Notice: Meeting of the London Braillists, Wednesday 8 November at 17:00

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Laurent Cadet de Fontenay

2017年10月31日 09:32:452017/10/31
Dear all

The next meeting of the London Braillists is to be help at 5pm on
Wednesday 8 November at The Churchill Arms, 119 Kensington Church
Street, London, W8 7LN. The venue sounds like a great pub,
specialising in fine beers and Thai cuisine, just down the road from
Kensington Town Hall where Sight Village is being held.

Sight Village ends at 15:30, which should give everybody attending
enough time to catch their breath and make their way to the Churchill
Arms. We'll have a soft start at 5pm to enable these of you coming
straight from work to join us.

This promises to be a stimulating meeting -- see the agenda below.
You're welcome to just come along on the day, but it would be very
helpful if you could let me know whether you're planning to come, just
so I can ensure that enough space is reserved for us at the pub.
Please email me at or give me a ring on 020 389 333 92.


Pedro Zurita, a Spanish Braille Enthusiast who is coming over to meet
with Ed about the Canute, may be in time to join us.

 • Impressions of latest Braille technology /devices, fresh from Sight Village
• Canute development/testing/feedback
• Highlights from Ed’s trip to India: Any ways in which Braillists in
London could get involved or be helpful?
• Braille and language learning, for all us linguaphiles (we may be
joined by Pedro Zurita from Spain, who is a Braille enthusiast and
true polyglot).
• Presentation by a BBC accessibility engineer on using Braille to
enhance video content (TBC)

I look forward to seeing you at the Churchill Arms. Do spread the word!

All the best
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