importance and
subsequently decided to freely share it with us in

>On 5/21/2017 11:36 PM, Fakey's 🐶 Whistle Holder Emeritus 🐶笛
>>uber-conservative dumbshits like Trump have
>Dumb fuck!
>he's not even close to "uber conservative".


is this were you tell us that democrats are the KKK and hitler would have voted for bernie sanders?

>Grow a damned brain asshole!

i see that your brain asshole is completely developed and unobstructed, judging by the brain excrement that you have unloaded here.

andy memory

May 22, 2017, 4:45:58 PM5/22/17
On 5/22/2017 2:35 PM, Skeet wrote:
> On Mon, 22 May 2017 14:23:54 -0600, andy memory <m...@sa.ns> wrote:
>> On 5/21/2017 11:36 PM, Fakey's Puppy Whistle Holder Emeritus ?? wrote:
>>> uber-conservative dumbshits like Trump have
>> Dumb fuck!
>> he's not even close to "uber conservative".
>> Grow a damned brain asshole!
> Are you bickering with the puppy whistle? Need some pointers? Wanna
> watch him meltdown?

I am always open to good coaching - have at please!

Fakey's Puppy Whistle Holder Emeritus 🐶笛

May 22, 2017, 4:46:42 PM5/22/17
On Mon, 22 May 2017 14:35:22 -0600, LO AND BEHOLD; "Skeet
<Sk...@invalid.invalid>" determined that the following was of great
importance and subsequently decided to freely share it with us in

>On Mon, 22 May 2017 14:23:54 -0600, andy memory <m...@sa.ns> wrote:
>>On 5/21/2017 11:36 PM, Fakey's 🐶 Whistle Holder Emeritus ?? wrote:
>>>uber-conservative dumbshits like Trump have
>>Dumb fuck! he's not even close to "uber conservative". Grow a damned
>>brain asshole!
>Are you bickering with the 🐶 whistle? Need some pointers? Wanna watch
>him meltdown?

does it get you all excited when you think you spot someone online who might be just as exceedingly clueless as yourself?

andy memory

May 22, 2017, 4:47:24 PM5/22/17
On 5/22/2017 2:43 PM, Fakey's Puppy Whistle Holder Emeritus 🐶笛 wrote:
> On Mon, 22 May 2017 14:23:54 -0600, LO AND BEHOLD; "andy memory
> <m...@sa.ns>" determined that the following was of great importance and
> subsequently decided to freely share it with us in
> <ofvhcq$u18$>:
>> On 5/21/2017 11:36 PM, Fakey's 🐶 Whistle Holder Emeritus 🐶笛
>> wrote:
>>> uber-conservative dumbshits like Trump have
>> Dumb fuck!
>> he's not even close to "uber conservative".
> is this were you tell us that democrats are the KKK and hitler would have voted for bernie sanders?

It's where I tell you he spent more time registered ad a Dem than an R -
is that granular enough for your stringy gullet?

>> Grow a damned brain asshole!
> i see that your brain asshole is completely developed and unobstructed, judging by the brain excrement that you have unloaded here.

I think you need to be rolled flat in hot asphalt and then striped for
no passing.

Fakey's Puppy Whistle Holder Emeritus 🐶笛

May 22, 2017, 4:53:48 PM5/22/17
On Mon, 22 May 2017 14:47:23 -0600, LO AND BEHOLD; "andy memory
<m...@sa.ns>" determined that the following was of great importance and
subsequently decided to freely share it with us in

>On 5/22/2017 2:43 PM, Fakey's 🐶 Whistle Holder Emeritus 🐶笛
>>On Mon, 22 May 2017 14:23:54 -0600, LO AND BEHOLD; "andy memory
>><m...@sa.ns>" determined that the following was of great importance and
>>subsequently decided to freely share it with us in
>>>On 5/21/2017 11:36 PM, Fakey's 🐶 Whistle Holder Emeritus 🐶笛
>>>>uber-conservative dumbshits like Trump have
>>>Dumb fuck! he's not even close to "uber conservative".
>>LOL is this were you tell us that democrats are the KKK and hitler would
>>have voted for bernie sanders?
>It's where I tell you he spent more time registered ad a Dem than an R -
>is that granular enough for your stringy gullet?

is the fact that he ran as a republican with the full support of the RNC lost on you?

are you trying to distance yourself from the gigantic mess that is the GOP by now crying about the person who "saved us from hillary"?

i'll never understand you conservative whackos and your opinions that can turn 180 degrees on a dime whenever you feel froggy.

