How to use add_hosts with ec2 inventory?

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Jul 31, 2013, 4:24:43 PM7/31/13

I'm calling a playbook with:

ansible-playbook provision.yml -i ./ --extra-vars "role=webserver env=dev01 hosts=type_t1_micro"

And in my playbook I want to add the hosts in the type_t1_micro group to the 'webservers' group, e.g.:

  - name: Adding new instance to host group
    local_action: add_host hostname=${item} groupname=webservers
    with_items: $hosts

This doesn't work because it tries to use 'type_t1_micro' as a host name - it doesn't add the actual hosts in the group.

How can I do this?


Michael DeHaan

Jul 31, 2013, 4:37:19 PM7/31/13
public service announcement.

So in Ansible 1.2 and later there is no need to do "$hosts"

with_items: hosts

you should also do hostname={{ item }}.

I'm not sure where you set "hosts" though, perhaps you can show the rest of the playbook?

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Michael DeHaan <>
CTO, AnsibleWorks, Inc.


Jul 31, 2013, 5:01:20 PM7/31/13
I've been having issues with the '{{ var }}' format and yaml compatibility so I've had to mix-and-match ${ var } syntax. Perhaps I just always need to use curlies quoted like "{{ var }}"?

I might be misunderstanding with setting $hosts, so here's my complete playbook (launch-ec2.yml):

# Launches an EC2 instance and provisions it as the specified role
# A particular role can be provisioned with, e.g.:
# ansible-playbook launch-ec2.yml -i localhost --extra-vars "role=webserver env=dev01"
- name: Launching an EC2 instance then provisioning it as a {{ role }}
    - vars/all.yml
    - vars/$env.yml           # include the env-specific variables (e.g. dev01.yml)
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: False
  connection: local
    - name: Launching instance
        module: ec2
        keypair: ${aws.keypair}
        group: ${aws.security_group}
        instance_type: ${aws.instance_type}
        image: ${aws.image}
        wait: true
        region: ${aws.region}
        instance_tags: '{"Name": "{{ role }}", "env": "{{ env }}"}'
        user_data: "{{ lookup('file', 'files/cloudinit') }}"
        ec2_access_key: ${aws.access_key_id}
        ec2_secret_key: ${aws.secret_access_key}
      register: ec2

    - name: Adding new instance to host group
      local_action: add_host hostname=${item.public_dns_name} groupname=webservers
      with_items: ec2.instances
    - name: Waiting for SSH to come up
      local_action: wait_for host=${item.public_dns_name} port=22 delay=10 timeout=120 state=started
      with_items: ec2.instances

- include: provision.yml hosts=webservers env=env

And provision.yml is:

# Provisions a running instance as the role supplied by extra-vars.
# A running EC2 instance can be provisioned directly with, e.g.:
# ansible-playbook provision.yml -i ./ --extra-vars "role=webserver env=dev01 user=ubuntu hosts=tag_Name_webserver"

- name: Configuring instance(s) as a {{ role }}
    role: "Enter role to configure"
    env: "Enter environment name"
  vars_files:       # need this here too in case we're using vagrant
    - vars/all.yml
    - vars/$env.yml           # include the env-specific variables (e.g. dev01.yml)
  hosts: $hosts
  sudo: True
  gather_facts: True
  roles:  # provision the instance as the appropriate role, passed as a parameter to this play
    - base
    - $role

   # this is where I want to dynamically add the $hosts to 'webservers', ready for the deploy-site.yml playbook

- include: deploy-site.yml

And deploy-site.yml is:

- name: Deploy the web app to the web servers
  vars_files:       # need this here too in case we're using vagrant
    - vars/all.yml
    - vars/$env.yml           # include the env-specific variables (e.g. dev01.yml)
    - roles/webserver/vars/main.yml
  hosts: webservers             # only target webservers
  user: $user
  sudo: True
  sudo_user: web
  gather_facts: True
  - include: roles/webserver/tasks/deploy.yml

I've set these up so that I can either call launch-ec2.yml directly, or I can use vagrant just with provision.yml. Here's my Vagrantfile:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|

    config.vm.provision :ansible do |ansible|
        ansible.playbook = "ansible/provision.yml"
        # uncomment the following line to only run the deployment
#        ansible.playbook = "ansible/deploy-site.yml"
        ansible.inventory_file = "ansible/vagrant-hosts"
        ansible.verbose = true
        ansible.extra_vars = {
            hosts: "vagrant",
            role: "webserver",
            user: "vagrant",
            env: "vagrant"

Also, if I want I can reprovision either a vagrant or an EC2 instance by just calling provision.yml or deploy-site.yml.

Perhaps the issue is that I'm only targetting webservers in deploy-site.yml (because that's all I want to deploy to for this playbook)? I tried using 'all' in combination with a --limit parameter to ansible-playbook but then ansible started trying to configure 'localhost'.

So that's where I thought if I could pass a host-group from the inventory script, but then add all hosts in it to 'webservers', that might work, but I don't seem able to...
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