The very foundation of ATS is described in the following paper: is *not* fully dependently typed in the sense of Martin-Lof.
To me, the very reason that Martin-lof wanted to have a fully dependent
type system was due to his keen interest in setting up a type-theoretic foundation
for math (in contrast to ZFC, which is set-theoretic). Such a foundation could not
be hierarchical (for otherwise one has to talk about foundation of foundation, foundation of foundation of foundation, etc.)
By the way, Jean-Yves Girard showed that Martin-Lof's original design of such a dependent type system is inconsistent.
The counterexample is referred to as Girard's paradox.
There is a clear phase separation in ATS: statics is completely separated from dynamics.
To myself, statics vs. dynamics in ATS is a bit like mathematics vs. physics.