>>>Grow a damned brain asshole!
>>i see that your brain asshole is completely developed and unobstructed,
>>judging by the brain excrement that you have unloaded here.
>I think you need to be rolled flat in hot asphalt and then striped for
>no passing.

everybody knows that you're just trying to drum up work for your unemployed steamroller driving mum.

andy memory

May 22, 2017, 6:25:07 PM5/22/17
On 5/22/2017 2:53 PM, Fakey's Puppy Whistle Holder Emeritus 🐶笛 wrote:
> On Mon, 22 May 2017 14:47:23 -0600, LO AND BEHOLD; "andy memory
> <m...@sa.ns>" determined that the following was of great importance and
> subsequently decided to freely share it with us in
> <ofvior$1p1$>:
>> On 5/22/2017 2:43 PM, Fakey's 🐶 Whistle Holder Emeritus 🐶笛
>> wrote:
>>> On Mon, 22 May 2017 14:23:54 -0600, LO AND BEHOLD; "andy memory
>>> <m...@sa.ns>" determined that the following was of great importance and
>>> subsequently decided to freely share it with us in
>>> <ofvhcq$u18$>:
>>>> On 5/21/2017 11:36 PM, Fakey's 🐶 Whistle Holder Emeritus 🐶笛
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> uber-conservative dumbshits like Trump have
>>>> Dumb fuck! he's not even close to "uber conservative".
>>> LOL is this were you tell us that democrats are the KKK and hitler would
>>> have voted for bernie sanders?
>> It's where I tell you he spent more time registered ad a Dem than an R -
>> is that granular enough for your stringy gullet?
> is the fact that he ran as a republican with the full support of the RNC lost on you?

Doesn't alter his history as a Dem one iota.

Do recall - Reagan was previously a Dem too.

You uneducated DOLT!

> are you trying to distance yourself from the gigantic mess that is the GOP by now crying about the person who "saved us from hillary"?

No, I'm loving it big time!

What could be more gratifying than watching the lamestream left tie
themselves in knots and riot and promise to move to Nee Zooland than this!

> i'll never understand you conservative whackos and your opinions that can turn 180 degrees on a dime whenever you feel froggy.

My opinions remain as I choose them to, evolving but not morphing to
anyone's siren calls.

>>>> Grow a damned brain asshole!
>>> i see that your brain asshole is completely developed and unobstructed,
>>> judging by the brain excrement that you have unloaded here.
>> I think you need to be rolled flat in hot asphalt and then striped for
>> no passing.
> everybody knows that you're just trying to drum up work for your unemployed steamroller driving mum.

Do you prefer tar...or hot creosote?

Siri Cruise

May 22, 2017, 9:04:15 PM5/22/17
In article <ofvior$1p1$>, andy memory <m...@sa.ns> wrote:

> On 5/22/2017 2:43 PM, Fakey's Puppy Whistle Holder Emeritus ?笛 wrote:
> > On Mon, 22 May 2017 14:23:54 -0600, LO AND BEHOLD; "andy memory
> > <m...@sa.ns>" determined that the following was of great importance and
> > subsequently decided to freely share it with us in
> > <ofvhcq$u18$>:
> >
> >> On 5/21/2017 11:36 PM, Fakey's ? Whistle Holder Emeritus ?笛
> >> wrote:
> >>> uber-conservative dumbshits like Trump have
> >>
> >> Dumb fuck!
> >>
> >> he's not even close to "uber conservative".
> >
> > LOL
> >
> > is this were you tell us that democrats are the KKK and hitler would have
> > voted for bernie sanders?
> It's where I tell you he spent more time registered ad a Dem than an R -
> is that granular enough for your stringy gullet?

And Bush the Dumber was really a Democrat as well.


May 22, 2017, 9:06:18 PM5/22/17
Wikipedia must be telling lies since it says 1903 and shows the 7
pointed Federation star. However, regardless of which of us is 5 years
out, it's not centuries of use.

> and it was only post WW2 it became the Australian Official flag

Yep. That I knew too.


May 22, 2017, 9:07:27 PM5/22/17
And was used as a rallying point for battles when they were closer
contact fighting.

Siri Cruise

May 22, 2017, 9:07:40 PM5/22/17
In article <>, (Sn!pe) wrote:

> Siri Cruise <> wrote:
> > In article <>,
> > (Sn!pe) wrote:
> >
> > > Siri Cruise <> wrote:
> > >
> > > [...]
> > >
> > > > > >> You're on aus.politics where there has been a great debate if
> > > > > >> Vegemite can be halal as it is made from left over brewer's yeast
> > > > > >
> > > > > > It's not fit for human consumption. That would make it halal.
> > > > >
> > > > > Proving what peasants yanks are ;-)
> > > >
> > > > The peasants eat deepfried breaded oreos.
> > >
> > > The Scots (who of course are not peasants)
> > > deep fry many things, not least Mars Bars.
> >
> > But _breaded_ deep fry?
> Assaulted and battered.

