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OFFICAL: Aussies Are Wankers

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Sir Oswald P Wrong

Nov 16, 2008, 9:56:09 AM11/16/08

While Ausfailure's status in sports plummets ever lower by the day
they are still world leaders at masturbation according to English wank

Australian silent sperm invasion
Nov 14, 2008 8:26 PM

Aussie backpackers are populating the UK by stealth.

They are donating sperm to earn money to fund their travels.

Fertility clinics in London say that up to a third of donors are now
people from overseas, many of them Australian travellers seeking cash.

They are apparently very enterprising when it comes to looking at ways
to earn extra money while travelling.

A spokesman for the clinic refused to confirm rumours the sperm was
being used by the London Zoo in it's efforts to breed dumber

This reporter tried to question one Aussie sperm donor but the donor
was unable to talk as his mouth was full as he made his way to the
clinic with a fresh deposit.

- - -
You're in the Wrong newsgroup


Nov 16, 2008, 6:06:54 PM11/16/08
In article <>, says...
> ...

> A spokesman for the clinic refused to confirm rumours the sperm was
> being used by the London Zoo in it's efforts to breed dumber
> chimpanzees.

Even dumb chimpanzees know the difference between "it's" and "its".


Sir Oswald P Wrong

Nov 16, 2008, 7:29:36 PM11/16/08

First of all, when trying to look intelligent try not to reveal that
you read my posts and resist any urge to respond to them. They are
generally pretty lame trolls aimed at inviting responses from very,
very dumb people.

Secondly as for the infamous possessive noun/pronoun rule that doesn't
follow its own rules this is yet another glaring example I use in my
stand-up on the monkey language that is English.

It closes with the line - 'I have a dog that I have named completely
using silent letters, but he never comes when I call him'.

Thirdly, I gave up on grammar flames after Slippery smacked him/her
self in head over me reporting how he considered it was foreplay when
held his missus's head under the sheets after he farted. The trashing
he got using a variety of socks (Melitta - a female porn star and
Perce - where his misses keep's his testicles) in that thread rewrote
Usenet law on spelling flames.

Fourthly, you are welcome to flame away defending the abomination that
is the English language, its up to you, but be warned, just when you
think you can win, I'll ask you to explain the I before E rule that
your monkey language includes.

Can you Claire it up four me? It's I before E except after C isn't it?
Seeing as your are my neighbor, albeit a weird foreign beige one,
would you help this ageing man of leisure and reinforce this rule for
me? Surfeit it to say I tend to think this rule is counterfeit and
full of fallacies and either proves the heinous English language is a
joke on society or that it was dropped from a great height one day, at
least eighty metres, and landed on your feisty head.

Please take your time to come back to me on this as I have to go and
move my heifers and then have some caffeine.

Failure to reply will mean you forfeit and have your head up your
keister, you sheila.

Finally, you should send your post to the wank bank, they'd probably
classify it as a semen deposit.

Its' worth trying Shag.

That's my tip.

As an aside, is it true that when someone you takes viagra all it does
is make you taller?

John Heath

Nov 16, 2008, 10:10:38 PM11/16/08
On Nov 17, 5:29 am, Sir Oswald P Wrong
<> wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Nov 2008 19:06:54 +0100, (Paul) wrote:
> >In article <>,
> > says...

Fuckin' hell Dave. Too much time with, and in, the heifers dulls the
edge, methinks. One of your worst.

John (still quietly bemused that Dave finds it the fault of the
English language that he's failed to master it).

John Heath

Nov 17, 2008, 10:44:12 PM11/17/08
> English language that he's failed to master it).- Hide quoted text -

And even more bemused that Dave's answer to this is a separate post
where he's lifted someone else's text entirely, rather than simply
learning a "better" language more befitting his inability to cope with
the one he's misusing now.


Nov 18, 2008, 6:14:27 PM11/18/08
In article <>, says...

> On Sun, 16 Nov 2008 19:06:54 +0100, (Paul) wrote:

> >Even dumb chimpanzees know the difference between "it's" and "its".
> >
> >Paul
> First of all, when trying to look intelligent

I don't have to try, it comes naturally to me.

> As an aside, is it true that when someone you takes viagra all it does
> is make you taller?

You're right, you do have serious problems with the English language.


Sir Oswald P Wrong

Nov 19, 2008, 12:16:41 AM11/19/08
On Tue, 18 Nov 2008 19:14:27 +0100, (Paul) wrote:

>> >Even dumb chimpanzees know the difference between "it's" and "its".
>> >
>> >Paul
>> First of all, when trying to look intelligent
>I don't have to try, it comes naturally to me.

When claiming to be intelligent try not to reveal that

you read my posts and resist any urge to respond to them. They are
generally pretty lame trolls aimed at inviting responses from very,
very dumb people.



Nov 21, 2008, 4:47:32 AM11/21/08
"Paul" <> wrote in message

Looks like another n00b chasing the coveted ASRL "Pacman Fever" award. Or
more likely just another Awesome Sock, Bro.


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