How Brian Franklin Could Easily Sell $450 Million Products While Majority Struggle To Sell $100 Ones [Hint: MUST Read!]

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Dr. Said Said

Jul 12, 2012, 5:47:11 AM7/12/12
Hello my friend, 
Congratulations for entering inside this email. If you're struggling in sales than 
this could be one of the most important emails you ever read this is and you
will soon understand why. 

Yesterday I showed you a video in which I took you through the 3 phases of
marketing which if you start following, you could easily dominate your market.
If you haven't watched the video, make sure you watch it right now. If you watched
it and never understood it, then watch it again. 

Today I promised you an email with ideas which should cost you not less than $200. 
These ideas aren't mine but they are from the guy whom they call, the best sales 
person. His name is Brian Franklin and selling $450 Million dollar products for him 
is as easy as walking to the park and I'll explain here exactly how he does it. 

But before I do that I want to remind you about the FREE Business & Marketing 
Consultation our company Strategic Marketing & Design is offering. 

If you would like to see growth of your business by attracting targeted 
customers towards you more than ever before,  then send an email to and we'll tell you what to do. 

This is what we're going to do in our one on one consultation. We will analyse
your business from
  1. It's structure
  2. Unique Selling Proposition
  3. Marketing Strategy
  4. Sales Strategy
  5. Advertising methods
  6. Online Marketing (if this is a strategy you're using)
If you're really serious, than book the consultation now at I usually charge $150 to 
 $200 per hour in my consultations. I don't think you want to miss 
a $200 value just like that. 

Ok, back to our lesson, 

How Brian 
Franklin Could Easily Sell $450 Million
Products While Majority Struggle To Sell $100 Ones

Before I share with you strategies used by Brian to sell
$450 Million worth of products, I wanna talk about some
truths about sales that you might not have heard before. 

Truth no.1: There is nothing important in any
                  Success than sales

A sales person is a person who has an idea, product,
service or message and uses his selling ability to influence
the other party that idea, product, service or message will
be of benefit to him. 

It may be a person who sells products, it may be a spiritual
leader, it may be an entrepreneur. Think about it all GREAT 
men in the world were great sales people. Ghandi, Jesus,
Prophet Muhammad, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela,
President Nyerere and so on where all great sales people. 

Bill Gates became the richest person in the world because
he could influence IBM to buy an operating system from him
while he didn't have any in place. Don't be naive and think 
Bill gates' wealth came from his computer expertise. He could
sell while others couldn't.

Truth No. 2: Your primary is to offer value NOT making money

Making money is not the goal, making money is a result of
your goal. Your goal is giving value to the market place. 
You might want to read that again. And again. And again.

In other words do not sell products or services to benefit yourself, 
sell products or services to benefit others. if you benefit others then
they will gladly pay you money for the service you rendered them. 

Truth No. 3: Great Listeners Are GREAT sales people
There's this lie which goes around that extroverts are great sales 
people. In fact research shows that introverts (quiet reserved people)
do well in leadership and selling than extroverts. Talkative 
individuals are interesting while quiet people are  interested
with the other person. Since quiet people are interested, they 
listen, understand and offer solutions. 

Now back to Brian. What makes Brian sell $450 Million Dollar 
as if he's walking to the park while most sales people
struggle? By the way he is a guy who's been in Silicon Valley for
11 years and has helped CEO's of like Apple, Sisco, Google and
Linked In make tremendous profits. 

How does he do it?

When he was asked that question, he said that through every successful
sale, the buyer usually goes through 3 psychological processes. 
Every buyer goes through them. You, me and the guy next door. 
Your job as a sales person is to trigger these psychological process
step by step and make the sale. 

Process no.1: Curiosity
The worst thing you can do is try to sell a product to a prospective client
before arousing the curiosity. One of the best ways to arouse curiosity 
is mentioning the benefits of the product NOT the Features. 

Remember: People are driven by emotions not logic. It's easy to tell someone
that "if you buy an iPhone you will look cool and girls will like you" than 
if you tell him iPhone 4 has 
UMTS/HSDPA/HSUPA (850, 900, 1900, 2100 MHz),
GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz), CDMA EV-DO Rev. A (800, 1900 MHz),
802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi (802.11n 2.4GHz only)Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology. 
You get my point....

Process no.2: Empowerment
It's easier for a person to buy something when they feel that they have the power
to make the decision to purchase the product/service. Most of the times 
people say no to you not because they don't see the product is good for them, 
but because they don't believe that they are worth owning that product. 
It is your duty as a salesperson to empower your prospect. Build the confidence
in him/her that if they want to achieve a certain goal and they believe that your 
product/service can help them achieve that goal, then it is their responsibility to
make that goal become a reality. Make them feel that they are responsible for 
their own future.

Process no.3: Possibility of the future and have a trust in you
Buyers usually have an imagined future associated with the product/service 
that they buy.  When a guy buys a car or an iphone it's more about showing off
to the other guys and attract girls than it is about the specification. Each buyer
has their own perception of the future and they usually have a question in their
mind, "will this product give me the future that I'm envisioning in my mind right
now?" Your job is to understand that image by asking him questions about his 
perceived future. Please understand that 

"When someone buys your products or services they don’t buy because of
the value of the product but the value of their own experience of the possible
future for themselves"

Another question they usually have is "what if I don't experience my desired future,
will you take responsibility?" You find some asking you questions like is there a
guarantee? What if it doesn't work, can I return it? 

That is why offering a 100% money back guarantee to most of your services is 
vitally important. If you don't offer, you should try. It removes a lot of barrier of 
clients saying no to you.  

When they feel that you will take responsibility when they don't achieve the 
desire they wanted to achieve, they will easily buy from you with no problem. 

Hope you enjoyed today's email. Make sure you trigger these 3 mental processes
and selling would be easy for you as walking through the park. 

Don't forget to book for you FREE business and marketing consultation by sending 
an email to

Talk to you tomorrow where I'll share with you, "The Anatomy Of a Money Making Website" 
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