Hey, kids, veggie roll!
Deep fried!

de chucka

May 22, 2017, 9:19:27 PM5/22/17
I'm no Flag expert but I remember this from a trivia night on Heron
Island. Most people said 1901 for our current flag, I being a smarty
said 1903 but was also wrong

From wiki
The flag's original design (with a six-pointed Commonwealth Star) was
chosen in 1901 from entries in a competition held following Federation,
and was first flown in Melbourne on 3 September 1901,[2] the date
proclaimed as Australian National Flag Day.[3] A slightly different
design was approved by King Edward VII in 1903. The seven-pointed
commonwealth star version was introduced by a proclamation dated 23
February 1908

Gary Chamberlain

May 22, 2017, 9:31:55 PM5/22/17
You stupid fuckwit - I wasn't talking "your" flag. I said that the
display of flags and patriotic sentiment about them has been around for

Why do you work so hard at being stupid?


May 22, 2017, 10:15:10 PM5/22/17
On Sunday, 21 May 2017 12:01 PM, Siri Cruise wrote:
> In article <>,
> de chucka <> wrote:
>> On 21/05/2017 9:35 AM, Ted wrote:
>>> de chucka <> wrote:
>>>> On 20/05/2017 5:07 PM, Ted wrote:
>>>>> Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
>>>>>> Ned Latham <nedl...@woden.valhalla.oz> wrote:
>>>>>>> Gordon Levi, 93$ Moron, wrote:
>>>>>>>> So why do U.S. citizens keep needing to tell the world how great their
>>>>>>>> country is?
>>>>>>> ----
>>>>>>>> I have noticed a similar, fairly recent, trend in Australia which
>>>>>>>> makes me cringe.
>>>>>>> Nothing recent about it. The establishment and their have been tools
>>>>>>> and flunkies spouting that shit since the Menzies era at least.
>>>>>> That's not the way I remember it. Menzies certainly didn't surround
>>>>>> himself with Australian flags like Abbott
>>>>>> <>. Yobbo[e]s did not march in the streets
>>>>>> wearing Australian flags and cars were not decorated with Australian
>>>>>> flags.
>>>>> Australia has a flag?? Hmm ... lessee .... the Canadian flag is a maple
>>>>> leaf ... so the Australian flag must be a jar of vegemite, right?
>>>> Halal Vegemite at that
>>> That went over my head, sorry. Are you saying there are a lot of Muslims in
>>> Australia?
>> You're on aus.politics where there has been a great debate if Vegemite
>> can be halal as it is made from left over brewer's yeast
> It's not fit for human consumption. That would make it halal.

It's sacrilegious here to bag vegemite. you will be boiled in oil and
killed three times..

"Multiculturanism equals white ethnocide"


May 23, 2017, 12:14:03 AM5/23/17
You stupid fuckwit, you clearly failed to understand what was written.
Gordon wrote about Menzies and his memory of what Menzies did. I agreed
with his memory. You are too stupid to understand wat was written as
both of use were referrign to OUR flag. so shut your stupid ignorant
trap if you can't add to what was under discussion which was Menzies and
OUR flag.

I said that the
> display of flags and patriotic sentiment about them has been around for
> centuries.

Only a fucking moron like you would fail to understand that the
discussion was about Menzies and what he did with flags in OUR country.

> Why do you work so hard at being stupid?

Says a fuckwit who can't read for comprehension.

Dhu on Gate

May 23, 2017, 1:10:10 AM5/23/17
On Sat, 20 May 2017 10:12:14 -0600, Schuman wrote:

> On 5/20/2017 1:07 AM, Ted wrote:
>> Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
>>> Ned Latham <nedl...@woden.valhalla.oz> wrote:
>>>> Gordon Levi, 93$ Moron, wrote:
>>>>> So why do U.S. citizens keep needing to tell the world how great
>>>>> their country is?
>>>> ----
>>>>> I have noticed a similar, fairly recent, trend in Australia which
>>>>> makes me cringe.
>>>> Nothing recent about it. The establishment and their have been tools
>>>> and flunkies spouting that shit since the Menzies era at least.
>>> That's not the way I remember it. Menzies certainly didn't surround
>>> himself with Australian flags like Abbott
>>> <>. Yobbo[e]s did not march in the streets
>>> wearing Australian flags and cars were not decorated with Australian
>>> flags.
>> Australia has a flag?? Hmm ... lessee .... the Canadian flag is a maple
>> leaf ... so the Australian flag must be a jar of vegemite, right?
> It's labeled POMMY BASTIDS.

Isn't it "POME" Bastards? Don't it mean "Prisoner of Mother England" or
some such? Kinda' a generic description for Ozzies, not just the newly
arrived, I figured...


Je suis Canadien. Ce n'est pas Francais ou Anglaise.
C'est une esp`ece de sauvage: ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostra voco;-)

Siri Cruise

May 23, 2017, 6:30:43 AM5/23/17
In article <og0g14$5p0$>, Dhu on Gate <>

> On Sat, 20 May 2017 10:12:14 -0600, Schuman wrote:
> > On 5/20/2017 1:07 AM, Ted wrote:
> >> Gordon Levi <gor...@address.invalid> wrote:
> >>> Ned Latham <nedl...@woden.valhalla.oz> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Gordon Levi, 93$ Moron, wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>> So why do U.S. citizens keep needing to tell the world how great
> >>>>> their country is?
> >>>> ----
> >>>>> I have noticed a similar, fairly recent, trend in Australia which
> >>>>> makes me cringe.
> >>>>
> >>>> Nothing recent about it. The establishment and their have been tools
> >>>> and flunkies spouting that shit since the Menzies era at least.
> >>>
> >>> That's not the way I remember it. Menzies certainly didn't surround
> >>> himself with Australian flags like Abbott
> >>> <>. Yobbo[e]s did not march in the streets
> >>> wearing Australian flags and cars were not decorated with Australian
> >>> flags.
> >>
> >> Australia has a flag?? Hmm ... lessee .... the Canadian flag is a maple
> >> leaf ... so the Australian flag must be a jar of vegemite, right?
> >>
> > It's labeled POMMY BASTIDS.
> Isn't it "POME" Bastards? Don't it mean "Prisoner of Mother England" or
> some such? Kinda' a generic description for Ozzies, not just the newly
> arrived, I figured...

Pomme because they're the apple of mother england's eye.

Siri Cruise

May 23, 2017, 6:31:13 AM5/23/17
In article <>, felix <felix@real_felix.invalid>
Still better than vegemite.

Ned Latham

May 23, 2017, 7:58:07 AM5/23/17
The ugly spw, aka the mad cowm posting as "Fran", wrote:
> Gordon Levi, 93% Moron, wrote:
> > Gary Chamberlain wrote:
> > > The ugly spw, aka the mad cowm posting as "Fran", wrote:
> > > > Gordon Levi, 93% Moron, wrote:
> > > > > Ned Latham wrote:
> > > > > > Gordon Levi, 93$ Moron, wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > > > So why do U.S. citizens keep needing to tell the world
> > > > > > > how great their country is?
> > > > > > ----
> > > > > > > I have noticed a similar, fairly recent, trend in Australia
> > > > > > > which makes me cringe.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Nothing recent about it. The establishment and their tools
> > > > > > and flunkies have been spouting that shit since the Menzies
> > > > > > era at least.
> > > > >
> > > > > That's not the way I remember it.

You've yet to show memory other than selective.

> > > > > Menzies certainly didn't surround himself with Australian
> > > > > flags like Abbott <>. Yobboes
> > > > > did not march in the streets wearing Australian flags and
> > > > > cars were not decorated with Australian flags.

BFD. Jingoism isn't limited to the flashy displays that are all the
present-day dumbed-down couch potato understands.

> > > > I agree with that memory of yours. The display of flags and
> > > > the mawkish pariotism that goes along with it is a very bogan
> > > > thing and only come into being in recent decades.
> > >
> > > You stupid twat. It has been around for centuries.

Except for the display of flags by the "criminal" classes.

> > The peasants/yobbos/rednecks could not afford flags centuries ago.
> > Centuries ago carrying the flag, usually a personal crest, was a
> > symbol of wealth and power.
> And was used as a rallying point for battles when they were closer
> contact fighting.
> > A person flying, let alone carrying, anything but a miniature
> > national flag must be fairly recent.

Irrelevant. moron. This is about jingoism, not that one flashy
aspect of it.

andy memory

May 23, 2017, 10:23:31 AM5/23/17
On 5/22/2017 7:03 PM, Siri Cruise wrote:
> Bush the Dumber was really a Democrat

Citation, meth whore?

andy memory

May 23, 2017, 10:28:49 AM5/23/17
Prisoners Of Her Majesty.


andy memory

May 23, 2017, 10:30:32 AM5/23/17
On 5/23/2017 4:30 AM, Siri Cruise wrote:
>> Isn't it "POME" Bastards? Don't it mean "Prisoner of Mother England" or
>> some such? Kinda' a generic description for Ozzies, not just the newly
>> arrived, I figured...
> Pomme because they're the apple of mother england's eye.

Prisones Of Her Majesty, you skanky meth whore.
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